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Why Jacques Villeneuve ditched Quebec


New Member
Nov 17, 2011
montreal and quebec
USA can buy B.C ,they done that with ALASKA more than 100 years ago from RUSSIA. It wiil much easier to use a pipeline instead of using petrolium boat.They have enought gas in ALASKA if they built a pipeline crossing B.C,they will be able to live without gas coming from ALBERTA.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Techman you didnt read the precedent posts. If you want to participate, you have to follow the conversation.

Could you plse put your stupid hatred of Québec outside of this thread just 30sec ?

Anyway congratulation, now you have wrtitten 4713 times the same post... :thumb:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
That's weird because I don't recall reading any news stories about the other provinces constantly bitching about anything. Yes, there's the usual intergovernmental griping but that is normal in our system. The reason you will not see similar things in the US is due to a number of things, one is the fact that they fought and died to create their country which brings with it a certain patriotism that cannot be achieved in any other way. Another is their system of government which is totally different to ours. But if you have some evidence of all this bitching that is going on, why not post some links to news stories about it.

By the way, take your bullshit about my hating Quebec, which exists only in your mind, and shove it up your ass.

As for HM and his Xbox contingent, well to be really honest, the opinions of people who live in front of their television playing games in virtual fantasy worlds, many of whom are too young to hold a job and still live at home with their parents, really have no interest to me.


Jan 27, 2006
Between a rock and a hard place
Techman:If I hated Quebec, I wouldn't still be living here
Pleeeeease!!!!!!!!!! that's all you do whining against Quebec!
EB:I have met both Doc and Techman and they are both of French ancestry
And? what's your point.
Techman:Give up, Beav. People like him have no respect for the point of view of anyone who does not follow the one true belief of Quebec
If you say anything against French supremacy in Quebec, you are anti-French and anti-Quebec.

And what if you say anything about English supremacy in ROC, you are anti-English ,No?
Now try to fucking deny that!

man77777:Here we go again... You guys will never change... Im not surprised you cant accept the language difference with the intolerant and pretentious way you debate and think...
Way to go man77777
EB:This is not really correct. It was proved
EB stop it please you Trekie! :rolleyes:

Techman:I'm sure you would find a lot of solidarity in the rest of Canada if you asked them what they thought of Quebec.
Yeah! and when Quebec is close to winning a referendum they all come over here by Bus to say how much they love us!
Mod 8: Now, do you want to continue playing moderator and see where it ends?
I kept you for last!
Threat? Try me! ....................... even though you have '' le gros bout' du bâton!''

Edit: Mods do not threaten and they do not like being challenged. Enjoy your one month vacation.

Last edited by a moderator:


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Is this same topic going on YET AGAIN??...I've been otherwise busy for the last little while and managed to slog through this monster, because... well, how can I resist? :D

I'm going to concentrate for now on this post from Halloween Mike, because, DAMN, you've been asking for it, Mike...
Here we go:

Well the province that could be the first to want to separate is Alberta because of the ... how is it called in english? Bref le petrol... Economically this is the most wealthy province of the country...

Now tough i do think quebec could survive on its own because of electricity and some other financial sources. Not saying it wouldn't be hard at first, but its doable.

Doable, eh? You want to explain to me how the hell Québec can survive economically when we're as close to bankrupt as can be? We're doing so well in our finances that we can't even pay to fix our roads, our infrastructures are falling apart, we can't even pay our doctors and nurses a decent rate, we're supremely overpaying an army of civil servants, my mother's generation of Quebequers will soon or has already entered retirement age and we now have to pay la Rente and a gazillion dollars earmarked for their retirement plans...We're doing so well that no sooner did we get back the Canada-wide 2% refund from the GST that Québec got its desperate little fingers on it as soon as it could ...But where has it gone? Certainly NOT to fix our shameful roads!!!

XBox4ever said:
Canada itself for a long time has always been seen as the cheap twin of the US and thats something, personally, i never like... I mean when i game online and they see im canadian, even if they don't pick on the accent and see im from quebec, i have been insulted simply for being canadian, and being a "cheap pale knock off of the usa" as they put it. The fact that ENGLISH canada was more or less colonize mainly by loosers of the independant war, by the british loyalist does not help either...
And Québec was colonized by noblemen and knights of virtue ONLY, right? No, Québec was ALSO filled by farmers, prisoners, agitators and ladies of the evening to name a few!! Jesus, even Australia was originally a penal colony, are you going to start shitting on them as well? And who the hell CARES what they say about you on Xbox live? Who cares what some nitwit who wouldn't have the balls to say anything derogatory to you in your face has to say? It probably has more to do with the fact that YOU are susceptible to any cheap idiotic attack that these things tend to happen to you repeatedly, don't you think?

mike said:
And then as french in quebec we should be seen as "lesser canadian" by people from our own countries ... that are already seen as a cheap version of americans(true stories, heard many times too, not just once) ... At some point yeah i think its perfectly legitimate we want to separate and turn our back against both the US and the english canada...
Oh and france ain't better too, multiple times been insulted by them too as being "lesser french" , so when we mean independance, we mean it to everybody and we want to be OURSELVES plain and simple.
AGAIN with this? Well, I...DON'T want to separate from Canada, I am perfectly comfortable with who and what I am. A person's point of origin is to me of the same value as one eye colour, or hair colour...which means, it is completely random and does NOT and should NOT in any way control your destiny!! But you seem to let it be the driving force behind yours...

