Montreal Escorts

any younger than 25 merbites?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

The power dynamic is exactly why better looking women, whether civilian or escort, generally offer the poorest service, with some rare exceptions. It's because the better looking women need to do the least to keep men interested.

It's funny to see you write this since it contradicts your position on another thread subject issue on the comparative quality of meetings between HDH, mid-level, and LDL escorts. Sure you'll say it's not all about looks, and that's true. But it's inescapable that HDHs are frequently the "better looking women" on the average, thus you impugn your earlier view. Part of my position on that issue matched what you say above almost precisely.

But if he does not put up with the BS, and uses an escort to get ... sex for 220 loonies, she loses that power.

Hmmm, and I thought I had a slightly negative opinion of some women's motives sometimes. Some of you guys are generalizing too much about the scheming mercenary attitudes of women. And, yes, I see escorts.

Most of the comments makes women look almost dear men you are NOT meat...women are not on the lookout to feed of you...we enjoy you but not as a snack...

Some are, but generally his implication is far too harsh.

Cloud500, what you seem to be suggesting is that young guys arrange their lives and modify their personalities in such a manner as to maximize their chances of picking up a civilian girl in the setting of her choice, regardless of whether he enjoys that process or has the time to do that. You simply, in my opinion, concede to much power to women.

Cloud500 was not saying this at all IMHO, and he's not conceding anything. All people have positive and negative characteristics to their personalities and inner being. It's natural to use the most appropriate of those characteristics to match the setting or situation the same way one would not be shouting in a movie theater the way they do at a sports event, or talk in front of mom like they do with their pals at a bar. That's not to suggest you shouldn't be yourself, but no smart person is going to put out the less attractive part of themselves while trying to create an attraction.

you rate normal women like escorts.

Some are more jaded than others.

You can not truly appreciate the pleasure unless you've gone through the pain.

Agreed. It teaches you what is really important in life. Otherwise you risk becoming a hedonist who values nothing but self-pleasure.

We can see how people are thinking and where they are coming from.

The posts often say more about the poster than the subject they are writing about.

Cheers all,



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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But it's inescapable that HDHs are frequently the "better looking women" on the average, thus you impugn your earlier view.

I don't believe it is inescapable, and there is not necessarily any contradiction. I think HDH escorts on average are more sophisticated and intelligent, and usually they are able to present themselves better. Some guys are willing to pay for that. They want something more than an hour of torrid sex. They perhaps are attracted to women who are more sophisticated in dialogue and appearance. I see both HDH and LDL escorts. The most recent trip 2 weeks ago, I saw 3 LDLs and no HDHs although there was an attempt to book an HDH. One of the LDLs, whom I had met previously, I saw for 4 hours at a price slightly higher than the 2 hour HDH rate.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I assume they do it for sex :) or they have disposable income to burn

I have a friend who works in the financial industry, makes big bucks and when he goes to Vegas he has a budget for strippers and escorts. That budget is about $5,000 per Vegas trip. He takes the money with a view towards burning it, and that is because he can do it and does not feel like or need to be saving the money.

Why do people climb Mount Everest? BECAUSE IT IS THERE. And they spend money on escorts sometimes simply because the money is there and that is what they want to do.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
They have chosen to see escorts and I assume they do it for fun.
I assume they do it because they're terrified of women. Most have probably never had a healthy relationship with one.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I assume they do it because they're terrified of women. Most have probably never had a healthy relationship with one.

Speak for yourself, I see escorts because I am 50+ and with my work have no time to seek a relationship that is part time. Plus it would be near impossible for me to have sex with a 20 to 30 something good looking female without paying. Old but not dead.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Speak for yourself, I see escorts because I am 50+ and with my work have no time to seek a relationship that is part time. Plus it would be near impossible for me to have sex with a 20 to 30 something good looking female without paying. Old but not dead.
Likewise, Sol, and in fact I'm older than you. What you say about yourself applies here as well, except for the busy at work part.

