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2013 NHL OFFICIAL Offseason Thread

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You my friend are CLUELESS and or just cant take off the homer hate Kessel glasses you wear.

"take the fight like a man"??? Are you freaking kidding me? ROFL!! Kessel was an innocent bystander until that Ogre came at him. Scott: "I am gonna jump you" Scott, 6'8 270 lbs known for beating up the toughest SOB's around the league going after a top 10 scorer in the league and ONLY 8 inches taller and 70 lbs bigger than Kessel lol,,,get real SK, even you are smart enuf to understand anyone in their right mind who is not a fighter would be scared for his life if that monster was after you. And Kess smacked Scotts shin pads not higher which could of really hurt him. If anything Kessel should of not did the tree chop on the Ogre a second time but emotions get the best of ppl at times. He may get a suspension for that second one.

It is sad that Scott likely wont get anything out of this but he for sure made the Leafs a tighter group and that will go a long, LONG way this season and beyond.

Kessel will either get nothing, a fine, or a one or two game suspension. Clarkson gets the automatic 10 games for leaving the bench but is now beloved by his teammates and Leaf fans alike if he was not already. Always a positive in a negative situation they say and it is true in this case as well. :thumb:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You're far from right my friend, very far.
Hey, hey, leave the poor guy alone. Hockey's all he's got left...for a long long time. Or at least until the hockey playoffs start. Then he'll have baseball...until the hockey pre-season begins.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Says the "man" who last year stopped posting in the baseball thread in june lol....... hypocrisy is a bitch, aint she? :lol:

Hey, hey, leave the poor guy alone. Hockey's all he's got left...for a long long time. Or at least until the hockey playoffs start. Then he'll have baseball...until the hockey pre-season begins.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The panel on Hockey Central at Noon pretty much agreed that Kessel initially had no choice but to protect himself with the first slash. I think it was Kipper who quipped that he should have slashed him higher (legs, knees) in order to inflict more pain. lol

He'll likely get the rest of the pre-season off for circling around & slashing him again. The spear wasn't really a spear if you look at the replay. He simply gently pushed the bottom part of his blade onto the giant just to infuriate him further, which he succeeded at doing. I was surprised he dropped the gloves a few seconds after the initial altercation & actually beat up the Sabres player!

Kessel will likely be happy to be suspended for the rest of the pre-season, which is really a total bore to most of the players who've already made their respective teams.

As for Clarkson, that was a huge mistake on his part & shouldn't happen when you're a veteran like he is. However, he'll likely get 10 games because Bissonnette got that for doing the same thing. This is unfortunate, but it's written in stone that you can't leave the bench. To his credit, Carlyle admitted he made a mistake by having Kessel on the ice following the Troop knockout, knowing fully well that the Sabres (in this case the giant Scott) would retaliate, even though Troop was the one who instigated the fight and his knockout was likely caused by the ice when his head hit it as he fell backwards.

What all of this has shown me is that this season, the Leafs will have a wolf-pack mentality whenever someone attempts to injure one of their smaller, star players. It reminded me of the days of the Broad Street Bullies & the Edmonton Oilers of the 80's whenever a player would try to get at Bobby Clarke or Wayne Gretzky.

Had Colton Orr or Frazer McLaren played last night (both are currently injured), i doubt Scott would have felt as brave as he was. I mean.....he's 6'8 & 275 lbs and attacks Kessel (5'9 and barely 180lbs) ????

I can't wait for their next game!!!! I'll bet you Carlyle will have the likes of Orr, McLaren & Frazier in the lineup. Should be a great one! :thumb:

My early prediction:

The Maple Leafs will contend for the Stanley Cup this season.

My other early prediction:

The habs will run out of gas (again!) by mid-season & will miss the playoffs. Carey Price will be hearing the boo-birds throughout the season & will once again secretly ask to be traded once the season is over.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yet he should stand there, take a beat down for being a innocent bystander and not defend himself in anyway possible against an enraged behemouth of a man, according to some in here. :rolleyes: Give me a freakin' break.

Phil probably pooped his pants and i dont blame him one bit for defending himself! He also was whacking at scott's shin pads as to not hurt him, only to derail the likely roided out monster, you go Phil!


Had Colton Orr or Frazer McLaren played last night (both are currently injured), i doubt Scott would have felt as brave as he was. I mean.....he's 6'8 & 275 lbs and attacks Kessel (5'9 and barely 180lbs) ????
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Now you're really talking out your ass!...Wow, amazing how fucken retarded you are

If you are surprised SK, you should know by now who you are talking to.

I watched the video several times. It's hard to tell who said something first. Scott and Kessel were next to each other when Scott looked toward Kessel first, probably saying something, then looked away. Kessel looked at Scott and said something which made Scott charge after Kessel. Maybe Scott spoke first, but clearly by his reaction to Kessel it's plain that Kessel said something challenging. If both are going to mouth off then both should be ready to fight, unless Kessel is really the cheap shot little girl he looked like.

I have never seen anyone be as cowardly as Kessel backing away while swinging his stick as Leafs players move in to swarm Scott and referees try to break it up, then Kessel swings again as Scott is being mobbed, and almost hits a referee. What the Fuck was that!!! Then Kessel gets challenged by a smaller player and finally goes at it.

Really, could there possibly be any real honorable hockey fan who has more than a pussy between his legs who wouldn't rip Kessel for being a chicken shit snake and a coward. It sure takes one to back one. Kessel should get at least 5 games just for using his stick even though he swings it like the total wus he is. I guess yellow streaks are now blue and white.

No wonder they couldn't finish off Boston last year. :nod:

Phil probably pooped his pants...

