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Would You Book a Service Provider if You Knew She Was Being Pimped?


Toto beefcake

As a former agency girl, what Julia said is exactly true, while I worked for two well known agencies (incall and outcall) agencies and I won't share who they are. I can tell you that coercion is a real thing while not always direct. I am a GFE plus provider meaning I am comfortable with cim dfk etc but some gfe girls who are not comfortable offering cim are pushed and pushed not only by the owners to offer it but by reviewers, clients etc.

Myself I am not comfortable offering anal guess what? I was constantly asked all the time even begged by clients and a booker or too told me I would make more tips etc. I would book completely in a shift that I work why would I want to do that if I am not comfortable.

Also, I am not a party girl, cannabis is fine for me on occasion, but I hate clients on blow/meth/exstacy. They can have a psychosis episode and become dangerous. I was even encouraged to take blow with clients as they book multiple hours, I said no way I don't want to be an addict. Not to mention the heavy drug using clients have a higher risk of contracting HIV and other diseases, even with regular gfe service you are more at risk, anyone who gets tested regularly will be asked this question from a doctor and or nurse. Some of my colleagues would be putting 12 plus hours or more with these clients and are encouraged to as many hours as they can. It's literally not worth the brain damage that comes from all that crap, the obvious danger you put yourself in with a client who might have a psychotic episode or an OD and yes I can tell you that some of my colleagues had drug overdoses and some have died, you guys think it's all roses that girls work for agencies it is not, hence why I won't work for one ever again.
Damnn eye opener. Thanks for sharing
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
This thread opens up a bag worms involving everything. Aside from the pimping situation, heres another one.

would people still visit establishments wether agency or mo that its known that some of the providers are offering bbfs?

thanks for the thread obvio, as usual you make the mind work ! Lol
If the establishment is really known for this I wouldn’t intentionally book.

But my approach has always been that I assume the provider is, one way or another, having unprotected intercourses with whoever. It is my responsibility to protect myself to a level that is comfortable for me.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The short answer to what most of us consider a "pimp" is OF COURSE NOT.

I want to see women who do this job because they chose to. After that, the reason why they do chose to do it, is not my concern. Some it may be for scholarship, some its for their kids, some its because they love luxury items and/or travels, and finally yes sadly some of them love drugs. Im not gonna go out of my way to make an inquisition on why a provider work. That would actually be out of place for a client anyway. Its not my business. In my 15 years or so i been lucky to never have a provider do drugs in front of me, even tough some did had signs of having done it recently (a little red under the nose or being "speed up"). If the service is unimpacted, again its not my business to mention it. But i wouldn't book again someone who was wasted under drugs or booze and if she is "too far gone" i would not proceed with the booking.

Now for the more nuanced things some of you talk about. Well there is only a few reputed agencies in Montreal. They got a good reputation with clients because they do us right, so i hope they do the same with girls. Sadly the obvious other side of the coin is that if an agency care none for the clients and let the girls run the place, then the services risk not being good or she may noshow often and a whole bunch of other things that would impact me as a client. So going with the good legit agency assure me tranquility of mind and overall i never picked up any signs of "overly bad behaviors".

I seen indy work being mentioned but there is 2 important things to be noted here. First of all i don't have the funds to only see indy girls. I see some ocasionally. For the right person for x reason i may be willing to put down the rates asked, but PERSONALLY for me, agency rates suit me more. And there is nothing that says the indy worker is actually 100% indy. I know for a fact some indies who have boyfriends while they do the job and the guy is fully into it. Is he a pimp? Or does he just don't care? Again not my business...

As a client all i can do is be the best client i can to the girls i see. I personally would never see someone at a very low rate for both my safety and concern for that worker. If someone is willing to do this job for 150$, i think she REALLY need money and it may not be for the best reasons. But then again i can't go and pay 500-600$ for an hour all the time. At 260-280, i feel the agency price is "fair" for both. Of course i don't know the current cut of the agency, but when i briefly booked it was fair for the girls. We talking 75%+ to her.

