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Why Jacques Villeneuve ditched Quebec


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
If your English skills aren't good enough to...comprendre...then don't post...

Very open-minded remark.... :thumb:

"If your English isnt good enough then dont post on M(ontreal)ERB..."... Ok great... I think it's time to go back to the sun... :rolleyes:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
What intolerance. I was talking about the need for the opposite and posted a link about the exact opposite. You show a great capacity to be an obtuse Marois. If your English skills aren't good enough to...comprendre...then don't post your gross misperceptions.

His English skills are fine. He just likes to try to twist and turn everyone else's posts to mean something they don't. Haven't you noticed that he can't present any argument that isn't based on things that happen elsewhere? He can't make an argument based only on the situation here in Quebec. It's a typical tactic of someone who knows he doesn't have a leg to stand on, always go on the offensive and never get into a situation where you actually have to support your own unsupportable point of view.

Avoid, deflect and say nothing of substance. He would make an excellent politician. :rolleyes:


Nov 12, 2007
Who really cares what Villeneuve does. It isn't as if he is someone important like William Shatner. ;)


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Woups ! I think Villeneuve once again didn't think before talking !

Andorra will start to impose more aggressive tax on its residents since Andorra's economy didn't make any progress either.,i29431

Thus it will align itself gradually with Europe's fiscality.

Tsst... C pas fin ca ! :lol:

Keep it up DOC !
Lets have another thread like this one !
How about the 'Duffy' duck scandal in Ottawa on the actual gov. of Canada ?
Maybe our fellow Americans would like to know about this one ?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Yeah, I'm sure that Americans would be impressed by a $90,000 scandal. Add three more zeros and maybe they'd take notice.

The Senate should just be abolished as it serves absolutely no purpose and is a total waste of tax payer dollars.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Yeah right as if it was only about a 90k scandal.

Want a refresh on the G20 summit ? the F-35, the gas plant or better yet the Health care premium known as the highest tax increase in Ontario's history ?
You know the supposedly well managed province where taxes are supposedly less than Quebec ?

Anyway, in the mean time it seems bridges are not only falling in the states also.
One just gave away in where ? Ontario !

Here... it's " Yours to Discover "


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I have zero tolerance for people who try to destroy my country or those who discriminate against others for ANY reason.

As do I for those who want to destroy our system just because the don't agree or were on the losing side and can't handle it the the people of Democracy they are supposed to be. I mean people like that in both parties.

And yes, Merlot, I will fight back and will encourage anyone with a spine to do so as well.

Again, this is completely admirable, and I'm sure I have a reputation for doing the same. However, look at how this argument between us turned out. We didn't agree on general points of view but the details of the solutions we are willing to accept were nearly identical. That indicates a great big misunderstanding and waste of time. Your aggressiveness misrepresented your real position, and what you seemed to be saying only made me fight back more. When there's a situation where three words, "Vivre les Francais", prevent anyone from seeing the commonalities between them then emotionalism has overwhelmed perception and judgement. That's not just fighting back.

His English skills are fine. He just likes to try to twist and turn everyone else's posts to mean something they don't.

Avoid, deflect and say nothing of substance. He would make an excellent politician. :rolleyes:

I thought he might have been emotionally over-wrought in the hockey thread when the Canadiens got whooped, largely because of injuries to Price and other key players. But now I see pathetically blaming the English for hockey losses was an indication of general disconnection with responsible judgement. I'll never expect a forthright response from him again.

Most people fail to perceive all those shades of gray in real life. Dichotomy has the advantage of being simple, maybe people go for a binary view of the world out of laziness.

When one takes the time to look deeper into most people they have the capacity for much more, but it takes emotional control and the courage not to follow the easy path.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
"The province is giving Ericsson a non-refundable subsidy of ten-million dollars, along with a ten-year tax holiday and bargain-rate electricity. In return, Ericsson says it will spend close to 1.3-billion dollars on a new IT Center in Vaudreuil-Dorion. The center will create about 60 engineering jobs."

So they are getting $10 million in taxpayer dollars, probably close to free electricity and they will pay ZERO taxes to Quebec for 10 years. All in exchange for creating 60 jobs. Sounds like a bargain for Ericsson to me. Lets see if they're still here when their tax holiday expires. Get back to me when companies actually come here because they want to, not because they're getting paid to.

