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2014 Official Major League Baseball Thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

The Red Sox just got blown away 8-0 by the Blue Jays on a pitching gem by rookie Marcus Stroman!!!

The light-hitting Red Sox could only manage a weak single in the 7th. The Red Sox are now officially sellers & rumors that Jon Lester will soon be traded are heating up, folks!

Even worse for Boston was the fact Big Pappi strained his back during a check-swing with 2 outs at the top of the 9th. He had to leave the game immediately & it doesn't look very good, folks!

So who will get his ass shipped out? Peavy? Drew? Victorino? Pappi? Lester? Bucholz? Miller? Uehara? Gomes? All of them???


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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After these past two nights, i believe they've now become sellers instead of buyers. I think it's time to trade Ortiz since his value on the market will never be greater. Also don't be surprised if John Lester isn't also traded since they might not be able to re-sign him and he'd be a great pick-up (like Ortiz) for a playoff or contending team. I also think it's safe to say that Peavy's gone, among others.

Who would want him?, his current value is a bag of bats.:lol:

Nice "LIGHTS OUT" performance by Stroman today, it definitely looks like it will come down to the wire between the Jays and Yankees, just like I predicted.:nod:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

BTW - I love the way I've got you guys trained to use my opening greetings...and other tag lines.'re it BOYZZZ! :D

Silly Red Sox, thinking that they were a good team,... you still getting your pants wet over this corpse Merlot?.:lol:

It takes someone who keeps his affection under his own name to consider getting "wet" over other guys.


So who will get his ass shipped out? Peavy? Drew? Victorino? Pappi? Lester? Bucholz? Miller? Uehara? Gomes? All of them???

This has all been answered a long time ago. Peavy's been trade bait forever, Drew is lucky he's got any contract, Gomes is gone as soon as his term runs out, Uehara is still an excellent pitcher but he's well up in years, Victorino was lucky to stay healthy last year so don't expect a new contract offer, Ortiz makes too much to go anywhere else. Miller and Buchholz are????? The only real decision is with Lester. He's a very tough pitcher Joe.t could fill a tub with wet stuff over, but the number of years he wants are a problem. Had the Sox given him a more reasonable offer at the start he'd stay. But they fucked that up and word is Lester's agent has shut down talks much of the time since then. As the year gets nearer to the end the risk of losing him gets higher, but I'm not sure if the Sox would care more about not getting anything in a trade than losing him because of the kind of contract that is probably necessary to keep him.

I'm glad your Jays have won a couple after that HUGE humiliation Doc. I would like it if the Orioles or Jays won the division. But the fact remains the division sucks this year, and it would be a real struggle for the winner to avoid being a 1st round playoff loser.

..."LIGHTS OUT"...

I don't know why I haven't been calling you "Lights Out" Joe.t until now. Ironically. :eyebrows:

Cheers gents,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The Red Sox just got blown away 8-0 by the Blue Jays on a pitching gem by rookie Marcus Stroman!!!
The light-hitting Red Sox could only manage a weak single in the 7th.
The Red Sox are now officially sellers
Even worse for Boston was the fact Big Pappi strained his back during a check-swing with 2 outs at the top of the 9th. He had to leave the game immediately & it doesn't look very good, folks!
So who will get his ass shipped out? Peavy? Drew? Victorino? Pappi? Lester? Bucholz? Miller? Uehara? Gomes? All of them???

Oh BOYZZZ! :lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Getting a healthy Pineda back in a few weeks is as good as going out and getting a top pitcher available at the trade deadline EXCEPT it wont cost the Yanks a thing. The way McCarthy, Phelps, Kuroda and young gun Shane Greene have been pitching (of late) adding Pineda makes a pretty darn good Starting 5 if they can keep up what they have been doing the last month or so.

