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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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New Member
Apr 25, 2010
Laval chomedey
Reportage ce soir

Ce soir a 17h00 à TVA ou R-C il y a aura un reportage fort intérressant ayant pour titre.

Peux-ton tout dire sur les réseaux sociaux? Il s'agit d'un animateur congédié de ses fonctions pour avoir tenu des propos désobligeant sur twiter.

Quoique ce reportage n'est aucun rapport avec le monde que le notre, mais voyant la dégradation de certains forums, je crois que ce reportage pourrait être très pertinant, ne serait-ce que pour la conscience sociale, et ce, peu importe le contexte, même dans le milieux XXX.

De plus en plus la violence verbale est dénnoncée et condamnée si ce n'est judiciairement parlant, car il est plus difficile d'évaluer les dommages étant de nature émotionnel ainsi que mentale donc invisible, contrairement à la violence physique qui elle est très visible. Cette question est de plus en plus d'actualité.

Que la violence soit phyisique, verbale ou virtuel, c'est du pareil au même et ne fait pas pour autant moins mal, je dirais même plus. Des ecchymoses sa guérit, mais quand est-il des blessures se rapportant à des propos diffamatoires, humiliants et méprisants que l'on voit sur les reseaux sociaux et qui nous hantes sur de longues périodes.

Peux-être que ce gentil reportage en éclaireront quelques-uns qui sait :rolleyes:
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Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Dear Tom, redux

You are certainly showing your true colours here, at least for those savvy enough to read between the lines. What you don't say or address is even more interesting than what you do say ;).
Tom@MERC said:
The best part is what they been preaching against, they now are engaging in
Did ya leave them ANY choice? You stifled constructive criticism from within, what choice was there left?
Tom@MERC said:
I always get a chuckle how brave people are behind a key board but to your face
Funnily enough it was members of your board hinting they would disrupt the GT by their presence or lurking that failed to materialize in person but can't stop their virtual slander. So let's give this Girly Man myth a rest, shall we?
Tom@MERC said:
Making threats to the ladies
Your members are experts at disregarding the girl's private lives, ridiculing them and discrediting them, in general dehumanizing them and now you have the gall to talk threats, pathetic.
Tom@MERC said:
btw I wil be at the next D party
Chris, if you are reading this (and I will make sure you are made aware just in case) and he is there, I will drop in to shake your hand, say hi to the ladies and walk out rather than share an evening with Tom. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing...I know of at least one of your ladies who would like nothing better than to sharpen her claws on him :cool:.
The Wicked Man@MERC said:
Last time we sat together with Chris at his office
Interesting! You would socialize with an agency owner who has a GFE standard??? After all your criticism of it. Now we know where the hypocrites are...

NEWSFLASH, new treachery: After zapping my post of Tuesday, MERC just "reinstated" it, but only publishing the first line. Their reason "I'm sorry also but I cannot allow any post where SPs and their liviehood are threatened. Your folly is with certain individuals, not this board nor the ladies"

YO!!!!! I love your selective editing, can you possibly have the guts to publish the post in it's entirety, and feel free to constructively criticize any portion of it you wish. The way you did this leaves it totally to the reader's interpretation, just as I am sure you intended. As I clearly stated in a part of the post you censored, I will not post on MERC again, which leaves you free to distort anything I said. How bloody convenient. If my "folly" is with certain individuals, it is only because they were allowed a soapbox to stand on, on YOUR forum.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Give it up, Sap. Some people love to preach freedom of speech but at the same time they're burning books they don't want anyone to read. Why am I not surprised that that Benson's recent anti-semetic post regarding Mordecai Richler is still on merc.I bet all of his favourite movies star Mel Gibson.:cool:

By the way, Dee, here's something else you can attack me for...if the Canadian government had decided to put limitations on Karla Homolka's release, I would have spoken out against that too. I'm sure that in your eyes that means I supported her heinous crimes. But if you actually read my posts with your eyes open, you would see that in both cases what I was doing was making a statement that we have to hold our governments and their agencies to a very high standard and that governments and law enforcement and judges must keep the deals and contracts they make because if they don't our entire legal system isn't worth shit.

