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Why Jacques Villeneuve ditched Quebec


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
NEver been insulted cause I speak french in USA. When an american hear frenchspeaker, he thinks France, not Québec. And even if newspapers love to attack France since Irak War, americans have a lot of respect for France, the country, Paris and the way of life is like a dream for them... And american girls LOVE frenchguys...

But Ive been insulted once in a bar when I was in Vancouver. When he understood I was from France and not from Québec he excused himself, and told me he thought I was a "retarded Quebecker", I told him it wasnt an excuse, and that I had a lot of quebecker friends and that I didnt accept his excuses and that from what I just heard it was obvious to see who were the retarded ones...

I never seen or heard about any englishspeakers insulted in Montréal. I dont kow how it could be possible as almost 25% of the discussions are in English on the street... But everything exists, and videos on internet are the less reliable proofs on earth.. Except if you really really want to believe it and you have an agenda...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I never seen or heard about any englishspeakers insulted in Montréal. I dont kow how it could be possible as almost 25% of the discussions are in English on the street... But everything exists, and videos on internet are the less reliable proofs on earth.. Except if you really really want to believe it and you have an agenda...

I have never seen such a narrow minded response as this one, you are saying no one in Quebec or Montreal would say a bad thing about an English speaking person. I can see who has an agenda. And the video was in the news and on the net. I have no agenda, I enjoy my stays in Quebec, majority of people are nice and as I said before assholes are everywhere ( Even in Quebec ).


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
But everything exists

You didnt read or my English is not at 10% as I was thinking but more at 2% lol.

I wrote "but everything exists" which means that it's possible in Quebec. But yes I also wrote that someone who believe a video he saw on internet and put it as an argument in a discussion about a serious matter 1/ dont know how internet is working or 2/ really wants to believe what he saw...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Absolutely funny Doc, and sadly, true... complain complain complain all the time about anything.

As far as JV goes, eagerbeaver is right and so what if he speaks his mind, it is afterall HIS MIND. I love Quebec and for the most part the people here are great, but like everywhere (hey i just agreed with the gentle1) there are good and bad. All in all this is a great province and i LOVE it.

Someone told me once that the separatist's propose things, get a chance to vote on it, and then never show up on election day, is this true? :noidea:
Are you talking about yourself, Gentle?? :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I remember when at the bell centre the fans as a whole booed loudly the us national anthem and i believe were asked to not do it again?
I am guessing you never saw that news video last summer of English speaking people getting verbally abused by a group in Montreal. Do not speak for the entire province as there are assholes everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Wrong thread Iggy, you have to Leaf this thread... ;)

Maybe Im wrong but from my experience, I met more englishcanadian that want to be separated to Québec than Quebeckers that want to be separated to EnglishCanada...

Where are the quebecker separatists in here ? H.MIke who is 20yo... Who else ?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I will be at the F-1 race 100% ( rain forecast ) and it will be interesting to hear the crowd reaction to JV. Never cared for him too much as a driver ( what a baby last year ) and everyone has an opinion about anything. Quebec is a nice province ( all my friends that visit agree and not just because of the cheap escorts ). And for Man777, if the Quebec politicians would ever keep their mouths shut and quit their demanding all would be good. All I have to say in this thread. Tada.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Sol (and the other ones), you should probably believe what you see and what you live (nice province and people) and not what you read nor what some quebeckers politicians say nor what your own politcian and newspapers try to make you believe about Quebec.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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This is not really correct. It was proved. Techman started a poll on an American board and randomly asked the question and the response was about 40-3 in favor of Shatner. He posted the results. So that was the proof that the views were skewed. I understand why they were skewed and I explained that. The people that Techman polled were people like me that had the same life experience.

Eager, you're proving my point. The question was who was more famous around the world. One poll on a US message board proves exactly as much as one poll on a Quebec message board: nothing. But you think it's conclusive because it's a poll of "people like me that had the same life experience." Good lord, sir.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Be reassured Doc, they totally associate Ontario and Québec as 2retarded states that put the Capital between them to do the laws for themself..


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

The difference is us in quebec didn't trash talk the americans,...

I'd say the difference is these frequent references to Americans comes off as trying to blame us for Canada's/Quebec's internal social divisions. Halloween Mike, please post anything factual that might prove Americans have done anything to be the cause of the incessant French-English cultural rivalry and political battles. So now you are blaming who, American tourists for the bitter feelings and problems between Canadian French and English? Do you realize you imply the Canadian character is so weak that it only takes some rude tourists in Montreal to have a significant impact in dividing Canadian society. Isn't that too pathetic to post.

You and the others who keep inferring blame on Americans as one cause of your rivalries need to take time to think about what an insult that is to your own people; not to mention your own personal weakness in seriously thinking such bogus excuses could ever be relevant. I'm saddened when I see these silly attempts to deflect blame from where it belongs....within Canada. I'm not Canadian but it seems I have more faith in the character strength of Canadians than you.

I never seen or heard about any englishspeakers insulted in Montréal.

What are you stuffing in your ears and covering your eyes with? All know I side with the moderate French on these issues, but there is rudeness and bigotry enough to spread well on both sides. I've never experienced any large insult in all of my years visiting Montreal, but from time to time rudeness and disrespect are visible enough from both the French and English.

You know, reading the stuff that gets written on this subject area the basic problem gets illuminated very clearly. It's the willingness to blame everyone and anyone else for the situation rather than taking personal responsibility. It's the English's the French's the Americans's the tourists's the foreigners coming to live in Canada while my side (French or English) are practically blameless but always persecuted. I still love Canada, but I wish more of you would stand up like responsible MEN.

We Americans have many serious problems...but at least we blame each other.

Mon Dieu,



Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I still love Canada, but I wish more of you would stand up like responsible MEN.

We Americans have many serious problems...but at least we blame each other.

And you finish a post sayin that we should stop thinking that we are blameless and the others should stop being asshole by sayin "I still love Canada, but I wish more of you would stnd up like responsible MEN. We Americans have many serious problems...but at least we blame each other."...

Hummm, the end of your post sounds like a Hollywood movie... A lesson of morality, and then the good american exemple... ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
What are you stuffing in your ears and covering your eyes with?

Do you personnaly have experienced any insults or harassment due to your language in Montréal ?

You would be the first one I met... Seriously...

Trust what you see and live here, not what you hear from politicians nor read on committed newspapers nor see on inernet..


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Man777777777777, why do you hate America? I know alot of people do but what are your reasons. Forgive me if i am wrong and you do not hate the US but in many different threads you always have a way of getting a word in here or there putting down the States. Just curious why so much hate for the country is all, seriously.

PS, i do not hate France and would LOVE to visit sometime, especially after all the great things Pat98 has told me about the country!


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Lol Iggy you gat your revenge...

I love U.S and North america thats why I left Europe to come here
I hate France, thats why I left
I never saw a more openminded city than Montréal thats why I live here

Here are my real thought.

And If you read this thread you will see that I wrote that :

1/ U.S is a great integration machin
2/ U.S would find a better way to make Québec profitable
3/ U.S is more patriotic and that what we should be here in Canada

But of course there are pb in US too...

And we come back again on my big theory = Even if they are different, there are the same amounts of pb and assholes everywhere in the world...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
And you finish a post sayin that we should stop thinking that we are blameless and the others should stop being asshole by sayin "We Americans have many serious problems...but at least we blame each other."...

Hummm, the end of your post sounds like a Hollywood movie... A lesson of morality, and then the good american exemple... ;)


Americans politics are legendary for internal bitterness. We may cite China, for example, for it's economic cheating, but in the end we always blame each other for not doing something about it. Still, world trade is an external issue in any case.

How are Canada's ethnic battles not entirely the fault of it's own people. I'm not saying Canadians "should stop thinking that we are blameless", indicating partial responsibility. I'm saying this battle between your own citizens over the ethnic issues on both sides is 100% your own fault. Anything else shows a total lack of dealing with reality. Otherwise, please explain where any American has actually affected Canadian language regulations? All I see written in this thread is some Americans were rude, some Americans don't like the French. I don't think Canadians are so over-sensitive and weak-minded that they let rude tourists or negative foreign opinions guide Canadian language laws, which is what the implications have been. message on this board is just sayin that there is the same amount of asshole everywhere,...

True, but then saying "I never seen or heard about any englishspeakers insulted in Montréal", implies 100% innocence and contradicts your admission that all peoples have some who are jerks.

Do you personnaly have experienced any insults or harassment due to your language in Montréal ?

I have answered this already. The words were "rudeness" and "bigotry", not "insults" or "harassment". The first definite, the second very probable. Sometimes when I'm shopping I use simple French phrases I've been told by nicer locals are good and clear asking employees for help face to face and some will fail to acknowledge me, walk away, or just refuse to answer. Other times it happens when I ask someone I've heard speaking English.

BTW: Regarding the fake excuses, I was attacked by a Frenchman on this board who favors the English view on language issues. He said I was "brainwashed" by my Separatist friends (plural), and went on excessivley with several over-the-top insults to denigrate my opinions because they weren't on his side. When I was in Montreal in April I mentioned this to my French friend. At first he was perplexed, then had a very good laugh. In his slightly imperfect English he said: "we don't talk about this since years, only so short". Yes, we spent maybe 10 minutes on the subject then never brought it up again. It was only one guy, not many as the accuser deliberately fabricated, and as it turned out I had misunderstood my friends view. I thought he had some Separatist leanings, but he explained that when he was much younger he had some sympathies, until not long after he believed an independent Quebec was a bad idea.

So in fact, I have no Separatist friends at all...and what was said was barely said at all...ever.

The attack illustrates what I've been saying. Some on both sides just make up garbage to create justification excuses to lay blame where it's nonsense.

Trust what you see and live here, not what you hear from politicians nor read on committed newspapers nor see on inernet..

No one has to live in Canada/Quebec to read this thread and understand the failure of some members here to take self-responsibility for their own problems.




Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
True, but then saying "I never seen or heard about any englishspeakers insulted in Montréal", implies 100% innocence and contradicts your admission that all peoples have some who are jerks.

No, cause I wrote just after "but everything is possible". I cant say that I have heard about englishspeakers insulted in Montréal cause it's the truth, and I clearly said that it was still possible.

And it seems you couldnt say youve heard about a friend nor yourself insulted in Montréal, Merlot...

If people want to see what happen to an englishspeaker in Montréal, come in Montréal and jusdge by yourself.

When I left Paris to Montréal, my friends in France all told me to becareful cause they dont like frenchguys. Of course we dont speak exactly the same way, so all the people directly know where I come from here... Well, I never had any insults... In France and in the rest of America, it seems there is a lot of false Rumor about Québeckers...


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
C'mon Merlot, you can mention me by name. I'm man enough to stand behind my convictions and not try to use events beyond the borders of Quebec as an excuse for behaviour here.

As for self responsibility, I happen to work in French as 99% of my clients are French speaking and whenever I am out at a bar or restaurant I tend to order and deal with servers in French, not in English as I do in any store when shopping. SO... if you are including me in that comment, you're sadly mistaken. As for past comments I have directed in your direction, I will stand by them also. When you live here instead of visit from time to time, then your opinion of Quebec's internal politics will mean something to me. Until that day, your views are totally meaningless.

Although I do find it interesting that someone from a country where their Constitution guarantees Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression, things that are sadly lacking here as evidenced by a recent arrest for simply posting a photo on Facebook of graffiti art that the girl did not create, as well as another incident regarding a satirical image of Pauline Marois in Nazi regalia, is so easy going about our laws here. In fact I've discussed this with Americans on other boards and their response was universal to the effect of "try that here and they'd find out what the second amendment is for".

Halloween Mike, I suggest that you leave your Xbox and get out into the real world. If gamer trash talk bothers you so much, maybe you should just play single player. The majority of your comments are so ridiculous that I really can't comment any further on them. Just reading them tends to fill my keyboard with whatever I happen to be drinking at the time and makes it too difficult to respond to them. I'm also tired of swapping keyboards due to this.

Man77777, yes, Montreal in general is a very open minded society but Montreal is not Quebec. Unfortunately we cannot say the same for the PQ who do nothing but start one language fight after another. As long as we have a government bent on sowing discontent between the two languages, this situation will not improve and will continue to degrade. Governments are supposed to represent the wishes of the population, the PQ represents nothing more than their own racist and xenophobic agenda which does not represent the population of Quebec in any way. By the way, I myself have seen English tourists being totally dismissed by Metro ticket takers at the Longueuil Metro station on many occasions, even during the Grand Prix. A few times I have stepped in to help them buy their tickets and find their destination. I have even witnessed American tourists being unable to get information from a TOURIST INFORMATION booth at the Vieux Port de Montreal in English as the woman in the booth responded in French only. A client of mine who owns an ice cream company was forbidden from requiring English when hiring summer employees for his stand at Le Vieux Port as well.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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But you think it's conclusive because it's a poll of "people like me that had the same life experience." Good lord, sir.

Yes, what I meant was that they are regular Americans like me who grew up in the same era and watched American television. Nothing else is implied by my statement. And the other piece of proof is that there are hundreds of millions of people with the Priceline App on their smartphones and the Priceline icon IS William Shatner. Go on the App store and look. Name me one other Quebecer whose likeness is on hundreds of millions smartphone desktops all over the world? There isn't such a person. There is only one. It is one of the top 10 travel sites in the world in case you have not noticed. You not knowing these things does not mean they are not true or do not exist. It just means you don't know.

Here is the Priceline icon as seen on iPhones all over the world:
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