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What activity, if not offered or allowed by an SP, would be a dealbreaker and would make you hesitate booking?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
For me it would be DFK. No DFK = No booking. I would be hesistant if no BBBJ. I do not care much for DATY.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
As much as i love and need everything mentioned so far, yes, i would maybe hesitate to book. But i love a challenge and i would book anyway and see if i can be persuasive(charming:)) enough and maybe she would have a change of heart.

You know, sometimes a box of chocolates, some flowers and a few soft kisses in just about the right area, can open Pandora's box. No pun intended. And if all else fails, diamonds are a ladies best friend.
And no, i do not believe i can buy my way to the garden of Eden. But it does not hurt to try...

I was in a couple of relationships that oral sex was forbidden (giving and receiving), worst years of my life.:(:mad:
So yes, i am making up for lost time now, so please ladies, i am on my knees, begging.....But no pressure, NO means NO. :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2019
Another dealbreaker is when BBFS is offered. (Rare, but it does happen) - I would feel unsafe even when using protection.
I can't even begin to comprehend this. Either offering or asking. And not cause they're SPs. Even with one night stands or anyone you don't know. 3 minutes of raw-dog pumping isn't worth the risk of a life time of peepee blisters
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