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Waking up early....ALWAYS!!!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
No matter what time I go to bed (unless it's 4 am), I always end up getting up at 4:30 or 5:00am, It's extremely frustrating because I can't get back to sleep and after 15 minutes I just say "fuck it, i'm up already so I might as well get out of bed".

Don't know how to break this habit, I miss the days where I would sleep in till 7-8 am (yes that's sleeping in for me).

Anybody else an early riser? What do you do to try and get yourself back to sleep?

Steely Dan

May 22, 2004
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Make a conscious effort to relax all muscles especially facial. Breathe long and slow from the pit of your stomach. Think un stressful thoughts. Works for me. Good luck!



Apr 22, 2015
I'm sixty and it seems to me that early rising began 1 year ago for me. I've tried everything to correct my sleep patterns to no avail. Tried half-hour of exercise in the evening, tried staying awake late, changed my diet, drinking less fluids before bed... nothing works, still wake up between 3:30 and 4:30. Now I just start my day earlier and get to work by 6:15 everyday. I can tell you that I can't keep my eyes open past 9:30pm.

If only I could find an early rising SP, someone who could see me at 7:00 AM life would be excellent! :smile:

Lily from Montreal

I am also a early riser,well not as early as you Johnybird ,more 6 am no matter what time I go to bed but when I want to sleep past 7h on weekend I do the same as when I take a afternoon nap: I have solo everytime lol,mind you my nap are power naps:20 min max but feels like hours...


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
1st maybe it's noise or sunlight waking you up

2nd are you stressed? Are you preoccupied by stuff?

3rd try stretching for 10min before going to sleep which will help you sleep quicker and deeper

4th don't do anything that would be adrenaline pumping such as exercise, video games, even sometimes TV etc...


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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For me everyday i wake up at 04h00am....No choice in MY case!!! And since i am working 7/7 ...i dont get a break also sadly....But even In vacation i gonna wake up at that time:( ..Really sad i have to say...didnt find Any trick !!!


Lily from Montreal

The secret to go back to sleep is not to worry about not going back to sleep...

if you worry then it spirals and sleep eludes you but me when I woke up at 4 am I avoid looking at my phone ,I just have a sip of water and think about breathing like I learn in my yoga class and basically remind me it doesn't matter if I am awake and perversely it let's me fall back in, not sleep ,but a in between state and first thing I know it 6 am and time to get up...


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Thanks everyone for all the useful input :smile:

...I have solo everytime lol,mind you my nap are power naps:20 min max but feels like hours...

Lily, The 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th… (I lost count) thing I tried was Self Love, but after I was done I was like "Ok… now what". I don't worry about not going back to sleep, just talk my way out of it after lying in bed for 30 min.

What did help is when I used to have a warm body next to me, Even though she was a late riser (10-11am I was so jealous) I would inch my way up to her and slowly start and when she woke up ("oh you're awake? :)" ) and asked me what time it was I would just lie :p & after we were done I was able to get a couple of more hours in. But unfortunately I don't have that luxury anymore, not yet anyway.

1st maybe it's noise or sunlight waking you up
2nd are you stressed? Are you preoccupied by stuff?
3rd try stretching for 10min before going to sleep which will help you sleep quicker and deeper
4th don't do anything that would be adrenaline pumping such as exercise, video games, even sometimes TV etc...

Stress is definitely not a factor, people at the office actually get frustrated with me because I don't usually stress out. And on the rare occasion that I do I'll have trouble falling asleep.
Exercise actually helps me sleep, the nights I train I'll have trouble keeping my eyes open by 9pm. I get a much better sleep but still up early, actually earlier. I've tried sleeping earlier on my off days but just can't

Johnybird, do you feel tired during the day? If not, then your body got enough sleep. You might simply have a different sleep cycle.

I used to feel tired during the day, I would practically be dozing off on the way to work in the mornings, but in the last 3-4 months since i've been exercising I don't have that problem anymore.

I've been procrastinating on Yoga & meditation for a while now, maybe I should seriously look into it.

Lily from Montreal

4th? Wow,my stats are really below par lol

Yoga is great and we do have a lots of guys in my class,I am one of them because all the menopausal ladies are in the front rows and me and the guys we are at the farthest places because the group of ladies are way too serious , me it is just to stay limber ,them it feels way more...
only thing that make me come back is the teacher is soo pretty,gorgeous tiny A cup ,sigh lol


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Oh Lily, bless you for thinking that lol! But I haven't been that Virile since my late teens. I didn't mean in a row lol! Even though I think, or would like to think, I could keep up with today's Generation.

