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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
Oh boy! Sparks are flying...

You guys at it, why bother, we're in the 'green' forums here... sure, it's disconcerting concerning the threats about the GT, but in the end the smurfs got scared and never showed up. Blue is a dying species folks, so let's not get our socks in a bun. You guys vented here, that's good. I don't know which SPs got threatened 'before' the GT even, but if they did, they gave away their numbers to the smurfs somehow, or how else would they get threatened? They'll learn to avoid them in the future... Ban the numbers from your phones girls.

As for clients who have been close to some smurfs... well, the boards are here to share your experiences, why you would chose to hang-out with some other hobbyist and share personnal info with them outside of an event like a GT, that is beyond me... I guess some of you are kind gentle hearted spirits, so trustworthy and all. Shame. It's this same naivety that will end you up in a bait and switch scam. Careful careful. Your life is private, leave it so, don't share to much with either an agency owner or another hobbyist. As for what you share with an SP, that's up to you...

Most agencies don't want anything to do with the smurfs anyways, I can name one or two agencies who really don't appreciate them... I'll refrain from naming them... But some agency owners have gotten into big fights with the smurfs for the bullshit they've pulled.

Well that's my grain of salt. Why don't you all take a deep breath and simply ignore the poor bastards, because you're giving them the only thing they wanted. Attention.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Tom gave a place for alternate opinions.


"Alternate opinions" obtuse. Tom also sold his family into the sex trade for profit. Hell, I spoke to his wife known as Tina on the phone to set-up an encounter before I knew. I canceled. Just the Mary Poppins of Freedom of Speech, isn't he. Of course, you always knew this and stick by him anyway.


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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Why are you being mean spirited ?


"Mean-spirited". You have watched over that board for years, seen the endless threats to ruin people's lives, to inflict violence, the malicious slanders by YOUR close friend, and you did nothing about any of that when you had the power to...yet, I am the one who is "mean-spirited". You need some serious rewiring.

Get some,



I sent one PM. Three words. Pass it on to any Mod here as I have.
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Out of Order
Jun 25, 2010
This is turning into a family feud.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
OK, I will.

I was not refering to that. You said you do not buy what I say here after suggesting previously that I own an other board. I will ask you to prove your assertion that I have ANY other interest in this, whether financial, personnal or any other. Otherwise I would ask you to retract.
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Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Sorry folks, I can't be bothered to read all the attacks... nice to hear from Rumples though... it's been far too long since we've broken bread together.... may not always agree with him, but I will always pause and reflect when he offers an opinion....for lots of reason I have a huge respect for him... this man isn't just talk.

Both Techman and Merlot (the dynamic dual, I mean duo - Merlot being Yakee Doodle to Techman's Chopper - are dead wrong about me making the accusations they say were made ... I was against an admitted drugger and raper of an underage girl escaping punishment... Techman strongly disagreed... even Merlot (to his credit) couldn't accept Techman's opinion that child rapists who have admitted their crime should go scot free... while they are inclined to reject just about anything I say (eg drop a stone from your hand, and it will fall) I urge their friends (and if they have none, perhaps they could rent one) to discuss: Methinks the lady doth protest too much

Meanwhile back on the Blue, onto to which I haven't signed for ages except by unthinking reflex ever so briefly, I bet the folks who the duo wish to attack are killing themselves laughing. BTW the last correspondence I received there was supporting Merlot and some where I posted that the ladies he has been with find him inoffensive).

Talk about hiding behind the keyboard abounds... readers of the Blue will remember how both chief complainers fell silent after threatening this weak old fat inexperienced man ,,,when his response was ... tell me when and where and I'll be there and you can beat the shit out of me... even offered to pay Merlot's expenses... response? sounds of's so pathetic, I actually feel sorry for them..

Now folks... think about it... in any battle (except cleaning the toilets) who would you bet on???? Tony or Techman? Cagey, worldly wise, understander of lower human nature vs simpleton-grand parleur-petit faiseur?

I wish those who disagreed with my post, and always resort to
ad hominem attacks, would have accepted my (dare I say it) gracious offer... I guess I'm too optimistic to think that feral instincts can somehow be lessened even by offering sure victory to the attacker.

I am once again genuinely saddened. I'm not a complete innocent and I do weary of shooting fish in a barrel ... and - croyez-le-ou-non, I prefer harmony and respect to....

Take care...

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Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Roland, "cause you have an other board" does not mean "do you have an other board". It implies that I have an other board. I keep asking you to prove or retract.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I always thought that you were smarter then Techman (admittely not a high standard)(for example when you broke with your master in his support of (although you still supported Techman)) but you either stupidedly or purposelly misconstrue what is said... what was said is that you support the man who supports the child rapist.

I was against an admitted drugger and raper of an underage girl escaping punishment... Techman strongly disagreed... even Merlot (to his credit) couldn't accept Techman's opinion that child rapists who have admitted their crime should go scot free...