However, you probably should have looked back at that to which I was referring. Beav was speaking about a bunch of 35 and under guys who, according to him, would not have to pay for sex. Hence my reply.

Personally, I never paid until just after my 50th birthday. (Hmm, I wonder if any agencies give Senior discounts.)

Where the Beav and I part company is in his belief that most women use sex as a weapon and/or a tool. What he fails to realize is that most women LOVE sex, probably more than most men do. Were it not for the male imposed stigma that our society places on female sexuality, we'd all be having a whole lot more fun.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
...... most women use sex as a weapon and/or a tool. What he fails to realize is that most women LOVE sex, probably more than most men do. Were it not for the male imposed stigma that our society places on female sexuality, we'd all be having a whole lot more fun.

I met a couple of men in my regular life over the years, who very strangely, when they realized that I was very sexual,
just had the misconception to believe that I was just wanting to seduce them and force them to love me with a good sexuality.

I am not sure if what I wrote is clear.

So, to be sexually interested is, still in some case, a bad thing.
I am meeting men & read for years boards now, and I know the bad sexual sides that men are living with women, but
believe it or not, women are living strange things with men also about sexuality.




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think escorts like older men as clients because they tend to be more mature personality wise and less aggressive with the sexual appetite. But I don't see any discounts coming.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

I was looking for the "I like" button about your last post.

I can add that I'm looking for that "maturity" and often, "maturity" is coming with age, but there is some few exceptions,
some young men who are able to prove respect and willing to learn (if they don't know) or are just able to play like olders do. Yes, that's possible.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I use Levitra because the other 2 give me headaches but it does not increase my SOGs. It just maintains the erection for longer periods of time.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I think HDH escorts on average are more sophisticated and intelligent, and usually they are able to present themselves better.

Okay, I see nothing wrong with this statement regarding presentation. In my experience it's quite true. However, while I totally respect and agree with the view that there's much more to being with a woman (escort or not) than sex that's just as important (much more so in a real relationship), a significant percentage of HDHs, 1/4 to 1/3 of them, use this sophistication and intelligence in coldly calculating ways almost like an using a mental anesthetic or mental happy pill to try to fool the client that presentation and conversation with specifically designed manners should be most of the encounter as an excuse to purposely avoid physical intimacy.

They perhaps are attracted to women who are more sophisticated in dialogue and appearance.

I see nothing wrong with a client booking an escort only for this with no sex. If that's what one seeks there's no right by anyone else to criticize it. But when it's used as a tactic to escape what else has been paid for, sex, then it's just shady. That happens much more often with HDHs than LDLs.

I assume they do it because they're terrified of women. Most have probably never had a healthy relationship with one.

Really??? Don't you think the right word is disappointed or disgusted with women. Probably guys more often had healthy relationships for some time or a long time that turned sour simply because the situation changed or one or both of the partners changed, which probably lead to disappointment, disillusionment, anger...but not being "terrified of women". I would imagine those like you whose marriages ended are not terrified of women, but skeptical about relationships, which would be a natural feeling out of disappointment.

Beav was speaking about a bunch of 35 and under guys who, according to him, would not have to pay for sex.

Where the Beav and I part company is in his belief that most women use sex as a weapon and/or a tool.

Okay, but your previous statement seemed too encompassing to be limited to Beav and that group. Beav's view is quite excessive in my view also.

So, to be sexually interested is, still in some case, a bad thing.

It's not unless the one person only sees the other person as a sex object and fails to or refuses to treat the other as a real person in a real relationship.

I met a couple of men in my regular life over the years, who very strangely, when they realized that I was very sexual,
just had the misconception to believe that I was just wanting to seduce them and force them to love me with a good sexuality.

DAMN, I'm never in the right place at the right time. Please dial 1-800-imyours. :D




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Really??? Don't you think the right word is disappointed or disgusted with women.
I stand by my previous statement.

I would imagine those like you whose marriages ended are not terrified of women, but skeptical about relationships, which would be a natural feeling out of disappointment.
I wouldn't say I'm skeptical. I've been married three times. The first two were good healthy relationships that had simply run their course. I remain friends with both. The third was a looong lasting mistake, not a healthy relationship by any stretch of the imagination, but one kept together much longer than it should have because of kids.