Good Stuff


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The other day, JP Morosi was on PT Sports and during the discussion with the host Jon Lester's name came up. He mentionned that a few months ago Lester was willing to re-sign with the Red Sox at a hometown discount, but that Tony Clark and the MLBPA stepped in and spoke with Lester's management team in order to make them realize they'd be hurting all of the other players by accepting such a deal.

Clark and the MLBPA would prefer that premium players hit the open market instead in order to maximize their earning power and increase salaries across the board. By accepting hometown discounts, all it does (for the MLBPA) is to keep salaries at a status quo instead of making them rise.

Which is why I expect Lester to either hit the market or sign a huge deal to stay in Boston. A deal which the MLBPA will give its thumbs-up to, that is.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

The other day, JP Morosi ... He mentionned that a few months ago Lester was willing to re-sign with the Red Sox at a hometown discount, but that Tony Clark and the MLBPA stepped in and spoke with Lester's management team in order to make them realize they'd be hurting all of the other players by accepting such a deal.

I had heard about this kind of thing in other cases, but I never heard of this connection in Lester's case. It could be true, but I think Lester is the type that would be more of his own man like some others. That doesn't mean he doesn't want the kind of contract that shows respect for his work and achievements. What seems to have happened according to every account I've heard is, Lester did mention some sort of hometown discount but either the level of that discount was understood or someone in the office, probably Cherington but maybe asshole Lucchino made a big mistake in trying to low ball an offer. The current wisdom is the least Lester would accept with Boston is 5 years at $125 million, and other teams would have to add more years with about nearly the same yearly value in money. That's the discount for the Red Sox, not some insult salary.

Personally I'd pay up to four years, five if you twist my arm. After that I think the odds get extremely dicey. The Sox don't need another Sabathia or to get into the possibly disastrous position the Yanks might be facing with Tanaka.

As to your previous post about the chance the Sox might be seeing a number of players leave, the team needs an overhaul, and if the long list of upcoming prospects pans out decently the current players would be in a bad position anyway, so their choices would be limited if they didn't go.

BTW: I'm taking bets on how fast Joe.t or Iggy will be licking Lester's butt if he puts on the uniform. I say faster than the highest internet speed, faster than a Pentagon super computer. I'm also betting Joe.t will be first, Iggy will take a week to get over his tantrum if I'm right, then he'll kiss butt like a hungry PUSSY cat at a milk bowl. Lap Lap Lap.......... :eyebrows: :thumb:


The word from WEEI a few minutes ago (4:20) was that Ortiz will be in the game. Now the only question is will Price face him as a batter or take the little bitch way out and throw at him.




Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Talk about no pride, honor, self respect, etc!!!, the way this team has tanked and has thrown in the towel so early is a disgrace of epic proportions, just absolutely PATHETIC!!!, and to think that my buddy rumples thinks that this is still a good team with a chance, delusionitis is such a crippling disease.:help:

Big let down season by Dustin Pedroia, he can't afford to have too many seasons like the one that he is having or else he can kiss his hall of fame aspirations good bye.:nono:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Boston trade Peavy to the Giants for prospects, what where the Giants thinking.?.

Best post that I have read on the deal and I quote "Giving up two of your top prospects for an over the hill washed up pitcher with a 1-9 record and a 4.79 era. DESPERATE MUCH??.:confused:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Congratulations go out to the Red Sox for doing the unexpected which is to actually win a game and end another looooooonnnnnng losing streak, could a turn around be in the making?, not bloody likely but congratulations are still in order for this lousy team for ending the losing streak which no doubt will be restarted on Monday against the Jays, good job BOYZZZ. :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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"Giving up two of your top prospects for an over the hill washed up pitcher with a 1-9 record and a 4.79 era. DESPERATE MUCH??.:confused:

I am also confused, but about the 'DESPERATE MUCH?" comment. Isn't it a good thing for Boston that they got rid of a washed up player and, as a bonus, got two top prospects? What would have been better for their image - to give him a long term, 20 million + per year contract as they Yankees seem to do in that situation?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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The quote is obviously from someone who does not think much of Jake the Snake Peavy, personally after thinking about it, it may turn out good for Peavy, he is out of the AL and in a more pitching friendly environment NL.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Peavy has an amazing record against the Dodgers and that's why SF wanted to have him on their team. He wasn't pitching badly lately, but was a victim of the long-ball and poor run support on many occasions, just like RA Dickey.

