Montreal Escorts

Why Do U Post ?

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
MERB is like a secret society... There is no one on this board who would admit to being a member to their everyday friends. Or would you? So I find it interesting to read the opinions of other members in this "secret society" on so many subjects. to amend that to "not many" instead of "no one"? You guys are so free with your absolute proclaimations.....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I wonder if doing so would even be worth it as I just had a Hotel Info forum set up as per members' requests and no one seems to be bothering with it at the moment.

Give it time. A lot of people still haven't noticed it. I just noticed it last night. I'm fairly certain traffic in that section will pick up once members get more familiar with it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc, I thought hobbying could also mean seeing mp's or going to strip clubs (like techman). There are certainly more transactions with mp's than sp's in Québec City and maybe as many in Montréal.

I consider hobbying as someone seeing escorts. I could be wrong.

(I see it as a term that was made up to somehow fool yourself into thinking your not spending your hard-earned $$ on prostitutes)


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
Visit site to amend that to "not many" instead of "no one"? You guys are so free with your absolute proclaimations.....

Go ahead and tell your brothers, sisters, friends, priest, rabbi, guru, boss, co-workers, CEO of the company that you work for, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. I really don't care. My lips are sealed.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
Hello Merlot,

I hope you realize that I will be submitting your post to Homeland Security to have it decrypted. I will find out what this post means even if I have to use my super secret moderator decoder ring.

I WILL find the answer!


M8, I hope you can use your ring because this outburst of nonsense just blew a fuse and three diodes in mine.

Merlot, the sentence "&lkk j(*(^)t&^_)b$" is considered offensive and is not allowed on MERB. Please edit it to at least replace the second ( by a [.



M11, I have no problem with that statement, although I can see where some might. It's this-"*klnh^(*aff5854il;32o721654v" abomination of mindless blabbering that cranked me up. Merlot, how can you, in good conscience put "*" after "(" and not before. It boggles my mind. I'm sure glad we can discuss this like adults, right, Mr. Po....
Sorry, I almost repeated myself.:eek: :D
I think this is one of the reasons I post. :confused:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Go ahead and tell your brothers, sisters, friends, priest, rabbi, guru, boss, co-workers, CEO of the company that you work for, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. I really don't care. My lips are sealed.
Actually, most of my employees know, many of my friends know (including one woman). My key supplier stopped in just the other day and I showed him the website of an FKK I visit and the webpage of a girl I saw last weekend.

If you're embarrassed by what you do, you shouldn't be doing it. I'm not. And if you think there's something wrong with it, you shouldn't be doing it.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
Visit site
Actually, most of my employees know, many of my friends know (including one woman). My key supplier stopped in just the other day and I showed him the website of an FKK I visit and the webpage of a girl I saw last weekend.

If you're embarrassed by what you do, you shouldn't be doing it. I'm not. And if you think there's something wrong with it, you shouldn't be doing it.

This would be a good topic for another thread, but I would not tell my friends, or people I work with or do business with. The hobby is still taboo among many. I certainly don't agree with your statement if you think there is something wrong with it or embarrassed by it, you shouldn't be doing it. It's not what I think, but what others may think I cannot control. And what they think may have consequences. You never know. I and everyone else has the right to keep somethings private.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Actually, most of my employees know, many of my friends know (including one woman). My key supplier stopped in just the other day and I showed him the website of an FKK I visit and the webpage of a girl I saw last weekend.

If you're embarrassed by what you do, you shouldn't be doing it. I'm not. And if you think there's something wrong with it, you shouldn't be doing it.

Hello Rumples,

Can I ask if you always handled the hobby subject so liberally open? My understanding is you are single and self-employed, a situation that seems to risk little consequence for speaking so openly about the hobby or any similar sexual liberalities. Are you saying you are this open with everyone inclduing family. Other members may be facing much more risk of repercussions than you seem to, so it's not about simple embarrassment, but much deeper and more complex risks one person may face versus another. Or you have always felt this comfortable with everyone close to you, including your former wife. I am not trying to pin you into a corner on this, but if this was always your view of handling the hobby information then bravo for standing up about this so openly.

I'd still be careful. I've seen many situations where a person has thought such openness was respected by all only to find out those who seemed accepting had serious reservations...or more inside they didn't show.

This would be a good topic for another thread, but I would not tell my friends, or people I work with or do business with. The hobby is still taboo among many. I certainly don't agree with your statement if you think there is something wrong with it or embarrassed by it, you shouldn't be doing it. It's not what I think, but what others may think I cannot control. And what they think may have consequences. You never know. I and everyone else has the right to keep somethings private.

I absolutely agree. One can never be sure what a smiling person who seems to get a kick out of what you are saying or doing really thinks deep down, and how it can affect you later. Not that you should live your life by what others say or how they feel, but it's wise to be careful.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Mod 11 said:
Now, I can rest assured we'll be back on topic without Mod 8 or myself requiring to delete posts and suspend posters?

If you guys want to start on a different tangent, please open a new thread.


>>> Edited by Mod 11 to remove original text and quote myself since apparently, some missed my post... <<<
Last edited by a moderator:

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
I consider hobbying as someone seeing escorts. I could be wrong.

