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Montreal Escorts

2013 NHL Free For All Thread


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hang on Boyz and Girls, i think we are on our way to a famous "20/30"! imagine if the dead things lose again tonight, this could be the most epic day/night of MrsC meltdowns of all time! "Go cairo, go cairo, its your birthday, go cairo go cairo" :lol:

"Mrs. C." - How do you get away with this? Mod 8 wrote in a baseball thread that this is is NOT allowed.There are hundreds of HOCKEY points in this thread that you could respond to. Why not try that?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
So you do agree this could be a Epic Day for you then? Is that what i am seeing? Btw i have a foreign laptop from some third world country and the "r" and the "s" are the same button and if you hit it too fast it comes out "rs" instead of just a "r" and i dont have much time to proof read these days, sorry about that, cairo.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
So you do agree this could be a Epic Day for you then? Is that what i am seeing? Btw i have a foreign laptop from some third world country and the "r" and the "s" are the same button and if you hit it too fast it comes out "rs" instead of just a "r" and i dont have much time to proof read these days, sorry about that, cairo.

Right - let's see if Mod 8 enforces the rule that HE wrote about tampering with members' names and turning them into insults. Or let's see if he just ignores your bullshit and your OBVIOUS breaking of the rules - AGAIN.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Is Dead Troit losing again or something?

Let's see if Mod 8 does what he PROMISED in the baseball thread and suspends you.

By the way, even if Detroit lost, they would STILL be ahead of the leafs...or is that too difficult a concept for you to understand?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Very rarely when ppl say LOL do they actually do that, but that was spot on and i was a LOL!

Tampa 0 Deadtroit 0 after two. I have a feeling the "Things" win this one tonight, what do you say "cairo" (i hit the r/s key slow and proof read the post this time) happy?
Where does it come from? Detroit??


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Very rarely when ppl say LOL do they actually do that, but that was spot on and i was a LOL!

Tampa 0 Deadtroit 0 after two. I have a feeling the "Things" win this one tonight, what do you say "cairo" (i hit the r/s key slow and proof read the post this time) happy?

You should have been gone long ago. We'll see if Mod 8 does anything or if he only protects the Leaf Nation thread.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
At least i bring something to the boards when not playing with you in a sports thread, btw we are all still wating for your FIRST EVER SP REVIEW. I have seen you post "yes i agree" "ty for the info" "i appreciate the help" posts in a massage thread or two once in awhile and that is about it, Zilch, notta, nothing else except pissing and moaning in a sports thread 12 times a day and then getting upset when you get it back ten fold.... and you are complaining about me? Give me a break. Go ahead little one, cry some more but you are on your own for the time being as i have a "early evening delight" about to arrive and she is way more important than you. Enjoy, the floor is all yours.

You should have been gone long ago. We'll see if Mod 8 does anything or if he only protects the Leaf Nation thread.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
At least i bring something to the boards when not playing with you in a sports thread, btw we are all still wating for your FIRST EVER SP REVIEW. I have seen you post "yes i agree" "ty for the info" "i appreciate the help" posts in a massage thread or two once in awhile and that is about it, Zilch, notta, nothing else except pissing and moaning in a sports thread 12 times a day and then getting upset when you get it back ten fold.... and you are complaining about me? Give me a break. Go ahead little one, cry some more but you are on your own for the time being as i have a "early evening delight" about to arrive and she is way more important than you. Enjoy, the floor is all yours.

Hey little man, I see you're still fantasizing about the sex lives of men - not surprising coming from someone like you who can't tell - or who pretends not to be able to tell (?) men from women. I couldn't care less about your preferences junior but it seems kind of strange that you like to advertise them so much. It also seems kind of creepy that you're so fascinated with me that you've read all my posts...because your opening sentence is either a typical iggy bald faced dumbass LIE if you haven't read them all to verify the accuracy of your statement, or it's a sure sign that you're a STALKER if you HAVE read them all. Either way you come out looking like nothing but a pervert. It's all the more amusing considering that several MERB posters have called YOU out for not EVER doing a single review in your almost 7600 posts. (Me, I don't know and I don't care, because unlike you, I'm not so obsessed by a male poster that I fantasize about his sex life and stalk him.)

As for "pissing and moaning in a sports thread 12 times a day", compare your post count to mine...or are you just so plain stupid that you don't even realize that you post far more than I do (even if the majority of your posts do nothing more than illustrate your sexual confusion, lack of logic, and love of the NON-word "bwahaha")? As for getting upset: look in your mirror, little man. And as for "getting it back tenfold"...ask ANY poster here except for your good "friend" and you'll find that they ALL know that I destroy you in every dialogue we have. Several, including SK and Rumples (among others) have even posted those opinions here. In fact, SK even posted how brokenhearted you were at his support of my posts. Maybe YOU were "getting upset" - n'est-ce pas?

Grow up, little man.

Oh and by the way, you'll probably be thrilled to know that The Wings lost tonight - leaving them "only" 2 points ahead of your wretched leafs, and meaning their record of 4-4-2 in the last 10 is "only" a little better than the pathetic leaf record of 3-5-2 in the last 10.

Have fun tonight - and please try not to fantasize about me when you're with your "early evening delight" - whoever or WHATEVER it may be.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
.............and the complete emotional meltdown continues.

In total self-destruction could even say it parallels the city of Detroit, a once-great city which has now become America's largest slum. Sad. :rolleyes:


Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Right - let's see if Mod 8 enforces the rule that HE wrote about tampering with members' names and turning them into insults. Or let's see if he just ignores your bullshit and your OBVIOUS breaking of the rules - AGAIN.

