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2013 NHL Official Hockey Thread

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
That's strange. I was watching "Le Match" earlier tonight & Detroit was actually one of the last places the panel said he'd go to since they're rebuilding and have literally no chance of contending for a cup for another few years.

1. Chicago just won the Cup and Detroit was the one team that pushed Chicago to the limit.

2. The "panel" might have said that...but VINNY himself said his top choices are Detroit and Montreal. However Vinny might not get his wish because Detroit might not go after him.

3. BTW Vinny also said that his favorite player growing up was Stevie Y. Great choice Vinny!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Steve Why was a decent player but he sure has not done much as a GM so far.

1. Wrong thread for making fun of a player's name - all the more so when it's a great player like Steve Yzerman.

2. Glad that you think he was a "decent" player. Maybe you think Gretzky and Lemieux were adequate, and maybe Bobby Orr was okay. What would be your definition of "great"? Wait, don't tell me: probably Colton Orr and Brian Spinner Spencer, maybe Jiri Tlusty?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Gretzky was Grrrrreat! Steve Why, decent.

Word is Vinny says he will NOT sign with a Canadian team.... so that means he probably will lol....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Steve Why was a decent player but he sure has not done much as a GM so far.

I agree that Stevie Y has been a disaster as a GM in Tampa, but he also did inherit some bad contracts from his predecessors. The Mathias Ohlund contract is a killer, on top of Vinnie's & especially Ryan Malone's. Ohlund can't be bought up because he's been injured for as long as i can remember with a severely damaged knee. TB had been warned about his bad knee prior to signing him to a big contract, but they still went along with it.

Let's face it: Hockey players are prostitutes. They'll chose whomever gives them the most money. If it's a Canadian team, so be it. But a Canadian team will have to overpay him in order to compensate for the higher income taxes. And the worse place for high income taxes is Quebec, so i can't see him signing with Montreal, especially when he's spent his entire professional career in a non-hockey market & being free to move around as he wishes on his spare time, which will never be the case in Monteal, which is the worse place in professional hockey for a player wishing to remain incognito & out of the public's eye.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Classy move by the Hawks last week after the end of the series. They took out this full page ad in the Boston Globe.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Sure, it was a very nice gesture on Chicago's part. But i'm curious if they would have done the same thing had Boston come back to win the Cup.

On another note, Chicago stated earlier that they have no interest in Vincent Lecavalier. Yeah right! I'm not buying it for a moment. They realize that openly stating their interest in him would only help him drive his price up.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I sure as hell don't want to see Lecavalier here in Montreal.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I sure as hell don't want to see Lecavalier here in Montreal.

I doubt it'll happen. First the high income taxes, and then the fishbowl environmment playing for Mtl, considering the guy has been low-profile in a non-hockey market his entire professional career & didn't want to leave.

Personally, i wouldn't want him for the Leafs either. Not at 33 years old. Give me a David Clarkson anytime over a Vinnie L.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
If he comes to Montreal there will be all kinds of drama. Like you say, he didn't want to leave and I don't think he'll be able to have a great season next year no matter who he plays for. I see him signing a single year contract somewhere and going back to Tampa the year after to finish out his career there.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Like i said b4, it would not surprise me if Holland and Steve Why have a (i scratch your back you scratch mine) set up where VL signs in detroit for one year then goes back to Tampa.... Will it happen? Probably not but if it did it would not surprise me in the least. Lets face it, detroit and tampa wont be contenders for the Cup next season so no real harm done.

In other news, Nathan Horton has told the bruins he will test free agency... goodbye Nate!..... trade rumors include Tyler Seguin.... hmmmm, clearing room for Vinnie while getting big assets for Seguin? Hmmmmmm, interesting stuff gonna go down in the next week. Stay tuned folks.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Iggy, i don't know why Detroit would want to help a team within its own conference who might be fighting with it for a playoffs spot.

I'm also not certain Tampa would want Lecavalier back.

As for Horton, i once liked him as a player, but considering his past history with concussions, i'm not sure i'd want to touch him right now.

I also doubt the Bruins would even consider trading Tyler Seguin unless it's for one of the top 3 selections in the draft. Even though he had a poor playoffs scoring-wise, he's their future. However, considering they once traded Joe Thornton, anything's possible i suppose.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
However, considering they once traded Joe Thornton, anything's possible i suppose.

In hockey ALMOST anything is indeed possible and ALMOST anyone can be traded (right Mr. Gretzky?).

There are only three untouchables in the NHL at the moment: Sid and Pavel for obvious reasons, and Alfie for slightly different ones.

(Obviously it would take an AMAZING deal for Ovi or Stamkos to go - but both could eventually happen.)
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