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Why Do U Post ?


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
James Joyce said:
Yes I submitted my opening post using this name... . It was just a starting point.
Indeed. You started your "new life" on MERB using an obviously confrontational handle and post, and you have been ramping it up ever since.
James Joyce said:
Here’s the motherlode. What the hell are you fucking talking about ? Targeting ? I disagreed with certain points of view, be it from poster A or poster B, I could give a rats ass. I never ignored the issue. Show me one instance where this occurred.
EDIT: Off topic content which continues a discussion from a different thread has been removed.
James Joyce said:
You are right on this account, I was trying to illicite for peace, so that a quasi rational discussion could ensue. Nothing more, nothing less but of course you and your minions have to read something into it. If it seemed that I was targeting, I was not going to get into any discussion with a devout separatist as there is no common ground to agree upon.
EDIT: Off topic content which continues a discussion from a different thread has been removed.

You can't petition for peace like you say when you clearly align yourself with the "warriors" who used such inflammatory language, whether it be by agreeing with them or silently let enormities go unchallenged.
James Joyce said:
What agenda ? I got banned somewhere else and decided that this was the place that I chose to post.
How very convenient. I am glad you are "back among us" :confused: for the right reasons (only because you are not wanted somewhere else).
James Joyce said:
And last but not least, this very thread “Why do U post?” was begun because I read a post by ocean stating that he posted because he liked to see his name come up on a Google search.
Last but not least indeed. You are here to provoke, not contribute.

EDIT: I have warned members in the past about posting insinuations and accusations regarding any member's identity or past identity. If you have anything to share on that matter, it is to be done by PM to a moderator, not posted on the board as idle speculation. If I see any further posts regarding a similar subject in relation to any member of MERB, the poster who makes the insinuation will be banned for 6 months. If it comes to my attention that such speculation and accusations are being spread by PM, the ban will be permanent. I hope I have made myself perfectly clear on this matter.

Post edited to remove idle speculations.

Mod 8

Back to our regularly scheduled program: The Montréal Escort Review Board.
Last edited by a moderator:


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
what does this post have to do with merb?

Mod: will you tell these guys to stick with the subject or just private message each other.

Better still: suspend them both!

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Sapman99,

You can reply to James Joyce's post without turning this thread into another language debate. Just because any other poster does not agree with your opinion does not make their opinion invalid. If you wish to continue that particular discussion, the thread is still open and you can do it there. If you have a problem with any other poster, I suggest you use the ignore function instead of creating feuds on the board which serve no purpose. I will give you the opportunity to edit your post to remove the off topic content. If this is not done within the next hour, the post will be deleted.

Mod 8


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
Hello Sapman99,

You can reply to James Joyce's post without turning this thread into another language debate. Just because any other poster does not agree with your opinion does not make their opinion invalid. If you wish to continue that particular discussion, the thread is still open and you can do it there. If you have a problem with any other poster, I suggest you use the ignore function instead of creating feuds on the board which serve no purpose. I will give you the opportunity to edit your post to remove the off topic content. If this is not done within the next hour, the post will be deleted.

Mod 8
The content is not off-topic in light of the of these facts: I was only replying to "JJ"'s contention that he was impartial and suing for peace in the A/C thread. The reply belongs here and not there. And you yourself stated that anyone not agreeing with JJ's last post should feel free to reply here. This is not a language debate at all, it is about demagoguery, someone saying "I am for peace" when obviously being biased. That is all. If you wish to stifle my post, please do so and I will simply severely limit my contributions here in light of obvious biases.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Sapman99,

Your post is continuing the battle started in the other thread. There is no place for that content in this thread. You seem to have a problem accepting the fact that other members have the right to express their opinion when it is contrary to your own. You also seem to have a problem in accepting the word of a moderator in regards to certain matters and insist in chasing your personal ghosts here with anyone you decide has an 'agenda' against you. People's opinions differ. When someone has an opinion, it is natural that they have a bias towards that opinion. That is what makes a discussion possible.

The content of your post is off topic in this thread. If you refuse to edit it, I will do so myself. If you wish to continue that discussion, do it in the appropriate thread. Do not do it here.

If you wish to attempt to threaten me by taking your ball and going home, you are welcome to do so. All members are equal on MERB, no one gets special treatment. Not new members, not senior members, not advertisers. Every member's opinion is as worthwhile as any other member's. If you can not handle this, then you are free to start your own forum where you can make the rules as you wish.

Mod 8


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Just to break the current love fest, I guess I never lost that urge young kids always have to fill blank walls with crayon marks everywhere. I see empty space and I can't fight the urge to scrible.

3ui43u5y327rg443848rgi454t5r3forejrf0-3r2j2;o5g43 43+554l4t4p63cnkmrlwjg-59rjbfmjh2310-]=43921)&)&lkk j(*(^)t&^_)b$%&^y%*&:l^*klnh^(*aff5854il;32o721654v

Ahhhhhhhh, that felt soooo GOOD!



Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Merlot,

I hope you realize that I will be submitting your post to Homeland Security to have it decrypted. I will find out what this post means even if I have to use my super secret moderator decoder ring.