Lend him some spare Depends. ;)

see Kessel run, run Phil run, :lol: :thumb:



Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
Kessel just one more time how coward he is.Whacking someone with his stick.He should be suspended for a long time.Typical maple laffs bitch.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I have no idea what that was about

But you can't use your stick like that..for any reason

Those days are over

I'm perplexed about John Scott

I never would have expected him to do that

Kaleta is a different story

Best Regards



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Whats that? I think you forgot how NOBODY on the scabs stood up to Chara when Max Pac got ran head first into the boards 2 years ago, talk about a whole team of "Bitches" aka the Montreal Canadians. At least Kessel's teammate stood up for him and even one came of the bench to defend him. Thats something you would NEVER see in Montreal and for good reason, talk about cowards.

For the record i dont condone swinging a stick at someone in hockey, BUT, and only in this case, it was pure self defense. The stick was a weapon right? Right....but what is 6'8 270lb of John Scott's fist's considered then? Answer: 2 WEAPONS!

Lets get real here, any one of you who would stay there and take a beating from a guy twice your size instead of defending yourself by any means possibe are either braindead or just plain stupid, or both.

One punch from a guy that much bigger and stronger could ruin a career or worse, it could of literally paralyzed or even killed the guy. You guys are letting your Leafs hate overshadow common sense, but i expect nothing less from the haters.

I am surprised Phil did not cork the big idiot over the head and had the sense to go for the shin pads instead in the heat of the moment, good on Phil.

The second slash is what he will get suspended for if he does in fact get some time off... probably a game or 2, maybe 3 at most but if he gets it, so should Scott no doubt, but likely Scott wont get anything, but thats ok because come November Mr. Colton Orr will take care of business. :nod:

Kessel just one more time how coward he is.Whacking someone with his stick.He should be suspended for a long time.Typical maple laffs bitch.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Wow...what a fucken pussy Kessel is!! He landed two huge stick swinging swipes at Scott and then speared him again after. He should get at least 20 games for that!!!! Listen to these fucken moronic announcers praising Kessel for his stick swinging..what a couple jackasses!!

You are exactly right on all counts SK.

Kessel obviously learned about "bravery" and "fighting" from Mike Komisarek.

And the less said about the biased media types the better.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
For the record i dont condone swinging a stick at someone in hockey, BUT, and only in this case, it was pure self defense.

What totally unjustified hypocrisy! You "dont condone swinging a stick at someone in hockey" UNLESS it's a LEAF doing it! If Toronto is such a big, tough, brave team so quick to defend its "stars" - as you always brag - then Phil didn't need to resort to a gutless, Komi-type, CRIMINAL action. And that gutless action is ILLEGAL in any case!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
LOL, we agree!

Seriously, anyone that much bigger telling you "i am gonna jump you" (with intent to get you as payback for nothing you even did) would not be normal if they did not make a mess in their drawers. Ha!

Imagine if that was Pavel and Scott did that to him.... would u want Datysuk to stand there and take the beating of his life and maybe end his great career prematurely, or defend himself?

No argument with this one statement.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Imagine if that was Pavel and Scott did that to him.... would u want Datysuk to stand there and take the beating of his life and maybe end his great career prematurely, or defend himself?

I would want Pavel to act with HONOR in defending himself. You also know that Pavel, although not a huge guy, CAN take it and bounce right up. In fact a couple of months ago you posted a video showing him doing exactly that. What Kessel did, on the other hand, was exactly like what Komi did whenever Lucic came near him.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Not in self defense i sure do not mind it! Again if u would stand there and fight a guy twice your size who IS A FIGHTER and you are not, then like i said, you are either braindead of stupid! Or both! No way had Scott hit Phil would it of ended well for Kessel and seriously could of ended his career and maybe his life.

It is no different than a intruder breaking into your home, he has a gun and you are allowed to defend yourself. It was no different last night, Scott had 2 weapons and Kessel one, see Scott still had the advantage :lol:

Take your HOMER HATE glasses off for once cairo, you know i am right ;)

What totally unjustified hypocrisy! You "dont condone swinging a stick at someone in hockey" UNLESS it's a LEAF doing it! If Toronto is such a big, tough, brave team so quick to defend its "stars" - as you always brag - then Phil didn't need to resort to a gutless, Komi-type, CRIMINAL action. And that gutless action is ILLEGAL in any case!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
One punch from a guy that much bigger and stronger could ruin a career or worse, it could of literally paralyzed or even killed the guy. You guys are letting your Leafs hate overshadow common sense, but i expect nothing less from the haters.


Pussy!!! I thought this was the NHL not a panzie club. How much bigger was Kessel when he went after the smaller guy mr. double talk.

But i think Colton will enjoy payback on John "wussy" Scott very soon.

That was fast. What happened to "one punch from a guy that much bigger and stronger could ruin a career or worse, it could of literally paralyzed or even killed the guy". You sure turn it around FAST when you think you have the tougher guy.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow, you really are a bigger homer than i thought! Get real bro, Pavel would be in the hospital for a long long time if Scott actually got a punch in on him. I have heard it all now lol.... the funny part is, i think you actually believe what you wrote a tiny bit, not much, but a little lol.
I would want Pavel to act with HONOR in defending himself. You also know that Pavel, although not a huge guy, CAN take it and bounce right up.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You are so far out of your element when it comes to hockey you do not deserve a response, so that is all you get mr NON hockey. :D
Pussy!!! I thought this was the NHL not a panzie club. How much bigger was Kessel when he went after the smaller guy mr. double talk. That was fast. What happened to "one punch from a guy that much bigger and stronger could ruin a career or worse, it could of literally paralyzed or even killed the guy". You sure turn it around FAST when you've think you have the tougher guy.

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