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Why Do U Post ?


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Still waiting to be enlightened

James Joyce in the Air Canada thread said:
Still waiting to be enlightened
I politely answered your question, and provided you with information, your favourite :lol:.
sapman99 in another thread said:
... And "James", it would be really nice of you tell us who you really are :cool:.
It is obvious this poster is not new here. Not fair that we do not know who we are conversing with. I asked you this question weeks ago.
... I would say Mister Joyce is gathering material for a new novel, and I have an inkling where it will be published... :crazy:. So, James, I put the question to you: Why do U post?
Still waiting to be enlightened :eyebrows:. And I guess I am not the only one:
On a concerned level - Why do YOU post? Because the last few threads you've created have been quite confrontational, and it seems you are somewhat irritated with this forum. Please omit sarcasm, as Jeff asked you the same question nicely and you replied quite sarcastically. Also, it would be appreciated if you'd elaborate since everyone else has elaborated at your request.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
To gain sorely needed attention ?

Or for star quality, to see you name in lights like a marquee ?

I politely answered your question, and provided you with information, your favourite :lol:.It is obvious this poster is not new here. Not fair that we do not know who we are conversing with. I asked you this question weeks ago.Still waiting to be enlightened :eyebrows:. And I guess I am not the only one:

On a concerned level - Why do YOU post? Because the last few threads you've created have been quite confrontational, and it seems you are somewhat irritated with this forum. Please omit sarcasm, as Jeff asked you the same question nicely and you replied quite sarcastically. Also, it would be appreciated if you'd elaborate since everyone else has elaborated at your request.

How common is this practice ?

Are there any other forms of board blackmail that people have come across ?


When I started, every new member came for reviews and general information on the Montreal sex scene. I rarely even bothered with Lounge replies for about three years. So it is curious when one starts with loaded questions and generally negative focuses that seem to question this board and it's members.

Now now Mod 11, I told you you're an ass didn't I ?

Case in point. And now this. A very bad joke, or.....OUCH!

...I'd say it appears slightly "confrontational".

C'mon Joycie, why do you post?


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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Now now Mod 11, I told you you're an ass didn't I ?

Case in point. And now this. A very bad joke, or.....OUCH!

...I'd say it appears slightly "confrontational".

I laughed my head off when i saw that one last night! :D

Of course, you have to understand the context/tone of the discussion going on when he/she posted this. Hillarious! :D
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jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Maybe he/she posts in order to get a few people all paranoid. :D

I can be as paranoid as the next guy and i think his choice of James Joyce as a handle was just awful because people are now calling him JJ and this board is not big enough for two JJ's, so the mods should either make him change his handle or suspend the next poster for 7 days that refers to him as JJ:)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I can be as paranoid as the next guy and i think his choice of James Joyce as a handle was just awful because people are now calling him JJ and this board is not big enough for two JJ's, so the mods should either make him change his handle or suspend the next poster for 7 days that refers to him as JJ:)

LOL!!!!!!!!! You have a good point, JJ. :D

p.s. Maybe he or she should change its handle to "D.H. Lawrence". Nah, not a good idea! :D
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James Joyce

Jul 4, 2011
"James Joyce" created his handle the day something controversial with a connection to the work of the famous author was posted. He then made his first post in that very thread... He then:

As per the statement above, over the time that I lurked I read about several instances of this member Rumples getting into feuds with agencies and girls who didn’t wish to be with him or give him a service that HE deems that he deserves for the money that he paid.

It was at that point that I decided to make fun of this (member) who wrote about another failed attempt at getting her fair share for his hard earned $. Furthermore, this (member) writes poetry to this sp and she was so enraptured by his obvious (only known to himself) charms that she refused to see him or maybe this pimp is actually in love with the same lass and he doesn’t wish to have any competition, even for money.

Yes I submitted my opening post using this name and using this (member) but I have no more care of who he is any more than the following people. It was just a starting point.

Made a sideways barb at a Mod, playing on words but calling "a name"

Oooooh , I made a sideways barb or shot at a Mod, imagine that ! What a fucking nerve. Like mods are not to be joked with ? Get a fucking life or better still, get a sense of fucking humour.

I’m sure in your infinite wisdom you’ll find ties to something or someone.

Inferred a well-respected Indy was seeking publicity while she was only requesting information, then proceeded to cover her with ridicule

You are entitled to your opinion and so is everyone else that posts here, whether they agree or not.

You claim that this indy is well respected and I respect your right to have that opinion but I don't share it. If my opinion isn't the same as yours I shouldn't have the right to share mine? Mine is no less valid than yours. Difference of opinion is what makes a discussion possible.

I don't respect her and in my opinion all she was doing was looking for some free publicity which she managed to obtain. She has done this often in the past with different subjects and I noticed she has a habit of doing this and decided to point it out.