When there's a situation where three words, "Vivre les Francais", prevent anyone from seeing the commonalities between them then emotionalism has overwhelmed perception and judgement. That's not just fighting back.

Merlot, I'd have had just as negative a response if you had posted "Long live the English!" Either comment is exclusionary and I have no time for such comments and find them to be insulting.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
disconnection with responsible judgement.

I have and we all have a lot of defaults. One of yours is wellknown and obvious : you think your judgement is "the responsible" one.

I have a judgement about language matter, but I dont think it is the good nor the responsible one. It's just mine. But at least didnt I try to be seen as the ultra-moderate I am not.

You quoted and distributed good points and bad points, but where are your real opinion and propositions ?

You remind me les Français (from France)...

Sans rancune...
Feb 24, 2006
I'm afraid that this is incorrect. Athletes working in the US pay taxes where they earn their income, based on the number of days a player works in a state. If he wanted to avoid paying tax on half of his income, he could have signed with the Marlins or Rays. Like all other professional ballplayers, Jeter pays state income tax to every state in which the Yankees play.

In fact, Jeter built St. Jetersburg to be near a) the water, b) the warm weather and c) the Yankees Spring Training headquarters.

Jeter's new 10,000 sq ft house is a 30 minute walk from the arena where the Tampa Bay Lightning play.

Jeter, never married,no kids, has wise money advisors, makes alot of money on investments ;
he's made more than 200 million from the Yankees, plus Nike, Gatorade, cologne endorsements,
after taxes, he should have $100+ million in investments making interest.
depending on the investment, that interest income is taxed based on his prime residency.
it was the tax on that interest money that NY STATE was after.
he sold his NYC apartment. he wanted it airtight that NY state wouldnt come after him again.

Tiger Woods left California for Florida for the same reason.
and many many many American retirees do the same thing every year.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
...Get back to me when companies actually come here because they want to....

Investing 1.3 Billion is not sucking up the country to keep jobs like the auto industry in Ontario did. Then closing or making threats.

Here it is for you to Discover....

The need to increase capacity by 2018 comes as Ottawa and the Ontario government assess a Ford Motor Co. plan to spend $1.2-billion to upgrade its Oakville, Ont., plant to assemble vehicles based on a global platform. The auto maker wants financial assistance for the project and has said it will not go ahead unless there is government support.

Based on the 20-per-cent financing level the two governments provided for the retooling of that plant in 2005-2006, the auto maker is seeking at least $240-million in financial help for the global platform.

TIENS TOI stie !

Actually I could have made a thread on why Ericsson ditched Ontario.
Since it is already well established in both Ontario and Quebec and chose Quebec instead for this R&D center to service both places.

As for paying ZERO taxes, they will get a 20Million per year but not ZERO Taxes for the uninformed.

"The company looked at other countries — China, Sweden and India — but settled on Canada, where it has a long history dating back 60 years. Seventy per cent of all mobile traffic in Canada travels along Ericsson infrastructure."

So before playing loser JV's game at craping on Quebec before doing your homework (like he did), I suggest you go back to school !

At that rate, you'll end-up with a container full of toasters !


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

I have and we all have a lot of defaults. One of yours is wellknown and obvious : you think your judgement is "the responsible" one.

I have always made it well-known that what I say is my opinion, no matter how firmly I say it I have never considered myself be inherently wiser or better than anyone else. That overall view is perfectly consistent my my well-known stance on the hobby in general that regarding clients and escorts neither is any better or worse than the other overall, though individually that could very widely since some individuals don't care about behaving very badly.

100% agree to say that Marois and all the other morrons used language issues just to gain more power.

Power is definitely an element in the methods of people like Marois, and I have no doubt that some of what she does is partially designed to divide the populace by inflaming their more emotional and irrational impulses to push those in the middle to choose sides, inevitably drawing more to her views because the hyper push back from the other side. Some on both sides have been unwitting cooperators with her methods...often all too willingly and unthinkingly. It's really a damn shame that people here have aided Marois by falling back on thinking in stereotypes that polarize the issue more toward limiting it into two unyielding sides instead of trying to understand and find...rational sympathy and Common Ground.

