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Why Jacques Villeneuve ditched Quebec


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I'm man enough to stand behind my convictions and not try to use events beyond the borders of Quebec as an excuse for behaviour here.

Yes, that's commendable enough considering the poor excuses by others, though it's still a no brainer since the truth could not be otherwise.

When you live here instead of visit from time to time, then your opinion of Quebec's internal politics will mean something to me. Until that day, your views are totally meaningless.

It's a fairly credible point of view to say if you haven't had to live the experience you won't value the opinion, until you totally negate that position as phoney by supporting the views of other foreigners on this board who also never lived there only because they share your view, which then becomes 100% hypocritical and "meaningless". seems there is a lot of false Rumor about Québeckers...

I never heard anything bad about Canada or Quebec before going there, and afterward I have still never heard or read anything bad until I saw the rivalry on this board, which has been truly ugly.

I'm saddened to see how bitter all of this issue is between the great people of Canada and Quebec regardless of ethnicity, all the worse when I see both sides disrespect outside opinions only when they disagree with the individual views of natives. As I said, it seems so many only want to be SELF-SERVING in their views and don't want to work toward a mutually agreeable solution. The "my way of the highway view" by some shows it's not about caring about's about the selfish attitude called caring only about..."WINNING". If that is all you care about then you have no right to complain since you enjoy being part of the problem.




Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
it seems so many only want to be SELF-SERVING in their views and don't want to work toward a mutually agreeable solution. The "my way of the highway view" by some shows it's not about caring about's about the selfish attitude called caring only about..."WINNING".

Welcome to Planet Earth... :rolleyes:


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
The only thing I can add.I had an rv from 1999 to 2009.Used to spend 2 months every year on the road.The places we visted were all of the keys ,Florida ,Myrtle Beach ,Texas etc etc .My wife is french Canadian and at first never wanted to go to the states because (these people think they own the planet) Guess what every campsite we visted we made friends talked to everybody waved at most people and had a great time. Then one year friends of ours invited us to go to a campground in Quebec .Guess what ! we were there 5 days and no one,yes no one talked or looked at us,we felt like we were from a different planet. I think the problem was the RV,it was a class a 36 foot worth about 125000$. I can't think of anything else.??


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Seriously, though.....if you're referring to Villeneuve, you DO give a shit about him, or else you never would have bothered to read the thread & even post in it numerous times. My thanks to you for increasing the thread's post count, Gentle! :thumb:

Ben non Doc !
I was giving a sh!t about the thread starter !
Seriously you're supposed to know the english language enough to understand the message behind my posting !

And a BIG Welcome ! I was seriously glad to make you happy over getting a lot of posting on this thread.
After all you've been thru with your favorite team during the playoffs !

But hey that's nothing to what JV must be feeling like now.
I mean lets face it ! the guy experienced a big F*ck you from people in Quebec after backing the late corrupted and arrogant gov. who got routed out in the past election for being arrogant yet stupid enough to think we would give a sh!t about his whinning !

And now he can give himself a big pat on his back after all the pain felt thru all these years in losing over and over again !

You see, you were able to demonstrate with this thread of yours to your kind, that Villeneuve was in favor of corruption over justice and proved it last year with his comments on social justice in Quebec which is now backed by his move to Andorra.

I'm sure Villeneuve's fans must be very glad for your inititiative ! :thumb:


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
HAHA, i will take that bet!! :lol:

Ok now I'm really starting to feel creepy !
Since Iggy seems even more devilish than me !

Well I will tip my hat to you Iggy.
I was sure I said enough BS on the free for all hockey thread to at least make you feel bad :eyebrows:

Ah ! he who lives another day...
'lives'.. like in the opposite of being...

And here is Jacques Villeneuve's most famous move in F1. Unfortunately !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I guess you really do not know me very well then.......HAHA!

Ok now I'm really starting to feel creepy !
Since Iggy seems even more devilish than me !

Well I will tip my hat to you Iggy.
I was sure I said enough BS on the free for all hockey thread to at least make you feel bad :eyebrows:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

1) It's a fairly credible point of view to say if you haven't had to live the experience you won't value the opinion, until you totally negate that position as phoney by supporting the views of other foreigners on this board who also never lived there only because they share your view, which then becomes 100% hypocritical and "meaningless".

2) As I said, it seems so many only want to be SELF-SERVING in their views and don't want to work toward a mutually agreeable solution. The "my way of the highway view" by some shows it's not about caring about's about the selfish attitude called caring only about..."WINNING". If that is all you care about then you have no right to complain since you enjoy being part of the problem.



