Sweet Angle Smile
Montreal Escorts

2013 NHL Free For All Thread


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Go Sabres Go!

I'm hoping that the last-place Sabres get their THIRD win of the season against the hopeless leafs tonight. I'm also hoping that John Scott will give a thorough lesson in manners to Dion Phaneuf....assuming Phaneuf doesn't find a place to hide.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
"Anybody can skate. Anybody can shoot. Anybody can score. But not everybody is good on defence, and not everybody is good at picking up their man. You've got to cover well. There are two ends to the building."

That's a quote from Harold Sanderson, Derek's father, as quoted in Turk's autobiography "Crossing the Line".

Mr. Sanderson's quote demonstrates one reason (out of the approximately 7 million four hundred thousand!) that players like Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Bergeron, Toews, and countless others are WAY more valuable than one-trick ponies like Phil "the Stick" Kessel.

The only disagreement I have with Mr. Sanderson is when he says, "Anybody can skate. Anybody can shoot. Anybody can score." He obviously never saw Colton Orr and Frazer McLaren play!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wrong you are little man, as usual.

Whats the standings say? I said, what do the standings say? Doc, am I wrong or are the Dead Things now TIED with the Leafs in points? Kessel another goal, Bernier another strong game and a strong bid to get the nod in goal in the Winter Classic Jan. 1.

Scott/Kessel......... both scored! ahahaha.... great night!

Go Sabres Go!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Wrong you are little man, as usual.

Whats the standings say? I said, what do the standings say? Doc, am I wrong or are the Dead Things now TIED with the Leafs in points? Kessel another goal, Bernier another strong game and a strong bid to get the nod in goal in the Winter Classic Jan. 1.

Scott/Kessel......... both scored! ahahaha.... great night!

No little guy, I'm not wrong - it's just that you can't READ (which is not exactly a surprise to anyone who has ever looked at the drivel you post). You see, junior, UNLIKE you I am not stupid enough to brag about things BEFORE they occur. "Go Sabres Go", oh great NON-genius, means I WANTED Buffalo to win against your shitbag of a team, but I did not PREDICT it. You lose again - as always.

I can see why you're happy though: your crap on ice actually managed to win against the WORST TEAM IN THE NHL in a SHOOTOUT...AT HOME....after BLOWING A LEAD with less than a minute left in the game. You are now at 50% in your 4 games against the WORST TEAM IN THE LEAGUE. I guess for a team as relentlessly shitty as the maple losers, that's cause for celebration.

And yes, junior, you ARE now tied with Detroit...although you conveniently neglected to mention that Detroit (which beat your squad of losers less than a week ago) has a game in hand.

Yes, a decent game by Bernier...although he lived up to his moniker of "Tie Game" by letting in a goal with less than a minute left, to BLOW the regulation win and put the outcome in jeopardy. (Oh, sorry for using such a big word, little man - "jeopardy" means "danger"). Of course, it was actually "captain" phaneuf's fault for taking yet another stupid, selfish, undisciplined penalty to put the Sabres on the power play and put his team in danger of losing the game. That's the LAST person any team should want for a captain!

Yes, congratulations to John Scott on his goal. Of course, your stinkin' leafs are the ONLY team Big John has scored on in the last 4 years - but I guess you're proud of that too!

As for "the Stick" - wowee zowie, he got a goal. He's paid EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS a year and all he can DO is score goals, and he can't even do THAT very often - as he proved when he FAILED to score in the shootout.

Glad you're happy: an insignificant little win for an insignificant little man - congratulations to you and your joke of a team.

PS: Better plan the parade - after all, you're on a ONE GAME WINNING STREAK....against the WORST TEAM IN THE LEAGUE....in a SHOOTOUT....at HOME...after BLOWING THE LEAD. Very, very impressive - NOT!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005

Yes, hockey fans, the execrable maple leafs actually managed to beat the last-place Buffalo Sabres for only the second time in 4 meetings this season.

True, it went to a shootout. True, it was a home game for Toronto. True, the leafs were outplayed in 2 of the 3 periods. True, the leafs TRIED to lose the game by allowing a goal with less than a minute left. But hey - they did win - and, miracle of miracles, they actually outshot their opponents! (Quick, Doctor - please go help those 14 people who just had heart attacks from the shocking news!)

Thanks to this remarkable victory, the leafs:

have now been outshot in "only" 33 of their 40 games

have now lost "only" 7 of their last 10

have now lost "only" 11 of their last 16

have now lost "only" 13 of their last 19

have now won the amazing total of one of their last 19 games in regulation

have now won the equally amazing total of 3 of their last 26 in regulation

It's easy to see why their fans are having orgasms over this truly remarkable record.

Unfortunately for the leafs, however, there is only ONE last-place team that they can play.

PS: Congratulations to Colton Orr on extending his personal streak of total futility, and congratulations to David Clarkson for managing to take over 35 MILLION DOLLARS from Dave Nonis without having to do ANYTHING for it! GREAT WORK if you can get it...but it looks like you can ONLY get it if you "play" for the leafs.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, you really are too easy lil man..... un-freaking-believable ........ can we get another long post like the last, should i say like the last 500, that say EXACTLY the same thng as does the previous lil-c post? I thought the Christmas break would do you well :confused: but nope, still the same old head case cairo :lol: bless u my child! Keep em coming! :nod:

If the Dead Things lose tomorrow night, what are you gonna say? Daty-suk was sick? Zettyburg was not playing (save the injury excuses, we all have them). babCOCK forgot to take his run after practice in that old horrible arena they call joey-louis? Haha..... speaking of babs, is that a wig or does he just color his hair?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And like clock work, you deliver! bless you my friend! Bahahahahaahahahaah!!!!!

This Dead Things Season sure is taking its toll on you, eh! Hope they lose every game til the end of the season then! hahah

Wow, you really are too easy lil man..... un-freaking-believable ........ can we get another long post like the last, should i say like the last 500?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Wow, you really are too easy lil man..... un-freaking-believable ........ can we get another long post like the last, should i say like the last 500, that say EXACTLY the same thng as does the previous lil-c post? I thought the Christmas break would do you well :confused: but nope, still the same old head case cairo :lol: bless u my child! Keep em coming! :nod:

If the Dead Things lose tomorrow night, what are you gonna say? Daty-suk was sick? Zettyburg was not playing (save the injury excuses, we all have them). babCOCK forgot to take his run after practice in that old horrible arena they call joey-louis? Haha..... speaking of babs, is that a wig or does he just color his hair?

Why don't you make a list of New Year's Resolutions? Here are some suggestions on how to try to improve your existence:

1. Try to learn to read.
2. Try to learn to write.
3. Try to write something relevant, intelligent, and logical for the first time ever.
4. Try to learn at least SOMETHING about hockey.
5. Try to stop obsessing about men, their interests, and their appearance. I see your latest little fantasy concerns Doctor Babcock's hair. Your obsession is quite obvious, as indicated by your strategic use of capital letters in writing his name. I think Doctor Babcock would prefer for you NOT to fantasize about him in this way. I guess you became interested when you saw in 24/7 that he runs and keeps in great shape, unlike your Swiss Chalet, peanut butter loving coach Randy C.

And if the RED WINGS lose, little man, NO, I WON'T make any excuses because we Wings fans - like our team - have CLASS and understand that EXCUSES ARE FOR LOSERS, as you, little guy, demonstrate EVERY SINGLE TIME your pathetic sad sacks blow yet another game. Kind of surprising, actually, since you - more than anyone on the planet - should be VERY accustomed to losing by now...after many decades of NOTHING BUT FAILURE.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
And like clock work, you deliver! bless you my friend! Bahahahahaahahahaah!!!!!

This Dead Things Season sure is taking its toll on you, eh! Hope they lose every game til the end of the season then! hahah

Wrong, as always. Since I actually HAVE a life, what happens in hockey has no real effect on me personally. I like to see the Wings win and I LOVE to see the stinkin' leafs lose, but it's just a pleasant diversion. The DIFFICULT part is trying to educate you (which, admittedly, is probably an impossible task), but I believe strongly in helping the less fortunate...and it's very clear that you are FAR less fortunate than I am in every way.

BTW, oh great NON-genius, maybe you should ask someone to help you with your (if you'll excuse the expression) "logic". You see, junior, your frequent incoherent meltdowns and your lack of intelligent responses to HOCKEY statements indicate that things are actually taking their toll on YOU. (And no, "dead things" and "bwahaha" do NOT count as "intelligent responses.")

Since I'm a very nice guy, I'll repeat some good advice that I have previously given you: Although you probably won't like what you see (and with very good reason!), go take a long look in your mirror.

PS: Dion Phaneuf proved again on Friday night that he is the worst "captain" in the NHL.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Me thinks those who yell are beaten down pathetic souls, aka dead thing fans. Whoa! haha. now we get it :thumb:

Wrong, as always. Since I actually HAVE a life, what happens in hockey has no real effect on me personally. I like to see the Wings win and I LOVE to see the stinkin' leafs lose, but it's just a pleasant diversion. The DIFFICULT part is trying to educate you (which, admittedly, is probably an impossible task), but I believe strongly in helping the less fortunate...and it's very clear that you are FAR less fortunate than I am in every way.

BTW, oh great NON-genius, maybe you should ask someone to help you with your (if you'll excuse the expression) "logic". You see, junior, your frequent incoherent meltdowns and your lack of intelligent responses to HOCKEY statements indicate that things are actually taking their toll on YOU. (And no, "dead things" and "bwahaha" do NOT count as "intelligent responses.")

Since I'm a very nice guy, I'll repeat some good advice that I have previously given you: Although you probably won't like what you see (and with very good reason!), go take a long look in your mirror.

PS: Dion Phaneuf proved again on Friday night that he is the worst "captain" in the NHL.


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
Wrong you are little man, as usual.