The thing i find disturbing here in this thread tough is the camera thing from salon. So they have camera in the room where the sex happen? Thats messed up imo. I will admit its one of my fear when i go to incalls that there could be an hidden camera. Maybe there is. Im not concern about hall cameras or such. Like i always say, im not hiding that i indulge in this business. But i don't want some dude watching me have sex out of my consent. I guess when it comes to the popular agencies here they been in business so long, seem so many high profile clients, if they do have cameras, they very discreet about it and i never noticed them myself altough i can't say i do a big inspection. So i roll with it. But im not interest to go to a smaller salon not knowing what to expect...


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2017
As a former agency girl, what Julia said is exactly true, while I worked for two well known agencies (incall and outcall) agencies and I won't share who they are. I can tell you that coercion is a real thing while not always direct. I am a GFE plus provider meaning I am comfortable with cim dfk etc but some gfe girls who are not comfortable offering cim are pushed and pushed not only by the owners to offer it but by reviewers, clients etc.

Myself I am not comfortable offering anal guess what? I was constantly asked all the time even begged by clients and a booker or too told me I would make more tips etc. I would book completely in a shift that I work why would I want to do that if I am not comfortable.

Also, I am not a party girl, cannabis is fine for me on occasion, but I hate clients on blow/meth/exstacy. They can have a psychosis episode and become dangerous. I was even encouraged to take blow with clients as they book multiple hours, I said no way I don't want to be an addict. Not to mention the heavy drug using clients have a higher risk of contracting HIV and other diseases, even with regular gfe service you are more at risk, anyone who gets tested regularly will be asked this question from a doctor and or nurse. Some of my colleagues would be putting 12 plus hours or more with these clients and are encouraged to as many hours as they can. It's literally not worth the brain damage that comes from all that crap, the obvious danger you put yourself in with a client who might have a psychotic episode or an OD and yes I can tell you that some of my colleagues had drug overdoses and some have died, you guys think it's all roses that girls work for agencies it is not, hence why I won't work for one ever again.
@Wearethenight, thanks for sharing, your posts always hit a nerve with me, this is just another eye opening one and you don't even mention a third agency that openly offers even worse.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
This thread opens up a bag worms involving everything. Aside from the pimping situation, heres another one.

would people still visit establishments wether agency or mo that its known that some of the providers are offering bbfs?

thanks for the thread obvio, as usual you make the mind work ! Lol
Keep in mind this might be the cause of a possibly scorned or malicious client or ex workers who in one way or another is banned and would go out of the way to spread rumours, always have doubts, more than likely not true.
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
I must express my disagreement with some members here in regards to the distinction between agency and pimps, and I am puzzled by those who are equating agencies with pimps. It's akin to comparing apples to potatoes.

I want to emphasize that when an agency takes its cut, it is important to remember that this includes payments to drivers, bookers, advertisers, phone operators, and various other operational expenses.

Essentially, a service provider pays the agency owner for their services as the expenses I mentioned.

On the contrary, a pimp employs coercive tactics such as brainwashing, psychological manipulation, physical violence, threats, and intimidation to exploit individuals. This can result in long-lasting trauma, stress, anxiety, and a profound impact on the victim's life. The victim may never fully recover from such experiences.

While some agencies view this as a business opportunity and may not pressure individuals to work, it is unfair to compare them to pimps.

I anticipated that this topic would be sensitive, and I was aware that some might incorrectly equate agencies with pimps, which is why I brought it up earlier.

I wonder if any of you have ever had a friend or been in a relationship with a victim of a pimp. I can attest that witnessing the aftermath of such trauma is incredibly challenging. I speak from personal experience, as I was once in a relationship with a victim of exploitation by a pimp.
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Oct 20, 2021
North Shore
I remember my first WELL KNOWN agency in 2018 I was 100lbs and was told to consume some blow with a regular client who was a “special costumer I had to take good care of” to lose weight as I wasn’t considered a “spinner” at the time, I was told my service was 120$ for a “GFE,dfk,bbbj,cim,cof,msog,digits,daty,dato,rimming” all that for a good review(that I never got) since he was a “merb member” the session was 180$ - 60$ cut .

Me starting in the industry “felt normal” and I remember saying I did not want to offer these services and they told me to offer them other wise I wouldn’t succeed in the industry .

All this to say is agencies are as worst as these “pimps”…..


乇乂丅尺卂 丅卄工匚匚 ( ‿ 人 ‿ )
Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2023
at the time, I was told my service was 120$ for a “GFE,dfk,bbbj,cim,cof,msog,digits,daty,dato,rimming” all that for a good review(that I never got) since he was a “merb member” the session was 180$ - 60$ cut .
Many have done that. Lots abuse of their “title” and it pisses me off it was done to you as well. When we start and we’re new - we don’t know these things. It’s sad. Even on TERB - I was blackmailed once because a guy didn’t think I was legit and he’s like “i’m gonna ruin your reputation and say this that and the other”.. I told him to do it since it would bring me at the top of the feed *nail emoji* and he never did. Like honey, relax it’s a fkn forum. Respect is #1 I’ll treat the janitor the same as the CEO. But it’s lost on a lot of people sadly especially on forums hiding behind screens. I tell you they wouldn’t last 10 minutes doing what we do.

Again, I’m sorry this happened to you @KatalinaS. ❤️


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Amazing thread, @Obvio-0bvio ! Some necessary truth bombs being dropped on agency shady practices here.

Here are a couple of my own:
  • Some agencies are the main pushers of hard drugs for their girls. Keeping them hooked keeps them working, and makes them provide services beyond their limits.
  • Whenever a girl leaves an agency to become indy, the agency will endlessly book her left and right with no show, or send some of their worst clients.
Some agency owners / bookers / drivers are no better than your low life pimp on LL. If anything, the fact that they manage to run a successful business (having enough girls to officially run an agency) tells a lot on how far they're willing to go.

Sad but true... The most successful ones are often the worst...
Hey buddy. I appreciate your perspective.
A agency may employ aggressive tactics similar to any business, but it is important to note that they do not force anyone against their will, nor do they employ the same traumatizing methods as a pimp.

It is worth considering that when a service provider leaves an agency, they may not experience the same level of trauma as a victim of a pimp.

While some may label agencies to pimps due to the profit they make from service providers, it is crucial to understand that the processes involved are not the same as those used by actual pimps.
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
but it is important to note that they do not force anyone against their will,
There’s been a few testimony already in this very thread initiated by you. You don’t believe in financial coercion? You don’t believe the girls when they say that agencies will send their worst clients to the recalcitrant who dare oppose the rules? You don’t believe that some of these encounters are just plain, planned ahead rapes?

Seems to me that, in order to ease your mind, and keep pretending to be "that oh so special class client " you are willing to go through any intellectual shortcuts to make your point.


Sep 1, 2023
The short answer to what most of us consider a "pimp" is OF COURSE NOT.

I want to see women who do this job because they chose to. After that, the reason why they do chose to do it, is not my concern. Some it may be for scholarship, some its for their kids, some its because they love luxury items and/or travels, and finally yes sadly some of them love drugs. Im not gonna go out of my way to make an inquisition on why a provider work. That would actually be out of place for a client anyway. Its not my business. In my 15 years or so i been lucky to never have a provider do drugs in front of me, even tough some did had signs of having done it recently (a little red under the nose or being "speed up"). If the service is unimpacted, again its not my business to mention it. But i wouldn't book again someone who was wasted under drugs or booze and if she is "too far gone" i would not proceed with the booking.

Now for the more nuanced things some of you talk about. Well there is only a few reputed agencies in Montreal. They got a good reputation with clients because they do us right, so i hope they do the same with girls. Sadly the obvious other side of the coin is that if an agency care none for the clients and let the girls run the place, then the services risk not being good or she may noshow often and a whole bunch of other things that would impact me as a client. So going with the good legit agency assure me tranquility of mind and overall i never picked up any signs of "overly bad behaviors".

