Doc, you are once again Bang On! The last 3 rouge hose seasons were Worst to first to WORST and proves three things:
1) Suckfest (followed by silence)
2) Extremely lucky with that bunch of average talented misfits along with horrible yet lucky management (followed by arrogance)
3) Back to business as usual, see #1 (followed by more silence, it really and truly is a bee-uuuu-T-full thing)
Doc, you know when and where brotherbut I think we are even now after last week, no?
In other awesome news, a man named Michael is back for the Yanks tonight. I bet you he wont have any pine tar on him either :lol: Not sure he should make his first start back in THAT homer friendly park against THAT great hitting team but the Yanks do need a win and he is the best option right now I suppose.
PS. I think we should start a "come back to the baseball thread rumples" petition. His insight on the "Debacle in Beantown" this season would benefit many fans across the world. I have nothing against the guy as long as he does not make personal insults or personal attacks against other members here. C'mon Rumps, we want you back brother!
He was absolutely !!!LIGHTS OUT!!! tonight with excellent control(no walks), I think that it is safe to say he is back, with Michael Pineda in the line up the Yankees have significantly increased their playoff chances.