Whats the standings say? I said, what do the standings say? Doc, am I wrong or are the Dead Things now TIED with the Leafs in points? Kessel another goal, Bernier another strong game and a strong bid to get the nod in goal in the Winter Classic Jan. 1.

Scott/Kessel......... both scored! ahahaha.... great night!

Easy there little fella !!

Your team just beat the LAST PLACE Sabres !!

Isn't that cute " Whats the standing say? I said, what do the standings say? Doc, am I wrong or are the......"

Confirmation that you are incapable of even deciphering the standings. Teach him Dorc, your the expert.

On second thought, don't ask Dorc, he still thinks, the falling leafs are still in FIRST PLACE as he, the great knowledgeable hockey expert, announced less than 5 games into the

The Red Wings have a game in hand which they will play tonight against Florida. They will separate themselves from the falling leafs by this time tomorrow.


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
Another meltdown in a hockey thread!! :lol:

Thank you for the history lesson on the Abdelkader family, which was very informative. If true, i suppose that my sources were wrong.

And for the moment, 'Dorc Vacation' suggests that you take a few slow & long deep breaths, try to relax, and take an ativan if you have any. Such meltdowns over a post made in a hockey thread isn't worth your energy or time. Stress is a health hazard and some of you should get out of the kitchen if you can't take the heat. :rolleyes:

p.s. I don't give a flying fuck about 'Justin Abdelkader', nor have i met him. If his defenders have no sense of humor, it's not my problem. Therefore, there will not be any apology to this nobody who's lucky to even play in the NHL. I will also not apologize to someone who 'anglicized' his name, which only shows to me that he's possibly ashamed of his cultural heritage.

Your ignorance shows big time. Most immigrants anglicized their names in order to make it a lot easier for people to pronounce their names. They were NOT ashamed of their cultural heritage. Mr. Abdelkader definitely doesn't give a flying fuck about you.


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
Another meltdown in a hockey thread!! :lol:

Thank you for the history lesson on the Abdelkader family, which was very informative. If true, i suppose that my sources were wrong.

And for the moment, 'Dorc Vacation' suggests that you take a few slow & long deep breaths, try to relax, and take an ativan if you have any. Such meltdowns over a post made in a hockey thread isn't worth your energy or time. Stress is a health hazard and some of you should get out of the kitchen if you can't take the heat. :rolleyes:

p.s. I don't give a flying fuck about 'Justin Abdelkader', nor have i met him. If his defenders have no sense of humor, it's not my problem. Therefore, there will not be any apology to this nobody who's lucky to even play in the NHL. I will also not apologize to someone who 'anglicized' his name, which only shows to me that he's possibly ashamed of his cultural heritage.

I like " If true, I suppose that my sources were wrong. ' I think you meant....... my voices were wrong.

I like your fantasy of being a sports reporter. My sources........ what a joke. Sorry for busting your bubble, Mr. Delusional.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Nope. you take the cake on that one lol


As usual: You have produced NOTHING of substance, NOTHING with accuracy, and NOTHING but the pathetic whimperings of a confused and pathetic little man who doesn't even know when he's being destroyed and humiliated in public. For verification, just find someone to read you all the posts in this thread and have that person explain to you what they mean.

By the way, January 1 is rapidly approaching. I will give you a math lesson at that time. Stay tuned, junior.

P.S.: Dave Keon was a great hockey player. Too bad he was the LAST truly great hockey player who was a longtime leaf.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Me thinks those who yell are beaten down pathetic souls, aka dead thing fans. Whoa! haha. now we get it :thumb:

And "me thinks" (sic) that if you had received a better education you might be able to read and write.

Your hockey lesson for today, little guy: Gordie Howe was in the TOP 5 in scoring for 20 CONSECUTIVE YEARS. Phil Kessel has not made the top 5 even ONCE in his 8 year "career".


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
And "me thinks" (sic) that if you had received a better education you might be able to read and write.
Sorry, pal, it has nothing to do with his education, but considerable to do with the vacuum between Junior's ears. As your suggestion that he learn to read and write in the New Year, why not give the poor round schlub a more realistic goal, like adding another 20 lbs. to his already significant girth. Or finding yet another pimp to blow. Give the little guy something he can handle.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Your ignorance shows big time. Most immigrants anglicized their names in order to make it a lot easier for people to pronounce their names. They were NOT ashamed of their cultural heritage. Mr. Abdelkader definitely doesn't give a flying fuck about you.

It took you nearly two weeks to come up with those lame replies?? :lol:

Whatever. I still say that Abdelkader's grandfather served under Hitler. He must be very proud of his grandpa! :D


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
It took you nearly two weeks to come up with those lame replies?? :lol:

Whatever. I still say that Abdelkader's grandfather served under Hitler. He must be very proud of his grandpa! :D

Not really. I didn't read your reply until today. I had some spare time.

Whatever, when used as a sentence, is a very juvenile lingo. How old are you?

It is generally used when that person is frustrated and or misunderstood. Which is it ?

Your remark leaves me speechless, The dumb just get dumber.

Keep it up.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts