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We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Here's one to "throw up against the wall". A well known reviewer used to wait about a month prior to posting his reviews. Further he wrote the reviews in a manner that would make it difficult for either the agencies or the SPs to know who wrote them. If the review is essentually anonymous you get a more objective view of services. This is the way is used to be for many years.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Me too. I can hold off for an hour, but not a month:lol: And I just can't pass the satisfaction of being a first "correspondent".


Mar 14, 2011
lost in boston
its just the supply in demand as long as you keep paying higher prices the other girls going to think they can get the same at least its not as ridiculous as the states where they charge 300-400 dollars an hr and dont even come close to montreal


New Member
Jul 8, 2003
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One thing alot of you are overlooking, is that BECAUSE of the review boards the service that we get from the girls has
soared over the past ten years. Ten years ago, GFE was not as common, almost the exception. Now GFE is the rule and if
a girl is not GFE this board exposes it very quickly and the agency usually either gets her to be GFE or leave. So much of the great
service we get is a direct result of the board and the reviews. Reviews need to be both positive and negative in order to be effective.
I am happy to give a good review and happy to give a negative review. It just depends on the service that I receive.
As far as the escalation in prices? I simply don't book those girls. Just book girls at 160 and don't even call agencies that charge more.
It is truely that simple. There are always really good girls at the 160 agenci


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
One thing alot of you are overlooking, is that BECAUSE of the review boards the service that we get from the girls has
soared over the past ten years. Ten years ago, GFE was not as common, almost the exception. Now GFE is the rule and if
a girl is not GFE this board exposes it very quickly and the agency usually either gets her to be GFE or leave. So much of the great
service we get is a direct result of the board and the reviews. Reviews need to be both positive and negative in order to be effective.
I am happy to give a good review and happy to give a negative review.
Methinks you've nailed it, Franky, from top to bottom. And I might add that those that are unwilling to post anything negative are doing both the board and themselves a disservice.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
I totaly agree,15 years it was very hard to find a pearl ,now with the board we have so much GFe that it is very difficult to decide.Thanks you all the members for your post.99% of the time i am sure that you will find the right GFe when you read the post.


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
Il y a 15 ans ,il etait tres difficille de trouver la perle rare,maintenant avec le board nous avons parfois trop de GFe qu'il devient difficilede decider.Merci a tous les membres pour leurs revues.99% du temps je suis certain de trouver la GFe que je recherche quand je lis les revues.Merci a tous nos grands reporteurs.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
. And I might add that those that are unwilling to post anything negative are doing both the board and themselves a disservice.
I`d like to clarify something about positve reviews. In particular cloudsurf`s positive reviews.
Unlike ManApart, I don`t review every girl I see.
The good sessions get reviewed, and for the most part will be positive.
The mediocre and poor sessions don`t get reviewed , simply because I don`t enjoy writing negative commentary.
If her attitude is realy bad then I take it up with the agency.
Most of us are in it for the fun, while for most escorts its a livelyhood. I will not write anything negative that may damage someone`s livelyhood.
That`s the way I see it.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
If her attitude is realy bad then I take it up with the agency.
I can see your point here, and that certainly is your right. My preference is to let the merb public know when a girl chooses not to do the job she's chosen. I believe that is what the board is here for.

What is really a problem is when a "board terrorist" chooses to launch a personal attack on a reviewer who has posted a negative review. While I can understand a reviewer choosing to pass on writing a negative review himself, to attempt to intimidate others through personal attack only undermines the purpose of the board.

(And, by the way, I certainly don't enjoy writing negative commentary, but as one who writes almost exclusively positive reviews, I feel it's my responsibility to you and to others who might read my work, to offer the bitter up with the sweet.)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I`d like to clarify something about positve reviews. In particular cloudsurf`s positive reviews.
Unlike ManApart, I don`t review every girl I see.
The good sessions get reviewed, and for the most part will be positive.
The mediocre and poor sessions don`t get reviewed , simply because I don`t enjoy writing negative commentary.
If her attitude is realy bad then I take it up with the agency.
Most of us are in it for the fun, while for most escorts its a livelyhood. I will not write anything negative that may damage someone`s livelyhood.
That`s the way I see it.

Hello Cloudsurf,

You know I love your reviews, because I know your tastes and how to read what is important for me out of them. I also greatly appreciate your private assistance, which has been a great benefit to me.

It's you choice of course, and I am somewhat the same about being very positive. But in my opinion if agencies are going to take advantage of our positive reviews to raise prices, or the ladies take advantage to go Independent, we are inflating rates without balancing our reports with responsible justified criticisms. It's not fair to the membership for any member to be so one-sided when that is resulting in costing everyone more. In the case of a so-called "bad attitude" letting a lady like that go unreported is a total loss for the next guy who was not able to make the informed choice that should have been available.

Clients have a livelihood too, and blowing hundreds for a poor or bad experience when it could have been avoided is just a waste...even if we suppose clients are using the extra money beyond their living needs for this hobby.

It's great that you are reporting the escorts inadequacies to the agency. But I wonder how effective that is compared to a public review when we know agencies pushing inadequate escorts can be frequent. I too feel about badly making sharp criticism of these ladies, but being too positive all of the time is costing everyone more than it might even if we consider, as one member cited, that the general quality of the client experiences (GFE) has improved. There are ways to give criticisms without being harsh.

Though I have not had a truly bad experience in a very long time, we both (you and I) should be fairer about bringing out inadequacies that other clients would find a waste of their money.



Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Negative reviews are as important to the community as favorable reviews, if not more so. While positive reviews help members to find a quality provider, negative reviews help members to save their money to spend on those quality ladies instead of wasting it on a poor experience. In my opinion, it is more damaging to the community not to post such reviews than to withhold a good review of your latest ATF. Not posting such reviews may cost your fellow MERB members money that they could otherwise have spent elsewhere. One day the member that gets burned may be yourself.

