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2014 Official NFL Thread

May 28, 2012

You're starting to sound "shrill" (the Urban Dictionary Version) at this point. To quote the tone of your God (Obama), this is "settled science" or "the fans called and they want their trophy back". As to Marino, he's no God to me. The guy never brought the ring back to Miami. How about we ask Shula? He's less tainted than Belicheck.

"The embers of competition have cooled some. But they're still warm, if you care to see them. The coach can still can bring it when he wants, like when a forgotten scab is picked with the mention of the current king, New England's Bill Belichick. "Beli-cheat?'' Shula says.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Patriots release Brandon Spikes after charges laid

He was involved in a hit-and-run accident this past weekend and after being charged, the Patriots released him. He's spent most of his career with the Patriots other than one season (last year) with the Bills, who chose not to re-sign him during the offseason.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
You're starting to sound "shrill" (the Urban Dictionary Version) at this point.

Shrill? Do you really not realize what your 7-year angry crusade against Obama has made you. Really??? I've been defending Brady since January (2015), five months. You've been attacking Obama since 2008, 7 years. Have you seen your new signature? You wrote it...on top of the old angry one. You've been manically shrill since forever.

..."the fans called and they want their trophy back".

Most fans outside New England wanted the Patriots to lose. They would be crying for the ring regardless of anything like all haters. And if the majority is the principle behind what id right then you have failed to deal with the people being right for 7 years. I mean, do you ever stand by a principle when it doesn't suit you.

Case in point. If Marino trashed Brady you'd hold him up higher than Everest. Since he doesn't he's a failure. :lol:

How about we ask Shula? He's less tainted than Belicheck.

You admit Shula is tainted.

Shula has been an ass since he lead the Colts. He betrayed them before Super Bowl III to engage in a tampering scheme with Miami. People hate Belichick because he won't engage in trash talk ironically, yet that's all Shula the pompous egomaniac does. He's a pissy windbag par excellence.

...scab is picked...

This is what your crusade is, picking scabs.

Goodell is going to have his way at the coming hearing because obviously he's judge, jury, executioner. The real test is after. Kraft should have just closed his mouth and said nothing while filing in court against the NFL. It looks like he caved because of some sad loyalty to a punk commissioner looking for legitimacy after so many disciplinary failures. Kraft also probably did not want to risk being seen as the pariah owner Al Davis of Oakland became. Hopefully Brady won't stand for anything but an unbiased settlement in court.


May 28, 2012
1) Shrill? Do you really not realize what your 7-year angry crusade against Obama has made you. Really??? I've been defending Brady since January (2015), five months. You've been attacking Obama since 2008, 7 years. Have you seen your new signature? You wrote it...on top of the old angry one. You've been manically shrill since forever.

2) Most fans outside New England wanted the Patriots to lose. They would be crying for the ring regardless of anything like all haters. And if the majority is the principle behind what id right then you have failed to deal with the people being right for 7 years. I mean, do you ever stand by a principle when it doesn't suit you. Case in point. If Marino trashed Brady you'd hold him up higher than Everest. Since he doesn't he's a failure. :lol:

3) You admit Shula is tainted.

Shula has been an ass since he lead the Colts. He betrayed them before Super Bowl III to engage in a tampering scheme with Miami. People hate Belichick because he won't engage in trash talk ironically, yet that's all Shula the pompous egomaniac does. He's a pissy windbag par excellence.

4) This is what your crusade is, picking scabs.

Goodell is going to have his way at the coming hearing because obviously he's judge, jury, executioner. The real test is after. Kraft should have just closed his mouth and said nothing while filing in court against the NFL. It looks like he caved because of some sad loyalty to a punk commissioner looking for legitimacy after so many disciplinary failures. Kraft also probably did not want to risk being seen as the pariah owner Al Davis of Oakland became. Hopefully Brady won't stand for anything but an unbiased settlement in court.



1) My "crusade" had a point to it. Bottom line is that I am and was concerned for my courntry. I post in many forums and believe I'm doing my patriotic duty in calling out Obama. Your defense of Brady & the Pats is a cultural passtime and doesn't reach the importance of my message. Patriot vs. Fan, do you understand? Besides, by any stretch of the imagination I've been proven exactly correct.

2) Please show me anywhere that I've not been reasonablely objective about my Fins. Despite being a lifelong fan, I've been highly critcal of them. Yes I try and keep it real, as I count my opinion as important. I've NEVER had good things to say about Marino and never believed that Griese was the beat all to end all. Now Czonka was my hero on and off the field. Still is. Try being objective at some point will you?