To address point 1... I put the opinions of anyone who does not live in Canada in the same box. But few others show such a misunderstanding of the situation here as you do and no one else is such a fence sitter trying to find the good in everyone's point of view. Pick a side and stick with it. Discrimination is either right or it is wrong, it cannot be a bit of both. To be really blunt, people like yourself who refuse to take a stand are a huge part of the problem. Closing your eyes to discrimination is the same thing as supporting it. History is filled with people who closed their eyes to the injustices going on around them and such people share the blame for those injustices as they never stood up to stop them.

As for point 2, the only people I have ever seen suggest to others that they should hit the highway are French radicals who love to tell people that if they aren't happy here they should hit the 401 to Toronto. Speak French or get out. Those of us who point out the obvious discrimination and xenophobia here in this province are the ones who care about making this province a great place for everyone to live in harmony, not just those who are willing to bend over to the French supremacists and take it up the ass. Anglos in this province have done everything they could possibly be expected to do and more to solve this language problem but no matter what they do, it is NEVER enough. As soon as you let your guard down because things seem to have stabilized, the PQ come along with even more stringent and restrictive laws against English. It will never be enough for them until all traces of English are removed from Quebec.

Maybe you think that wanting a society where everyone is equal whether they speak English or French is 'self serving', I do not. Winning for me is equality for everyone, no less is acceptable.

Julius Ceasar

New Member
Nov 7, 2011
Since the PQ got in this province has been swirling down the bowl, JV is just getting out before this provice is sucked down the swirling vortex of separatism.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Since the PQ got in this province has been swirling down the bowl, JV is just getting out before this provice is sucked down the swirling vortex of separatism.

Are you suggesting a toilet bowl analogy? Because in a toilet bowl, the shit is flushed down the pipe and then the water clears.


Sep 19, 2005
I've often been described as a human chameleon. :eyebrows:

Have you ever been described as the sh**t disturber, par excellence? To your credit, though, whenever you do this, you do it with style :)

Back to the topic at hand. Le Québec se présente malheuresement comme une province d'assistés sociaux. D'un autre côté, c'est très probablement la province la plus riche culturellement au Canada, grace en grande partie à son bilinguisme. Je m'imagine mal vivre en Ontario ou en Alberta, des provinces tellement fades (un avis strictement personnel qui n'engage que moi). Le Québec a ses défauts, mais reste un endroit agréable, malgré la corruption, les pannes de métro et d'eau.


Sep 19, 2005
...If anyone needs the view of a celebrity to back up their opinion then I would question why they don't have enough faith in themselves to stand up on their own. Why this thread goes on and on because of what one celebrity said just displays the willingness to use an opportunity to have the same old pointless battle...

That's a very valid point Merlot.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Je m'imagine mal vivre en Ontario ou en Alberta, des provinces tellement fades (un avis strictement personnel qui n'engage que moi). Le Québec a ses défauts, mais reste un endroit agréable, malgré la corruption, les pannes de métro et d'eau.

C'est drole, mais je connais beaucoup de franco-Ontariens qui sont nes en Ontario, qui sont alles a l'eglise catholique (en francais), qui sont alles a l'ecole separee (catholique) francaise, qui ont etudies en francais a l'ecole secondaire, qui ont ensuite faits leurs etudes universitaires en francais (en Ontario) et bref, ont ete eleves comme canadiens-francais tout leur vie et qui continuent de parler le francais librement dans leur province. Bien sur, ils sont aussi completment billingues et peuvent communiquer en anglais aussi facilement qu'en francais. Et non, ils ne se sont jamais senti persecutes au cours de leur vie. C'est gens ont grandis en ecoutant les emissions de Radio-Canada, TVA, TQS et ont suivi les Canadiens (et les Expos) sur RDS. Ces memes gens vont celebrer leur fete nationale (en Ontario) le 24 juin Saint Jean-Baptiste. Et veritablement, cette fete est aussi fetee en Ontario et autres provinces ou la francophonie est celebree et reconnue. Vive le Canada, et vive la francophonie! :thumb:

On another note, anyone planning to greet Jacques Villeneuve at Pierre Trudeau in a few days? Anyone interested in setting up a welcoming party to greet this proud Quebecer, adored by millions around the world? Go Ti-Jacques!!


Sep 19, 2005
I never seen or heard about any englishspeakers insulted in Montréal. I dont kow how it could be possible as almost 25% of the discussions are in English on the street... But everything exists, and videos on internet are the less reliable proofs on earth.. Except if you really really want to believe it and you have an agenda...

Still reading this marathonic thread and making batch replies whenever some post spikes my interest.