I think Yoga pants would be a good motivator, added bonus of being more limber would be a definite plus...umm before you misunderstand again, I didn't mean me wearing them, that would just be wrong...oh man that would be soooo wrong :eek:

Lily from Montreal

Lol it is true that it is hard to concentrate when I have my favorite classmate in front of me, I am not usually into blond but her,mmm


Mar 10, 2011
I took a class on altered dream states and astral travel (hey, it was the 80's!) and one thing the guy suggested to experiment with travelling in and out of the dream state early in the morning was very simple: when you first wake up, don't move a muscle! In other words, when your consciousness first arises and you become aware that you are lying in bed, try to not move the physical body at all. Just lie there, relaxed, and let the mind drift in and out of conciouness.

He had a theory that when the mind drifts off to sleep it makes a break with the physical body. Ever have that feeling on the edge of sleep like you've just fallen backward or "slipped" somehow, and it snaps you back awake? That is the mind/body split! Otherwise, you would dream about swimming, for example, and your arms would be thrashing around, or running and you would be kicking your partner!

So, upon awakening, he was suggesting that as SOON as you start moving around, reaching for a glass of water, scratching your nose, etc. etc. you re-establish the mind/body link.

Try it; as you resurface to consciousness in the morning try to remember to not move a muscle! At the very least, you may find yourself drifting in and out of some very cool dreams! Happy dreaming!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
I'll give that a try Robcat, Thanks. Man if I could've drift back into the dream I was having last night, Damn that would have been great! it would have made Lily's misunderstanding a possibility lol!

Trick is to remember not to move when i wake up, I have enough trouble remembering why I went in the next room for sometimes :confused: Going to be a challenge that's for sure


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Not sure if my advice will be of any help, but it's what worked for me!

My cats wake me up every morning between 4 and 5, and I find it super hard to get back to sleep afterwards, but I've found a few things that seem to work well..

First, I always have a cup of tea in bed, because when I'm super cozy under the covers and the tea warms me up inside, my whole body relaxes, making it easier to get back to sleep.

Second(and here's where the advice might not help at all) I find when I'm up at that time, my mind is running a mile a minute and I stay wide awake because of that, so what I've found helped me was watching ASMR videos(Autonomous sensory meridian response ). Some people think they're very strange, and they probably are, but something about them is so relaxing. I just watch them laying in bed and I find within minutes I'm falling asleep. It's like having someone whisper you to sleep, or hypnotizing white noise.
Here's some I like, but really just search ASMR on youtube and you'll find tons of options:

They may not work for everyone, but they've helped me through some sleepless nights! :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Damn. I am the complete opposite... I cannot fall asleep before 5am. I always had a hard time with dayshifts since I was always exhausted during the day but was full of energy at night time... No matter how early I woke up I just could not fall asleep early. What is the trick to be a morning person? It is very difficult being nocturnal to confirm to society since the whole world operates in the day. As a result all jobs I hold are either evening or night shift.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Since I start lower the temperature of my bedroom, I still wake up early, but no way I would put a toe out of my bed. I started loving my bed. And if you feel great in your bed, you inevitably fall asleep again...


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
With everything you said, it's pretty obvious that your body is getting all the sleep it wants. No way you can sleep in if you go to bed @ 9pm. Try to stay up till 11, take some coffee around 2pm or something, you're gonna have to fight it cuz if you wake up early, it's hard to go to bed late.

My last advice. Get a night mask for when you sleep, and get one that is very snug because you want that pressure on your face. Then again... You're problem isn't falling asleep, it's staying asleep... Meh I guess if you managed to wake up in the middle of the night to put the mask on, could work for you.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
My problem wasn't ever falling asleep, I have no issues with that. You're right it's staying asleep. When I sleep anywhere between 11pm and 3am I still get up at 4:30/5:00 am. When I sleep at 9 I'm up at around 3:30, i'm able to go in and out sometimes but still up at 4:30/5:00.

I have no problems with light coming in my room, having a mask on irritates me. As far as noise goes, Thunderstorm going on outside or even better when they are cleaning the snow and i hear the trucks and the beeping of the trucks are like lullabies to me. When I was NYC, hearing the outside traffic was pure bliss :smile:

I've also tried those apps that have nature sounds or white noise, I usually put them on when I go to bed. Hasn't worked when I get up early though, I think I have to distract my brain or control it so I don't talk myself out of bed.

The only thing that seems to work is some morning nookie so far. There's this one lady I usually see in the mornings at 8am or 9am, once I met her at 7:30am, not because of my sleep but because I had plans. But I can tell you after my morning sessions with her I am ready for bed, it just relaxes me.

Autonomous sensory meridian response [/URL]). Some people think they're very strange, and they probably are, but something about them is so relaxing.

Tea does relax me, actually Tisane (no caffeine) but if I had it in the middle of the night, I’d be up peeing (sorry for the colourful language).

I’ll give those videos a try, not sure she’s my cup of tea (Oh Pun!)but i have nothing to lose.
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