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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
No he is not. I do not think you know the meaning of leftist. Doc is more of a centrist. He is about liberalism and social progressism.

You're absolutely correct. As a proud Canadian, i consider being referred to as a liberal and social progressive as an honor. Canadians do not get their minds poisoned by the likes of FAUX News and right-wing media like their American cousins. We still have not been brainwashed, thank god!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think the Teflon Don just found his Vice President

No, i believe the lying sociopath will chose Newt Gingrich. Another scandal-filled politician. But at least he's spent his life in Washington and knows how the system works. But he'd accept being his running mate since he's dying to be relevant again.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
No, you're a Leftist.

Today, the likes of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and George H.W. Bush would be considered leftists by you right-wingers. They wouldn't stand a chance of being the GOP nominee since they'd never be able to win the primaries since you guys handed those (and the party) over to the wingnuts.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Wasn`t O.J. Made in America a great documentary ?
Unfortunate there was one scene showing the Donald embracing O.J.

Great documentary. It's the best 30-for-30 documentary ever produced by ESPN and there's talk about possibly winning an Emmy. I also loved the 10-party miniseries (The People Vs. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story) shown on FX a couple of months ago. John Travolta, Sarah Paulson and Courtney B. Vance were absolutely brilliant and so were the other main actors.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Something none of us know for sure. I have said since he started his run for the oval office, he will either get us all killed or make things better, then again if hillary gets the presidency, are we really going to be any safer than we are now? Something to think about boyzzzzzzzz :)

Trump has already damaged the country with his bigotry and racism yet he hasn't even been voted president yet. It could only get worst were this to ever happen. Beware, beware, beware!

By the way, i don't know how true this is, but i read yesterday that well-known conservative pundit George Will has quit the GOP over his frustration with Trump. Many more will follow.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I was going over the last days posts. I chucked because so much is partisan on each side. Some claim it's about principle then they display their strong political bias with great unabashed emotionalism. One in particular.

Whether or not a President is corrupt is about ethics, legality, absolute moral standards, not individual political preferences. Lincoln was despised and blasted with every ugly description known because he wanted to free the slaves. He was called the most corrupt ever, even evil. Many other Presidents and politicians have gone through the same thing for very similar fraudulent reasons.

well-known conservative pundit George Will has quit the GOP over his frustration with Trump.

As we know many already have abandoned him. Some conservatives announcing their support of Hillary because of Trump. When Conservative like thinkers are rebelling against Trump, and in a few cases supporting someone they couldn't ever otherwise, then those who support him should be looking at themselves with many questions.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Obama would possibly have been among the greatest had Congress cooperated with him instead of constantly contradicting him (and in the process putting themselves first instead of the country and their constituents) and going out of their way to make his life miserable. They are traitors in my book. They should be either deported to North Korea or given the electric chair. All Tea Party supporters should be stoned in public. Fox News should be handed over to ISIS. Donald Trump should be given a parachute and thrown off a plane right in the middle of Red Square.

You have to be out of your mind. Obama wants to be the dictator. That's his idea of Congress's cooperation. Your statement proves how ignorant you are of the US Constitution.

But your statement Tea Party supporters should be stoned and Fox News should be handed over to ISIS proves you to be a Marxist-Stalinist. You're a pure Leftist. Don't go preaching about Bigotry Racism when you prove to be the king of Bigtory, Hatred and Racism, Doc.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Trump has already damaged the country with his bigotry and racism yet he hasn't even been voted president yet. It could only get worst were this to ever happen. Beware, beware, beware!

OMG The Leftist has spoken. He charges Bigotry and Racism, even though he's the biggest Racist and Bigot on here.

Truth is Trump will help the US regain its Greatness.

Make America Great Again! Elect Donald J. Trump for President!


Active Member
Sep 16, 2014
A little reminder:

3) Courtesy

i) All posters are expected to show the utmost respect and courtesy in all communications. Refrain from name calling, unjustified accusations etc.

ii) Having a difference of opinions is natural, healthy and can lead to positive conclusions. Exchanges of this nature are permitted and encouraged just as long as they are done so intelligently. Please conduct yourself accordingly.

Keep this thread clean and respectful or it will be closed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I think the Teflon Don just found his Vice President

That was a great post. I loved it. It motivated me to return to the thread.

You spent a few hours rambling on calling me ignorant saying I don't know what a Leftist is, calling yourself a Centralist while trashing GW Bush as the worst President but you prove yourself to be the most ignorant of anyone. All of the stats and figures you site is pure skewed Leftist garbage. The Housing crisis as I have posted was responsibility of the Leftist laws which forced banks to give loans to people who had no prayer in paying those loans. Those Leftist laws were enforced by a Leftist Administration (Clinton) and the bubble burst at the end of the Administration.

You have taken the Center which has been the Constitution and made that the Far Right. Leftist manipulate the truth, which I find disgusting. You and Doc are Leftists.


Yes but how can someone like CLoud500 make these posts with a straight face?

All that the Cloud is doing is reciting the socialist/communist dogma that has been spoon-fed to him in the school of liberal arts. I am not against education. What I am against is indoctrination. I am afraid that in North America, the college campus has become refuge of the liberal young. As long as you stay there you do not have to work. Just stay there for 8 years and maybe you will receive an advanced degree in Black Studies, Gender Studies, Video Art, or Politccal Science? And what then do you do after watching films for 8 years? Unless you are going to teach this rubbish and further brain-wash the liberal offspring what do you do with all this new found intellectualism? You tend bar. You tend bar because this left wing indoctrination has not prepared with an actual skill. But unlike the bartender that entered the field at age 18, you are now saddled with 6 figures of debt? So why does the leftist pursue these degrees? So they don't have to work for another 8 years. The liberal elite - just like their leader Vladimir Lenin - detests actual work. They actually detest the worker. They only care about the worker in the abstract.

As David Mamet said the Arts are a refuge for the Liberal young. There are no jobs at the end of this exhaustive four year course of watching movies. But within the school there is protection. The film school student is protected by his community and his election not to work. The college of the liberal arts has long since been a refuge from toil of the leisure class. But unless you find a job teaching this drivel than what? You have to enter the work place with no skill. For the college of Liberal Arts is not there to teach a skill. They are only there to grow the herd.
Mamet uses the analogy of a rat pulling a certain lever and is rewarded with a pellet of food. This is what is going on at the University in the college of the Arts. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States was an Adulterer and Slave Owner!!!!! Say this in the lab get a pellet. Out of the lab no pellet. Obvious answer? Never leave the lab. The lever for the college student is repeating a phrase. Thomas Jefferson. Slave Owner. Adulterer. Pull the lever. Get a pallet.
What is the use of repeating this phrase on a web site like MERB? It is a recognition symbol. For everyone understands that slave owning is bad. Even the owners of slaves understood this. So why say it? You say it because you were rewarded for this kind of thought at the University. You learn to repeat that capitalism is bad! The United States is a racist country! I ask the readers of this thread are you racists? The answer is no. Is your employer racist? The answer is no. In fact by law the United States and Canada are not racist countries. Than why say this? Because when you say this you get a pellet. If a member of the liberal heard repeats the code “Capitalism is bad and that top down economy is better than capitalism.” He gets rewarded by members of the liberal herd. The government - which can't find it's ass with both hands and destroys everything it touches - should all of a sudden run health care and we should give them more of our tax dollar to squander. To the liberal, every transaction is viewed as a victim and oppressor. If you can reduce the conflict in the Middle East to skin color….find the darker skinned race to identify the victim – get a pellet.

This is how you can spread make-believe lies and facts on MERB. Obama was a better President than Reagan????? Are you fucking kidding me???? I think you have to go back to the two presidents that preceded the Civil war to find a worse president. Obama will be the first president not to experience 3% growth in the GDP in any one of his 8 years in office?

Some people just don't get it and really need to wake up.

What a great post


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Since I`m often called cloud or cloudy....please don`t confuse me with CLOUD 500 who is being called cloud by h101 instead of CLOUD

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It's been confirmed: well-known conservative writer and frequent FAUX News contributor George Will has indeed abandoned the Republican party.

In other news, former Republican Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft had indicated he would be voted for Hillary Clinton. He served under Presidents Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush.

And now, it's former Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson who said he'd be voting for Secretary Clinton. He served under the worst presidency in the history of the country, Dubya Bush's.

And more defections will come......more and more.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
If it'd be my choice i'd build a 100 ft high wall between Canada and the US in order to keep the lunatics out of my country. :D
See South Park Season 19 Episode 2.

I think you will find it very funny.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
In other news, Donald Trump told the media that he's happy BREXIT happened since it made the British Pound go down, meaning the possibility of more tourists flocking to his Turnberry golf course. In other words, fuck the rest of the world as long as it means he's making money! :mad:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
OMG The Leftist has spoken. He charges Bigotry and Racism, even though he's the biggest Racist and Bigot on here.

OMG The Rightist has spoken. Rightists are all about bigotry and racism is that not what social conservatism is all about.

Truth is Trump will help the US regain its Greatness.

Make America Great Again! Elect Donald J. Trump for President!

This sentence confirms to me that you are really lost and here you are accusing leftists of bigotry and racism yet Donald Trump is one of them he is not all that different then Hitler. Trump's father and probably himself are involved with the kkk.
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