Montreal Escorts

Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
I'm still waiting for the views of the ladies the leaders of this thread pretend to protect. (Anyone else recall the video of the boy scout helping/dragging the old lady across the street... once across she made it clear that she didn't want to cross?)

dee this is the name of the thread

"Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?"

please stop bastardizing it or trying to morph it into something else. why do you feel this need to put some spin or other interpretation on it.


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
your assumption is that merc alone provides them the advertising venues that they derive their business from ?

if for example, maria divina choses to tell tom to pull her banner and remove her as a paying advertiser on merc, do you really believe that she would lose any business ?

and by the way, the topic is "Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?" not what you wish to label it.

I'd be interested how you draw this conclusion... demonstrate some integrity and admit that you are dead wrong in saying that that is my assumption. Indeed if you actually read my post with some minimal intelligence you will see that I imply precisely the opposite. Deary me... I may have given you far too much credit...

BTW I must admit that although I'm a senior, my mind wasn't/isn't so closed as to not think that it is for these ladies, not you and I, or $0 dollars spent Techman, to decide how and where they spend their advertising dollar and how they should run their businesses.

I think it important that you confirm that your posts are a genuine reflection of your thoughts and that you and I haven't conspired to have you post easily refutable posts, toss me soft balls, so that I can make easy points.


Less then perfect Dee

Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
dee i don't know what you're talking about. the title of the thread is or are the exact issues. u can continually repeat yourself all you want but that doesn't change or alter the issues at hand.

no one is telling anyone how to run their business, they are choosing to inform those wanting to make a sell that they are going to make their choices based on an additional criteria. if i buy widgets for my widget store from a widget manufacturer and he decides to advertise in the besonnobalia anti-semitic daily magazine and if i find that advertising medium offensive, then i am well within my rights to pressure him to change or i will have to make my choice to go elsewhere.

if i am not understanding you or mis-read something in your posts, please feel free to point it out. you continually mention an alternate interpretation.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Wow, how many posts since my last??? About 75...Geeez!

Asshole The Wickerman will never get his act together and clean up the shit. He has been given so many chances in the past and he failed every time to seize them. The only way left is to shut him down (and his 3 bitches) either legally or economically. These people are digging their tombs deeper and deeper everyday.

He isn't yet. He posted at 9:03 (by his board's clock) as The Wickerman, and at 10:11 as Tom in consecutive posts. Absolutely no denials by the Wickerman who should be totally pissed at being identified as Tom. One positive thing was his warning to Dissection Tool/Ziggy about not being so "viciously confrontational" after Ziggy went apoplectic at 6 Merbites earlier. Unfortunately, Tom has been known to put out these cautions sporadically and do nothing about the general tone of his board. Zero sum game.

SPs and Agency owners should have a good indication after reading this thread about the losses they might incur by keeping their support to MERC. On one side we have the most respected members/reviewers of the community calling for a boycott and on the other side two or three scared pussies uttering some incoherent threats and bashing the ladies. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I visited that smurfland and I have no intentions to do so in the future. A total waste of time.

Well, let's just say Merb isn't an immaculate gathering of perfect angels singing Glory Hallelujah in Paradise. Every senior member here has been involved in back-biting feuds, some for very extensive periods. The one in this thread continued in several tit for tat posts this afternoon is a prime example. But the underhanded skulking viciousness and determination to ruin lives definitely belongs to blueland...led by Tom.

Hello everyone,

I didnt want to get invloved in this, but i see a need too. So please take a minute and hear me out.

First off i think the above quote is uncounted for because it basically is an attack on someone and i thought we did not accept that here? Also i know Tom very well and yes like everyone has his qualities and faults but doesnt everyone. Heck i even have mine :cool:, but no reason to go down the road of what was said above. I am not taking sides heck i dont even advertise on his sites i just think that this was wrong. Also if anyone thinks they will use my party as a battle ground well i wish them luck as i will just cancel this event for everyone!!! Or i will have to pick out only certain members which is ridiculous.. Guys man what the heck i have been around for a long time and maybe longer then most of you but what the hell is this stuff. Saying we are going to break heads at the next GT or Devilish Party.. Man this is supposed to be fun and sexy and enjoyable. Hey i dont want to see two old men going at it when there are 30 gorgeous princesses too look at do you?? Guys grow up please as your turning this supposed Gt "party" and even the sp scene into something completely wrong. Hey i have had my shares of ruffled feathers with clients and board members , but i still can talk to them and show them the respect that they deserve anyways. Everyone is human and NO ONE IS PERFECT and again we all have our ups and downs..

Sorry to waste your time but i really needed to get this of my chest......

Again i am not taking sides i just want people to realize that this is just not right and would you like someone to come out and say something about you to this magnitude?

Hey i am doing the Party for you guys, i think respect is called for now....

My 2 cents....



Chris, generally I've had very good experiences with your agencies and I believe in loyalty for those who have been good to me. For my part I want to apologize in advance for anything I have said that might cause you or your agencies damage. However, though I can take anything thrown my way under my board handles, it is utterly despicable that anyone should imply, threaten, or attempt to destroy my private life or that of anyone else's. Competitiveness is one thing, going further is intolerable.

Saw the list of advertisers... as the kid said in the Black Sox scandal "say it ain't so Joe"... boycott Maria Divina??? Cause her harm to some how hurt some one else??? This kind lady who has put in a most kind word to me (no personal info) about Merlot who now wants to hurt her financially if she don't bow to his will in the way she conducts her business.

Is there no shame any more?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!! WRONG!!!!!!!!!! Remember the old saying when you "ASSUME." Except it's just you in this case. I just saw Maria Divina in October. She is one of the greatest ladies in any way one could imagine that i have ever met. I categorically will never boycott her. As I said above..."loyalty" to those who have been good to me. No argument will change that. That's between her and I. However, Maria and I have had a purely business relationship I consider having nothing to do with blueland so I do not consider going against that board as having anything to do with me and Maria Divina. If you don't agree, I DON'T CARE!

''To defend himself''? No, not at all, my intent is actually to attack with unrestricted warfare! My opening statement shall be devastating to the point where the emotionally unstable elements, ..., will have to be put on suicide watch. After I'm done with them, ...deeper into alcoholism, ...true monstrosity behind the fake goody-two-shoes attitude will stand out like a sore thumb, and..., my good friend..., his heart will break wide when he discovers what his ATF, another ...bile bile bile
So sayeth ego amuck.

Now Dee, you quoted the Bible to show you dedication to peace. Even Tom just noted Zigs as being "viciously confrontational". I don't see you doing anything in blueland to bring peace and harmony from their side. Your hypocrisy is blinding.

'Fraid so, Dee. Actually, I've long been surprised that she participates over there and not here. But, you know, Dee, she has a choice. No one is forcing her to advertise there; she does it of her own free will. If she wants our business, she'll take hers to a more reputable place herself.

Again, we're not looking to hurt anyone. We simply want Tom to change his business practices and the only way to do that is to hit him in his wallet. He can end this tonight if he chooses.

Again, "loyalty"!!! Jessy of MSC has always been good to me. I am not going to boycott her agency. I have had my share of back-stabbers, betrayers, etc. over the years. A friend or a person who has been good to me is someone I stand by unless there is reasonably provable cause or very, very credible word they have done otherwise. Technically, I have not seen anyone from Jessy's agency in close to two years. So, my stance may be moot until I see someone at her agency I am interested in. But, if she had a lady I really wanted to meet now, I would.

I'm not going to let some maliciously sick malcontents interfere with my relation to decent people like they did at the GT. I think this is also part of the point we are trying to make. But I will definitely not give my patronage to any other Independent or agency that advertises on blueland who I owe nothing to, and I will do anything I can to get Tom to change or the board closed that does not involve a direct conflict of loyalty.

