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2016 Official Major League Baseball Thread


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Verlander looked like the pitcher of old last night
The Tigers owe Kate Upton BIG TIME :hail:

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Verlander looked like the pitcher of old last night
The Tigers owe Kate Upton BIG TIME :hail:

Best Regards

He is having a great year. It started last year after the all-star break. He has had maybe 1 bad outing since then. They are starting to talk Cy Young about JV.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Oh shoot. Our 3b Nick Castallanos broke his hand when he got hit by the pitch today. This was JD Martinez's 2nd game back and now we lost Nick? He has 17 HRs.
We re looking more like the Mets with all the injuries.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
We re looking more like the Mets with all the injuries.

Last week, we brought up a guy from AAA to play CF, since we had so many injuries and needed a right hand batter

The first ball hit to him, went over his head, and he never appeared in the top of the second inning..He pulled his hamstring, and was put on the disabled list :doh:

In better news, Zack Wheeler pitched an inning in A ball yesterday ..on the road to a slow recovery from Tommy John

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It looks like today could be the end of the line for A-Rod, as a news conference has been scheduled:

Press conferences last week saw an increasingly testy Joe Girardi annoyed and upset with reporters hounding him about how and when he might use ARod. Girardi diplomatically said that ARod sucks and he doesn't know if he will ever use him again. The truth is A-Rod was 3 for his last 30, not making very good contact, was being thrown almost all fastballs and was simply not handling them. He is 41 years old and sometimes at that age guys can lose it all at once and cannot adapt to sporadic at bats or platoon status. The Yankees are playing with a 24 man roster right now and Joey G does not like it, so something will possibly change.

The truth is look at Arod's stats. He has a negative WAR, firs time since he had a few at bats in 1995, and his OBP and slugging are abysmal. The stats tell you he sucks and if you read his comments about his current status, he knows what his stats are and he knows why he isn't playing.

Moral of the story is it's likely over and Yankees likely will be eating the last year plus of his contract.


New Member
May 14, 2016
A-Rod. What a lesson in you get what you asked for. Of course the Yankees are far from alone in such things but who didn't suspect what A-Rod really was when he got that first monstrous contract and then renegotiated for more. His playing style may not have been the most telling but there was always a slightly dirty shade to it and his attitude. The Yankees like many teams were good with his negatives as long as the deals were profitable and an overall benefit to the team.

Now after so many steroids and so much decline they're eager to get rid of him despite owing him so much more $$$$$$$$$$$.

One writer suggests PEDs are the issue again. I don't think so. They seem to want to dump him no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It looks like today could be the end of the line for A-Rod, as a news conference has been scheduled:

Press conferences last week saw an increasingly testy Joe Girardi annoyed and upset with reporters hounding him about how and when he might use ARod. Girardi diplomatically said that ARod sucks and he doesn't know if he will ever use him again. The truth is A-Rod was 3 for his last 30, not making very good contact, was being thrown almost all fastballs and was simply not handling them. He is 41 years old and sometimes at that age guys can lose it all at once and cannot adapt to sporadic at bats or platoon status. The Yankees are playing with a 24 man roster right now and Joey G does not like it, so something will possibly change.
Nothing a good dose of PEDs couldn't fix. How about it AROD? more time for the team this time and not AROD.


I think there was rampant use of PEDs used during the ARod era. I think he got caught and he lied. I have to say I am torn on the PED issue. Someone said "what about all those records?" I do not think you can compare one era to the next anyway. I have said it before. The face of baseball has changed so many times. I believe Ted Williams was the best hitter ever. I believe that the Babe was the best all around baseball player. Just look at all the changes in rules and how it impacted records. One case study would be the reaction to Roger Maris and his 61st homer. The Babe was a fan favorite. They changed the strike zone to the knees the armpit. 68 was the year of the pitcher:

Back to PEDs - The use of steroids at levels 10X to 100X that a doctor would prescribe was proven to be dangerous so they had to be eliminated but what is the problem with HGH? Why should you be able to take a ligament out of a cadaver to fix Tommy John but you can't take HGH etc?

Sort of like the Olympics. At one time if you drank too much coffee you could be DQ'd and they investigate for dozens and dozens of drugs but you can go from a male to a female and long as you don't drink to much coffee....I know that someone will now argue that Caitlyn Jenner is stunning and brave and that it is OK. If all is equal how come we do not see some bull lesbian go through gender reassignment surgery and be able to compete in men's sports. It just doesn't happen.


New Member
May 14, 2016
A-Rod's last away game at Fenway, where his career began with Seattle. I think the reaction is going to have a lot to do with this observation:

Alex Rodriguez: A tainted career comes to a sudden close

There should have been an Alex Rodriguez farewell tour. There could have been had he not tainted his legacy with PED use. Anyone with his numbers — 696 home runs, 3,114 hits, and a .930 OPS as a shortstop and third baseman — would have waltzed into the Hall of Fame.

It’s likely that none of that will occur now.

Rodriguez, who announced he will play his final game as a Yankee on Friday, will always be a tragic figure in baseball, albeit a rich one. One of the most gifted baseball players ever to wear a uniform, that fact will be a secondary footnote to the fact that he missed an entire season after being caught for PED use and the fact he lied about using until he was caught.


Don't be surprised if Yankees fans have much the same reaction of what could have been without the taint. He could have gained the legend and honor of Lou Gehrig...IF...the numbers were clean. Instead Yankees fan could weep more for what might of been than the end of an era.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Congrats to Ichiro for his 3000 hit today :hail::hail::hail:

A true hall of famer who proved you don't have to cheat to succeed

I hope Arod joins Bonds and Clemens and McGwire and Sosa as fading away forever

Maybe Pete Rose can start a cheaters old timer team :pound::pound::pound:

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
The Cubs are 9-1 in the last 10

Picking up steam during the second half.

Certainly the favorite to win it all , as of now

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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Red Sox Kabosh Ortiz Bobblehead as "Racially Insensitive"

Almost as stunning as the Red Sod admission that they employ "racially insensitive" contractors to create their bobbleheads is the comical nature of the artwork here:

How the Red Sox could fuck up such an important bobble head celebration for a great retiring player is beyond comprehension. Exceeded only by the NFL having to cancel their Hall of Fame game due to an unplayable field because someone used the wrong paint. Simply an embarrassment.


New Member
May 14, 2016
FIRST, BDA Inc who made the bobblehead is licensed to produce products for all MLB teams, racially insensitive or not.

"BDA remains responsible for delivering innovative sponsorship activations and in-stadium promotions for all 30 major league baseball clubs". Including the Yankees.

Red Sox pull Ortiz Bobblehead.

It's fun to see a Yankee apologist/Red Sox hater spin this. The Ortiz bobbleheads were commissioned, inspected by the Red Sox, and of course rejected.

"I thought the bobbleheads were an inaccurate portrayal of David," Kennedy said. "To go further, I thought the facial features were racially insensitive."

The bobbleheads were made by Washington-based promotions company BDA Inc. An official with the company didn't immediately respond for comment.

The bobbleheads were inspected and rejected. If the team saw a precise design for for this outcome the team would be guilty of an offense. But if the first product was approved by the team why would it be pulled.

This is an Ortiz bobblehead from 2014 that Big Papi approved. Large Image:

Another previous Oritz bobblehead approved by the team:

The failed Ortiz bobblehead: Obviously the production process was flawed this time and the Red Sox caught it and rejected it. The embarrassment is with the company trying to pass this on.

***It's not the first mistake by BDA in MLB products. The Orioles got the wrong color uniforms with one bobblehead. Other teams have been given bobbleheads with various mistakes.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What a bunch of shit. A bobble head is a caricature.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Yup. Made in China, as I heard, for all teams. A cheap plastic caricature but important for dedicated collectors who get more value the more their collection sets are complete. The irony is if a collector can get the insulting mistake bobble of Ortiz it will raise the value of any collection markedly.

Funny part was, most days they call Ortiz a cheater. Now when it suits people he's a great player. lol.

Andrew Benintendi

One of the Red Sox top prospects and rated in the top 20 among all minor league prospects has never played Triple A ball. I would have said slow down but he was tearing up pitching so the team brought him up. Currently he's hitting .500 in a tiny sampling. He's only played 6 major league games but the analysts love his swing and intelligence at the plate. The word is he will stay nit because he is currently hot but because the assessment of his style is he'll continue to be who he has shown to be so far.

As for the Yankees they will be lucky to miss Steven Wright who has a swollen shoulder and has had one of the more consistent devastating knuckle balls over a season ever to this point.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I do not see the problem, looks just like the cheater
Almost as stunning as the Red Sod admission that they employ "racially insensitive" contractors to create their bobbleheads is the comical nature of the artwork here:

How the Red Sox could fuck up such an important bobble head celebration for a great retiring player is beyond comprehension. Exceeded only by the NFL having to cancel their Hall of Fame game due to an unplayable field because someone used the wrong paint. Simply an embarrassment.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The Yankees future is transitioning quite nicely before our eyes as Gary Sanchez just hit a bomb to dead center in the big green dump known as fenway, his first of what should be many home runs in his career. Who's next up for a audition? Aaron Judge this saturday? maybe Clint Frazier?


New Member
May 14, 2016
[h=1]Alex Rodriguez Gets No Love From Joe Girardi, [/h]Girardi promised A-Rod he would play his last 4 games, then reneged. From the Yankees perspective he's given them a great deal over his career with them, including a World Series. Now they say, don't let the door hit you on the way out, but we'll kick you in the butt anyway.

"This sucks, because the Yankees aren’t playing for anything (besides a better draft position) and why not give A-Rod a few last games, for both entertainment and sentimental value? But instead, there was Girardi again, before last night’s game, apologizing...for making it sound like he was going to be writing Rodriguez’s name on any lineup cards."

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