Well which is it. You say I couldn't accept that opinion and you say I support it. What kind of double-talk is that???

Talk about hiding behind the keyboard abounds... readers of the Blue will remember how both chief complainers fell silent after threatening this weak old fat inexperienced man ,,,when his response was ... tell me when and where and I'll be there and you can beat the shit out of me... even offered to pay Merlot's expenses... response? sounds of's so pathetic, I actually feel sorry for them..

You offer to take a beating and we are "pathetic" for having no interest in giving you one. If you really want to be dumb enough to play the helpless martyr then show up at a GT try having nerve to repeat your accusations...of course that won't create the "harmony" you keep saying is your only goal. The Devilish GT is soon. Now, follow Roland for your rewiring.

I am once again genuinely saddened. I'm not a complete innocent and I do weary of shooting fish in a barrel ... and - croyez-le-ou-non, I prefer harmony and respect to....

You make vicious accusations and stalk a member of another board from behind your keyboard through blueland where you knew he could not reply and you think that makes "harmony", gives "respect", and shows "courage". Definitely rewiring...PHONY!!!

As for participation on the other board, that is no longer possible. It is as Ziggy himself describes "a cesspool." It is no longer a review board. It is a dank dark cellar where cowards hide behind their keyboards and try to outwit each other in a battle of misogynist gibberish.ive business can get us back simply by pulling their ads from Tom's sites.

Ziggy stays where he belongs. Robin described blueland as a "boy's locker room"...the stink is the attraction.


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Sep 19, 2005
So that arsehole Tom is asking his two buddies to defend him here after silencing everybody on his crappy site? You guys have not been posting since ages and now and on a sudden you are resurfacing?

You are talking about harmony now, you are a couple of years late. You should also post about board harmony on smurfland where it is most needed. We have no harmony lessons or pseudo-wisdom to receive from two double-faced hypocrites like yourselves. Where have you been when members from MERB were being attacked? Too busy laughing to post anything in their defence?

Most of your posts in this thread are out of topic. Did asshole Tom send you here to stir up shit and divert this thread from its primary goal which is shutting down merc and Asshole 's other SP directory?

Merlot, please do not fall in the trap of getting into a fight with Roland and ignore all his posts. Let us be more mature for once and focus on the task at hand which is finding effective ways to get rid of all the threats posted on blueland.

To Roland, you are really embarrassing yourself. Please stop defending that crappy site and save the little respect that some have still left for you.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
GTs are special.Take a lot of courage for some SP`s to attend.Great for some members to meet them prior to engagements.
Finally, after all the obtuse stuff you've posted here, you've hit the nail on the head. The smurfs don't have the balls to get their asses out from behind their keyboards and show their miserable faces in public. Wanting to spoil the fun of others, they (particularly Tony and his toadie, DT) primarily through innuendo made several girls uncomfortable enough that they didn't show up.

Tom, in the supposed name of free speech, allows them to continue. He will be made to pay, economically. Heck, if we make it hard enough on him again, he might even have to go back to selling his wife, daughter, and underage girls again. One thing Tom won't do is dare to show his sorry ass at the upcoming Devilish party.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Most of your posts in this thread are out of topic. Did asshole Tom send you here to stir up shit and divert this thread from its primary goal which is shutting down merc and Asshole 's other SP directory?
This is exactly the point. It sure would be nice if the mod cleaned up this thread and deleted all of the Roland/Merlot/Dee/Techman sniping.

Let's stay focused. The whole point is to put enough economic pressure on Tom to get him to shut merc down. That means letting all of his advertisers know that you will be taking your business elsewhere until he cleans up his sorry act. Again, these are mostly independents and bait-and-switch agencies, though he does have two or three agencies that draw their business from merb.

Again, I haven't posted the url of the site where Tom draws most of his income and won't without mod consent, so if anyone wants it, let me know by PM.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Roland, I do not see the point of the majority of your posts in this thread. They are serving no purpose at all other than to start an argument. Making a claim that free speech exists on merc is totally unsupportable given the obvious censorship that is practiced there. There is also no reason to bring any other board into this discussion as there is no other board that is constantly at odds with MERB. Attempting to cloud the issue with irrelevant posts will not result in the closure of this thread, it will only result in a suspension for making off topic posts. If merc has a problem with EQ, deal with it on merc. We have no such problem here and we are not about to permit you to start one.

To everyone, there is no reason to bring the names of members who are not involved in the problem. GG and SL have never been involved in any attacks related to this board. They have had nothing to do with the problem in general and nothing to do with the current problems relating to threats, post stealing and other offenses. Any further mention of them will not be appreciated and may lead to your posts being edited or a suspension.