One of my favorites read long ago.



You called me "intolerant" as to my response to your line that I quoted from your previous post above. I completely agreed with you before elaborating further. I even offered a reference to one of my favorite past books, which one can see from the title alone (Middle Ground) is 100% about tolerance between opposing views and finding a "middle ground" to agree upon. So calling me intolerant based on my post was absolutely INEXCUSABLE...and there couldn't be a mistake in your intentions since I knew the French world for intolerant is "intolérant". That's kind of hard to screw up, isn't it.

As Techman indicated, you spun your response to twist and turn what I said to the opposite of it's clear meaning so you could make a phoney attack. Anyone who calls your kind of reply..."responsible"...either has no idea what he's saying (which is not the case with you) or just wanted to be a disturber. I genuinely found agreement with both you and Techman on the same day, and clearly explained why. That's the opposite of being intolerant.

You purposely twisting the meaning of anyone's post, when your English skills are just fine, is not responsible in anyone's definition, and neither is making false accusations at others to cover your butt. Try replying honestly (honnêtement) to the post as it IS written...that's RESPONSIBLE!

You remind me les Français (from France)...

La plupart de mes ancêtres sont Français. Était-ce une insulte. Je considère que c'est un compliment magnifique. Dieu vous bénisse pour cela.

all this over joke villeneuve.

He is pissed at quebec because OLF gave him some issues over his choice of names for his restaurant "newtown".

So this is the idiotic foundation for this thread. Holy crap!!!

Who really cares what Villeneuve does. It isn't as if he is someone important like William Shatner. ;)

If Jnutz' post is true then Villeneuve is a very small-minded person full of himself. It reminds me a little of Kirk's line in Star Trek VI: the Undiscovered Country when he confronted a changeling who took his form after previously impersonating a beautiful woman.

Kirk: "I can't believe I kissed you".

Changeling as Kirk: "It must have satisfied your lifelong ambition".




Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
You called me "intolerant" as to my response to your line that I quoted from your previous post above. I completely agreed with you before elaborating further. I even offered a reference to one of my favorite past books, which one can see from the title alone (Middle Ground) is 100% about tolerance between opposing views and finding a "middle ground" to agree upon. So calling me intolerant based on my post was absolutely INEXCUSABLE...and there couldn't be a mistake in your intentions since I knew the French world for intolerant is "intolérant". That's kind of hard to screw up, isn't it.

Euhhh... Where did I call you "intolerant", Merlot ?

And even if someone did, would he be inevitably "INEXCUSABLE" ?

Btw, as this thread turn into a discussion about language, I noticed you're the only one on merb who talk to me so much about my poor English skills. IMHO, it's not fair to attack the personn (the way he talks or debate). Talk to me about my opinions, nobody cares about the rest.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
And the Nuthead is still in the paper now for complaining about Drivers not having respect for each others.
What did he expect ? after craping on everyone else driving ... dumb*ss !

And to think some bandwagon race fans out here still give this toorlou some credit.
The only thing he has now, like we say in french is : d'la CRÉ-DÉBILITÉ !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Tada !
Here's the real reason behind JV moving out of Quebec... to give himself a reason to avoid paying income.

The guy simply didn't want to pay any income, anywhere he went in the world but had to pay some in Quebec so he simply crap on Quebec and Canada knowing people would find out sooner or later (specially with all the on-going investigations sur les paradis fiscaux) that he wanted to avoid paying his share for society but ended-up paying some to stay here.

JV = 0% credibility !
And all the gullibles who believed in what he was saying.

They say there is one born every minute ! :eyebrows:

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Yes, what I meant was that they are regular Americans like me who grew up in the same era and watched American television. Nothing else is implied by my statement.

I know that's what you meant. That's why I said good lord.

As to the Priceline icon -- good. You are now dealing in evidence. Not that I find the case conclusive. Do the people with Shatner on their phone even know who he is? And how do you know Dion doesn't have some similar means of exposure?

But what I want you to take away is this -- you looked for evidence after coming up with your position, not before. You just figured you were right and that you had to be right because you were right. Now you're pinning your hopes to a Priceline icon, and you're doing that without looking to see if it really does make him more famous than she is. So you're assuming again.

Watch out for assuming.
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