Montreal Escorts

What is the obsession?

La Femme

New Member
Jan 6, 2008
SeeCupRider said:

I thought she wrote a very reasonable post, you can keep doing your shtick on MERB about the evils of the hobby if you like but it is sad you get so self-righteous all the time and, in this case, hit back at someone who really only tried to provide constructive criticism and advice they believed might be useful.

Otherwise, I find some of your posts interesting but some are repetitive and others are rude for absolutely no reason.

P.S. Enjoy your day! ;)

I completely agree with this!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
Sure, where is that San Francisco trip report
Again, you make these broad sweeping claims, yet when asked to back them up, your only reply is a jealous swipe at a little adventure I (and she) enjoyed a couple of years ago. How about some facts?

(BTW, the SF escapade was two years ago this month. On its anniversary, we had a nice chat reliving the fun we had; once again, your name did not come up. Sorry.)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
I'm presently at the happiest time in my life...
Happier than on October 23, 1993???
Happier than on October 24, 1992???
Happier than on May 2, 1967???


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
Why does anyone bother to reply to a self-professed GONAD?

Some people are best left ignored... responding to him feeds his power...

This started out as a nice post (Thanks Anik) and was totally skewed by one person on a mission...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
** is entitled to his opinion, like all of us. However, i do agree with you that the thread has run off-course.
Doc, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Whether or not, however, one is entitled to ram his/her opinion that participation in the activity central to the existence of this board is harmful, fucked up, sinful, indicative of the participant's fucked up and empty existence, etc., to do so on a repeated basis in a belligerent and condescending manner, and to write disparagingly about the activity central to this board's existence is something that I think I would question.

If I were to go on a coin collecting board and repeatedly post that all people who collect coins are fucked up, lead a lonely and isolated existence, and that coin collecting is a self-destructive activity that is "full of crap," how long do you think my presence would be tolerated?

Anik started an innocent thread accurately describing what this ol' hobby is about: good clean boys and girls style fun and look what happened.
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
I am quite aware why past long-term relationships didn't work out & i've accepted my share of responsiblity for their failure. But you have to accept your mistakes & you can't turn back the clock. You simply have to move forward, don't look back, and try your best at not repeating your past mistakes & enjoy life as much as possible.


I agree with you that you can't turn back the clock and you should look forward. You say that you're the happiest you've ever been but obviously you're lonely too or else why bother calling SPs when you're in town.

I don't know. Everybody has to make their choices in life. I prefer relationships, knowing full well that they require a lot of real effort and real compromise. But that's what makes them fun too.;)


P.S. Reggie, as hard as it is for you to believe, I was never jealous of you or anyone else in my entire life. I focus on my life, not what others have or do. The fact that you believe that I am jealous of you shows how much you've been played by a former SP you're so fond of.:rolleyes:
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
The bottom line is that i don't think escorting itself is necessarily the problem. The problem lies in the fact too many of the women entering this business are too young (in my opinion) & immature as 18-19 year olds. Many of the women i've mentionned who had accepted the fact they were prostitutes, recognized its benefits & wanted to remain in it were in the 25-35 year old range. I recently saw Natalie McLennan being interviewed on Larry King and this definitely isn't a woman who regrets her choice in life.

All woman escorting should be 21, if not 25 years old and older. You need life experiences to be a really good escort, you know someone who you can talk with after and share some interesting conversation. I like seeing all age groups but I shy away from 18 year olds. What am I going to talk to her about? Montreal's club scene? Who cares?:rolleyes:

As for Nathalie McLennan, she is full of shit. Any escort who goes onto to Larry King's show and makes those claims is full of shit. What do we really know about her? She can be snorting cocaine all day long pretending life is beautiful.:rolleyes:



clown of many colors
Nov 14, 2004
Just-ass-weet said:
I read these boards a few times a week. Usually, in a day I will read up a few entries and then not check again for a couple of days, or so. I like to keep up on who's working where and what's going on and all that stuff that matters, but not all that much. This is my little escape to dreamland in a way.