Why do I now see escorts rather than engage in a full time relationship. (LADIES: read no further) The simple unfortunate truth is that men age better than women and I simply haven't met anyone my age whom I find attractive. I do have good healthy relationships with a number of escorts whom I see on a regular, rotating basis. And I have a good time because I see to it that they have a good time as well.


Dec 2, 2008
I use Levitra because the other 2 give me headaches but it does not increase my SOGs. It just maintains the erection for longer periods of time.

All of the ED treatment TV advertisements say, "For an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, seek immediate medical attention".

Well, hell ya, medical attention for the poor Partner. OUCH!!!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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All of the ED treatment TV advertisements say, "For an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, seek immediate medical attention".

I think what the ad means is if you pop a boner that lasts longer than 4 hours, the medicine has exceeded its intended purpose. Levitra is supposed to have a longer life in your system than Viagra, but it is not supposed to make you hard for 4 hours plus with no softening. An endless boner is not normal or healthy.

I am okay to get a boner without Levitra but what the Levitra does is it allows you to maintain that erection for long periods of time and no Mr. Softy in the middle of intercourse. But a 6 hour erection that does not subside is not normal.

By the ways the quality of the hard on is better or at least seems it to me. I feel like I have never had a harder erection when I take that stuff. It feels like a baseball bat, solid wood.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
It amazes me that you accept these stereotypes, which are created and perpetuated by those who do not participate in the sex industry in order to make those who do participate feel inferior, as given facts. Those sterotypes are wrong. Do you actually see escorts?

100% agree with you..


New Member
Nov 25, 2011
This thread is absolutely marvelous.certain comments were delightful and others made me cringe.However I think that no one can pass a judgement on someone's life as long as it doesn't take away something from their own.Therefore I think whether you are 25,50,75 or beyond you deserve to enjoy your life.Life is always about experiences and getting to know yourself.I think that in any type of relationship,interaction you have to be yourself for it to be good,sucessful and fun.I think that this type of thinking is useful for the providers /clients but also with the day to day life.

La vie est bien trop courte donc il faut en profiter pleinement tout en se respectant soi-même,mais également ceux qui contribuent à notre bonheur.Il faut évidemment comprendre que je ne parle pas de vivre dans l'excès .


New Member
May 31, 2011
anywhere and everywhere
This thread is absolutely marvelous.certain comments were delightful and others made me cringe.However I think that no one can pass a judgement on someone`s life as long as it doesn`t take away something from their own.Therefore I think whether you are 25,50,75 or beyond you deserve to enjoy your life.Life is always about experiences and getting to know yourself.I think that in any type of relationship,interaction you have to be yourself for it to be good,sucessful and fun.I think that this type of thinking is useful for the providers /clients but also with the day to day life.

La vie est bien trop courte donc il faut en profiter pleinement tout en se respectant soi-même,mais également ceux qui contribuent à notre bonheur.Il faut évidemment comprendre que je ne parle pas de vivre dans l`excès .

Ah Nath89 que je t`adore!

Lily from Montreal

This thread is really allover the place! From a original quest to find if the pretty 25 is alone to a comparison between Viagra & cie... loll...To get back to topic yes ,there seem to be quite a few very young hobbyist and I am a bit surprise of this lazy approach to sex at so young...

The youngest who ever wrote to me was 18...and it was the creepiest demand I ever got...He asked to talk to me on the phone because was embarrassed on writing it,I do not usually communicate by phone but was able to do so.

He then asked if I minded if his mom was paying? Hum, tell you the truth I do not care who pays and do not need to know really?
Then he told me he was a virgin asked if I minded if his mom was in the room ? Yeek!!!When I recovered from my shock and said hem,no? He said it's ok,she's your age....sigh...So 3 strikes, too young,a virgin and a spectator...
That's was when I started meeting and is still my weirdest demand....
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