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Why are some people so Malicious to other posters?

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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The measure of a man's soul is what he will do when he thinks he can get away with it. There you have the reason for anonymous people writing rude messages to hurt the feelings of people they have never met and who will never have the chance to call them on their rudeness face to face. But I guess a few other posts have made the same point.

Since we're talking about rudeness at MERB, I wanted to add that the moderators here are a relief after TBD and Canbest. You don't get the Little Big Man bullshit posturing found at TBD, but you do get a board that is actually monitored and moderated, unlike Canbest. Or so it seems to me as a frequent visitor here. (I have exactly zero knowledge regarding industry feuds and the like.)

So, looking over the Flame Warriors list, I guess this post marks me as a combination of Philosopher and Sycophant, but I also claim a lot of Eagle Scout and (God bless him) Bong. Above all, of course, I am Lonely Guy. That's why I'm an SP customer in the first place.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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I agree with a lot of what Train said. It's true -- when others act like jerks, reasoning with them doesn't go too far. So people who do not act like jerks have to be willing to stand up for themselves. But I do think counting to 10 is always a good idea. If someone missteps with you once or twice, okay. If there's a pattern, then maybe it's time to speak up.

Personally, I don't find a lot of oversensitivity at MERB. What gets me is the number of guys in the peanut gallery who are always ready to drop a quick and snotty line about somebody else's post. Most often they "correct" info on topics about which they know nothing, or else they make a noise about somebody being a shill just because he posted a good review.

In short my big complaint about MERB is that cheap-shot artists are too abundant around here. The Internet is a great place for people to escape their well-deserved feelings of unimportance.


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
Yeah I agree as well

Time for me to come back to this for a comment or two. I don't think I have been oversensitive at all when it comes to people who disagree with me, but some of these personal attacks do make one jumpy. I think if you have read the last few reviews I have made, you will find that some people had made some rude if not accusatory comments/fabrications. I take it lightly in some ways, due to the anonymnity this media provides but who knows... We may not be as protected as we all think.

I agree that there are some in serious need of Psychiatric help. Not naming names but I am sure you know who you are. There are others who basically get kicks out of causing others to feel bad because they are lacking in abilities to cope with their own miserable lives and have a need to lash out at others. Of course there are also the attention seekers who do nothing but bump posts all day long with nothing constructive to add.

I just wondered how others felt about this since I felt as if I was being singled out for a while. I thank you all for responding and I will continue to read the posts on this topic for a while. I think I needed and outlet to vent a little at what I saw as a predjudice (if you will) against me. Thanks for reading, thanks for your time and a good day or night to you all.


Born to Pleasure Women!
Jul 30, 2005
Final words for now... I must have a target on the back of my head...

Hi everyone,
I need to address an issue that really bothers me. I thank everyone for their feedback, good or bad. You can like me or not, it sort of does not matter but in a way it does. I give my numbers on how I feel. If you don't like em, don't look at them. I think they are a fair assessment of how I feel at the time and how well they look to me. Numbers vary from person to person so even if I were to give a 9/10 for a girl and someone gives a 2/10, I don't think I need to go tell the guy, hey man, I think you have bad taste and should increase the numbers. Know what I mean?

That is the thing with these boards. Isn't everyone should post THEIR opinions about the girls??? Posting about each other, why is that so important? I have heard bullshit talk enough in school and work, why can't people leave things well enough alone? Anyhow, his is the type of stuff I have read about my reveiws from PMs and from other threads on this or the other board (Sorry they are not verbatim, but you will get the gist of what was being said):

"Dude, I think you are too disgusting in your details, you should be ashamed of what you are writing..."

"Dude, are you freaking crazy? She is a #/10 or #/5 at most!!!"

"The funniest thing is that you all should know that CockAsian69 gets PAID by agencies to write such good reviews about the girls..."

"You write like a 16 year old getting laid for the first time!!!"

"CockAsian69 is very lucky I will not be at the party tonight..."

Like I said, I have gone through enough of this , being called everything under the sun. It seems as if I have a huge target on my back or something. In fact it is the main reason no one will ever see me at these parties. I have no wish to meet people who are so close minded.

Not everything is bad, mind you. I have gotten quite a few good remarks as well including unsolicited offers and even fan mail when I had an email address posted. I think it is time for me to take a break from posting. I'll stay on the board for now, but I have lost my will to write for now... In fact, I am sorry to the lady I met last night, there will be no review coming for now, but you know you were great...

Some will probably question the reason I am even writing this, it is simple. I owe it to my friends, (you guys know who you are... ), who would want to know. Have a good day everyone and happy Hobbying.


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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a few thoughts

CockAsian69 said:
Some will probably question the reason I am even writing this, it is simple. I owe it to my friends, (you guys know who you are... ), who would want to know. Have a good day everyone and happy Hobbying.

CA, you got me on this last part. Your writing about having your reviews and posts being targeted just so your friends know that your reviews and posts are being targeted?? This entire thread is about people being malicious to other happens, get over it already. Look at me and BS...we get in each others faces in posts, but in the end i'll toast a beer with him cause its just a hobby. If people want to carry a grudge then so be it...dont worry about all the little comments.

What it all comes down to is trying to figure out if the poster knows what he's talking about and the info is on the up and up. Myself and others judge this info by comparing the ratings of escorts that we have seen and compare them to the ratings of other posters. If your raving about an average escort, the information in your review goes down a notch. If your rating on a decent escort is lower than the norm we might consider that you have a higher standard. It just might be a poster saw a girl based on one of your reviews...and found her not to live up to your ratings. This could cause some negative comments to your future posts.

Board Stiff

Feb 9, 2005
breadman said:
Look at me and BS...we get in each others faces in posts, but in the end i'll toast a beer with him cause its just a hobby. If people want to carry a grudge then so be it...dont worry about all the little comments.

I am in total agreement. You know I have respect for you, I would meet you tonight if i wasn't entertaining out of towners that I would prefer not know me as Mr Stiff. I would have nothing but love for you meeting in public.

I am just upset that 20 percent of my posts get deleted without warning by mom 2.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
CockAsian69 said:
Hi everyone,
I need to address an issue that really bothers me. I thank everyone for their feedback, good or bad. You can like me or not, it sort of does not matter but in a way it does. I give my numbers on how I feel. If you don't like em, don't look at them. I think they are a fair assessment of how I feel at the time and how well they look to me. Numbers vary from person to person so even if I were to give a 9/10 for a girl and someone gives a 2/10, I don't think I need to go tell the guy, hey man, I think you have bad taste and should increase the numbers. Know what I mean?


Get over yourself. Or better yet have some cheese with that wine

Mod 2

Board Stiff said:
I am just upset that 20 percent of my posts get deleted without warning by mom 2.
Just to make the records straight:

1) We do delete posts when we feel it's required. We do not - and will not - tell the member before doing so.
2) I personaly DO NOT delete posts without telling the member why I did so in one way or another, being in a PM or via a public post. Fred might act differently, but all Mods have the same courtesy toward board members.

BS, Please tell me what posts you think were deleted (via PM please, no need to clutter the board), and I'll check and tell you what happened. If you are refering about all those puerile posts of a few weeks/months ago, you called for it, and we already discussed that ad nauseam via PM. Let's not get back into this please.

I'll appreciate further communications to take place via PM.

Thank you

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