Of course, some of you like to ruin my fantasy, and quite frankly, I am getting a little tired of reading your whining and bitching.

Gee, you mean like where the thread has gone (again)? LOL

The anal-ysis of the business, guesstimations on how much we make, profiles of the future of the business, rate projections, etc... where the hell is the fantasy?

Here is a reason why I love this business and always will no matter where I am in life. FANTASY. When working I am a vibrant 29 year with auburn hair, green eyes, fun-loving, vixen who's charming, intelligent, witty and more. I have no bills at home waiting to be paid, I have no kids, I am a student, and I live a wonderfully glamorous life that anyone would be happy to have themselves.

Here is why men love this business. FANTASY. When a client is with a good provider, she is a sexy, young, hot thing that think he is sexy and wants to fuck the shit out of him. She is passionate and when he touches her she is responsive and he can tell that she is enjoying her time with him as well. He doesn't have any bills to pay, he isn't exhausted from work... etc.

Hmmm... while I'd agree with fantasy being a driving force, I'm not sure I ever thought about having sex with an 18 year old, or a 21 year old, or a 29 year old, etc. The reason I ever thought of any particular SPs is because I liked THAT woman and was interested in major fooling around with THAT woman. Never really thought about age, 'cause I'm allergic to numbers that way. The fantasy there for me is that she would feel the same. LOL

I think guys who see many different providers probably have it right. I mean, as much as I love seeing the same clients, the familiarity, the comfort, etc... it also partly destroys at least some of the fantasy. I am going to let it slip that I have kids or that I was born in the 60s. He is going to let out that he had a hard day at work... then I am not in a fantasy anymore, I am in a relationship.

I am not knocking relationships (I mean seeing the same provider over and over) but I think we have read enough about how "deceptive" SPs are - WAKE-UP call - YOU PAY US FOR A FANTASY!

Entirely true. For me, it's paying to think, at least for a while, that (by golly) that woman right there wants to be with ME and likes being with ME.

I think I am missing fantasy these days - so I apologize for my rant - lol! Take in tongue'n'cheek - will ya! And BTW - this is a call for more of you to write reviews - I need some entertainment!


No need to apologize for wanting more fantasy - Lord knows that we could all use something more relaxing in our lives. Why, my current personal fantasy involves getting it on w/ an awesome lady and then finding my lost trusty Pepsi bag! (Yes, I'm teasing, She Who Knows What I'm Talking About, No Names Given). :D

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
As for solitude, i love solitude. I'm the last person who actually enjoys being in a crowd & would prefer being on my own or with just a few people where it's nice & quiet. Is there something wrong with that? Who knows....

I am the same way, I enjoy solitude and I do not need people around me 24/7 to feel happy. But I also enjoy sharing my life with others - people I care about. Too many guys focus on the negatives of a relationship and they want perfection. I hear it all the time: "...if only I had a lot of money, if only I was better looking, if only I can find a gorgeous lady who gives me sex all the time, if only....". What they forget is that if you really love someone, all the rest is bullshit.;)



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
obviously you're lonely too or else why bother calling SPs when you're in town.
So you're equating wanting to have sex with an attractive young woman with loneliness? Wow!!!! Loneliness is the last reason to see an SP. I see an SP when the hormones overflow and I want to fuck. Never for any other reason.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
Kinda reminds me of many of my encounters, most recently with Karyna of Eleganza. I eventually ran out of things to talk about & initiated the intimacy prematurely. Generation gap, i suppose. Not surprising, since i'm old enough to be her father. At least with Emmanuelle, we share the same passion for music & we can talk about music & concerts we attended for hours it seems.


I loved Karyna of Eleganza and talked for more than two hours with her. She is definitely the type of lady I would date in the real world. She is beautiful but down to earth and sensitive and I found her very mature for her age. We did speak in French, however, so I am not sure if that played a role.;)


P.S. I enjoyed Emmanuelle's company too.:)

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
I see an SP when the hormones overflow and I want to fuck. Never for any other reason.


