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any younger than 25 merbites?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
I see what Patron is saying above me, it's kind of like how you can go on a drought and then once you start seeing someone, all these girls start coming after you. My friend calls it "getting the stench off" but I would never suggest paying for sex as a solution to get the stench off. One solution is to keep yourself preoccupied by dating people even if they aren't a 10 in your books or having a friends with benefits, another option is just to not be desperate and therefore not have an air of desperation.

My 2 cents about the general responses on here is that this is a message board where people see escorts so if we just went out and asked 100 random guys on the street, I'm sure the responses would be different. If you surround yourself with like-minded people who say you're right, it doesn't necessarily mean you're right. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, just that we should keep this in mind. Also I feel like what's being portrayed of a normal relationship and how it sucks all your money and otherwise is exactly the same as seeing an escort is being grossly misrepresented and instead everyone is bringing up their worst experience in life; the responses on here make no mention of the possibility of a happy monogamous, fulfilling relationship as if no such ting exists.


Aug 27, 2010
Habs Nation!
Well for young guys seeing escort versus civilian girls there is one issue that no has point out ... It is the sexuality that the guy will experience that kind of sexuality is not very common with regulars girls so that may become a problem in a long term relationship if you are getting used to have the kind of sexuality that a SP provide..

Btw i'm 30 and i'm seeing escort now for a decade


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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A wise man once told me that a man should have sex with a wide variety of women (he drove a shuttle vehicle for a brothel, but one meets wise men in circumstances other than the education system). I was young at the time and did not follow his advice closely enough. Youth is a time of bounless energy and sperm production for a man. His limitations should be based on opportunities and finances, with the realization that his sex drive will never be higher than in his youth - the limitations should not be based on dogma such as "don't see escorts until you are older". A man gets positive experiences from both civilian dating relationships and from escorts (particularly if he repeats often enough to get to know some of them a bit). I would advise the original poster to have sex with a wide variety of women, but that is just my opinion. And learn to compartmentalize his life so that not everyone know about all of his activities.

Tremendously wise advice.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It is the sexuality that the guy will experience that kind of sexuality is not very common with regulars girls

Agree, get used to escorts and meet someone later and you will hear " You want to do what! " For myself women my age do not want sex ( not all but most ) and when they do you will not get SP service.


New Member
Jan 11, 2010
im younger than 25 and am lucky enough to have a good paying job to be able to see a girl whenever i get abit bored, i can get a girl in a club or have a girlfriend but right now in my life i really dont want a serious relationship and im not saying all girls but some of the ones ive been with get pissed when you break the news to them after you guys kind of had a connection which is natural, plus ive had my share of fucked up women who broke my heart and left me to dry so i thought why not?! i have the money so why not spoil myself once in a while? im just trying to have as much fun as i can WHILE i can and really dont see the harm, as long as your not struggling for cash go crazy!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It does not take a lot of time to book and see an escort, particularly in a hobbyland place like Montreal.

A young person can see an escort AND date civilian girls. All of the pressure is off, so the relaxed I don't give a sh_t attitude will do wonders for the civilian dating.

When a guy is not getting any, and he has civilian dates, the girls can smell the desparation. And they are not nice or kind about it. If she has to put a little effort into getting him interested, that will pay dividends for him.

That is part of the problem and booking escorts makes it worse. It is too easy and convenient. Anyone with minimal social skills can book an escort. It takes swagg, confidence to go out and pick up a regular girl. Women can smell a desperate insecure man from a mile away. Just because you satisfy your sexual needs does not mean it is working for your social skills. Got to work and keep the social skills on top. You got to keep your game at its best. I know I will get criticized for this but what the hell most of the guys booking escorts are either older gentlemen which I can understand their reasoning to booking them and then you got the younger guys who are not getting none... guys who are too shy, lack confidence, have no swagg, or are completely out of shape.