Doc, Eager and all the others, you should really get on xbox live here and there, and see what people truly think... Cause the real opinions of people dosen't come trough media and official sources, where dialogue is always filtered, but trough the mind of the middle peoples, the ones that can totally express what they think.
No thanks, I've actually travelled and lived in other cities, both abroad and elsewhere in Canada, and I've NEVER had a problem with the fact that I have been born of french extraction. In fact I have often met some fine people who were EAGER to learn more and to help them learn french by talking with me. And if they didn't care to do so, well so what?
Oooooh, they have opinions that are different from mine... yeah, so? Halloween Mike, if at your Young age you are THAT concerned with other people's opinions, you are going to make yourself crazy in a dozen years...

Back to this thread later... possibly...


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
... If you want to participate, you have to follow the conversation. ALL the provinces are bitching ALL the others provinces in Canada but not in USA, that's the subject...

Really??? The title thread pretends it's about Jacques Villeneuve ditching Quebec. :help:

Anyway, after he won the F1 championship, long long time ago, he never succeeded in anything. BAR was a complete catastroph, Sauber put him apart and no one else wanted him to drive their cars. His mariage was a failure as is Newtown restaurant. Surely not a model for any kid. He might says what he wants, who cares??? Any one serious will not pay attention to what he does or says.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

...if Quebec was a part of the US would you still be speaking French? No the PQ would be in jail for treason.

Sorry, but generally this is false. There are many ethnic enclaves, especially in the cities, where many languages are heard, French being one in many places not just southern Louisiana.

There was also a Texas petition to secede from the Union in 2012. No one was arrested for "treason", and all states fly their flag next to the U.S. flag on government buildings. Confederate flags are also perfectly legal as long as there is no racist purpose behind displaying it.

Halloween Mike I agree with you about the whole xbox live thing especially the americans think were backwards compared to them and the stuff they say about french people is horrible.


Regardless of what anyone has said in this thread and other threads, nearly all Americans view Canada in extremely positive terms, so much so that it would be accurate to say your statement is grossly wrong. All the people I know who have been there say they love Canada, including Montreal most of all, and many have been eager to visit your wonderful country. It's very unfortunate that many of you are so wrapped up in your "issues" and hard feelings about them that you don't realize it.

I'm disgusted that the label "Americans" seems to be applied only to the minority of those who have negative feelings toward Canada et les Francais. Some of you obviously don't what it to be any other way because you want to feel like you're being put down because it suits the perception of those who want to confirm their view of themselves as long suffering. Sure there are very painful issues in Quebec, Alberta, Ontario and so on. What country doesn't have them. But as for being a suffering country or an abused minority within on either side...grab yourselves a dose of reality and stop acting like you live in Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, or Somalia.

As for what "Americans" say about the French, in case you have been asleep for the last 20 years, such idiotic anti-French comments come from a certain political spectrum that is so out of touch with the rest of the country they lost an unloseable election setting a record for losing to a sitting President with the highest unemployment rate (7.8) during an election since the Great Depression. Clearly this ilk is NOT all of "Americans". So the idea that Americans don't like the French is...Stupid. The whole idea is just convenient for those who want to feel abused, persecuted, or whatever word allows them to find an excuse for their hurt feelings and the overall failure of your people to find solutions for your tough social issues. (this is not about American politics, it's about why stereotyping Americans in one view is wrong)

As an AMERICAN I've been personally attacked on this board for supporting the moderate French side. So don't tell me Americans don't like the French or don't respect Canadians and your country. It's just more phoney excuses for the failure of both the English and French to find a rational and just solution to deal with your social issues for 250 years.

The name brand of..."Canada" highly respected in the world. It's only the dividers looking for motivation who think it isn't...if they believe what they say.

And then as french in quebec we should be seen as "lesser canadian" by people from our own countries ... that are already seen as a cheap version of americans(true stories, heard many times too, not just once) ... At some point yeah i think its perfectly legitimate we want to separate and turn our back against both the US and the english canada...

Oh and france ain't better too, multiple times been insulted by them too as being "lesser french" , so when we mean independance, we mean it to everybody and we want to be OURSELVES plain and simple.

A perfect example. Using exaggerated excuses to support an agenda.

Bonne chance Canadiens (all Canadians). Américains vous admirent, et aimez votre pays, en dépit de vos problèmes.




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
???? If you travel around a bit, you'll hear lots of Texas bashing from city-dwellers in the so-called "blue states". Get out into the rural parts of West Texas and listen to what they have to say about Chicago and New York.

...similar situations exist all over the world.

Hello JHG,

Exactly correct. I personally got emails saying the "Blue States" are full of Hippies, Communists, and drug addicts. People in "Red States" are often ridiculed for being ignorant, lazy, fat, red necks. The point, as you made, is what is going on in Quebec and Canada happens everywhere. But to go on about it like the situation resembled genocides in Sudan, Nigeria, or the Syrian rebellion is ridiculous. Such hyperbole being spewed from both sides in Canada should be a huge embarrassment to them all. It displays the real problem, the unwillingness to fight for a solution, rather than just wanting to fight.




New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
I'm not sure Montreal would still have a GP were it not for Jacques & his late father, Gilles. I for one would have zero interest in F1 racing were it not for those two.

Bwahahahaha ! as if you really have an interest in F1.
Actually it's the other way around.

Without F1 in Quebec already here 10 years before... Ti-Gilles wouldn't have made it to F1 and guess what ?
Ti-fils a papa non plus !

Wouf !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Techman started a poll on an American board and randomly asked the question and the response was about 40-3 in favor of Shatner.

Hahaha ! Beav still coming back with Techman's bidon poll ! a Jacques Villeneuve thread started by someone who clearly wants to crap on Mtrl once again bcuze his hockey team just performed the EPIC COLLAPSE of the hockey history.

This is too much ! :lol:
Probably smoking the same sh!t as Big Rob !


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
He might says what he wants, who cares??? Any one serious will not pay attention to what he does or says.

Ask Doc !

The guy seems to be in adoration of this foul-mouthed loser who always blasted people in Quebec simply because he didn't get the fact that unlike in TO (it seems) people out here won't listen to what you have to say if you crap out on everything you do just because you once (in the past... like some Hockey team wearing white and blue) was good at something a long time ago.

We don't give a sh!t about losers who complain all the time.

Other than that... you're right ! I don't care what Villeneuve says. The only fact that he's going to Andorra instead of the US, China or any other places where there's enough people (by the millions) to buy his crapy music is the same as le gros Depardieu who wanted to ex France now that he got millions to end-up in Russia or some ex-soviet state.

It amounts to NO GUTS anymore !
He just wants people to lick his boots.

Ba-Bye Decrisse ! Fais d'l'air !
Ca fait du bien ! the futur in Quebec actually looks good since we're getting rid of all the rotten ones.

On va meme lui payer un shack en Ontario si il veut !
Ca va nous faire plaisir !

Ou meme une courrone et commencer a l'appeler Boris le king de Andorra :lol:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Man7 :

I don't want to be open thats the thing... There is a difference between being friendly to strangers that come to your house and knowing when to kick them out, that how i feel when quebec welcome too much strangers... I have nothing against tourist and people that really want to adapt, but when people come here and openly say "fuck french" im sorry but NO. I welcome strangers as long as they respect the rules of the rules, when they don't know, its the boot the Ass on the way out, thats how it work in my house and its how it should work in quebec as well... You hate french? don't come to quebec... plain and simple. You got 9 provinces and 2(3) territories to choose from.

Hitman :

But often i saw a french group(where i was part of) get trash talk just because we speak french... The difference is us in quebec didn't trash talk the americans, either for them being different or the fact they speaked a different language.... if something we even tried to fit the dialogue among the english rubbling we didn't care... to understand each other, before the party feature was implented. And ALWAYS the english where the ones to start the trash talk... just because those small people couldn't undertand another language... I saw the same thing happened to spanish parties... but since i don't speak much spanish i didn't took part of the conversation too much... knowing these guys probably didn't care about me either... even if i would try to defend them.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
We don't give a sh!t about losers who complain all the time.

Are you talking about yourself, Gentle?? :D

Seriously, though.....if you're referring to Villeneuve, you DO give a shit about him, or else you never would have bothered to read the thread & even post in it numerous times. My thanks to you for increasing the thread's post count, Gentle! :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
USA can buy B.C ,they done that with ALASKA more than 100 years ago from RUSSIA. It wiil much easier to use a pipeline instead of using petrolium boat.They have enought gas in ALASKA if they built a pipeline crossing B.C,they will be able to live without gas coming from ALBERTA.

Simon, the USA are broke. They wouldn't even be able to buy Newfoundland if they wished to.


Nov 21, 2010
Doc for once I agree with you about the present US financial state.

By the way simonpaul ,BC has been bought up already ,by the Chinese.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The difference is us in quebec didn't trash talk the americans, either for them being different or the fact they speaked a different language....

I am guessing you never saw that news video last summer of English speaking people getting verbally abused by a group in Montreal. Do not speak for the entire province as there are assholes everywhere.
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