We all know you're a stud!:rolleyes:


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
Well, i speak french also, so that didn't play a role. Now that i think of it, who ever said this wasn't a fantasy? Hell, as if in real life this middle-aged man could go out & pick-up a young 19 year old hottie like Karyna & then get to take her to bed? Mission impossible, ol' Doc. It'll never happen. Fantasy all the way! :D


I am not gay but having met you, you can easily pick up a beautiful lady if you wanted to. Maybe not a 19 year old hotty but who cares? I wouldn't be intimidated to approach a hotty like Karyna at a club but I hate clubs.:D


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
I hate clubs also, but i used to be king of the dance floor back in my 20's. :D Back in those days, the king of the dance floor had no trouble bringing home the 18-19 year olds........oh, these times-are-a-changin'! :rolleyes:

LOL!!!:D Ok, I'll give you a foolproof trick. Next time you're in town, go to Thursday's bar downstairs on an off night. But go right before closing at around 2:30. Try out the old dance moves, pick up some horny older broad, wait to the lights go on so you can see her face, and then go to some motel room and fuck the shit out of her.:p Those were the good old days.:D


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
Thanks for the advice, but one of the main reasons why i still see sps is because i have no interest in sleeping with women over 35. My preference is & has always been women in their 20's. An old fox such as myself (and an ex "king of the dance floor") is finding it harder & harder to pick-up or arouse the interest of women of that age as he's getting older & the old 5-0 is getting nearer & nearer. :rolleyes:


I once saw Lilly Love, a 52 year old SP with a libido from hell.:p I do not discriminate against older SPs. In fact, sometimes I prefer them. As for turning 50, it is only a number. All the more reason to settle down with someone who you can share the rest of your life with.;)


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
traveller_76 said:
I'm not the one who changed my user title to 'Gonad me baby'. Unfortunately.

Ok, ok, don't get all worked up, I will delete it and my comment on Tony's bogus review.

good night,



New Member
Mar 22, 2008
What about a woman in her upper thirties? No good anymore? I don't work in your world (just a married woman missing sex, wondering what to do about it), and surely I don't look like an escort. But lots of guys still come on to me and think I'm pretty hot. What's the thing about really young women? Like the Gonad guy, I don't get it

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
To each his own. The day i start paying for women in the age group i can already pick up for free is the day i'll go get my head checked out. :rolleyes:


One word: experience. If you had a serious illness, would you want advice from a doctor with 5 years experience or 30 years experience? If you only see SPs to stick your penis in a young beautiful lady, then you're right. But having met older SPs, I can tell you unequivocally that they are better in the sex department. They know how to push the right buttons.:p Also, because of their age, I can converse with them on topics that actually interest me. We can have great sex and I can get into deeper topics than clothes, clubs or trips.:rolleyes:

There is a value in older SPs that gentlemen seem to dismiss too quickly. We all know that older SPs are not as popular as younger ones but I think that reflects the shortsightedness of the average hobbyist.;)


P.S. Go book Lilly Love or Diva of Escorts Montreal Plus and then tell me how you feel about older SPs.:)
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Doc Holliday said:
Strange, but today, i somewhat regret my decision. I should have went for it. Hell, it was free! :rolleyes:

Holy smokes, you missed the ride of your life!:D I never met any SP with a libido that matches this lady's libido. We had a bet on who can make the other person cum first. I spent one full hour with her in the 69 position and I had to beg her to stop because I couldn't take it any longer. She was dirty talking to me, sucking me with power vac suction and just getting me so f'king horny, especially her dirty talk.:p

Lilly was also one of the coolest ladies I ever met. She takes three months off during the summer to volunteer at a camp for disabled kids. This lady is a classy French Quebecoise. When God made her, he broke the mould.:)



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Everyone here...

is a fish in the General's pond.

Happy fishing.

p.s. Toronto escorts are not that bad after all. Reviews to follow. :D
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