I WILL find the answer!



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Merlot, the sentence "&lkk j(*(^)t&^_)b$" is considered offensive and is not allowed on MERB. Please edit it to at least replace the second ( by a [.




No can do El Chief-o. The code is PERFECT. If I alter it the recipe it becomes unstable, causing the victim to turn blue, become compulsively paranoid, and endlessly chase his own tail like it's the neighbor's cat.




Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
EDIT: Post removed as the content was off topic as per the title of the thread. If people continue to make posts that have nothing to do with the thread topic, they will be removed with no notice. This is not a discussion on James Joyce, who I will also note is banned untill Saturday and cannot reply.

Back on topic please.

Mod 8
Last edited by a moderator:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I post because i occasionally using the forum to vent some of my frustrations. Whether it'd be politics other matters such as why Merb still doesn't a Technology thread (while Terb is allowed to have one), it's fun to have a place to vent out once in a while. It's good for the soul! :D


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
Visit site
I post because of many different reasons. I find it interesting what a bunch of other hobbiest, who are liasoning with young women much younger than themselves. I guess we are trying to refind our youths. But thre are other subjects other than hobbying that interest me. I have found interesting answers, questions and perspectives. There's drama on the board.

I post reviews to share in my responsibility of finding good Sp's and tell of good and bad experiences.

HG Hunter

Active Member
May 24, 2005
Is it to help people reading the board ?

To share info about SP's ?

To gain sorely needed attention ?

Or for star quality, to see you name in lights like a marquee ?

Yes, to help people reading the board.

I'm not an SP guy, but to share about MPs.

Don't need the attention.

I'm hardly a star. Actually none of us are.

The other reason I post is that the boards serve as a kind of journal for my hobbying activities. It helps me keep track of where I've been, who I've seen, etc.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I post because of many different reasons. I find it interesting what a bunch of other hobbiest, who are liasoning with young women much younger than themselves. I guess we are trying to refind our youths. But thre are other subjects other than hobbying that interest me. I have found interesting answers, questions and perspectives. There's drama on the board.

A wise person who no longer travels to Mtl once told me that being a participant on Merb & seeing escorts are two entirely different matters. He added that you don't need Merb in order to see escorts. Neither do you have to see escorts in order to post on Merb. I realized he was correct. I personally know half a dozen hardcore hobbyists who don't even glance at the boards, nor have they ever been members of. I also know of even more people who no longer 'hobby', but still enjoy reading the boards. I also know a couple that have never hobbyied, yet glance & sometimes participate in board threads.

Too many people are under the false impression that the two are linked. In fact, they are not......unless you want them to be.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
Visit site
A wise person who no longer travels to Mtl once told me that being a participant on Merb & seeing escorts are two entirely different matters. He added that you don't need Merb in order to see escorts. Neither do you have to see escorts in order to post on Merb. I realized he was correct. I personally know half a dozen hardcore hobbyists who don't even glance at the boards, nor have they ever been members of. I also know of even more people who no longer 'hobby', but still enjoy reading the boards. I also know a couple that have never hobbyied, yet glance & sometimes participate in board threads.

Too many people are under the false impression that the two are linked. In fact, they are not......unless you want them to be.

Well, it's like this. If I never hobbied, and I was in a 100 percent committed relationship for all of my adult life or most of it, I would have never found MERB. I found MERB when quit being public. So I do equate the hobby with the rest of the board. I have found other message boards other than sex boards. Usually those boards have a single focus, like court trials or a specific industry. I have found these boards to be interesting only in those specific focuses.

MERB is like a secret society. Most posters on this board have participated in the hobby. I have read their reviews. There is no one on this board who would admit to being a member to their everyday friends. Or would you? So I find it interesting to read the opinions of other members in this "secret society" on so many subjects.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Most posters on this board have participated in the hobby. I have read their reviews. There is no one on this board who would admit to being a member to their everyday friends.

How do you know? Currently, there are 31, 326 Merb members. Are you saying that at least 51% of those members participate in the escort business? I sincerely doubt it. For example, one of the most prominent members of this board (Techman) openly admits to not being a hobbyist & uses this board for other reasons. I even know of others, and of many hobbyists who NEVER even look at Merb, even though they're aware it exists.

Just out of curiosity, you mentionned discovering Merb after Canbest quit being public. It was a few years before this happened. Many of the Merb pionneers used Big Doggie prior to the arrival of Merb. You've never heard of it?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Doc, I thought hobbying could also mean seeing mp's or going to strip clubs (like techman). There are certainly more transactions with mp's than sp's in Québec City and maybe as many in Montréal.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Doc,

When members prove that they can discuss tech subjects like adults and not like children, I will consider having a Technology section here on MERB. I wonder if doing so would even be worth it as I just had a Hotel Info forum set up as per members' requests and no one seems to be bothering with it at the moment.

I post because i occasionally using the forum to vent some of my frustrations. Whether it'd be politics other matters such as why Merb still doesn't a Technology thread (while Terb is allowed to have one), it's fun to have a place to vent out once in a while. It's good for the soul! :D
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