3) Yup I admit no one is perfect. Shula does make a good steak though.:lol::lol:

4) Actually I dont have a crusade. I just like playing with your head. Truthfully I don't give a flip about Brady or the Pats or anything they do. I care about what happens on the field right now. As an old ironman player (one that played both ways and most special teams), I enjoy watching a good game whether or not my Fins are playing. You'll rarely find me posting in other sports areas, as I just love this game. I enjoy every hit, every manuver and every strategy, being able to put myself in their place. No, I'm not reliving my youth. But, my experience allows to be relate directly. Hell, I can watch a Raiders vs. Jaxsonville game and enjoy the hell out of it IF IT'S A WELL PLAYED GAME. Can you say the same, truthfully?


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Feb 9, 2004
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Shrill? Do you really not realize what your 7-year angry crusade against Obama has made you. Really???


It makes Vercingentorix a smart and informed man. :nod:


Nov 12, 2005
Commie Obama can't leave office soon enough. Vercin..., I disagree with you on the Patriots and the pitiful Fins, but I agree with all your hate of Obama and the shrill socialist liberals America seems to be infested with today. :thumb:

Unfortunate the Republicans can only offer clowns for candidates themselves. :lol:
May 28, 2012
Commie Obama can't leave office soon enough. Vercin..., I disagree with you on the Patriots and the pitiful Fins, but I agree with all your hate of Obama and the shrill socialist liberals America seems to be infested with today. :thumb:

Unfortunate the Republicans can only offer clowns for candidates themselves. :lol:

Wolfie7, I have to agree with you on the vast majority of the canidates either party puts out there, but this is a NFL Football thread and we've strayed a little too far. Back on the NFL, ESPN reports that Pro Football Focus rates the Fins dead last in the AFC East. I'm not sure that I agree, but a re-appraisal is called for. On the flip side, C.J. Mosley signed with the Fins. This will add additional rotation to the DTs in the middle and I understand he took veteran minimum as a hit off the salary cap. Don't know how much life is still in his game, but I'd love the hear input on that issue.

P.S. All I can say is "DAMN!!". How'd you like to wake up to this gun-toting dream every morning:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

...ESPN reports that Pro Football Focus rates the Fins dead last in the AFC East. I'm not sure that I agree, but a re-appraisal is called for.

Funny, I might have though last belonged to the Bills or Jets. Then again I love it when Joe.t picks the Patriots last every year. How's that worked out Joe? Oh 6 Super Bowls and 4 Championships. GOOD WORK JOE. :lol:

The Dolphins and the Jets definitely have to do more than get up for the Patriots to win 1 of 2. Beating the top team for pride and bragging points is one thing. You can't be a contender if you can't turn it on regularly and especially during games when it's toughest.

BTW - i put Lauren in the Celebs to BOOM BOOM a long time ago. She reminds me of the typical southern blonde beauty contestant.

How Brady could benefit from Goodell hearing his suspension appeal

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell’s search for an arbitrator to hear New England Patriots QB Tom Brady’s appeal of a four-game suspension apparently stopped when Goodell looked into the mirror. As first reported by Bleacher Report’s Mike Freeman on Thursday, Goodell chose himself to review whether the NFL properly suspended Brady for allegedly being “generally aware” that two other Patriots employees may have improperly deflated footballs before the AFC Championship Game. On Friday, NFLPA general counsel Tom DePaso notified NFL executive vice president Troy Vincent by letter of the NFLPA’s objections to the suspension and Goodell serving as arbitrator on grounds that he is inherently biased in the Deflategate controversy.

To amplify the argument that Goodell should not be the arbitrator, DePaso revealed that Brady intends to call Goodell as a witness. Among the reasons Goodell could be called as a witness is the NFLPA’s contention that Goodell had no legal right under the collective bargaining agreement to delegate player punishments to Vincent. Goodell, it would seem, cannot logically be the party who will decide on an appeal and a witness in that same appeal. It remains to be seen whether Goodell recuses himself or preside over a hearing in which he might be called to testify.

For now, it appears that Goodell will remain the arbitrator, which may not be the worst development for Brady. They would never admit it, but Brady’s legal team, led by famed sports litigator Jeffrey Kessler, probably smiled when hearing Goodell’s decision to serve as arbitrator. As explained below, Goodell selecting himself should help Brady pursue a remedy in court in the event his NFL appeal fails.

The first thing I thought when Goodell announced he would remain as arbitor was...he's setting up a great case of bias. It may say he has the last word in the CBA but judging your own judgment Is like a clown impersonating himself. Now to mention he has no choice to keep some kind of suspension on Brady. He allowed this to become a media and popular frenzy instead of dealing with the issue summarily based on his own previous punishment criteria on the same kind of offense by Minnesota and San Diego. But he left it out there to be twisted by popular passion/hatred and in the end all his man Wells could do was say he thinks Brady knew something, never saying Brady did anything.

So what can Goodell do? If he lets Brady off suspension the haters will call for his head. The owners will think some kind of deal was cut between his Goodell and his pal Kraft. Stepping down would have eliminated that but then he would surely face another humiliating decision turnover due to extremely superficial and inconclusive evidence. So Goodell is stuck with NEEDING to keep some kind of suspension. The only question is will Brady take a bullet for the NFL or fight an easy case to overturn?


May 28, 2012

You're obviously not reading and understanding my posts. The public (regardless of your opinion of the validity or legitimacy of the charges and/or penalties) wants blood. Stop screaming about it and accept that a penalty will be forthcoming on Brady. Brady is less concerned about a few games than about his reputation and legacy. He doesn't want that little star by his name that says "cheater". Godell is in a limited win situation. If Brady accepts a 2 week suspension for failing to cooperate with the investigation, RATHER THAN CHEATING, he's just labled an ASSHOLE (a title he's worn proundly in the past). Do it right around the July 4th weekend dead period, prior to training camp, and everyone, including the sportswriters, will grumble and be satisfied.

Jeez, let it rest. Discuss "Football", not penalties. My question and I obviously was looking for informatio is, "Do the Fins really need C.J. Mosley?". I'm not seeing a point to taking on someone who has limited potential on a one year deal. Is it just for additional strength in the rotation?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

M, You're obviously not reading and understanding my posts.

No, you and your pal are as easy is they come. Not holding your view is not the criteria for misunderstandings.

The public ...wants blood.

What else have I been saying. Blood NOT fairness.

The public ...wants blood. Stop screaming about it and accept that a penalty will be forthcoming on Brady.

You said you didn't care but you keep replying and complaining..and now you're the one annoyed..

Brady is less concerned about a few games than about his reputation and legacy.

People with honor care. My point months ago.

Stop screaming about it...Jeez, let it rest.

:lol: Ohhh puuullleeeeeze. Search for a guy named either CS Martin or vercingentorix (misspelled) if you want to see an obsession for screaming. Read about his 7 year hate rants and bitter signatures.

Please explain how the suspension against playing the best NFL quarterback of all time, or any quarterback is not a sports issue. And BTW contact ESPN and all of those professional sports analysts. Tell them they're off subject. This should be funny as hell :D While your at it see your own many posts you published on it in this sports thread. :noidea:


May 28, 2012
Understand that the Fins are negotiating for Evan Mathis. If they get him, they're going to have one monster of a team that's been built. Too bad it's going to be handled by Philbin. He's got to be next on the block if Miami is going to have a real shot at the ring.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth



Dig it HATERS,

;) :D



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello honest fans,


The Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute, which heavily influenced the policies of G.W. Bush, delved into one of it's rare sports case analysis and found the Wells Report badly flawed.

Posted by Mike Florio on June 13, 2015, 9:35 AM EDT

With the Tom Brady appeal hearing only 10 days away, it could be time for another Angry Ted Wells conference call.

The American Enterprise Institute, whose truly independent analysis helped several former Saints players ultimately avoid discipline in the bounty scandal, has examined the 243-page report from the NFL’s investigator in the #DeflateGate scandal. And AEI has determined the Wells report to be “unreliable.”

Sally Jenkins: AEI Analysis Suggests Deflategate Was A ‘Frame Job’

Don’t bother feeling bad for Roger Goodell, but the NFL commissioner is in an impossible situation as Tom Brady’s four-game suspension appeal looms.

Washington Post columnist Sally Jenkins, who has ripped the commissioner many times in the past, detailed why any decision Goodell makes in the New England Patriots quarterback’s appeal will be the wrong one.

This is especially apparent after the American Enterprise Institute analyzed the Wells Report and found it “deeply flawed,” rejecting it’s findings that the Patriots’ footballs deflated at a higher rate than the Indianapolis Colts’. Goodell likely was hoping AEI’s report, which was released Friday afternoon, would be swept under the rug. Unfortunately for Goodell, Jenkins read it and dug in.

“Does Goodell stand by the conclusions of the Wells Report, dig in and refuse to budge — thus establishing that he’s incapable of fairly considering evidence and is a serial abuser of his powers?” Jenkins wrote Wednesday. “… Or does Goodell do the right thing and rescind Brady’s suspension on the basis of the new info in the AEI report — thus admitting that the league spent millions on a railroading farce?”

AEI found “The Wells Report’s statistical analysis cannot be replicated by performing the analysis as described in the report.” Jenkins suggests Wells was falsifying results” to “fit predetermined conclusions.”

Jenkins also believes AEI’s analysis “suggests that this wasn’t an investigation; it was a frame job by the commissioner’s office desperate to reestablish its authority.”

Goodell obviously could have avoided this mess by not naming himself arbitrator in Brady’s appeal. Then again, anyone else probably would have immediately seen the flaws in the Wells Report and decided suspending Brady four games with lack of hard evidence of any wrongdoing was too harsh.

Why Roger Goodell might be in tough spot on Tom Brady suspension

Tom Brady is said to be seeking total exoneration, and it appears he’s entitled to it. The idea that Brady and the New England Patriots intentionally deflated footballs for a competitive advantage has been discredited by everyone from sidewalk chemists to Web physicists to unlicensed ceramicists, not to mention your own common sense. But most importantly, it is utterly shredded in a new scientific analysis by the American Enterprise Institute, which shows the only inflation problem is in NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s head.

The NFL paid millions for a fundamentally flawed report by lawyer Ted Wells that made Brady and the Patriots out to be slam-dunk guilty, based on more than 100 pages of mathematical analysis of ball pressurization . . . that turns out to be erroneous. The AEI’s report totally rejects the finding that the footballs used by the Patriots in the AFC championship game had a significant drop in air pressure compared to those used by the Colts. But the truly damning sentence is this one, buried in its erudite phrasings and equations: “The Wells report’s statistical analysis cannot be replicated by performing the analysis as described in the report,” the AEI concludes.

Now that the shrill mass mob has cooled a hard look is being taken by independent analysts and it's Goodell and Wells who are under heat of honest analysis. All reports are saying Tom Brady will NOT accept anything less than full exoneration. With this in depth independent look into all the factors of so-called Deflate Gate showing there was probably nothing going on at all Brady has all he needs...and the haters all have hard boiled egg on their faces.

Kiss the ring boys,



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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I say PROPAGANDA should not be tolerated in this thread.

How about those St. Louis Cardinals? Taking lessons from Bill Belicheat and Tom Shady Brady?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Honest Fans,

I say PROPAGANDA should not be tolerated in this thread.


Did the American Enterprise Institute just nuke Roger Goodell and the #Deflategate Wells Report? Hint: Yes!

From Sally Jenkins in the Washington Post:

Basically, the math didn’t add up. It’s a standard principle in science: If you can’t replicate a set of results, then there is a problem with it. A flaw or a fraud is at work. Either you made a mistake, or you made it up.

When the AEI analysts looked more closely at how such a mistake could have been made, what they found “astonished” them, says the report’s co-author Stan Veuger. The Wells report “relies on an unorthodox statistical procedure at odds with the methodology the report describes.” Translation: The Wells report said it would use one equation but then used a different (and weird) equation to arrive at its numbers.

“It was really clumsy,” Veuger says. “It’s the kind of mistake you’d see in freshman statistics class.”

LOL. Goodbye, Goodell!

Hurley: AEI’s Analysis Of Wells Report Should Embarrass Goodell, Wells, NFL

Overall the NFL, Roger Goodell and Ted Wells should all be embarrassed — very, very embarrassed. It’s one thing when a lowly sports writer tears apart the obvious holes in the Wells report. Such digging can be easily disregarded as biased or slanted, based solely on the geographical location of its origin.

But this? This is a group of educated men — Kevin A. Hassett, Joseph W. Sullivan and Stan A. Veuger — with no financial or personal stake in the situation and with mounds of facts and data. And they are completely dismissing the data used in the report which led to the unprecedented punishment handed down to the Patriots and Tom Brady.

“The way the evidence is presented reflects pretty poorly on the authors of the report as a whole,” Veuger told 98.5’s Adam Jones on Friday.

Haters are CRYING...see DD, :D

May 28, 2012
I say PROPAGANDA should not be tolerated in this thread.

How about those St. Louis Cardinals? Taking lessons from Bill Belicheat and Tom Shady Brady?

I would agree. I mean just posting article after article is not really a discussion. Then some folks can't converse and have a simple discussion. Unfortunately people tend to immitate "institutions". I learned this reading "From Beirut to Jerusalem". This is why dishonesty is corrosive to a government, sport or any institution. It's not the act, but rather the reaction and results of the act. People will immitate. A classic example is Obama & Liberalism. The effects keep corroding our society. The same can be said of sports. If one team gets away with it or has minimal downside exposure then others will immitate. Even the perception of dishonesty and/or shadiness can be corrosive. Such is the "Bill Belicheat and Tom Shady Brady" debacle. Some idiots think they can just paper over the truth.
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