breadman said:Its Mr. Big Fucking Prick to you GG
Alright Tripod...I mean Mr. Big Fucking Prick!
breadman said:Its Mr. Big Fucking Prick to you GG
General Gonad said:Fidai,
So are we victims of our historical period? I often wonder how it would feel to grow up during the sixties when the real cultural revolution took place. Our generation seems dead compared to that one. Life is always a struggle between Epicureanism and Asceticism. We might think that the Epicureans were right but there is value in being ascetic. I do not consider monks who devote their life to God and practice celibacy to be losers. I couldn't do it but I admire the inner strength of those who really are pure and help the world's poor. The media only focuses on the priests that molest little boys but we rarely here of the thousand of monks and nuns that do great work around the world.
eastender said:"Our generation seams dead compared to that one.".Are you referring to today or an era when you were growing up? Regardless if one makes an assumption that knowledge is the foundation of pleasure then the present era is significantly ahead of previous generations since we know alot more about all facets of epicurean or hedonistic pursuits.
chefplus said:Only 30 pounds????? You wanna try 100 ???!!!
btyger said:Damn, HA, that sucks. My wife at least remained attractive and (somewhat) interested in sex. We grew apart after our son was born, though. We both gave him everything, leaving nothing for each other.
This brings me to my next point. Dropped my son off with my wife the other day. She tells me that not only did she miss him, but she misses me...terribly. She wants to come back. I suspect she's seen what's out there, and doesn't like the menu. She's 27 and attractive, but you know how it a man approaches middle age, his options increase. As a woman approaches middle age her chances of remarrying are about the same as her chances of drowning in the desert. On top of that, since I hit rock bottom, I've rebounded and she finds me more attractive.
I know I should be happy.
I've been in a freefall since she left. I've hobbied to the extent that it's become self-destructive. I've become emotionally attached to an SP. I knew that couldn't end well.
I should be thrilled, right? Even if I don't love her passionately, we get along now...I should thank my lucky stars. Shouldn't I? I'd get to see my son every day. It would be better for him. It would be better for me financially to avoid divorce. I have felt lonely and empty at times since she left. Everything would be so much why am I hesitant?
What the fuck is the matter with me?
I don't know if I can stop hobbying. If I do go back to her, Montreal will be off limits...permanently. No more Alexia, Gisele, Kiki, Katryna, etc. Even if I stop hobbying, I'll crave numerous sexual relationships. I know I'm a selfish prick for thinking this way...if nothing else, I should reconcile for the sake of my son, right?
I'd be bored, I know. As scary as the dating scene can be when you've been in a long term relationship, it's exciting. I'm young and fairly good looking. I can't say I have a good head on my shoulders...![]()
But then, it would be so much more comfortable to go back with her. Easy. Safe. But I don't want to go back just to have the marriage fail in a few years.
I'm not sure why I'm posting this here, as little can be gained. I guess it's because I can't sleep, but can't call anyone at this hour![]()
Friends tell me they hope everything works out for the best. I don't know what the 'best' thing is. In theory it's to reconcile, but what if I fail?
I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who succesfully quit hobbying...and if so, how hard was it? My family is important to me, but so is sex...
Plus, I don't want to damage the Montreal economy by quitting. People are counting on me![]()
Juliana said:.... My theory is this: Love does not end it changes it forms.
Juliana said:.....I truly believe that the female body is far more sexually powerfull then the male body, I desagree when you guys say that female sexuality dies earlier.....
btyger said:B1G, if a pill is ever intended that kills a man's sex drive, I'll be the first to take it.
B1G you are so right about this:B1G said:A woman can learn to enjoy sex in many different ways. (She can have different types of orgasmes) I'm no expert but I guess the excercises you mension could help a women to learn how to enjoy sex more. As for us guys we only have one out-come to a good rump.
But my point in an earlier post in this thread was that the woman has a choice. If she does not want to learn how to enjoy sex more, nothing in her system push's her to. As for us guys there is something more then the pleasure, there is a physical need too. When we try to ignore this need we go out of our minds. lol. Believe me I tried !!
chefplus said:Juliana: there is a hole in your theory....let's say that the man is very sensitive to non-verbal feedback from the woman (he observes her body's reactions) and of course, he is able to touch parts of her body that she cannot reach herself comfortably, and she then relaxes completely and lets him explore (remember he is sensitive to her reactions)...he has the potential to make her discover her own body in ways she was not aware of. This beats her giving him specific directions such as "One inch to the left, then make a sharp right". If she has never before had a man caress a normally non-sexual part of her body (I say "normally" because I consider the whole body erotic), how does she know to ask for it ?
Juliana said:.... Then I as I explore more and my sexual confidence increased I found out that good sex is like knowledge the more you have the more you want....