I seen indy work being mentioned but there is 2 important things to be noted here. First of all i don't have the funds to only see indy girls. I see some ocasionally. For the right person for x reason i may be willing to put down the rates asked, but PERSONALLY for me, agency rates suit me more. And there is nothing that says the indy worker is actually 100% indy. I know for a fact some indies who have boyfriends while they do the job and the guy is fully into it. Is he a pimp? Or does he just don't care? Again not my business...

As a client all i can do is be the best client i can to the girls i see. I personally would never see someone at a very low rate for both my safety and concern for that worker. If someone is willing to do this job for 150$, i think she REALLY need money and it may not be for the best reasons. But then again i can't go and pay 500-600$ for an hour all the time. At 260-280, i feel the agency price is "fair" for both. Of course i don't know the current cut of the agency, but when i briefly booked it was fair for the girls. We talking 75%+ to her.

The thing i find disturbing here in this thread tough is the camera thing from salon. So they have camera in the room where the sex happen? Thats messed up imo. I will admit its one of my fear when i go to incalls that there could be an hidden camera. Maybe there is. Im not concern about hall cameras or such. Like i always say, im not hiding that i indulge in this business. But i don't want some dude watching me have sex out of my consent. I guess when it comes to the popular agencies here they been in business so long, seem so many high profile clients, if they do have cameras, they very discreet about it and i never noticed them myself altough i can't say i do a big inspection. So i roll with it. But im not interest to go to a smaller salon not knowing what to expect...
They are getting around 150$ that’s the thing. At least for outcall girls. It kinda doesn’t matter if you’re being the best client if the girls are being manipulated and abused in an agency. People are continuing to seek out agency girls because of price convenience, again, nothing is pushing you to inquire their services but you must know they’re not getting paid much and are being immensely pressured to break down their boundaries to give you that « good service ». Hence why so many get fired.


Sep 1, 2023
I must express my disagreement with some members here in regards to the distinction between agency and pimps, and I am puzzled by those who are equating agencies with pimps. It's akin to comparing apples to potatoes.

I want to emphasize that when an agency takes its cut, it is important to remember that this includes payments to drivers, bookers, advertisers, phone operators, and various other operational expenses.

Essentially, a service provider pays the agency owner for their services as the expenses I mentioned.

On the contrary, a pimp employs coercive tactics such as brainwashing, psychological manipulation, physical violence, threats, and intimidation to exploit individuals. This can result in long-lasting trauma, stress, anxiety, and a profound impact on the victim's life. The victim may never fully recover from such experiences.

While some agencies view this as a business opportunity and may not pressure individuals to work, it is unfair to compare them to pimps.

I anticipated that this topic would be sensitive, and I was aware that some might incorrectly equate agencies with pimps, which is why I brought it up earlier.

I wonder if any of you have ever had a friend or been in a relationship with a victim of a pimp. I can attest that witnessing the aftermath of such trauma is incredibly challenging. I speak from personal experience, as I was once in a relationship with a victim of exploitation by a pimp.
Absolutely laughable. So now pimps can justify their actions because they’re providing some sort of service to their girls? You’re aware the typical pimp also does these things. The cut doesn’t even include the pay to the driver. That’s an additional 40$ including sexual harassment.

Toto beefcake

They are getting around 150$ that’s the thing. At least for outcall girls. It kinda doesn’t matter if you’re being the best client if the girls are being manipulated and abused in an agency. People are continuing to seek out agency girls because of price convenience, again, nothing is pushing you to inquire their services but you must know they’re not getting paid much and are being immensely pressured to break down their boundaries to give you that « good service ». Hence why so many get fired.
Id be curious to know, how much euphoria and xo ( since they are the most frequented agencies) or at least appears so . How much the house makes and the provider. Its rhetorical by the way.

also wanna add that at those two it seems the girls can offer what they want, again i dont know in assuming . Meaning if they dont feel comfortable offering they dont have to, but they will definitely feel the wrath of merb lol
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
There’s been a few testimony already in this very thread initiated by you. You don’t believe in financial coercion? You don’t believe the girls when they say that agencies will send their worst clients to the recalcitrant who dare oppose the rules? You don’t believe that some of these encounters are just plain, planned ahead rapes?

Seems to me that, in order to ease your mind, and keep pretending to be "that oh so special class client " you are willing to go through any intellectual shortcuts to make your point.
It is possible that the points you have raised are driven by greedy and malevolent agency’s owners. Unfortunately, such owners exist in various industries and resort to unethical tactics.

However, it is important to note that only a small number of agencies employ such strategies. While I have heard a few negative stories about certain agency owners, the majority of stories I heard have been mostly positive over the years.

I base my perspective on feedback from other service providers, having interacted with numerous providers over the years. For me, comparing agency owners to pimps would be akin to claiming that Santa Claus visits us every year from the North Pole to deliver gifts through a chimney.

I prefer not to continue debating this issue further, so let's leave it as it stands. I respect your perspective, and I ask for the same respect in return.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2022
Interesting topic.

A SP I know once told me when we were gossiping at the end of our session, that she knew another SP whom she referred to as a pimp. I found the statement very odd and difficult to comprehend. I thought long and hard about what she said because I knew the other service provider she referred to.

I have always understood the term pimp to be gender-based and refer to a male-only. I never once thought of another female as a pimp.

When I began to look at the statement from this angle, what it implied and meant, it began to make sense and seem almost plausible. Nothing is impossible in this world, particularly in this business.


Sep 1, 2023
Id be curious to know, how much euphoria and xo ( since they are the most frequented agencies) or at least appears so . How much the house makes and the provider. Its rhetorical by the way.

also wanna add at those two it seems the girls can offer what they want, again i dont know in assuming . Meaning if they dont feel comfortable offering they dont have to, but they will definitely feel the wrath of merb lol
They have to provide GFE that’s for sure. There’s no such thing as deciding what your services are because the agency promises a certain service. The reviews also have a huge play in what they provide, like you couldn’t refuse certain services for hygiene issues.
It’s more like you can refuse but your employer will make you sure you know how deceive they are of you. At least for my experience in salons, the staff would make sure you know you’re being a pain in the ass for exercising your boundaries.

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Absolutely laughable. So now pimps can justify their actions because they’re providing some sort of service to their girls? You’re aware the typical pimp also does these things. The cut doesn’t even include the pay to the driver. That’s an additional 40$ including sexual harassment.
Some people love their pink glasses so much that they can’t even take them off when sleeping.

No need to argue with him, he strongly believes that some agencies owners are some kind of angels sent to help and protect the flocks of poor little birds that can’t navigate on their own.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Absolutely laughable. So now pimps can justify their actions because they’re providing some sort of service to their girls? You’re aware the typical pimp also does these things. The cut doesn’t even include the pay to the driver. That’s an additional 40$ including sexual harassment.
When you mentioned "pimp," were you referring to agency owners? When I discussed the type of service, I was specifically referring to agency owners. Are you suggesting that services are provided for free? Are you implying that agency owners set up agencies with drivers, clients, websites, and advertising so that service providers can simply walk in and have clients lined up for free? That would indeed be an intriguing world to live in, but unfortunately, that is not the reality. Let me clarify: in my view, a pimp is someone who persuades individuals to work as service providers through manipulation and brainwashing tactics, while an agency owner is a regular individual who sees business opportunities to make money. An agency owner does not need to coerce individuals into becoming service providers.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Some people love their pink glasses so much that they can’t even take them off when sleeping.

No need to argue with him, he strongly believes that some agencies owners are some kind of angels sent to help and protect the flocks of poor little birds that can’t navigate on their own.
Well, what can I say? My pink glasses must be working overtime to see those agency owners as angels! Who knew my fashion statement could inspire such admiration?
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