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Feb 9, 2004
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Say what you want and think whatever you want to think, but over the past twenty years or so Republicans have been an absolute disaster not only to their country but also to the world whenever they've held office. We wouldn't be living in the world we live in today were it not for George W. Bush's 8 years in office. Bush will be known in history books as the worst US President in the history of the country whose disastrous policies changed the world for the worst. I have no doubt about it!

You continue to get it ass backwards. You must be a Leftist.

Barack Obama has been the worst US President in US History. He has been arrogant. He has disregarded the law as to his Constitutional powers as evident in the last Supreme Court decision which resulted in rebuking his executive order to give illegal immigrants work permits. The lower court had ruled the President does not have the power to unilaterally make legislative laws. If Antonio Scalia was alive, he would have confirmed a majority decision of Congress's powers and the Executive branch powers, as written in the Constitution.

Bush was not the best and he was not the best.

As for Clinton, she's a Law Breaking Slime Ball. She belongs in Federal Prison not leading the US. How you can measure her against anyone is mind-boggling. But you are a Leftist and Leftist have mind-boggling thought processes. The Left has truly made the world and the US a much more dangerous place. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are among the main characters responsible for this danger, not George Bush.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You continue to get it ass backwards. You must be a Leftist.

Barack Obama has been the worst US President in US History. He has been arrogant. He has disregarded the law as to his Constitutional powers as evident in the last Supreme Court decision which resulted in rebuking his executive order to give illegal immigrants work permits. The lower court had ruled the President does not have the power to unilaterally make legislative laws. If Antonio Scalia was alive, he would have confirmed a majority decision of Congress's powers and the Executive branch powers, as written in the Constitution.

Bush was not the best and he was not the best.

As for Clinton, she's a Law Breaking Slime Ball. She belongs in Federal Prison not leading the US. How you can measure her against anyone is mind-boggling. But you are a Leftist and Leftist have mind-boggling thought processes. The Left has truly made the world and the US a much more dangerous place. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are among the main characters responsible for this danger, not George Bush.

Daydreamer, we (me and doc) are not leftist, we are unarmed north American with a free health insurance plan, commonly known as Quebecker ;)

Bush (and trump) represent what the worlds hates about America, big ego and if you are not my friend you are my enemy rhetoric... Obama brought some good about America all over the world.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Daydreamer, we (me and doc) are not leftist, we are unarmed north American with a free health insurance plan, commonly known as Quebecker ;)

Bush (and trump) represent what the worlds hates about America, big ego and if you are not my friend you are my enemy rhetoric... Obama brought some good about America all over the world.

Really? Obama brought some good about America all over the world?

Care to ask the Yazidis and Christians who were slaughtered in Iraq and Syria by a group called ISIS, which was created after Obama withdrew US troops from Iraq?

Care to ask the Japanese and South Koreans who are threatened by the Chinese who continue to build artificial islands in the South Pacific?

Care to ask the Ukrainians who saw territories like Crimea taken from them from Russia without any defense from the Obama Administration?

Care to ask the Israelis, Saudi Arabians, Jordanians, Kuwaitis and UAE Arabs who see an ever increasing threat from Iran? Not to mention the crap that Iran is causing in Yemen, yet Obama makes a sham deal with Iran.

Care to ask the Europeans who have seen an increase of horrific terrorist attacks coming from a new terror group founded after Obama withdrew US troops from Iraq?

Care to ask the Venezuelans who are starving suffering from the Communist regime which rules over them even after dictator Chavez's death? A Bush administration would have at least helped given emergency supplies, yet there is not a peep from Obama about the suffering in Venezuela, which was not far ago before Chavez an Oil rich nation with a good currency.

Care to ask to ask the average American who has seen their wages lower under Obama because of his unrestricted immigration policy?

Your healthcare plan is only good when you have a doctor ready to see you when you are sick. From what I have been told by Canadians who I know, you have doctors available to you when you have a serious healthcare event, but you have to wait weeks and months in some cases when you have less than life threatening circumstances. Cancer tumors can spread quite a bit in periods of weeks or months. Here in the US I can see a Doctor within a few days if not the next day.

Here's something to back up what I say. You have nothing to back up what you say except for your false feelings about Obama. Truth is he's been a disaster for the world.

FYI, George W. Bush has been the President. He has a record. Trump has yet to be elected so he does not have a record as President. So why do you put his name in parenthesis?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It takes an astonishing ignorance of US political history to assert that Obama is the worst of the 44 presidents. He hasn't been good, but he's been nowhere near as bad as Buchanan, Pierce, Tyler, Grant, and a few others.
Obama would possibly have been among the greatest had Congress cooperated with him instead of constantly contradicting him (and in the process putting themselves first instead of the country and their constituents) and going out of their way to make his life miserable. They are traitors in my book. They should be either deported to North Korea or given the electric chair. All Tea Party supporters should be stoned in public. Fox News should be handed over to ISIS. Donald Trump should be given a parachute and thrown off a plane right in the middle of Red Square.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Daydreamer, we (me and doc) are not leftist, we are unarmed north American with a free health insurance plan, commonly known as Quebecker ;)

Well, i'm not a Quebecer, but in Canada it is considered an honor to be recognized as a liberal. Canada has long been a social democrat country leaning to the left. Our government looks after its people, which is what it was elected to do. Most Americans whose political affiliation leans towards the right would absolutely hate living in Canada, although most of them wouldn't realize until it would actually happen. Visiting a country and residing in it are two entirely different things.

What is ironic is that liberals call me a right winger, while right wingers call me a liberal. I'm really a independent....who will vote for whomever represents my interests and especially the best interests of the country at any given time.

Vive le Canada, vive le Quebec, vive la democratie!!! :peace:


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Feb 9, 2004
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What is ironic is that liberals call me a right winger, while right wingers call me a liberal. I'm really a independent....who will vote for whomever represents my interests and especially the best interests of the country at any given time.

No, you're a Leftist.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You continue to get it ass backwards. You must be a Leftist.

Barack Obama has been the worst US President in US History. He has been arrogant. He has disregarded the law as to his Constitutional powers as evident in the last Supreme Court decision which resulted in rebuking his executive order to give illegal immigrants work permits. The lower court had ruled the President does not have the power to unilaterally make legislative laws. If Antonio Scalia was alive, he would have confirmed a majority decision of Congress's powers and the Executive branch powers, as written in the Constitution.

Bush was not the best and he was not the best.

The ignorance in this post is apparent and like most rightists they are ignorant and there you go again with this obsession you have of labeling anyone who does not agree with your ideals as leftist. Smh. You really do see the world upside down. Having said that Obama is one of the best presidents America had. Obama expanded healthcare to all Americans. He initiated net neutrality. His appointments to the FCC started new rules. He fixed the Veterans Affairs package which is not complete but a huge improvement. Rightists only care to wage wars and send soldiers out but after who cares for them. Right? You like most rightist like militarism but Obama found and killed Osama Bin Laden not Bush. Obama normalized relations with Cuba. He fought for LGBT rights in US courts a mark of social progressism unlike social conservatism like rightists. Obama replacied the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with a new one in 2010, making nuclear war less likely. Obama also inherited an economy in serious recession wrecked by your friend Bush. The evidence is all there. The unemployment rate dropped below 5% for the first time in several years. The deficit, gas prices are all down. Jobs, wages, and rates of the insured are all up. Obama like most centrists and leftists want to make the economy fairer. He has rebuilt the economy that benefits everybody not just the rich.
President Obama boasted Saturday that he brought the U.S. back from recession and at the same time made the economy fairer. Wages are finally rising again. He also made recent moves to stop corporations from fleeing high corporate taxes to more competitive locations abroad. The Treasury Department made it more difficult for companies to exploit a loophole... They took action to crack down on bit corporations that change their address overseas after acquiring small companies in order to reduce their taxes at home.

Now George W. Bush loool was one of the worst presidents. Let us see he failed the September 11 attack. His responsibility was to bring Al-Qaeda leader to justice but he failed in that. Instead of prioritizing hunting bin Laden down in Pakistan, where he was suspected of hiding. Bush instead waged to costly and ineffective wars one in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush significantly damaged the US's reputation overseas and destabilized the Middle East in ways we are still seeing today. Also remember that Jeb Bush's brother helped create ISIS. Loool

When Bush took office he inherited a strong economy thanks to Bill Clinton a centrist but you would call him a leftist. LOOOL Unemployment fell from 7.3% to 4.2% creating more then 22 million jobs and the median family income increased by more then $6000. When we compare to Bush he only managed to create fewer then 1.1 million jobs by far the lowest of any president since Harry Truman while income inequality expanded to high levels. The top 10% of American earners pulled in almost half of total wages... The most lopsided wealth distribution since 1917. Wow according to you right wing fiscal policies in other words trickle-down economics works but if we look at the evidence it is a complete failure. You know better but you got too much ego to admit it. And you say Bush had ego :bounce: The economic stagnation become stagnant in his first term but it did not turned into full fledged recession until the collapse of the financial industry in 2008 after which unemployment rate went from 6.2% in September to 7.7% in January. Bush's policy to deregulate Wall Street was largely responsible for the reckless practises of the big banks that brought the economy to its knees. Rightists always talk about economic austerity yet they are the biggest failures in balancing the budget. When Clinton left office there was a $1.9 trillion surplus... By the time Bush left he passed on a $1.2 trillion debt largely due to Bush's $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthy and the trillions wasted on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush also failed to manage hurricane Katrina. According to the report by the House of Representatives his administration disregarded numerous warnings of the threat to New Orleans, he did not execute emergency plans, and neglected to share information with different departments that could have saved lives. On the other hand Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy was very effective.

And you talk about Clinton being a slime. Considering your viewpoints you are in no position to judge. The evidence is all there you choose to ignore it and see what you want to see.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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The ignorance in this post is apparent and like most rightists they are ignorant and there you go again with this obsession you have of labeling anyone who does not agree with your ideals as leftist. Smh. You really do see the world upside down. Having said that Obama is one of the best presidents America had. Obama expanded healthcare to all Americans. He initiated net neutrality. His appointments to the FCC started new rules. He fixed the Veterans Affairs package which is not complete but a huge improvement. Rightists only care to wage wars and send soldiers out but after who cares for them. Right? You like most rightist like militarism but Obama found and killed Osama Bin Laden not Bush. Obama normalized relations with Cuba. He fought for LGBT rights in US courts a mark of social progressism unlike social conservatism like rightists. Obama replacied the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with a new one in 2010, making nuclear war less likely. Obama also inherited an economy in serious recession wrecked by your friend Bush. The evidence is all there. The unemployment rate dropped below 5% for the first time in several years. The deficit, gas prices are all down. Jobs, wages, and rates of the insured are all up. Obama like most centrists and leftists want to make the economy fairer. He has rebuilt the economy that benefits everybody not just the rich.
President Obama boasted Saturday that he brought the U.S. back from recession and at the same time made the economy fairer. Wages are finally rising again. He also made recent moves to stop corporations from fleeing high corporate taxes to more competitive locations abroad. The Treasury Department made it more difficult for companies to exploit a loophole... They took action to crack down on bit corporations that change their address overseas after acquiring small companies in order to reduce their taxes at home.

Now George W. Bush loool was one of the worst presidents. Let us see he failed the September 11 attack. His responsibility was to bring Al-Qaeda leader to justice but he failed in that. Instead of prioritizing hunting bin Laden down in Pakistan, where he was suspected of hiding. Bush instead waged to costly and ineffective wars one in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush significantly damaged the US's reputation overseas and destabilized the Middle East in ways we are still seeing today. Also remember that Jeb Bush's brother helped create ISIS. Loool

When Bush took office he inherited a strong economy thanks to Bill Clinton a centrist but you would call him a leftist. LOOOL Unemployment fell from 7.3% to 4.2% creating more then 22 million jobs and the median family income increased by more then $6000. When we compare to Bush he only managed to create fewer then 1.1 million jobs by far the lowest of any president since Harry Truman while income inequality expanded to high levels. The top 10% of American earners pulled in almost half of total wages... The most lopsided wealth distribution since 1917. Wow according to you right wing fiscal policies in other words trickle-down economics works but if we look at the evidence it is a complete failure. You know better but you got too much ego to admit it. And you say Bush had ego :bounce: The economic stagnation become stagnant in his first term but it did not turned into full fledged recession until the collapse of the financial industry in 2008 after which unemployment rate went from 6.2% in September to 7.7% in January. Bush's policy to deregulate Wall Street was largely responsible for the reckless practises of the big banks that brought the economy to its knees. Rightists always talk about economic austerity yet they are the biggest failures in balancing the budget. When Clinton left office there was a $1.9 trillion surplus... By the time Bush left he passed on a $1.2 trillion debt largely due to Bush's $1.5 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthy and the trillions wasted on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush also failed to manage hurricane Katrina. According to the report by the House of Representatives his administration disregarded numerous warnings of the threat to New Orleans, he did not execute emergency plans, and neglected to share information with different departments that could have saved lives. On the other hand Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy was very effective.

And you talk about Clinton being a slime. Considering your viewpoints you are in no position to judge. The evidence is all there you choose to ignore it and see what you want to see.

No he is not. I do not think you know the meaning of leftist. Doc is more of a centrist. He is about liberalism and social progressism.

You spent a few hours rambling on calling me ignorant saying I don't know what a Leftist is, calling yourself a Centralist while trashing GW Bush as the worst President but you prove yourself to be the most ignorant of anyone. All of the stats and figures you site is pure skewed Leftist garbage. The Housing crisis as I have posted was responsibility of the Leftist laws which forced banks to give loans to people who had no prayer in paying those loans. Those Leftist laws were enforced by a Leftist Administration (Clinton) and the bubble burst at the end of the Administration.

You equate a Centrist with Liberalism and social Progressivism (learn to spell the world MR. IGNORANT). Progressivism is a Leftist invention and is Leftist. But the Left, just like YOU, uses it to move the Normal or the Center to the Left. Therefore, by definition provided by Leftist, the Left becomes the Center.

You have taken the Center which has been the Constitution and made that the Far Right. Leftist manipulate the truth, which I find disgusting. You and Doc are Leftists.

Furthermore, Bush was a much better President than Obama has ever been. You Leftist always cite Obama administration found Bin Ladin. So what? Obama created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq when the situation was under control. He destabilized Libya. And how many terrorist attacks has the US experienced under Obama? Many. How many under Bush since 9/11? 0. Obama is the worst President the US in US History. Bush is not.


Jul 8, 2012
Cloud is dead wrong on Obamacare. UHC just pulled out of dozens of states and Blue Cross is demanding huge premium hikes next year. If Blue Cross decides to exit like UHC, we are going to have a crisis in January. The impact it has had on business is devastating. Their premiums are through the roof, and everyone is paying more for less coverage. My premiums doubled in three years. The hospitals in my state are billions in the red. There is in fact no metric you can use to find any positive impact on healthcare. It is hands down his most colossal failure. All it did was pass the cost of covering everyone directly onto the backs of the working middle class, and even that has fallen far short of what is going to be required. Repeal is now our only option.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Cloud is dead wrong on Obamacare. UHC just pulled out of dozens of states and Blue Cross is demanding huge premium hikes next year. If Blue Cross decides to exit like UHC, we are going to have a crisis in January. The impact it has had on business is devastating. Their premiums are through the roof, and everyone is paying more for less coverage. My premiums doubled in three years. The hospitals in my state are billions in the red. There is in fact no metric you can use to find any positive impact on healthcare. It is hands down his most colossal failure. All it did was pass the cost of covering everyone directly onto the backs of the working middle class, and even that has fallen far short of what is going to be required. Repeal is now our only option.

You're right. The insurance companies have been hiking their premiums and deductibles. I am paying a $50 copay each time I see a doctor. It used to be $25 just a year ago. Cloud is a Leftist who claims he's a Centrist while he raves about every Leftist thing Obama has done. Obamacare is a disaster and so is Obama.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
A little off topic but since Trump put his golf shoe in his mouth by endorsing Brexit....let`s do a reality check.
Brexit is a disaster for Britain.
Over the next 10 years the pound sterling will drop in value below the US dollar.
Scotland and Northern Ireland will separate and join the Euro.
England will weaken as a smaller country and lose its status as the world`s 5th largest economy....dropping to a level below France.

Its interesting that some of the leaders of Brexit are now admitting that they made mistakes and now are backtracking on their promises.

One thing I agree with Trump.....the world is a mess.
Soros, the worlds greatest investor is right again. Sell markets and the pound short and buy gold.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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A little off topic but since Trump put his golf shoe in his mouth by endorsing Brexit....let`s do a reality check.
Brexit is a disaster for Britain.
Over the next 10 years the pound sterling will drop in value below the US dollar.
Scotland and Northern Ireland will separate and join the Euro.
England will weaken as a smaller country and lose its status as the world`s 5th largest economy....dropping to a level below France.

Its interesting that some of the leaders of Brexit are now admitting that they made mistakes and now are backtracking on their promises.

One thing I agree with Trump.....the world is a mess.
Soros, the worlds greatest investor is right again. Sell markets and the pound short and buy gold.

You're making predictions and offering your opinion. You have no idea whether it will hurt the UK or not.

The UK will not exit the EU for 2 years. They will spend that time renegotiating trade deals with remaining EU countries.

It could be the best thing that ever happened to the UK giving the dictatorship that the EU is developing. The Elite of the EU is only upset because they cannot exercise their control over the UK. The media and the Left have instilled fear over the Brexit Yes voters. Your prediction and opinion is based on fear mongering, not fact.

Plus, I bet you that other EU countries will hold similar votes: France, Netherlands, Denmark, and eventually Germany, as the immigration policies are strangling Europe.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A little off topic but since Trump put his golf shoe in his mouth by endorsing Brexit....let`s do a reality check.
Brexit is a disaster for Britain.
Over the next 10 years the pound sterling will drop in value below the US dollar.
Scotland and Northern Ireland will separate and join the Euro.
England will weaken as a smaller country and lose its status as the world`s 5th largest economy....dropping to a level below France.

Its interesting that some of the leaders of Brexit are now admitting that they made mistakes and now are backtracking on their promises.

One thing I agree with Trump.....the world is a mess.
Soros, the worlds greatest investor is right again. Sell markets and the pound short and buy gold.

I totally agree. Plus Trump would only make the world worst. He's no different than a Kim Jong Un or other clown dictator ruling a country.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Obamacare is a disaster and so is Obama.

Obamacare has actually been a rousing success and it's here to stay. Obama has been great considering all the obstacles (e.g. GOP) he's had to deal with. But of course, if you waste your time watching FAUX News and listening to right-wing radio, then you haven't realized this and will continue living in the negative right-wing bubble.

Plus, i have news for you: America IS great. It's certainly NOT the GREATEST country on the planet, but it's still a GREAT country.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Something none of us know for sure. I have said since he started his run for the oval office, he will either get us all killed or make things better, then again if hillary gets the presidency, are we really going to be any safer than we are now? Something to think about boyzzzzzzzz :)

In times like this where all you guys want to do is call each other names and insult one another for your "opinions", just say three simple words and you will all feel better........ ready?


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh much better :pound:
I totally agree. Plus Trump would only make the world worst.
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