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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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Sep 19, 2005
The Art of Deception

I'm not in favor of a boycott of SPs to hurt someone who isn't a SP...I don't want to hurt someone who has given me a great amount of pleasure, at reasonable cost, with great attitude and who isn't even the cause of the displeasure here.

You are missing the point here. The SPs and agencies you are so concerned about will not lose a penny if they pull out their ads from that crappy website, the sooner the better. The idea is to boycott SPs who still sponsor that tabloid after December 1st and not to boycott SPs or agencies who ever advertised on smurfland in the past.

Asshole The Wickerman will never get his act together and clean up the shit. He has been given so many chances in the past and he failed every time to seize them. The only way left is to shut him down (and his 3 bitches) either legally or economically. These people are digging their tombs deeper and deeper everyday.

SPs and Agency owners should have a good indication after reading this thread about the losses they might incur by keeping their support to MERC. On one side we have the most respected members/reviewers of the community calling for a boycott and on the other side two or three scared pussies uttering some incoherent threats and bashing the ladies. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I visited that smurfland and I have no intentions to do so in the future. A total waste of time.
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Jan 7, 2006
Just my opinion and the end result.....

Tom, in the supposed name of free speech, allows them to continue. He will be made to pay, economically. Heck, if we make it hard enough on him again, he might even have to go back to selling his wife, daughter, and underage girls again. One thing Tom won't do is dare to show his sorry ass at the upcoming Devilish party.

Hello everyone,

I didnt want to get invloved in this, but i see a need too. So please take a minute and hear me out.

First off i think the above quote is uncounted for because it basically is an attack on someone and i thought we did not accept that here? Also i know Tom very well and yes like everyone has his qualities and faults but doesnt everyone. Heck i even have mine :cool:, but no reason to go down the road of what was said above. I am not taking sides heck i dont even advertise on his sites i just think that this was wrong. Also if anyone thinks they will use my party as a battle ground well i wish them luck as i will just cancel this event for everyone!!! Or i will have to pick out only certain members which is ridiculous.. Guys man what the heck i have been around for a long time and maybe longer then most of you but what the hell is this stuff. Saying we are going to break heads at the next GT or Devilish Party.. Man this is supposed to be fun and sexy and enjoyable. Hey i dont want to see two old men going at it when there are 30 gorgeous princesses too look at do you?? Guys grow up please as your turning this supposed Gt "party" and even the sp scene into something completely wrong. Hey i have had my shares of ruffled feathers with clients and board members , but i still can talk to them and show them the respect that they deserve anyways. Everyone is human and NO ONE IS PERFECT and again we all have our ups and downs..

Sorry to waste your time but i really needed to get this of my chest......

Again i am not taking sides i just want people to realize that this is just not right and would you like someone to come out and say something about you to this magnitude?

Hey i am doing the Party for you guys, i think respect is called for now....

My 2 cents....



CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Heck i even have mine :cool:, but no reason to go down the road of what was said above. I am not taking sides heck i dont even advertise on his sites i just think that this was wrong. Also if anyone thinks they will use my party as a battle ground well i wish them luck as i will just cancel this event for everyone!!! Or i will have to pick out only certain members which is ridiculous.. Guys man what the heck i have been around for a long time and maybe longer then most of you but what the hell is this stuff. Saying we are going to break heads at the next GT or Devilish Party.. Man this is supposed to be fun and sexy and enjoyable.......Again i am not taking sides i just want people to realize that this is just not right and would you like someone to come out and say something about you to this magnitude?.......Hey i am doing the Party for you guys, i think respect is called for now....Regards,



I've been watching this thread for quite a while now and really didn't want to get involved in such a childish discussion (but, for you.....well, what the hell), but this is the same shit that rumples & Doc and a few others always start. They're commandos behind the keyboard, but tend to lack any real manners, class or consideration for their fellow posters. Add my two American cents to yours...


P.S. Nope, not coming to your party. You can't afford the security or my appearance
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Everyone is human and NO ONE IS PERFECT and again we all have our ups and downs..

Totally agree. While I have little or no respect for Tom, he's simply not worth upsetting anyone's evening. Hell can you picture GG, Tony, Ziggy, Tom, Doc, Rumples and hopefully SL, at the same party? Set up a webcam and I'm good for pay-for-view laughs......These guys really take themselves too seriously.

Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
sorry chris but i happen to agree and disagree with you. the personal information divulged on merc is unacceptable and as u said, people have their faults and when people feel that they are or have been attacked their imperfections will eventually surface, as is evidenced in the above.

if the other board will not willingly stop and ban those who have and continue to post personal information and obvious outright lies of any kind, we have every right to do what we think is necessary to make the pain felt with our wallets or lack of.

as for your parties or anyone's parties, they are a pr promotional tool for whoever sets them up. economic benefits of them are almost never felt in the immediate and they are fun and you were a gracious host.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Man this is supposed to be fun and sexy and enjoyable.
Exactly. And when Tom provides a venue for a couple of sociopaths to intimidate the girls to the point where they back out of attending a party, then action must be taken.

As for threats of violence, there were none meant or implied. I'll speak with my wallet.
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New Member
May 23, 2005
I am sort of removed from all this, but i don't understand what good an advertiser boycott would do. They can work sometimes for mainstream media outlets, but it doesn't make sense here. The advertisers on the blue board, or at least most of them, also advertise here, and the list includes some of the most trusted agencies and Indies in the city. I don't see what good it does to hurt them, not to mention that it would pigeonhole people into going into less trustworthy agencines.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I am sort of removed from all this, but i don't understand what good an advertiser boycott would do. They can work sometimes for mainstream media outlets, but it doesn't make sense here. The advertisers on the blue board, or at least most of them, also advertise here, and the list includes some of the most trusted agencies and Indies in the city. I don't see what good it does to hurt them, not to mention that it would pigeonhole people into going into less trustworthy agencines.
First off, very few of the agencies and indies who advertise on merc also advertise here. In fact, most of the agencies on merc are bait and switch operations. You're right that it's not going to hurt them much, but hopefully enough that they'll pull their advertising with Tom. How much is it going to hurt Tom? Again not a whole lot, but hopefully enough that it makes economic sense for him to either clean up merc or shut it down.

Plain and simple. He shuts down merc or cleans it up and this whole thing is over.


Mar 26, 2004
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I'm likely not Chris' favorite guy, nor he mine, but I applaud his wise and (who would ever thought I'd say this) gracious post.


Mar 26, 2004
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Saw the list of advertisers... as the kid said in the Black Sox scandal "say it ain't so Joe"... boycott Maria Divina??? Cause her harm to some how hurt some one else??? This kind lady who has put in a most kind word to me (no personal info) about Merlow who now wants to hurt her financially if she don't bow to his will in the way she conducts her business.

Is there no shame any more?

Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
dee you are so full of it that you have the nerve to expect people to believe anything but your never-ending defense of tom.


Mar 26, 2004
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My understanding of the battle is imperfect; but am I correct that Merlow's and Techman's battle is meant to help out SPs who have been wronged? I assume that there is fear that if one is harmed any could be harmed by the continued existence of the other board.

If I am right, would it be fair to ask the question: have the warriors noble canvassed those who they seek to protect (by harming some, ironically) to determine if they approve of the "help" that is coming forth?

Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
Why do you keep bringing up your principled protection of the rights of those pedophiles who ply children with booze and drugs (here Halcion) and rape them? In this, the most recent example, admittedly, there are new elements - murder and 2 people raping the child - Bernardo and Karla on Karla's own sister.

I acknowledge that your fervent support and leadership role in the movement that seeks to harm ladies who aren't implicated in the evil you perceive and extort their cooperation, is indeed a step up. That having been said you may want to consider a change in your public relations advisers.

dee, i defend your right to say what you wish on this or any board if it is within the rules of a board that it is written on. that is much more than you have ever spoken up and defended all those on merc who have disappeared with absolutely no traces of them as if they never posted. did you defend them on the very board and owner that you are constantly defending. you are such a paragon of virtues, why don't you openly challenged tom on his board aout these mysterous removals.

That being said, what is your purpose here in this thread ? gonna toss out any more of those useless boring superficial cliches that you love ?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Saw the list of advertisers... as the kid said in the Black Sox scandal "say it ain't so Joe"... boycott Maria Divina??? Cause her harm to some how hurt some one else??? This kind lady who has put in a most kind word to me (no personal info) about Merlow who now wants to hurt her financially if she don't bow to his will in the way she conducts her business.
'Fraid so, Dee. Actually, I've long been surprised that she participates over there and not here. But, you know, Dee, she has a choice. No one is forcing her to advertise there; she does it of her own free will. If she wants our business, she'll take hers to a more reputable place herself.

Again, we're not looking to hurt anyone. We simply want Tom to change his business practices and the only way to do that is to hit him in his wallet. He can end this tonight if he chooses.


Mar 26, 2004
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dee, i defend your right to say what you wish on this or any board if it is within the rules of a board that it is written on. that is much more than you have ever spoken up and defended all those on merc who have disappeared with absolutely no traces of them as if they never posted. did you defend them on the very board and owner that you are constantly defending. you are such a paragon of virtues, why don't you openly challenged tom on his board aout these mysterous removals.