As a moderator what I do not like to see is a member using a poor review, or a threat of a poor review, to blackmail an agency or provider into giving them compensation. Such things should be dealt with directly with the provider concerned and if compensation has been offered, that information should be included in the body of the review. When compensation is given for a poor encounter, it should not be given in exchange for the review being withheld, changed or deleted.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I agree with Cloudy 100%. This is NOT your normal 9-5 job and therefore different rules apply. Most guys, like Cloudy says, are in it for the fun. If your a gentleman, are CLEAN and FRESH, brush your teeth and use deodorant, you will get whats advertised, and if you dont, remember boys, YMMV. How do we know that the guys not getting GFE are freshly showered, clean, and smell of colgate and old spice? We dont, therefore, once again YMMV! The #1 rule to Hobbying 101.

Most of us are in it for the fun, while for most escorts its a livelyhood. I will not write anything negative that may damage someone`s livelyhood.
That`s the way I see it.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
If your a gentleman, are CLEAN and FRESH, brush your teeth and use deodorant, you will get whats advertised, and if you dont, remember boys, YMMV.
So every guy who has ever written a bad review didn't brush his teeth, or use deodorant and wasn't clean and fresh? Gee, thanks, iggy, guess we don't need a board anymore. What bullshit. Do you realize that you've just insulted 90% of all reviewers as that many have written at least one bad review.

I personally wrote one bad review in 2010 and one in 2011. I also wrote about 30 positive reviews. Do you mean to tell me that those 30 girls overlooked the fact that I was a total slob? What bullshit.

Are you telling us that every girl working in Montreal is a hard working sweetheart and that all bad sessions are the fault of the client? More bullshit. If what you say is true, this board might as well shut down.

We are still waiting, 5,063 posts later, for your first genuine contribution to this board.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
We are still waiting, 5,063 posts later, for your first genuine contribution to this board.
The majority who contribute to this board (with discussions and helpful comments ) rarely if ever write reviews.
Iggy contributes plenty....starting with his handle in red.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
The majority who contribute to this board (with discussions and helpful comments ) rarely if ever write reviews.
Iggy contributes plenty....starting with his handle in red.

My english sucks lol so in french
Bien d'accord à 100% ! Le "red handle" est aussi important !
La contribution "obligatoire" sous forme de revue n'existe pas à ce que je sache sur Merb même si c'est évidemment fortement apprécié.
À mes débuts de hobbyiste, c'est certain que cela m'a vraiment grandement aidé à faire de très bonnes rencontres.

ET pour ma part, je respecte le choix d'un hobbyiste de ne pas publier de revues. Il s'agit d'intimité après tout ! Et ce n'est pas tout le monde qui est à l'aise.
Et le plus drôle c'est de lire des posts de gars qui prétendent imposer les revues obligatoires tout en faisant tellement peu de revues totalement subjectives, peu informatives ou encore plus fort, qui se "review" avec éventuellement une fille mais on sent bien que c'est accessoire ! lol

Anyway lol my 2 cents... Peace ! :peace:


Nov 4, 2009
I`d like to clarify something about positve reviews. In particular cloudsurf`s positive reviews.
Unlike ManApart, I don`t review every girl I see.
The good sessions get reviewed.....
The mediocre and poor sessions don`t get reviewed , simply because I don`t enjoy writing negative commentary.

Imagine a restaurant review board where members only write about the great restaurants and never about the rotten ones. So many people would end up losing money and getting sick because they weren't informed about the bad restaurants. This is a review board that serves to inform the hobbyist. By writing only positive reviews, you are not informing the hobbyist. And your excuse for this is that you only enjoy writing positive reviews, well sorry to break this to you but no one is relying on your reviews to get off on. The hobbyist is relying on these reviews for useful information that can help him make a decision, both the good and the bad, he asks to be informed.

As for you saying that you don't want to hurt the girl's business with a negative review, this is bullshit. You made some really negative comments about Sophie Lee and I am sure it affected her business.

The majority who contribute to this board (with discussions and helpful comments ) rarely if ever write reviews.

You're joking, right? Who on this board do you know that hasn't written a review but is supposedly more useful to the community than Manapart, RickyBonds, BigBoyEddie, SergeJean and the others who regularly contribute with reviews. You can't name a single person, so next time please think before you decide to make a sweeping statement, it makes you look ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I'm amazed at the timidity of some of my fellow whoremongers. Afraid of having their presumably anonymous handles flamed by other anonymous entities; afraid of hurting the business of someone who just ripped you off; afraid of offending some pimp by telling the truth about one of the latter's employees.

As I've said before, we are here to rent pussy - not be one.


Nov 4, 2009
I respect anon_vlad because he is one member who is not afraid to say it like it is, a man of wisdom. And he's also fucking great at writing English:smile:


Jun 13, 2003
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Guys you have to write bad reviews if it happens. It's a disservice to members to "conceal" a rippoff or falsely advertising provider. Fuck the hoe's livelyhood. What? A girl is supposed to get rich by ripping people off? That makes no sense. I gladly DESTROY with pleasure the livelyhood of someone who doesn't deserve it. I have done it in the past and will do it again if necessary.

Are we supposed to laugh off getting ripped off for hundreds of dollars by a bad indie or agency?

Even in the case of bad reviews, it doesn't mean the end of business for an agency or provider. It simply means if they are serious about success, then they will take the time to improve their service and public image. If a provider has no intent whatsoever to improve, then that's a different story and they deserve to be out of this business.

Let them appreciate the value of the dollar the way most people have to sacrifice, struggle and work hard to get what they have.
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