And if you edit my above statement, I'm sure you can make it say exactly what you want it to say. :rolleyes:

As a footnote, I noticed that this thread has had almost 1500 views in under 24 hours. Not bad! We can only hope that our message is getting across and that members and visitors who don't post will understand that this was the only way we had to defend ourselves and MERB against the idiots who make attacking this board and the hobby in general into a sport. It would have been much better to be able to do this directly on merc but unfortunately it was impossible to do that because any posts that don't fit their misogynist mold are instantly deleted, edited or censored and the posters are banned.

Free speech my ass. All hail the blue reich!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Why Go After Tom?

Hello all,

Some have asked and more will wonder why Tom the owner of blueland is a target after Coco-des-iles interfered with a Merb GT very recently?

I remember that after I quit the failed blueland committee, Tom thanked me for my work there, and I rejected that "thanks" because what he had done was filled with taint. All of us in the committee: Jessy, Techman, Robin, myself, and even Eastender tried to make the blueboard a place where various opinions could genuinely participate together in a friendly environment. But Tom destroyed that to the point where even his most vital members like Robin calls that board a "boy's locker room", and Ziggy calls it a "cesspool".

One huge key for this result was Tom's insistence on bringing back Tony from an exile Tom imposed himself, and then keeping Tony despite emails shown to all committee members proving Tony had schemed against blueland and Tom. Tom took that slap in the face and protected Tony. That signal showed everyone that blueland was now a safe haven for disrespect, bile, slander, misogyny, and in general...scheming malcontents. Tom's choice set the tone for every sleazy thing the blueboard has produced. It showed Coco-des-iles there was a welcome home for hate and sickness, and all those of that ilk.

Tom himself, a pimp of his own family, a shill for his own board as the Wickerman (and more names according to the same sources), and a keeper of vengeful malcontents. Tom provides the platform for the gathering, Tony leads the attacks. Both are the source of the problem. Tom the master, Tony his undoubted eagerly willing b*y*tch.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Lads, I think we've gone too far in responding to the creeps from smurfland. The problem with setting foot in the sewer is that you get covered with shit. To me, the point of this thread is to put pressure on Tom to either clean up his house or shut the thing down. (And from his posts yesterday, he's obviously scared shitless. And when you consider how full of shit he is...)

It's now time to ignore their mostly harmless and pointless gibberish and apply the pressure. Contact the indies you know who advertise with him and ask them to pull their ads. Contact the handful of agencies who care little enough about their girls' safety to advertise there to pull their ads. Let them know that their ads need be pulled by December 1 if they want our continued business.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
You're right, but you have to admit that it's fun seeing them going into convulsions because we've finally been allowed to reply to their crap. Just reading Ziggy and Tony's claims and comments are like reading posts from cyberstalkers. Not so surprising because that's really what they are. In all my years of being a member of many different types of message board going back before the Web to the old BBS days, I've never encountered such warped individuals who were so absorbed by attacking other people over a period of years. When you really take a good look at the other board, especially Benson's posts where he is always commenting on reviews here when he's not outright stealing them to post there, the entire board can almost be considered a stalker. And they stalk merbites. It would be interesting to see where legal complaints would end up, it's not like Tom could hide the evidence...he'd have to delete about 75 percent of the posts from the last couple of years. I think I'll do some research on the possibility.

I can just picture an article in the Gazette listing both their real names along with the hundreds of handles they've used over the years. Tony's personalities alone would take up half a page at least.

But looking at the views of this thread, it will be well over 2000 before it's two days old, I have to agree with you, Rumple, that it should be used to put the pressure on and keep it on until we start seeing results. I would also suggest that merbites reward the agencies and indys who pull their advertising by recommending them to friends and other members.

Besides, they don't need our help to make them look like fools. They do such a great job of it on their own.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You're right, but you have to admit that it's fun seeing them going into convulsions because we've finally been allowed to reply to their crap. Just reading Ziggy and Tony's claims and comments are like reading posts from cyberstalkers. Not so surprising because that's really what they are.
I can't deny this. It is fun reading the idle threats from Ziggy "All Hat and No Cattle" Montana, but it's even more fun seeing how scared we've got Tom. Hey, Tom, it's quite easy: put a stop to the crap or shut down merc. You're not making any money there. We have no gripe with your money making site and the action against it will be stopped when you take care of your end of things.

I would also suggest that merbites reward the agencies and indys who pull their advertising by recommending them to friends and other members.
This is also a good idea. Two of the agencies I've used most over the years are among the only ones Tom has left. I PMd the proprietor just this morning telling her which girls I'd like to see and that I'll start booking as soon as her posts and banners disappear from both merc and Tom's advertising portal. Hell, they're not doing her any good anyway.

The most ironic thing to me is that they call this the shill board while over there the number one shill is the board's owner posting under an assumed handle.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
The More Things Change................

Recently entered the semi-retirement phase of life and moved to a small community about an 1 1/2 outside of Montreal. Traveling a bit throughout the province, visiting various friends and old haunts.

Thirty-five to forty years down the road and things have not changed very much if at all. The various cities and small towns have the same bars with providers of all sorts. The names may have changed, the sad stories have a more modern twist but the basics are all the same.

Regardless of the venue or era certain truism exist. Anyone associated with the sex trade in any fashion, regardless of the length of time has "issues". myself included. Recognizing this is the first step. Some do some don't. Defining and dealing the issues is a choice that all have to make. Some manage, some don't. The not me response of a typical two or three year old is the norm. BTW this attitude describes the genesis of the latest soap opera.

A few comments.

The Free Speech issue. Free speech never existed in the sex trade. Never will. There is a level of confusion about free speech. Mainly it is a failure to distinguish between "Free" and "Worthless". Figure out the distinction and you will arrive at the purpose of the sex trade - basic entertainment at a cost that not everyone can manage. Otherwise you are just wasting keystrokes.

GTs. Roots are really no different than the weekly crowd at any local bar with the usual mix of characters. However the transition from cyberspace to reality is often full of surprises that not everyone is prepared for nor has the ability to handle the consequences. Participate without expectations while recognizing that uncertainty is part of the territory.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Another one

Chocolate Love Divas


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Lads, I think we've gone too far in responding to the creeps from smurfland. The problem with setting foot in the sewer is that you get covered with shit. To me, the point of this thread is to put pressure on Tom to either clean up his house or shut the thing down. (And from his posts yesterday, he's obviously scared shitless. And when you consider how full of shit he is...)

It's now time to ignore their mostly harmless and pointless gibberish and apply the pressure. Contact the indies you know who advertise with him and ask them to pull their ads. Contact the handful of agencies who care little enough about their girls' safety to advertise there to pull their ads. Let them know that their ads need be pulled by December 1 if they want our continued business.

Hello Rumples,

I have to agree. But in the movie, Maximus asks: "are you not entertained?" We do nothing so much of the time while they attack this board and us personally. The opportunity to give it back was needed and relieving. Now for once Tom is scrambling for defense, Tony is in full panic making a huge effort to construct a bogus defense of his master, and Ziggy has gotten desperate to be heard guiltily begging to this board hat in hand...offering nothing more than to maliciously ruin others.

My intent is actually to attack with unrestricted warfare! My opening statement shall be...m3rl0t and HFE. After I'm done with them, Techman will ..., Sapman's..., and Rumples, my good friend Rumples,...bile bile bile...blah blah blah....panic panic panic.

Am I "entertained" Maximus". Not really. Actually, I didn't enjoy writing some things, but it was so deserved. The whole affair is just sad. But after years of asking Tom to do something about the hateful tone of his board, while his pets threaten to interfere with the private lives of others, it is satisfying to see them scramble for a change.

From the information I have seen, most Independents and agencies have been dismayed with them for a long time. This thread and boycott efforts will make a greater impression.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Once again because Ziggy is out of arguments against Rumples, he brings an escort into the discussion, an escort he already "damaged" with his sarcasm years ago right here on MERB. He continually proves my point of not caring an iota about "collateral damage". What a disgusting individual.
You wouldn't be referring to the two hour duo he didn't bring money to pay for, would you?

Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
This would be made easier if we'd have a list containing all the agencies & indys who still advertise there. Not many people i know surf to that site in the first place.

This is a complete up to date listing of Merc’s advertisers.

Emily~ Chubby Korean (514)-991-7722 NO Site NOT FUNCTIONING

Below are the divisions/sections (without duplications) where they were attained.