Man35, there are morons everywhere. No candian province can claim the monopole of stupidity. Generalizing a bad experience you had in BC to the all english Canada is a quantum leap, to say the least.

@H - Mike,
Beaucoup de victimisation et peut être même un problème d'identité. Si on se croit inférieur aux autres, on finit toujours par le devenir. Beaucoup d'étrangers qui vivent ici sont bien intégrés. Je partage cependant ton point de vue concernant ceux qui refusent de s'intégrer et persistent à parler leurs langues en présence de personnes qui n'appartiennent pas à leur communauté. J'ai travaillé une fois dans une compagnie où le Russe était officieusement la langue officielle. Les gars parlait même du travail en Russe, c'était vraiement très agaçant. Il y a deux langues officielles dans ce pays et la moindre des politesses est de parler l'une d'elle et idéalement les 2 afin de pouvoir mieux communiquer avec autrui.

Je ne suis pas sûr non plus si ta communauté Xbox live soit vraiment représentative de la société Américaine.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

...If anyone needs the view of a celebrity to back up their opinion then I would question why they don't have enough faith in themselves to stand up on their own. Why this thread goes on and on because of what one celebrity said just displays the willingness to use an opportunity to have the same old pointless battle...

That's a very valid point Merlot.


I can't believe that after successfully resisting the temptation for a long while I let myself get sucked into the same old animosities because some celebrity I barely heard of gave an opinion.

Those of us who point out the obvious discrimination and xenophobia here in this province are the ones who care about making this province a great place for everyone to live in harmony,...Anglos in this province have done everything they could possibly be expected to do and more to solve this language problem but no matter what they do, it is NEVER enough.

Except you put all the faults on the other side and none on yours. It takes two sides to make a battle. Yours is also a negative part of the problem.

...I put the opinions of anyone who does not live in Canada in the same box.

It's nice to see you post last, even if the perfect consistency in your responses of only criticizing/attacking those who disagree with you has always proven otherwise.

...people like yourself who refuse to take a stand are a huge part of the problem. Closing your eyes to discrimination is the same thing as supporting it.

Your favorite tactic, consequently discrediting your veracity on this issue. Lie about an opponent's position. Your problem here is everyone has seen me say many times how Marois and her ilk are akin to being fascists.

Pick a side and stick with it. To be really blunt, people like yourself who refuse to take a stand are a huge part of the problem.

You are saying my great error has been listening to both sides and finding credibility and failure with to be FAIR!

The great historic human fault of narrow thinking is there are only two sides, "pick a side and stick with it". "If you aren't with me, you're against me".

You are Marios, not the xenophobe, but the Marois' mirror opposite who tells everyone there are only two choices, two sides, except the only right choice is yours. Marois owes much of her position and success to two basic kinds of people, those who would vote for her anyway, and those on the other side who think like her, seeing the issue narrowly as a choice between only one of two sides, thus pushing more people toward her. Marois thanks you for that, Techman.

Human beings do best when they stop thinking like kings and popes who preach dictatorial ethics that there are only two sides and my side is the only right side. Real lasting solutions aren't based on the kind of limited thinking that everyone must choose between two sides and the side of the speaker is the only right side. Real solutions start with moving beyond strict 2-dimensional thinking, beyond even 3-dimensional thought and realizing the possibilities are infinite if one has the courage and wisdom to look for them. Sure on this issue there must be a basic foundation of fairness and equality, but otherwise there are many options to choose from...if one uses their God-given ability to conceive it instead of burrowing into limitations.

Where would the world be if people never considered anything but the sides/choices that were dictated to them, such as their leaders saying the choice was between absolutism and anarchy. If people stuck to "pick a side" between only these two phoney options, there never would have been such a thing as democracy.

You're too much like Marois in narrow choices. Stop treating the issue like an old soda taste test commercial. Find the courage to break the mold.

Bonne chance,



Sep 19, 2005
C'est drole, mais je connais beaucoup de franco-Ontariens qui sont nes en Ontario, qui sont alles a l'eglise catholique (en francais), qui sont alles a l'ecole separee (catholique) francaise, qui ont etudies en francais a l'ecole secondaire,

Je suis bien conscient que le français existe bel et bien à l'extérieur du Québec, ailleurs au Canada. Il suffit, d'aller sur la péninsule Acadienne au nouveau Brunswick. Les Accadiens sont tellement fiers de leur origines françaises, rien q' à voir leur drapeau. Cependant, il n'ont jamais versé dans le séparatisme. À mon humble avis, le sujet de la langue a été instrumentalisé pour que les Marois et petits amis assouvissent leur soif de pouvoir politique.
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