Practice makes perfect. Instead go out and approach woman. Sure you will makes mistakes but you will learn from it. The more you approach and talk the better you will get. The more better you get and the more practice you get the more sure of yourself you will be therefore more confidence. And instead of wasting money on an escort for one hour use that hour to work out at the gym. Woman love a man with a flat stomach and muscles. While you are working out start a convo with some of the women at the gym. I used to work out at ProGym during the overnight hours and many strippers would be there working out. Quite frankly I do not think young guys should be booking escorts. It really diminishes their social skills with women. Not good at all. My advice is for young guys to stay away from it. My two cents.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It is the sexuality that the guy will experience that kind of sexuality is not very common with regulars girls so that may become a problem in a long term relationship if you are getting used to have the kind of sexuality that a SP provide..

I disagree with you here. When a women is down with you she will give it all more then any escort ever will. I remember being at the movies with my girl and she was giving me a BJ at the movies. Lolllll Regular girls will be very sexual when she is into you. Regular girls are not prostitutes so do not expect them to be sexual with all or easily. You got to court her first.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The power dynamic is exactly why better looking women, whether civilian or escort, generally offer the poorest service, with some rare exceptions. It's because the better looking women need to do the least to keep men interested. But as they get older and their looks fade, they lose that power, and need to do more in order to stimulate the same level of sexual interest, and continue to wield the same amount of sexual power. This is why you see women go on vanity shopping sprees as they hit their 30s, enhancing their boobs, injecting their lips, spending more money on hairdressers and nail salons. Their sense of competition and cattiness develops as they see the men in their lives ogling younger women. They have to respond to this challenge, and they do. It's part of the human survival instinct which kicks in.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The power dynamic is exactly why better looking women, whether civilian or escort, generally offer the poorest service, with some rare exceptions.
This, Beav, is a typical American attitude, one that believes that women engage in sex in order to wield power over men or, more likely, to gain access to their wallets. In my experience, women engage in sex because they enjoy it, because it's fun. I think it most unfortunate that your experience is quite different.

I must say, though, that after reading the last few sentences of your post, you and I know very different women. Most women I know are strong and self-confident, and don't live their lives in order to control men or solely to make themselves attractive. Perhaps that's why I don't view them as dimly as you do.

Are you familiar with the term "self fulfilling prophesy?"

Lily from Montreal

Patron, I do not think a ''civilian'' girl even think of her body in money terms...The attitude you describe is very mercenary and frankly I am sorry you ever met a lady like that...
Most of the comments makes women look almost dear men you are NOT meat...women are not on the lookout to feed of you...we enjoy you but not as a snack...

Lily from Montreal

Sorry to disagree John but I would say it is the other way around...a good sp will be extra serious about getting checked and always have condoms available...while a nice girls of today like you say thinks nothing about the fuckfriend concept and if there is no condoms well...the drawback to being young is that they think they are will pass...

But I do agree younger should have fun with no monetary aspect but I find the ''normal from good family'' you describe really hum shall we say, old fashion?Do you really think all escorts comes from poor disfunctionnal family? Come on?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
sometimes ,you hear guys say how lowsy a woman is in bed ,not realizing, they don't know the first thing on how to please a woman.
Spot on, Oliver. Or, more likely, they don't try, not realizing that the key to good "service," whether in a relationship or with an escort, is giving her as much pleasure as possible.

When you're with an escort, the first thing you have to do is forget that you're paying and that she is then obliged to fill your needs in a vacuum. Get her stimulated, get her excited, and you will be well rewarded.

What most guys don't realize, and perhaps this is why western culture has tried mightily to suppress sexual desire in women, is that sex is more fun for women than it is for men. I was with an escort a couple of weeks back who, with the help of a little toy that I pulled out of my drawer, had an intense orgasm that went on for well over five minutes. The only way a man can possibly experience the kind of pleasure a woman does is through the prostate and most men would never in a million years even give it a second's thought. But that's a whole other subject.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
Wow...this is a pretty sad thread. Never thought so many guys have had such bad experiences to "drive" them to escorts...

