Montreal Escorts

All-time most hated teams

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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Now here's an interesting subject.

Sorry for the Flyers and Leaf's fan... the Habs aren't in there :)

Hockey is not very important in the eyes of Sports Illustrated, which is why only two hockey teams appear in a 25 team list. But give full credit to Michael Farber and SI for identifying the leafs as one of the most despised teams in all of sports - and that particular 2001-2002 squad was truly disgusting (even if they did far outperform the sad sack leafs of the last half decade). Really, the 25 all-time most hated teams should consist of 25 leaf teams from 25 different years. Let's be fair though: the leafs did have some good teams and classy players HALF A CENTURY AGO.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Most notably missing from the list besides the Habs are any Red Sox team.

You would think with the throngs of loyal, up to date, well educated Yankees fans on the planet that at least one of the Sox teams would have been hated?!

2004 comes to mind...oohhh, ouch...that one still stings a little.

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
just like the Chicago Cubs still are, the sox were branded as lovable losers by most of the baseball world, until they finally broke a 86 year long drought to win a title, thanks to George Steinbrenner forcing them to compete. but hey, having the sox finally win was great for baseball, that i can admit, now if only the cubs can find a way, but dont hold your breath this year, the beast in the east has other plans and well frankly, the cubs suck.

Hatred comes from jealousy, and that list is full of teams who were winners (save it cairo, i know the Leafs didnt win the cup that year but should of if not for......... nevermind, not gonna stoop to a sox fans level with excuses) people love to hate a winner or anyone on top (like i did when i read Doc's reviews of his fun in Montreal this week!, seem he was on "Top" alot!) poor ladies, ... just kidding Doc. i have heard from time to time from the ladies you treat em well.
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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
(like i did when i read Doc's reviews of his fun in Montreal this week!, seem he was on "Top" alot!) poor ladies, ... just kidding Doc. i have heard from time to time from the ladies you treat em well.

Indeed, i was 'on top' & 'behind them' a lot, but not once on the bottom. A first, i think. :D

And yes indeed, i do treat them well, as i always do. I treat them like i expect to be treated....greatly.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hatred comes from jealousy, and that list is full of teams who were winners (save it cairo, i know the Leafs didnt win the cup that year.

The exception to your "jealousy" theory is the leafs, who as you quite correctly pointed out DIDN'T win the Cup that year (or any OTHER year since 67!). No one...and I mean NO ONE (!) is jealous of the freakin' leafs!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
least i remind you your scapegoat team the red wings took 42 years to win a cup, at least Leafs fans are passionate and dedicated to our team and are HERE. :)

on the other hand, your REAL Team, the habs are making a nice streak of their own, what is it now 20 plus years? ... why do you always make a sports thread about the Leafs? i think we all know the R E A L answer...
The exception to your "jealousy" theory is the leafs, who as you quite correctly pointed out DIDN'T win the Cup that year (or any OTHER year since 67!). No one...and I mean NO ONE (!) is jealous of the freakin' leafs!


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Hatred comes from jealousy, and that list is full of teams who were winners

Hatred comes from a team or its fan base having a "superior, we are entitled air or attitude"; it comes from in your face bullshit; it comes from lack of sportsmanship; it comes from lack of humility in winning...jealousy is an easy scapegoat answer and generally bullshit.

There is winning...and there is winning with class, dignity and humility; there is being the best...and there is being the best with class, dignity and humility; there is passion...and there is passion with class, dignity and humility. I only need to point to Derek Jeter for an example you may understand - he can win with dignity and humility...recent personal decisions question his class, so I left that out...anyway, you get the picture. People don't need to be told you're the best...if you are you have earned it, they will see it and respect it. THAT is the difference between a winner and a hated team. THAT is why the Red Sox of Boston are not on a hated teams list...they did it with class, dignity and their fans do.

Get some class Fido and spare us the snappy comeback. Your childish use of caps and non-caps is a blaring example of your lack of class and dignity. And please, spare us the tired PASSION excuse again. In a battle of wits, you are unarmed...
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Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Hatred comes from a team or its fan base having a "superior, we are entitled air or attitude"; it comes from in your face bullshit; it comes from lack of sportsmanship; it comes from lack of humility in winning...jealousy is an easy scapegoat answer and generally bullshit.

Well said!

Interesting to see how just about everyone got the "warms and fuzzies" over most of the Canadian Winter Olympic athletes who excelled but still maintained their grace and humility.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
least i remind you your scapegoat team the red wings took 42 years to win a cup, at least Leafs fans are passionate and dedicated to our team and are HERE. :)

on the other hand, your REAL Team, the habs are making a nice streak of their own, what is it now 20 plus years? ... why do you always make a sports thread about the Leafs? i think we all know the R E A L answer...
1. Try to learn the meaning of the word "scapegoat" . A dictionary would be a good place to start.
2. My "real" team is the Red Wings. Please stop your bullshit. For a year or two you've been making up this crap about the Habs being my team. If you want to write total bullshit, at least try for once to come up with some NEW total bullshit and not the same old crap that you've been spewing for years.
3. If the Habs WERE "my" team - which they are not and never have been - I would be PROUD to say so, since their record - even their RECENT record - is a hell of a lot better than that of your shitty leafs.
4. I didn't "make" a sports thread about the leafs. If you could read properly, you could see that JHFan started this thread and included a link to an article about the 25 most hated teams. You could then see that the leafs are one of those teams. But of course that's IF you could read.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Get some class Fido and spare me the snappy comeback. Your childish use of caps and non-caps is a blaring example of your lack of class. In a battle of wits, you are unarmed...

Great response Jman! Not only very accurate, but Fido is the perfect name for a lapdog.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Great response Jman! Not only very accurate, but Fido is the perfect name for a lapdog.

Hi JC,

Just working with what I'm handed. Fido is so predictable sometimes...makes him easy to


Have fun,

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
like your 1900 posts, many of which were written 20-30 within an hour or so? bwhahahahahah, mirror brother, MIRROR! :)

1. . If you want to write total bullshit, at least try for once to come up with some NEW total bullshit and not the same old crap that you've been spewing for years.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ahhh cairo doing what and ONLY cairo knows best, twisiting other peoples words to make himself feel better. i knew he needed a outlet since he has to behave in the hot stove thread, and Doc, your right, i knew he couldnt last that long, pay up!... go ahead and do what you do cairo, aka Lassie .. :)

Is that the best you can come up with Fido? Maybe your master needs to train you better.
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