Banners – Forum Front Page




Advertising Banners







Directories TOM OWNED

Daily Schedule Postings


Emily~ Chubby Korean (514)-991-7722 NO Site


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
This would be made easier if we'd have a list containing all the agencies & indys who still advertise there. Not many people i know surf to that site in the first place.

I'm not in favor of a boycott of SPs to hurt someone who isn't a SP...I don't want to hurt someone who has given me a great amount of pleasure, at reasonable cost, with great attitude and who isn't even the cause of the displeasure here.

Interesting to see who would be hurt, who would gain and who would have nothing to lose by such a boycott.

The first that come to mind in the hurt category are Jessie, Peter and their girls.... why would one want to hurt them?

Who else would lose something? A guy like Rumples who will forgo pleasures (or take alternatives) to stand for a principle.

Who would win? I guess Chris, Devilish et al who will enjoy an increase in business.

Who wouldn't win or lose (apart from the pleasure of seeming to exercise some power, losing their air of impotence and being able to hurt working girls)? Guys like Techman (you'll remember him as the great protector of sex industry workers) who don't pay a nickel.

If you are mad at the makers of wheel chairs don't throw the wheel chair bound out of their chairs until they stop buying a particular brand of wheel chair.

Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
I'm not in favor of a boycott of SPs to hurt someone who isn't a SP...I don't want to hurt someone who has given me a great amount of pleasure, at reasonable cost, with great attitude and who isn't even the cause of the displeasure here.

Interesting to see who would be hurt, who would gain and who would have nothing to lose by such a boycott.

The first that come to mind in the hurt category are Jessie, Peter and their girls.... why would one want to hurt them?

Who else would lose something? A guy like Rumples who will forgo pleasures (or take alternatives) to stand for a principle.

Who would win? I guess Chris, Devilish et al who will enjoy an increase in business.

Who wouldn't win or lose (apart from the pleasure of seeming to exercise some power, losing their air of impotence and being able to hurt working girls)? Guys like Techman (you'll remember him as the great protector of sex industry workers) who don't pay a nickel.

If you are mad at the makers of wheel chairs don't throw the wheel chair bound out of their chairs until they stop buying a particular brand of wheel chair.

your statement presumes that jessie and peter or any other provider are receiving significant business from advertising on merc


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Damn, why dont you guys get a life and stop acting like children. There must be something more important to discuss maybe the six goldfish the Koreans have put in harms way: 'Animal activists denounce G20 goldfish security' lol. This whole discussion is so laughable that anyone reading it would not want to come back to this board either.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The first that come to mind in the hurt category are Jessie, Peter and their girls.... why would one want to hurt them?
No one wants to hurt Jessy and Peter. It's their choice to advertise on merc and give a portion of their clients' money to Tom. They won't be giving him mine. Our choice not to support them won't kill what business they have, but I can guarantee they will lose more from us than they are gaining from advertising over there. By my count, I had 8 appointments with SD/MSC between January and July of this year and I'm just one guy. I'd have had more but for the presence of a GF (now departed) in my life for the past four months. That's business that will go elsewhere in the future should Jessy and Peter continue to choose to advertise with Tom. As for the girls, well, I'd encourage them to seek employment with an agency that doesn't support Tom and his enterprises; there are more than enough of them.

Who else would lose something? A guy like Rumples who will forgo pleasures (or take alternatives) to stand for a principle.
Bingo, Dee, my friend. Alternatives, and there are plenty of them. Little Miss Alternative just left my flat and a splendid time was had by all.


Jul 16, 2008
between you and "them"
How about just ignoring them...if we all do this ,they will simply fade away.And stop going if you are offended by it.Anyway not much infos to get there or on MM for that matter,just check the traffic count and number of reviews.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
This is a complete up to date listing of Merc’s advertisers.
Nice work, MS. Thanks for the effort.

Wait. Hold on. You're me, n'est pas? What? You mean Ziggy's misinformed AGAIN. Jeez. That guy'll believe anything he makes up.

BTW, in all likliehood none of these advertisers are paying to be on merc but are getting it gratis for their purchase of advertising on Tom's revenue-producing site.
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