Joel you've written more than your share of funny things on MERB over the years however I firmly believe this is probably the most hilarious of them all. :lol:

You somehow seem to have forgotten we're dealing with the Toronto Maple Leafs of MODS. :amen:


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
Detroit is a very bad team....extremely over-achieving. The only guy with courage got knocked out for a couple of months last night. Abdelkader. His great-grandfather served under Hitler. Anyways, he'll be out for a while and that useless european team will miss his presence dearly!

' Detroit is a very bad team.... extremely over- achieving ( it's 'overachieving' ) is an oxymoron.

What a Dorc. Your bigotry is quite self evident. Abdelkader is NOT German. It is Arabic.

Justin Abdelkader was born in the USA. His father emigrated to the US from Jordan at the age of 19.

He anglicized ( because of people such as yourself ) his name from Yusuf Abdul Qadir to Joseph Abdelkader.

Your narrow mind continues by labelling the Red Wings as 'useless EUROPEAN team and yet the leafs have a few players from Europe. I am sure you

would be welcomed to the leafs dressing room with open arms for your racist views.

READ before you open your big foul mouth next time, Dorc Vacation.

An apology to this young man, Justin Abdelkader, would earn you the right to be called Doc Holliday, otherwise, you will be known to me as

Dorc Vacation


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
OK, see for yourself.

Third world country:


Detroit: A Third World Country

And you find this funny !!

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
An apology to this young man, Justin Abdelkader, would earn you the right to be called Doc Holliday, otherwise, you will be known to me as

Dorc Vacation

Another meltdown in a hockey thread!! :lol:

Thank you for the history lesson on the Abdelkader family, which was very informative. If true, i suppose that my sources were wrong.

And for the moment, 'Dorc Vacation' suggests that you take a few slow & long deep breaths, try to relax, and take an ativan if you have any. Such meltdowns over a post made in a hockey thread isn't worth your energy or time. Stress is a health hazard and some of you should get out of the kitchen if you can't take the heat. :rolleyes:

p.s. I don't give a flying fuck about 'Justin Abdelkader', nor have i met him. If his defenders have no sense of humor, it's not my problem. Therefore, there will not be any apology to this nobody who's lucky to even play in the NHL. I will also not apologize to someone who 'anglicized' his name, which only shows to me that he's possibly ashamed of his cultural heritage.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
And you find this funny !!

Hey Mr. Oversensitive, this is a 'free-for-all' hockey thread.

People who are void of a sense of humor should stay away from these threads, which are not to be taken seriously. Or maybe you simply have a problem with such things. Therefore, the phrase "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" may apply to you. I'm certain that there are other threads that may be of more value to you, and where you could possibly contribute positively instead of appearing like a big cry-baby.

p.s. So 'Abdelkader' is not German? Well, it sure sounds German if you ask me. Now are you going to stay that 'Mueller', 'Schmidt' and 'Schneider' aren't German names either?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ignore him Doc, i dont remember ever seeing this screen name post before so I did a quick look at his/her post history and every single one of his/her posts are not only in the sprorts threads, but are posted in a S**t Disturbing manner... not one post in normal threads offering advice, help or in general being a good samaritan. And as usual you are 100% correct about getting a sense of humor.

How's this for a sense of humor, "the Dead Things and Scabs will play in the eastern conference final this season" :lol:
Hey Mr. Oversensitive, this is a 'free-for-all' hockey thread.

People who are void of a sense of humor should stay away from these threads, which are not to be taken seriously. Or maybe you simply have a problem with such things. Therefore, the phrase "if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen" may apply to you. I'm certain that there are other threads that may be of more value to you, and where you could possibly contribute positively instead of appearing like a big cry-baby.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Ok. came back from Van now what's the score ?

Habs are in 10.
Wings went down a bit but they'll go back up just like Bruins who never quits.

Anything new ? Nop !
Leafs are 16 and suddenly we hear about them' bandwagon fans who always hide when their favorite teams s*ck big time.

Same ol' sh.. from our favorite Koolaid drinkers !

Here's a prediction : If Leafs win tonight and get 2 points 'Larry Curly and Moe' will think it's a major achievement from a while ago when they were no.1 in the league.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Ignore him Doc, i dont remember ever seeing this screen name post before so I did a quick look at his/her post history and every single one of his/her posts are not only in the sprorts threads, but are posted in a S**t Disturbing manner... not one post in normal threads offering advice, help or in general being a good samaritan. And as usual you are 100% correct about getting a sense of humor.

How's this for a sense of humor, "the Dead Things and Scabs will play in the eastern conference final this season" :lol:

You're the freakin' KING of shit disturbing, little guy, as well as the EMPEROR of useless posts, and I see you're now stalking another poster. Okay, whatever turns you on. Nice of you to defend your good friend Doc however.

Meanwhile, how's this for REAL-LIFE humor: The leafs have made the playoffs once in a decade and they haven't even HEARD the word "final" since 1967!



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Ok. came back from Van now what's the score ?

Habs are in 10.
Wings went down a bit but they'll go back up just like Bruins who never quits.

Anything new ? Nop !
Leafs are 16 and suddenly we hear about them' bandwagon fans who always hide when their favorite teams s*ck big time.

Same ol' sh.. from our favorite Koolaid drinkers !

Here's a prediction : If Leafs win tonight and get 2 points 'Larry Curly and Moe' will think it's a major achievement from a while ago when they were no.1 in the league.

Your post is so accurate that it had to be quoted in its entirety. Great work as usual, Gentle!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts