Montreal Escorts

Valerie Plante


Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
If you want to talk seriously, you have to KNOW the complete picture.
ELECTRICITY cost 2 times what we pay in Québec. A rent or a house in TORONTO cost twice as much as in MONTREAL. If you have to pay for a kindergarden, it is much more expensive... and so on. If you think your life would be better there, move on.

Oh! This thread is suppose to be about Valérie Plante. If your post is deleted, I guess mine will be also. AMEN!
All in all, we can say that in Quebec we are the most taxed in north america.

Income taxes, tvq, etc.

Part of the problem is because more 40% of the people don’t pay taxes.

If you earn less than 20,000 (single working person) you will receive money from the state.

A couple with a child earning 45,000 (around that amount) will not pay taxes.

But that same couple, if their income increases to 50,000, they now loose a lot if not all their allowances and they will pay 4,000 in income taxes on the extra 10,000. All in all, on the extra 10,000 they will keep only 3,000$.

Overtime anybody ?


New Member
Sep 10, 2024
This LGBTQ thing is out of control, and its not about to go away, a simple trip at a grocery store last week the cashier was a man near 30 with is nailed polish but also extended, he notice that i was looking at them so the rest of the service was bad attitude.

This society is far from being saved. From what I read Plante only does stupidities, she knows Montreal is in bad shape she just ignores it, like the metro is safe, the beggars being violent, crimes etc. Plante is a real joke like Trudeau.
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