We are allowing this thread to continue as we feel it is past time to allow MERB members to have their say. Let's not drift into baseless accusations and merc like posts. I would hate to have to close this thread.

Thank you,

Mod 8


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Three cheers for MERB mods, and morning thoughts from across the pond

We are allowing this thread to continue as we feel it is past time to allow MERB members to have their say.
Hurray for Hollywood. If we want to prove our point we are "fighting the good fight", let's stay civilized.

Meanwhile, back in crazy land:

  • Ziggy is also trying to sidetrack the issue by bringing in EQ
  • He says of me that "he's way too easy to bother with, he's benign and not all that bright". That is the sound of someone who is out of arguments ;). His reference to an escort, yes a friend of mine who was an indy used to come to my place to do her escort related posting, and she changed names for fear of being found out by people in her real life. Big doodoo
  • Once again because he is out of arguments against Rumples, he brings an escort into the discussion, an escort he already "damaged" with his sarcasm years ago right here on MERB. He continually proves my point of not caring an iota about "collateral damage". What a disgusting individual :mad:.
Real "men" indeed. ROTFLMAO

P.S.: note to shijak, posting there just feeds their flames and increases the po$t count for the wrong people :cool:. Post here. Mind you, maybe that toilet humor does belong there with the little boys :).
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Mar 26, 2004
Visit site

Well which is it. You say I couldn't accept that opinion and you say I support it. What kind of double-talk is that???

Read what you quoted again:

1. what was said is that you support the man who supports the child rapist.

2. even
Merlot (to his credit) couldn't acceptTechman's opinion

Perhaps some real life examples will help you understand: you don't support me and you generally don't accept my opinion. You don't support me but we are one in our opinion that admitted rapists of children should be punished. I support and greatly admire President Obama but I don't accept his ideas about massive spending.

Do you see how 2 ideas can co-exist? Is not this statement 100% correct: Merlot supports the man Techman while at the same time not accepting Techman's position of support of an admitted rapist and drugger of a child escaping punishment.

Take a couple of deep breaths. Consider the difference between my 2 statements and whether, out of fairness, you should amend your post. I am not asking for an apology.

I would invite you to again read my first post in this thread. Please stay on subject; attack the ideas and not the man. Japan and Germany became best friends with the USA after the war... it is possible to turn swords into ploughshares.

I urge you to get back on topic and not respond to every post I make, no matter how benign, by once again raising the subject of pedophilia. If you reject the (soi-disant) wisdom of Dee, ponder Shakespeare's wisdom which I quoted above. I'm sure if you Google it you can discover what is meant. If you are still fixated on the subject start a thread on the subject with your friend... but be very, very careful not to overstep as, thankfully, the law is very heavy handed with improprieties in this area...

I hope that peace can return to hobby land, but I'm the first to admit that it will be a struggle.


Isaiah 2:4:

And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more

Matthew 5:9:

Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
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New Member
May 23, 2005
I guess we "stop it" by not reading it and getting back to the business at hand...looking for women to have fun with. Who cares about that other stuff?


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Who cares about that other stuff?
If you read the thread you will see that these "people" are attempting to ruin reputations and have had a negative influence on GT attendance, especially by the ladies. That is why ;).


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

This is exactly the point. It sure would be nice if the mod cleaned up this thread and deleted all of the Roland/Merlot/Dee/Techman sniping.

Yes, in some ways maybe a little more than necessary, but always generally on the same topic all of which is related to the overall ugliness in blueland that has now developed into intimidating escorts from going to GTs. We are all generally referring to all the same territory, and I never made any reference to your old nemesis who is not involved here as you did. Don't forget the tittle of this thread includes..."Threats and Insults" too. No offense...I hope.

Japan and Germany became best friends with the USA after the war... it is possible to turn swords into ploughshares.


Interesting analogy. Are you suggesting the same solution? If you know history the criminal troublemakers were removed, jailed, and sometimes executed. Japan and Germany were cleaned up before "harmony" and friendship resulted.

I urge you to get back on topic and not respond to every post I make, no matter how benign, by once again raising the subject of pedophilia.


Then you are promising to never again stalk members over this subject! Will you as a fair and even-handed person now also post this in blueland where the subject was raised yesterday?

Matthew 5:9:

Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.


So by your use of the Bible you are making a pledge to God for peace. How exalted you are. Then, as a Merb member who is also still a blueland member who desires peace and harmony so fervently in God's name, and has some influence there where some of us are now banned for "freedom of speech" or left there for lack of it, your (Dee's) holy dedication to peace and commitment to cross-board friendship will surely lead you to post in blueland against their part of the general antipathy that is preventing your love of "harmony" and "peace". We all thank you in advance making this greatly appreciated effort and fulfilling your holy cause, because we all know you mean what you say and will post in blueland to encourage the harmony you say you so greatly desire. All hail Dee the dedicated peacemaker.


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