Personally, I never used an escort till I was we'll into my 30's. it just never occurred to me. I was having to much married and never thought about it. Then my libido got the better of me and needed an extra outlet. I use escorts purely for the sex...not for the intimacy, GF aspect, dates, etc...

A young man needs to go through the pleasure and pain of relationships...this is how one grows and learns. You can not truly appreciate the pleasure unless you've gone through the pain. It is sad to me to hear of young under 30 guys using escorts because they can't be "bothered" or have been "hurt". For those who can't be bothered...the chase is usually more fun than the prize. For those that have been hurt...lick your wounds, be a man, move on and try again.

It is unfortunate we now live in a world where personal gratification is so easy....

Yeah...I'm old school...



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Mr. Czar...I could not agree more.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It amazes me that you accept these stereotypes, which are created and perpetuated by those who do not participate in the sex industry in order to make those who do participate feel inferior, as given facts. Those sterotypes are wrong. Do you actually see escorts?

He doesn't see agency escorts. I agree with you on what you say Patron.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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fact eb has no knowedge of this can be added to a long list of things he has no knowledge about

Does saying someone with a different opinion knows shit and bolding it somehow make your opinion stronger or better? I don't think so. You are not the only person that has a lot of experience with women here civilian and otherwise. Patron is entitled to his opinion and I happen to agree with it.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Interesting sub-subject to read that some of you wrote about a morality question: The young vs seeing or not "professional dates".

We can see how people are thinking and where they are coming from.

The biggest problem, at any age, is to totally comfort yourself in the easy road to have intimacy with a woman, (seeing escort/massage/others)
and to think after that's the way it works ever with women.

Women in your day-to-day life just need to be seduced before to go further, that's all.
And that's not very hard to do in fact. Just to take the time and give attentions.
No need to pay nothing or just simple things could work.

One of the best funny sentence I read, as an escort is: "You can't buy my love, but the rest is negotiable" :lol: but
in my day-to-day life, if a man want to approach me, of course, I am just like all other women, I need to feel a real global interest, not only for sex. If a day, I accept a man in my life, it will be because we will be connecting together on different levels (spiritual, emotional and sexual) and I will be fully faithful to that man.

I am very traditional on the point, what can I say? I am made like that, that's all.

And about the question: No, I am over the age you are looking for in the merbites.
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Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
et bien! JsB, if you are really who I think you could be. No, physically I don't think you should have to pay to have some company.

For the rest, I just don't know if you are able to have the "seduction mode" or that's just a question of preference now that you are older.

AND, please, don't mix me in any feud, ok? That's really not my cup of tea. My presence as an escort is for pleasures only. That's all that I want.

The difference of opinion between others and you, is to you to deal with, ok?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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do you think I actually ever ever had to pay for sex?

Some do not have to pay for sex, they simply choose to pay for sex, because it is easier, more convenient, or it's better than what they are getting at home. Some guys who are over 50 are not interested in women over 50 and want to bang younger women under 25. It is their right to make this choice. You also have the right to choose chocolate over vanilla ice cream, or egg foo young over chicken chow mein. The reasoning is exactly the same. It is what you like, and what you desire.

Your post assumes most clients are paying for sex because they have to. In most cases they are choosing to pay for sex. Some guys do it because they have money or disposable income they need to burn and it is a fun way to burn off excess liquid assets.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I went to an escort agency party in February and there were about 15 clients there. My opinion is that of these 15, none of them has to be paying for sex. One is an older gentleman probably incapable of picking up 20 somethings, but he can probably easily bed a 65 year old if that is what he really wanted to do. He has the requisite intelligence and charm, but he just does not want to bang old women. That's his right. There were a few younger guys at the party (35 and under) who were rather good looking and personable. I have no doubt they could do okay for themselves in the dating scene, at a minimum. They have chosen to see escorts and I assume they do it for fun.
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