Looking at the stats of the two players they sent to Boston, i think it was a fair price to pay. These two prospects will be lucky to ever find full-time employment in the majors.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Where are our wonderful Yankees fans, the three who were giving every award to the Yanks all year and the 1 1/2 silent partners? Not one post bragging about the Yanks since July 1.

SOOOOOO, how is that working out for you??? :D

Well, the Boston Red Sox have been showing a little bit of life as of late. In the very short sample switch to starting 5 rookies the Sox have won 3 of 4, and more surprising with a little run scoring potency. Not the least of whom is Brock Holt who in his latest streak of a few games has raised his BA 15 points to .327. With 84 hits in 61 games Holt is hitting at a 223 hits pace for a 162 game season.

Meanwhile Clay Buchholz threw a complete game gem giving up only 3 hits and striking out 12. One things is for certain, the inserting of 5 rookies has given the Red Sox a good shot of youthful energy and determination... a little chemistry that has been missing since last October.

If current trends keep up both the Rays and Red Sox could be watching a lot of pinstripes dropping past them on their way to the bottom of the standings, and if the current posting trends continue along with the teams losing ways the dearth of posts about the Yankees could become a complete disappearance.




I missed the game tonight, can you please tell me how Buchholz pitched tonight and how has he been pitching since this "gem"?.:smile:

Also what the hell is Doubront doing pitching out of the bullpen, wasn't he a promising starter at one point.:lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Jays Slaughtered Mercilessly


You could add that unlike A-Rod he doesn't go to games and pay more attention to the women than the game. Rasmus actually cares about baseball.

BTW Doc, did anyone get the number of that mighty train than steam-rolled right over anything with a blue bird attached to it. The Jays had as much chance of winning as that Malaysian flight had of landing safely. One stat that jumped out at me was Hutchison threw 68 pitches in 2.2 innings, while Lackey threw 76 in 7 innings. That's an average of under 11 pitches per inning (a pace of less than 99 per game) for Lackey, and more than 25 for Hutchison (a pace of 225 per game). DAMN the light hitting seemingly Toast-For-The-Season Red Sox who could barely scrape together 2 runs per game two weeks ago teed off like a 20-year-old Tiger Woods at practice. This with 4 rookies in the lineup. The Red Sox have won 8 of 9 since ditching Pierzynski. Yes, baseball analysts are attributing some of this to ending a chemistry issue in the clubhouse, but much more to the skill of just arrived rookie catcher Christian Rafael Vazquez who has given the pitching staff a shot of confidence to go along with the current team spark fresh blood seeking to prove themselves has brought. Still, no matter the reasons, the Jays got murdered last night....and it was ugly.

Cheers guys,



Anyone watching the Jays/Red Sox game tonight?? How about that Clay Fucholz!!!!! What a pitcher!!! Bobby Valentine must be laughing his head off if he's watching tonight's game!!

BTW Merlot, did anyone get the number of that mighty train than steam-rolled right over anything with a red hose attached to it? The Sox had as much chance of winning as that Malaysian flight had of landing safely!

Cheers!!! :lol:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Do any of you guys realize that Brett Gardner has hit 3 homers against Yu Darvish in Darvish's 2 starts against the Yankees in the past week, accounting for all of the runs scored in those two games, so far?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

So Doc, are you saying that cLay went from a grade "B" type pitcher to a grade "F"? I do agree about the what a pitcher comment however, except you left out one word in between "a" and "pitcher" and that word is Horrible :thumb:

How about that Clay Fucholz!!!!! What a pitcher!!!
Cheers!!! :lol:
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