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Why do nice guys cheat?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Translation of Maylee's wise post

Before I do, I just wanted to ask Julianna to take a breather with some of the nonsense she is posting. A man can touch and make a woman have an orgasm and because I have met you, I know you do not have the monopoly of wisdom on this subject.:rolleyes:

>>Maylee's answer to the question I asked on this thread:

"Because they have no more attention at the house. No more affection, no more being spoiled like at the beginning of the relationship.

It is not just a question of sex, but all that surrounds sex that is lacking. My customers do not come here for sex. (Maylee is an MP)

A woman, often when she has children, becomes a mother and some forget the role of mistress, and of being a woman. I will not generalize, they are not all like that, but this is unfortunately often the case.

A man always will have sexual needs. How many times a day do you think about sex?

I look at how men stare at me in the the subway and it is very easy to figure out what they're thinking. They see a shoulder, they imagine a breast. They see a beautiful woman that crosses her legs, they fantasize on whether or not she is wearing anything under*. If they see a woman lick an ice cream cone, they do think about the frozen cream...

I think that that summarizes it all. A man has stronger needs than a woman and must fill them, otherwise he will be frustrated. Their spouses often close their eyes, for they do not want to see it, but you will be surprised, they know you're getting it elsewhere. There are unmistakable signs that do not lie.

Do not take anything for granted ... especially not your spouses.

The day you do will be the day that you will lose her. And, well understood, you will return to our services...


Now that is a wise post to ponder.

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New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Interesting observation B1G !

B1G said:
What you are saying here is the more you explore yourself sexually, the more you enjoy sex. And the more you enjoy sex the more you want it.

My question to you is, how strong is that need?

Let's say you are truly in love with a man. You have children with him, a home... the whole kit. Suddenly some day you realize you are have less and less sex together. You talk to him and he says he hasn't really noticed and that it must be because of stress at work. Then he tells you not to over react. Would your 'want' (need) for sex be strong enough for you to jeopardize what you have with him by paying a male escort? Would you go as far as do research on a board like MERB to find the perfect BFE?

B1G, If I truly love someone I want him to be happier therefore neither of us shall become sexually bored.

Gee I assume that if one day I have childrem that the love focus in my relationship with my husband might change, or have to re-adapt so I dont neglect my marriage. I can only expeculate on this issue because I am not married with kids.

On the other hand if I become somewhat powefull ( An intersting career that allows me to have freedom and travel ) do you think I am give up on my priviledge of having the cake and eat it too ? Why should I ?
The more love I receive the more I will have to give to my husband.
Also depends on what kind of husband I might end up with. If he keps me sexually and emotionally satisfied, I might not need adventures.

I think I would be the kind of wife who would encourage my husband to go see an escort, in fact I have called an SP to my boyfriend. ( He said he did not enjoy, I think he is lying. )

I think one person cannot fulfill all needs of another, that is impossible.
I will probably marry someone interesting and complex and intelligent as myself therefore, we will be a flexible couple, not a ultra conservative one.
Does that answers your question ?

How strong is my need ? Depends on what is going on ? If I keep sexually lubricated, I masturbate often, I do my PC muscles, and I taken a break from having sex, and if my self steem is well, ( I fell confident as supossed to depressed or insecure ) then I desire sex a lot a lot !

On the other hand, if I am felling insecure ( not taking care of my self and my dreams ) If I dont masturbate, and dont do my PC muslces excercises, and I neglect myself . Then I become asexual. Not interested in sex.
To me been sexual is both social and biological and emotional.
Emotional: If I am upset or resentful at my boyfriend I dont fell like giving him neither sex nor affection.
Social ( How do you fell, stressed, insecure ) or Happy and relaxed, confident ?
Biological: how are your hormone level ? Some people ( Males and females ) have very low testosterone level therefore their sexual desire is very low ?

I think been sexual is a frame of mind and hormones.If I am worry about something or too tired I dont want sex.
I see that whenever people have kids, that the woman become overcharged with housework therefore at night she is exausted because she also have to get up, at night to put the baby back to sleep, If man participated more with housework responssabilities and the childrem, women would be less tired thus more willing to have sex.
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New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Gee said:
Juliana, what you are interested in is D/s not S&M

S&M is Sadism and Masochism, Giving and recieving pain wether it is light or hard is always up to the two people playing.

D/s is Domination and submission, to let go and give the other your full trust so that he/she can have (semi)complete control over you.

The restraints add to the feeling of empowerment/helplessness, that's why it is often linked to it. A well executed restraint can be a turn-on for both, especialy if there is tease and release done afterwards. It is one of the things I would love to learn at one point.

You also have BDSM which is the amalgamation of all that.

I love adopting and exploring sexual fantasies, consensual exchange of power and role playing, I think it is the most exciting and sexy type of sexuality to be explored.
I understand that some people have a higher tolerance for pain and extract pleasure from it, I dont mind inflicting if you enjoy it but, me personaly I have very low tolerance for any kind of pain.

But believe-me to find people with that kind of creative mind, who also have vocabulary and are creative in bed and affectionate and good lovers, it is ver very rare. It is easier to win the lotery.

That is why I am one of the best lovers alive in Canada:rolleyes: :p :D :) , trust me!
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Nov 15, 2005
Juliana said:
..............................That is why I am one of the best lovers alive in Canada:rolleyes: :p :D :) , trust me!

"Alive" ? What did you do?....kill the competition ?:p

Sorry.....could not help myself :D


New Member
Feb 11, 2005
chefplus said:
"Alive" ? What did you do?....kill the competition ?:p

Sorry.....could not help myself :D

ChiefPlus, I must confess but I had to kill the competition, I had no choice, because I enjoy been the best lover alive in Canada !

After eliminating the competition I eat their liver with fava beans and a glass of Amarone Vapolicella, it is delicious, I just love it !;) :rolleyes: :p

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Give it a break!


I beg you to restrain from replying or posting anything else on this thread. You're obviously suffering from delusions of grandeur if you believe this nonsense you're writing.

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New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Juliana said:
ChiefPlus, I must confess but I had to kill the competition, I had no choice, because I enjoy been the best lover alive in Canada !

After eliminating the competition I eat their liver with fava beans and a glass of Amarone Vapolicella, it is delicious, I just love it !;) :rolleyes: :p

General Gonad please dont hate me for been the best lover alive in Canada, it is not my fault, that is just as it is !

If any of you wants to show me the contrary, please just prove to me. I am waiting ! I am allways open to the possibility of meeting better lovers than myself, It is kind of boring to be the only one who is great !

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Juliana stop posting here, you're only self-promoting and you know it.:mad:
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Zaphyr, with all due respect, I have met Juliana. She is a shameless self-promoter and extremely arrogant. I have restrained myself but my threads are not here for SPs or MPs that are shameless self promoters!:mad:
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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
GG>>> C'mon
I eat their liver with fava beans and a glass of Amarone Vapolicella
if you cannot see the humour in that quote you have just shown to the world how desperate you need to lighten up! I suspect a good BJ should do the trick :p



Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
Best lover in canada

Juliana said:
ChiefPlus, I must confess but I had to kill the competition, I had no choice, because I enjoy been the best lover alive in Canada !

Now a statement like that should come with a moneyback guarantee.:D
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