That being said, what is your purpose here in this thread ? gonna toss out any more of those useless boring superficial cliches that you love ?


I'm not sure my posts can be taken here as defending any one except the SPs... Reread my posts... you are likely to agree. I'm not fully aware of what the battle is all about. I think that it is fair to say that I haven't defended anyone's conduct.

Check Merc and see when my last post was. I haven't participated for a long time; not since one of the Mod's chastised me and defended Merlow. (I'm not incapable of being petulant.) Interesting, n'est-ce pas? Life is a little more complicated then we might hope for.

So as to not disappoint: Mud thrown, is ground lost.

I apologize it it appears that I think I am "a paragon of virtues (sic)"... I don't think that at all... pas de tout, pas de tout.... like all I have faults but I'm satisfied that I have more than most... if you knew me you would more then likely grow fond of me but also see my manifold blemishes, warts and shortcomings (don't say anything Maria on the last item, please).

"To bait fish withal; if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgrac'd me, and hinder'd me of half a million, laughed at my losses, mock'd at my gains, scorn'd my nation, thwarted my bargains, cool'd my friends, heated mine enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes; hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer that a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? why revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction."

We are all the same, and while I am not without some redeeming qualities, quite sincerely I am likely worse then most. (Let's see Merlow and Techman find some reason to argue with that.)

Cheers and Peace,

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Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010

I'm not sure my posts can be taken here as defending any one except the SPs... Reread my posts... you are likely to agree. I'm not fully aware of what the battle is all about. I think that it is fair to say that I haven't defended anyone's conduct.

Check Merc and see when my last post was. I haven't participated for a long time; not since one of the Mod's chastised me and defended Merlow. (I'm not incapable of being petulant.) Interesting, n'est-ce pas? Life is a little more complicated then we might hope for.

So as to not disappoint: Mud thrown, is ground lost.

I apologize it it appears that I think I am "a paragon of virtues (sic)"... I don't think that at all... pas de tout, pas de tout.... like all I have faults but I'm satisfied that I have more than most... if you knew me you would more then likely grow fond of me but also see my manifold blemishes, warts and shortcomings (don't say anything Maria on the last item, please).

"To bait fish withal; if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He hath disgrac'd me, and hinder'd me of half a million, laughed at my losses, mock'd at my gains, scorn'd my nation, thwarted my bargains, cool'd my friends, heated mine enemies; and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes; hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer that a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? why revenge. The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction."

We are all the same, and while I am not without some redeeming qualities, quite sincerely I am likely worse then most. (Let's see Merlow and Techman find some reason to argue with that.)

Cheers and Peace,


dee it's nice,warm and fuzzy to say that you continue to defend the sp's for any and all wrongs done to them and you would deserve all the support. but countless times the greater interest of fellow hobbists has been under attack by people on the other board who reveal personal information and nary a peep was ever heard from you. i gather that you're smarter than that.

defending sp's ? tony writes bs reviews that trash an sp that he has never seen and you say nothing publicly to initiate that board to investigate ? where is the defense there ?

if you aren't keeping up to date on things that have recently occured that is one thing but these are things that have gone on for yrs now and no action has been taken to be rid of him or others.


Mar 26, 2004
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With apologies to Uriah Heep I have a 'umble suggestion:

I've just read some wonderful reviews here of ladies who are advertised on the blue...

Let's put the money where the mouth is;ratchet up the pressure on the ladies who are so unwise as to not succumb to the threats made here; ban any reviews of them here; ban their advertising here until they give up and abandon the blue, as they surely will because the consensus is that that they gain nothing by advertising there and this is the high traffic board.(Not sure this advances my cause - also there may be some competition law considerations).


Mar 26, 2004
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I urge all members to return to topic: the extortion threats to SPs to cause them financial harm if they don't bend to the will of some to damage a person over whom they have no control.


Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
I urge all members to return to topic: the extortion threats to SPs to cause them financial harm if they don't bend to the will of some to damage a person over whom they have no control.


your assumption is that merc alone provides them the advertising venues that they derive their business from ?

if for example, maria divina choses to tell tom to pull her banner and remove her as a paying advertiser on merc, do you really believe that she would lose any business ?

and by the way, the topic is "Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?" not what you wish to label it.


Mar 26, 2004
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I'm still waiting for the views of the ladies the leaders of this thread pretend to protect. (Anyone else recall the video of the boy scout helping/dragging the old lady across the street... once across she made it clear that she didn't want to cross?)
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