(I see it as a term that was made up to somehow fool yourself into thinking your not spending your hard-earned $$ on prostitutes)

I LOL every time i see the term hobbying being used, i guess at times i have probably used it although not often. It is a way of sugar coating what we are really doing and that is paying for sex with a bunch of young ladies that we would have no shot with in the real world. No one in there right mind could think that this is a hobby.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Now, I can rest assured we'll be back on topic

Hi Mod 11,

I think this tangent is at the heart of this discussion. The question is why do you post. One answer to it is simply that some post here because they want to talk about the hobby but cannot do it in the open with their everyday friends and relatives. The guy who started this thread refuses to answer his own question. So I guess that members should be allowed to use the tangent they want.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
The guy who started this thread refuses to answer his own question...

Actually the guy who started this thread is suspended until Saturday which is why he cannot respond further in the thread until that time. As for the tangent, I believe it would be better dealt with in it's own thread with a title of "Do you discuss your hobby activities with family, friends or co-workers?" or a similar title of your own choosing. Many threads in the past have spun off into other threads to discuss subjects which were off topic in the original thread.



Nov 12, 2007
Hello all,

3ui43u5y327rg443848rgi454t5r3forejrf0-3r2j2;o5g43 43+554l4t4p63cnkmrlwjg-59rjbfmjh2310-]=43921)&)&lkk j(*(^)t&^_)b$%&^y%*&:l^*klnh^(*aff5854il;32o721654v

Dude, did you just admit to enjoying sex with ducks? That is messed up. Oh wait I translated wrong, you admit to enjoying sex with only female ducks. That's better.

James Joyce

Jul 4, 2011
Indeed. You started your "new life" on MERB using an obviously confrontational handle and post, and you have been ramping it up ever since

By confrontational you mean using humour ?

Oops I apologize, I was confrontational towards MarathonMan, who was called out as using blackmail for discounts and lovedd2008’s post which was clearly holier than swiss cheese. Are we not supposed to be here on this escort review board to discuss reviews that have been submitted and their validity ? If an escort reviewer’s credibility comes into question, shouldn’t this be of paramount importance to this medium ? Or is it politics, sports, etc ?

I don’t accept all reviews and their authors blindly and when a discrepancy arises, I will mention such, as that is my choice. I in turn respect your choice not to.

You can't petition for peace like you say when you clearly align yourself with the "warriors" who used such inflammatory language, whether it be by agreeing with them or silently let enormities go unchallenged. How very convenient. I am glad you are "back among us" :confused: for the right reasons (only because you are not wanted somewhere else).Last but not least indeed. You are here to provoke, not contribute.

I’ll try to rephrase so perhaps you will understand this time. I made my choices of who I thought was most likely to enter into a discussion of reason and I approached them 1st.

I’m at war with no one and American Gladiators has long been off the airwaves. These continual feeling of paranoia that you display here publicly maybe should be best dealt with privately.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
0 it me or did this train (topic) go way off the tracks and is careening down a hill at a rapid rate of speed with no deceleration in sight...:confused:

Lily from Montreal

Which is a shame because I do feel this topic could be interesting but I am almost afraid to write in case I get caught in the crossfire loll,what's the acronym for death by friendly fire?In this case maybe using friendly is not appropriate?

Let's try to keep on track: my reason to post will be because unless the lucky few who do not have to think about the image they present, here is the only place where I can assume my escort persona without risking anathema...and trust me even people you think are open minded can surprise you when the time come to really be as they say they are...once burn twice shy...I did once try to mix my lives...hum...shall we say not a good mix? Merb is my very own Lily world loll


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
As a new member and mid-level hobbyater here's my confession:
Before becoming a member myself I made good use of the reviews on MERB. I thought it was time for me to do my civic duty and give a little of what I had taken. All the comments here can be quite informative; when you write about the ladies, you also write about yourself.

Its also fun to write about these pleasant encounters. For me it’s a way to re-live these unique moments and commit them to memory.

Parc’qu’à ces filles qui nous ont tant donné
Tant nos conneries les auront fait marrer
Le seul merci c’est d’pas les oublier
Gravées à vie dans nos cœurs d’enfoirés
(Soldat Louis)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Why do I post? Or more to the point, why did I post when I was more active on the board. I used to post because there was a lot of strip club information on the board and at the time I had a lot to share also. So it was great to find out who was working where and what girls were worth getting to dance. I also used to post to help people out with tech problems at least until those threads started turning into wars all the time. It was lots of fun back then, setting up mini GTs at strip clubs with other members of the board. Getting together and shooting the shit and generally having a blast. I miss those days.

Why did I pretty much stop posting? Because the boards stopped being fun. Some people started doing nothing but cause problems and constantly fighting on the board. Because of this our occasional mini GTs stopped and even big GTs stopped because of people who never went in the first place posting bullshit which screwed it up for everyone. Friendships made on merb were destroyed by stupid fights. All you have to do to see what it used to be like is look in the merb archives and read the posts. It was a totally different atmosphere back then. Everyone got along for the most part and we had some great times and some great discussions. But some people wanted to be stars and decided to fuck it up. I don't know what their point was but everything stopped being fun. I mean how empty is your life if the biggest thing in it is being a star on a review board? And around that time I stopped going to strip clubs mainly because of the smoking ban so I didn't have much to contribute anymore and the tech threads were banned because of the fighting in them.

It was fun while it lasted and maybe one day it will get back to that but as long as everyone takes everything so damn seriously, I really don't see it happening anytime soon. I have other interests, playing guitar for one, and have found other forums that match those interests and cause me a hell of a lot less frustration than was constantly building up around here.
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