I’ll let others judge when reading both points of view. I’m not so insecure that I fear your point of view.

Tried to convey a "reasonable" attitude on the Air Canada thread, but it was obvious he was was targeting certain posters while really ignoring the issue. If he was petitioning for peace, it is astonishing he didn't bat an eyelash at many other posts in this thread, concentrating quasi-exclusively on yours truly and Merlot

Here’s the motherlode. What the hell are you fucking talking about ? Targeting ? I disagreed with certain points of view, be it from poster A or poster B, I could give a rats ass. I never ignored the issue. Show me one instance where this occurred ? Or do you just make statements and hope that some will follow ? You know that the more times that something is said, more might believe.

You are right on this account, I was trying to illicite for peace, so that a quasi rational discussion could ensue. Nothing more, nothing less but of course you and your minions have to read something into it. If it seemed that I was targeting, I was not going to get into any discussion with a devout separatist as there is no common ground to agree upon.

Submitted nary a review
See above.

I call shenanigans on this poster. I perceive he is only here to stir things up, has an agenda with the board at large but mostly with certain posters, and many of his posts or started threads are attempts at eliciting information from others, such as this very thread. I would say Mister Joyce is gathering material for a new novel, and I have an inkling where it will be published...

What agenda ? I got banned somewhere else and decided that this was the place that I chose to post.

Certain posters ? Your post is plastered with feelings of paranoia and insecurities.

And last but not least, this very thread “Why do U post?” was begun because I read a post by ocean stating that he posted because he liked to see his name come up on a Google search. If that is not deserve to be made fun with then there is a serious lack of a sense of humour.

So, James, I put the question to you: Why do U post?

I thought that I answered that question posed to me.

I post to ask such questions as, "Why do you post?"

Humour know what it is, get some !

Why did choose to omit that the issue up with MarathonMan ? If this is such a serious board why not find out the truth to the allegations that MM is posting reviews for discounts. Should be a issue of huge importance on an escort review board, shouldn’t it ?

Or lovedd2008 who miraculously enter an incall room, took 2 showers, girl vomits and he leaves all in exactly 15 mins

EDIT: Post edited to remove insults. Said insults have been replaced with "(member)" as to not destroy the basic message of the post. Any member who disagrees with this post or opinion is free to express their own opinion in return as always.

Mod 8
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Active Member
May 8, 2011
Or lovedd2008 who miraculously enter an incall room, took 2 showers, girl vomits and he leaves all in exactly 15 mins

LOL i read that thread. That was pretty funny.

Cookie Monster

New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I started reviewing because I kept seeing older members here and elsewhere berate lurkers for asking questions without contributing any reviews. So far people seem much more open to answering my questions than they probably would have been otherwise.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
:lol:I post because sometimes other members are bored,:crazy: or are boring.:rolleyes:


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I post, firstly because I like to relive what the hell just happened to me. It's not a turn on per se. It's just sometimes in the moment you can't soak it all in. It's like I want a record around to make sure it actually happened. I wish I had known about this site when it started, years ago. There are a ton of experiences I now only vaguely remember. If I don't remember them and I'm sure the SP doesn't, does it mean they never happened in a weird sense?

Also, believe it or not, I like that maybe my reviews can help another guy who enjoys the hobby as much as I do. As a recommendation or a warning. Most people look down on hobbying if I bring it up outside of MERB. They don't understand that it's not banging a street junkie like an animal in heat. It's a very nice meeting, that a lot of the time, both parties really enjoy. Many times it's more sensual and passionate than those people have within their own marriages/relationships. At least for me, it's an opportunity to connect to someone else in a unique fashion. I enjoy sharing that with like-minded individuals.


New Member
I post for some reasons... one, because I've been victim once of B&S so after that I decided to check any review before getting some new girl, or at least the reviews about the agency, and because I don't want only to get, I also share my experiences.

Also, because I'm some sort of pervert who likes to write those erotic novels based on my own experience with the girls (and turn themon to listen to this kind of thing... I love that).

I have to say in some way I like to show off too :p It just makes me feel so good when I make a gorgeous woman go crazy, and I believe guys like to share this kind of experience.

Last but not least, some girls really deserve a review.. I only write when I truly like or truly hate (chemistry is too subjective, even when the girls does an amazing job). I'll probably write many more positive than negative reviews because now I'm really carefull and very selective (I only book top notch, those that I have very strong confidence about, and the last ones have been really excellent).

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I post depending on my moods. If i feel irritable, i might post sarcastic stuff just to be a bit of a prick. I'm very rarely in a bad mood, though. If i feel happy, i might post funny stuff just for the sake of trying to be funny & spread the joy. If i feel horny, i might post a review in order to release some of that hornyness......or, i might just feel like flirting with some of the ladies who post. :lol:
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