Of course going against blueland in regards to advertisers there like Maria and Jessy creates some conflict with my stance on loyalty, but the ladies have to also understand how far Tom has let his creatures go and how intolerable the situation has gotten.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I urge all members to return to topic: the extortion threats to SPs to cause them financial harm if they don't bend to the will of some to damage a person over whom they have no control.
Dee, I'm surprised that you're missing this completely. They do have control over Tom; they pay his bills.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Again, "loyalty"!!! Jessy of MSC has always been good to me. I am not going to boycott her agency. I have had my share of back-stabbers, betrayers, etc. over the years. A friend or a person who has been good to me is someone I stand by unless there is reasonably provable cause or very, very credible word they have done otherwise. Technically, I have not seen anyone from Jessy's agency in close to two years. So, my stance may be moot until I see someone at her agency I am interested in. But, if she had a lady I really wanted to meet now, I would.
Here's where we part company, Merlot. And this is how we can be most effective: by putting pressure on those with whom we actually do business. I've had 8 appointments this year alone with Jessy's and Peter's girls but as long as she choose to support Tom's foul endeavor, I'll give my business elsewhere.

I also find it ironic that Chris is defending Tom considering that the primary function of Tom's business is running down Chris' primary advertising venue and calling the reviews written of Chris' girls shills. Perhaps, Chris, you suggest to Tom that you don't appreciate his allowing your business to be subjected to this treatment.

Finally, it does appear that Tom is listening given his post directed to Ziggy. Now let's see just how far he's willing to go to clean up his act. He's still got two weeks to delete all the libelous garbage that's been posted there in recent months and to see that it goes no further. Two suggestions, Tom: 1) put Ziggy and Tony on moderation so that their posts don't appear until they've been approved by a moderator and 2) disallow any mention of or allusion to "merb" or "green board." Two simple acts and the boycott will be called off and I'll buy you the first beer at Chris' upcoming party. As Chris mentioned, Tom, we're supposed to be having fun here. Allowing two sociopaths to run amok serves neither you nor the hobby any purpose.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Title-For What It's Worth

Title of this thread is very misleading. Just a header for the real purpose - insult others while showing pseudo knowledge.

The boycott idea is rather quaint and useless. Advertising venues figured out a long time ago that boycotts are paper tigers. When the JDM first started to accept "provider" classifieds The righteous threatened to boycott the paper and their mainstream advertisers. Did not work. Presently the JDM is in a long running labour dispute. The various provincial unions have talked about boycotting the paper. Not working either.

The only virtue of the boycott idea is that it gives those so inclined another reason to insult others.


Sep 19, 2005
Finally, it does appear that Tom is listening given his post directed to Ziggy. Now let's see just how far he's willing to go to clean up his act. He's still got two weeks to delete all the libelous garbage that's been posted there in recent months and to see that it goes no further. Two suggestions, Tom: 1) put Ziggy and Tony on moderation so that their posts don't appear until they've been approved by a moderator and 2) disallow any mention of or allusion to "merb" or "green board." Two simple acts and the boycott will be called off and I'll buy you the first beer at Chris' upcoming party. As Chris mentioned, Tom, we're supposed to be having fun here. Allowing two sociopaths to run amok serves neither you nor the hobby any purpose.

Unfortunately things do not work like that. TheWickerman showed up in a GT last year and then posted that he will take some measures to make merc a more peaceful place. This lasted 48 or maybe 46 hours and then things went back to normal and then went downhill months later.

Again the purpose of this thread was to calmly plan some ways to shut merc down and not to play the smurfs game and make things degenerate into personal attacks. People cannot think straight when they are angry. Also, the boycott has to be a long-term solution. Don't expect a boycott initiated on December 1st to start yielding results on December 2nd. The boycott has to become a way of life for the hobbyists willing to participate. Results might not show up until a few months later.

Another way to get rid of TheWickerman's crappy sites is to report them to Google's abuse department. You will need a Google account to do that and if Google receives many complaints about merc and TheWickerMan's other websites they will ultimately listen and penalize these sites in search results and even kick merc out of Google's index and a site that is not indexed by Google simply does not exist on the Internet.

So instead of taking shots against each other or responding to dee's BS, please be more pragmatic and take a few minutes and report merc in this category [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]offensive content (e.g. hate views or offering illegal services)[/FONT]. These complaints are also fed into Google's ranking algorithms, so a decent number of reports from old-enough Google accounts will certainly help. This is the URL:

In the meantime, let DT and Tony dig their tombs deeper. This guy was so stupid to stalk me on one of my websites without covering his tracks. Needless to say that his Videotron IP @, the fingerprint of his computer and many copies of weblogs and crappy threads are now resting in some Police Station in Montreal and it will just take a court order to put a name on that IP address. I already managed to put a street view picture on it using Geolocation services. So cover up your tracks properly in the future buddy and it will take you much more than using an "anonymous" proxy you googled on the Internet. Proxies will be of no help if the wolf already running on your computer. Good luck :) and don't stop digging that tomb buddy.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Unfortunately things do not work like that.
You may well be right; only time will tell. People who know me know that I'm a generous person by nature and am usually willing to grant the benefit of the doubt. I first called for the action as of December 1 in the hope that Tom would clean up his act before the boycott even went into force.

Here's a simple truth: merc does nothing for Tom. It's a pain in his ass and brings in no revenue. I'm going to hazard a guess that his ME advertisers are given merc gratis as a throw in; certainly no one would pay to be on merc. I'm also going to guess that when Tom started merc, his thinking was that it, as a companion site to ME, would be come Montreal's predominant review site, supplanting merb. That obviously hasn't happened and certainly won't happen at any time in the future. His merc venture has failed; he has no good reason to continue it.

There is no good reason, from a business standpoint, for Tom to keep merc alive. Yes, he's paid for the vBulletin license and bandwidth is cheap. But merc is a pain in his ass and it brings him no money. If this boycott costs him even a couple of hundred dollars a month, merc becomes more than a pain in Tom's ass. It becomes a net expense.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello everyone,

I have removed 42 off topic posts from this thread. More posts will be edited and possibly removed when I have more time to go through the thread. If it continues to degrade into a personal war between members which has nothing to do with the topic at hand, suspensions will be handed out. We have allowed this thread to exist so that members may finally have their say to balance the years of constant attacks on MERB and our members. We do not intend to allow it to turn into the kind of thread that this was meant to protest against. If anyone intends to post comments directed at any member from either board, you better have proof to back it up or it will be removed and a suspension will result.

Thank you,

Mod 8


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Remedial Business

Some of you should take a remedial business course before reaching some of the conclusions that are posted here.

Few business realities.

In any offer the "Free" component is the most expensive part and the most profitable element in the offer. If you don't know this then cut-up your credit cards and never venture outside with more than loose change. If you fall for the "Free Shipping" promos online or elsewhere then you are overpaying big time.

Low end/high end. Companies that produce high end products also produce low end products under different brands or as house brands with tweaks, for certain retailers. Keeps the competition out, gathers price point data and other data which long term contributes immensely to the bottom line.

Critics etc. Ask the basic question. Would a business want them sniping at their entities from a venue that cannot be controlled or would it be preferable to have them targeting the competition from a venue that the business controls?


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Your morning DOH

Hello, sapman99 here with a wake-up call

Please stay on topic! Including this post, I have posted 9 times in this thread. Yesterday alone, there was an off-topic fight that resulted in 21 posts from Doc Holliday and 17 from CS Martin. Way to show the other guys we can do things differently :rolleyes:. Please clean up your "contribution" to this effort, otherwise, can a Mod do it? Thank you.

Selective boycotts don't work. I agree that Maria Divina, Jessy and Peter are some of the finest people I have met on this scene. But they are advertising on a site where a poster has slandered me, posted links to one of his sites further slandering me, and divulged information to identify me and the neighbourhood I live in. Obviously the webmaster of this site is irresponsible and must take action to restore order in his house.

In the back channel, an advertiser was suggesting to me that the way to solve this was to increase the number of quality reviews here. Reviews are always a good idea (on a review board :D) and this is why I have always contributed more reviews than anything else. But I do not see how that in itself will stop the sickness afflicting MERC.

Money talks: as hobbyists, we don't pay to be on the boards. We pay the escorts and agencies, who in turn pay the boards. The only way for us to apply pressure is by pressuring the people who can in turn apply some. Plain and simple.

Tom, thank you, now follow through! Albeit a timid beginning, your statement to Ziggy to "try not to be so viciously confrontational" was most welcome. Ziggy posts immediately after denying all wrongdoing, sidestepping the issue by bringing in EQ (my beef has nothing to do with this EQ thing), and saying that WE are the ones intimidating SP's not him. Let's ask Billy if he would knowingly send him Jasmine, or Jasmine herself if she would be willing to visit with him :p. His acerbic scorn has cowed and silenced countless girls on Blue. His response clearly indicates he "duly noted" and will ignore your advice. Up to you to decide how to act on that.

Tom, we are waiting to see if you will follow through on your good words regarding Ziggy. What about Tony? There is no redeeming that guy, moderating him, nothing! Please flush him down the toilet ASAP, as he seems to have an obsession with the crapper these days.

His reference to Fred is hilarious. We started this as individuals because we are fed up, and the MERB moderators decided to let us post here because after all, there is a thread on MERC directly attacking MERB that has been allowed to exist since April. I guess after seven months of unchallenged insults, it was time to let off a little steam!

Lastly, there is a huge backlog of posts on your board which are akin to hate literature, others that reveal personal information, and some that are pure slander. I believe as you do in freedom of speech, but even an advanced country like ours has put limits on it when it is reasonable to do so. These posts need to go.

Thank you for reading, I will now have a bowl of Café au Lait while I think of my next adventure in Hobbyland. Have a beautiful Saturday, fellow MERBites :cool:.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hello Everyone,

I believe I can speak from an abject point of objectivity on this subject since I really have no horses in this race. For that reason I have stayed out of this thread and not posted until now. I simply wanted to share my limited experience and opinions. My experience in smurfland has been limited and that has been intentional. To be totally honest I believe I found and joined that board first when I entered the scene in Montreal about 2 years ago. I quickly noticed the derogatory and nasty nature of the board and it's members and simply decided its was not for me. I can summarize my opinion with 2 quotes:

Anyone who thinks they're important is usually just a pompous moron who can't deal with his or her own pathetic insignificance and the fact that what they do is meaningless and inconsequential.
~ William Thomas

Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.
~ Confucius

I know the next comment is very simplistic and very basic...but if a man speaks in a vacuum (particularly a man without substance) one can hear him and hence no on I say - Just ignore them.

Have fun,

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You know, the funny thing is that the more attention merc gives merb, the worse it is for Tom. If you google "montreal escort reviews," merc gets positions one and two, merb gets number three. If you go to merc and find that it's entirely useless as a source of information, but that it constantly refers to merb, the surfer will find his way over here and, lo and behold, reviews, agency and indy postings: all he's looking for.

While the intimidation, lies, misinformation etc. demand that our action be taken, the last thing Tom needs is for his losers to be sending traffic over here. What merc is all about at this point is Tom shooting himself in the foot. If he has a lick of business sense, it will be shut down tonight by sundown.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
First, allow me to apologize to Sapman99, Mod 8 & Techman for polluting a thread in which they participated in. If there's actually anyone else in the thread I respect and that I've missed, they have my apologies as well.

Next Point, the opinions here are based upon the two following facts and experiences:
1) I was a moderator on the Blue Board and worked closely with their other moderators and Tom. Accordingly, I have much more insight into the inner workings of management than others.
2) During my stint as a moderator on the blue board, Tony invited me, gave his permission, encouraged and provided me the password to monitor his e-mail account. His motivations are still unclear to me as they are to many others. At no time did I or do I have the computer skills to “hack” anyone’s computer or e-mail. But truth is not as much fun as fiction or accusations, is it?

The foregoing were stated to support my opinions and statements as follows:

Hello, sapman99 here with a wake-up call

Please stay on topic! Including this post, I have posted 9 times in this thread. Yesterday alone, there was an off-topic fight that resulted in 21 posts from Doc Holliday and 17 from CS Martin. Way to show the other guys we can do things differently :rolleyes:. Please clean up your "contribution" to this effort, otherwise, can a Mod do it? Thank you.

Great Idea, I truly wish ALL THREADS were enforced in this manner.

Selective boycotts don't work. I agree that Maria Divina, Jessy and Peter are some of the finest people I have met on this scene. But they are advertising on a site where a poster has slandered me, posted links to one of his sites further slandering me, and divulged information to identify me and the neighbourhood I live in. Obviously the webmaster of this site is irresponsible and must take action to restore order in his house.

In the back channel, an advertiser was suggesting to me that the way to solve this was to increase the number of quality reviews here. Reviews are always a good idea (on a review board :D) and this is why I have always contributed more reviews than anything else. But I do not see how that in itself will stop the sickness afflicting MERC.

Money talks: as hobbyists, we don't pay to be on the boards. We pay the escorts and agencies, who in turn pay the boards. The only way for us to apply pressure is by pressuring the people who can in turn apply some. Plain and simple.

Don’t agree with this portion of your posts in more ways than you can imagine or know. The truth in this industry is much more shocking than the readers out there could imagine. But, I can tell you it’s all about results. Tom told me many times he makes little or nothing from MERC and it serves ONLY to support his other enterprises. Yes, Moderators this is from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and thus is a supportable fact. The value of MERC to advertisers is purely based upon $$$$. If it produces business, well OK. Some Agencies choose not to advertise in that venue, as the type of clientele traffic it produces are not part of their marketing targets. If SD/MSC/BSD/Jessy/Peter/Maria Divina choose to advertise there, it must meet their marketing plan AND TARGETED CLIENTELE. If these businesses have something you want to buy, buy it. If not, don’t. The value of these boards is supposedly in their abilities to allow the consumer to shop.

Quick Side Note: Johnmbot, keep of the outstanding work in the CIM/CIMSW thread. You’re the best dude!! (Mods, I put this side note to highlight what the value of these boards should be and who is doing it)

Tom, thank you, now follow through! Albeit a timid beginning, your statement to Ziggy to "try not to be so viciously confrontational" was most welcome. Ziggy posts immediately after denying all wrongdoing, sidestepping the issue by bringing in EQ (my beef has nothing to do with this EQ thing), and saying that WE are the ones intimidating SP's not him. Let's ask Billy if he would knowingly send him Jasmine, or Jasmine herself if she would be willing to visit with him :p. His acerbic scorn has cowed and silenced countless girls on Blue. His response clearly indicates he "duly noted" and will ignore your advice. Up to you to decide how to act on that.

Tom, we are waiting to see if you will follow through on your good words regarding Ziggy. What about Tony? There is no redeeming that guy, moderating him, nothing! Please flush him down the toilet ASAP, as he seems to have an obsession with the crapper these days.

I very much doubt ANYTHING WILL BE SERIOUSLY FOLLOWED UP ON OR WITH ANY LASTING RESULTS. As a moderator on MERC when Tony was “permanently banned”, I personally witnessed Tom communicating with Tony via BC essentially telling him at the same time the permanant ban on Tony would be lifted shortly. I brought this to the attention of the other moderators who WERE NOT SHOCKED. Putting this together with my witnessing that Tom would regularly reverse the calls of his moderators led me to literally tell Tom “You can take this job and shove it”. Now, lets understand that moderators almost always discussed BC each and every call being made. Tom simply had his own agenda and favorites (posters). So getting rid of Tony?? Not going to happen!! Listen to me, “Not going to happen!!”

His reference to Fred is hilarious. We started this as individuals because we are fed up, and the MERB moderators decided to let us post here because after all, there is a thread on MERC directly attacking MERB that has been allowed to exist since April. I guess after seven months of unchallenged insults, it was time to let off a little steam!

Lastly, there is a huge backlog of posts on your board which are akin to hate literature, others that reveal personal information, and some that are pure slander. I believe as you do in freedom of speech, but even an advanced country like ours has put limits on it when it is reasonable to do so. These posts need to go.

Doubt this is going to happen. According to my conversations with Tom, the website is all about hits and the profile it brings to Tom’s other endeavors. The question you need to ask yourself, “Is the deletion of this content going to help his hits and increase viewer time on the website?”

As for myself, I simply have reduced my visits as the content grows more predictable can I put it? Fucking Boring!!! Sorry Moderators if the "Fucking Boring" opinion is unsupported. Go ahead and ban me for an unsupported opinion.

I've used the ignore facility on this board and use it in theory with regards to MERC more and more. Make sense....
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Rumples, the following comments are not in challenge of you, but rather I’ll try and keep them informational.

I also find it ironic that Chris is defending Tom considering that the primary function of Tom's business is running down Chris' primary advertising venue and calling the reviews written of Chris' girls shills. Perhaps, Chris, you suggest to Tom that you don't appreciate his allowing your business to be subjected to this treatment. .

Tom personally told me that he and Chris at one time had a “billing issue” that kept Chris’s operations off MERC. By no means am I implying ANYTHING here other than a misunderstanding. Tom told me he was going back to Chris to attempt to clear this up. I can tell you that if what you suggest is occurring, it could be because Tom’s other operations sometimes conflict with those of Chris’s endeavors. This is based upon my first hand discussions with Tom.

Finally, it does appear that Tom is listening given his post directed to Ziggy. Now let's see just how far he's willing to go to clean up his act. He's still got two weeks to delete all the libelous garbage that's been posted there in recent months and to see that it goes no further. Two suggestions, Tom: 1) put Ziggy and Tony on moderation so that their posts don't appear until they've been approved by a moderator and 2) disallow any mention of or allusion to "merb" or "green board." Two simple acts and the boycott will be called off and I'll buy you the first beer at Chris' upcoming party. As Chris mentioned, Tom, we're supposed to be having fun here. Allowing two sociopaths to run amok serves neither you nor the hobby any purpose.

I can’t speak for Ziggy’s posts, but we twice attempted to “moderator approve" Tony’s posts. Both times the task was challenging. One time was short term and he lived out his “disciplinary period”. The other time Tom independently stopped the monitoring. Again, Tom had no problem overriding his moderators.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Thanks for all this, CS. It's probably your most illuminating post ever and pretty much confirms everything I've been saying vis a vis merc as a business venture. Let's make Tom an offer he can't refuse and shut it down.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Dear Robin

Robin@MERC said:
It's no secret that Tony & Ziggy have made many enemies on Montreal boards but I am surprised to see so many long-timers going after Tom. Opposition to the terrible two seems to be only a cover to strike at Tom for some other slight. I don't believe SP's or agency owners will be easily cowed down by threats of boycott. Those who succumb will only be making themselves vulnerable to more threats in future.
I was reading your post a couple of hours ago and wondered if I should bring it up. After all, I have always enjoyed your reviews and views. We are only "going after Tom" because as owner of the board he has been irresponsible with these posters and a few others. I will not repeat myself much here since the thread is here for you to read. Freedom of speech is commendable, tolerating outright hate, lies, and the selective dissemination of personal information, despicable.

Now I see that your good intents have been picked up as fodder by "The Wicked Man" (Tom himself), and gave him another chance to trot out this ludicrous MERB-EQ conspiracy theory. The Wicked Man posts further that we want to shut MERC down, WRONG!


And if ANY board operator first got into the game of trying to shut the other board down or prejudice it, well I guess MERC started the ball rolling last April :cool:, so spare us this "going after Tom" hooey. Tom has been after MERB a while now.
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Man Spors

New Member
Nov 8, 2010
I can’t speak for Ziggy’s posts, but we twice attempted to “moderator approve" Tony’s posts. Both times the task was challenging. One time was short term and he lived out his “disciplinary period”. The other time Tom independently stopped the monitoring. Again, Tom had no problem overriding his moderators.

i would like to know from merb mods has fredzed ever interferred with any decisions that you have taken or tried to direct your decisions in any way for merb's advertisers interests

as per usual merc’s band of buddies led in this case by the ever present moron Ziggy, first thought I was rumples and now he thinks that i’m sl. well i’ve got news for you my dear tool of dissections, I am neither one of the two fucking delusional dreamers.

this illustrates exactly how merc permits its posters to run amuk and make whatever statements, allegations or claims about individuals or businesses and never having to produce one scintilla of proof.


New Member
Mar 11, 2003
As far back as I can remember (from the days of Canbest, Lyla and GS) fueding, insulting and name-calling between cliques have been the bane of what were supposed to be review boards for friendly exchange of information. Different moderators have different views on where to draw the line between heated arguments and vicious attacks, and my views differ from many of them. Applying peer pressure by participating in such threads is probably the best way to squelch the troublemaking.

I can't support any group that aims to reduce the board choices for hobbyists or advertising choices for SP's. We need more of these, not less.
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