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Anyone who's taken a long break before...


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Anyone who's taken a long break from seeing SPs, did you do anything in particular to not give into temptation? Did you shut down your Merb account or avoid the board altogether? Just wanted to see what some people have done to keep to their intention of staying away for a while. As stated in another thread, i have a trip coming up that I already paid for but after that I'm seriously considering staying away from Montreal at least the next six months to see how things go.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I did that, took a break... well ended up seeing 1 in 6 months.. Was hard. I couldn't stay away from merb more than the 2 first weeks. Since i don't hobby often even when i am active, it was not exessively hard but still i was tempted. Since lots of my other hobby stuff was coming out(video games, and damn they are expensive these days) i was motivated by this. Had to spend lots of money on this...

Also i would recommand NOT going at industry parties if you plan on taking a break. I was at the last one and there is 4 ladies i am VERY interested on seeing that where not(or not anymore at that time) on my radar before. Thats to add to the ones already on my "list" for either a first time meeting (pics/reviews interest me a lot) or on the repeat list. Considering i see 6-7 per year, this mean one party more or less fill my whole year. I know some may stop doing it, timing may not work etc etc but thats how much the temptation get much bigger when seeing them in person. Then there is always new girls at next party possibilities and/or just appearing on websites and getting nice reviews wich pics turn me on and boom... i want to see them.

Personally i always said it, even tough its funny cause its very unlikely to happen, but if i win the lotto (wich i do play lol) im sooooo organising the biggest montreal trip the board will ever see. :p :p :p and at some point i would visit toronto for sure.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I'm seriously considering staying away from Montreal.
I stay away from Montreal and just wait for ladies from Montreal to come through Winnipeg.
Waiting and anticipation makes each visit more special and enjoyable.
Less sessions maybe, but each one was way better, so better overall experience.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
I'm considering myself on a "forced break" for the last year or so, because of an awfully tight budget. It's not a bad thing, even though i didn't feel i needed a cure or anything close to that. I just don't have the choice.

West Med

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2005
.... Also i would recommand NOT going at industry parties if you plan on taking a break. I was at the last one and there is 4 ladies i am VERY interested on seeing that where not(or not anymore at that time) on my radar before.

I totally agree Mike... From VIP-9, there are 6 girls that were added to my TDL, that I had never even heard of before that party. Four absolute "must sees" and two others that I'm very curious about.

My income is not a steady stream of amassing money. It ebbs and flows in cycles so I find myself taking breaks in correlation to that phenomenon. While I'm out, I don't miss it terribly.. but it is a bit too easy to jump right back in with no hesitation!


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
HM, I've never been to a VIP so I guess it makes it easier (in the past I kept missing them by a week or two). At the end of my upcoming trip I'll make up my mind by then but right now I'm heavily leaning towards taking that long break.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I did that, took a break... well ended up seeing 1 in 6 months.. Was hard. I couldn't stay away from merb more than the 2 first weeks. Since i don't hobby often even when i am active, it was not exessively hard but still i was tempted. Since lots of my other hobby stuff was coming out(video games, and damn they are expensive these days) i was motivated by this. Had to spend lots of money on this...

What you described here are the classic symptoms of sex addiction.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
i took a break due to trying to control my urges and save money.

it didnt work out well because I would still hop onto merb
i would discover new SPs with good reviews
this is when I start building a TSL

then you are even more tempted for fear these girls will retire before the end of your break

Being friends Sam doesn't help either lol


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
is 6 months a long break? Since i started i never took more then a one month hiatus but if you have been hobbying for many years 6 months off is not a long break no?



Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
is 6 months a long break? Since i started i never took more then a one month hiatus but if you have been hobbying for many years 6 months off is not a long break no?

I've only been doing this for a little over a year so yeah I think six months is a sizeable break for now


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
From 2004 to early 2011 I was pretty active. Well I stopped for a whole year in 2005. Then from 2011 to 2014 I didn't even care and took a hiatus because the exchange rate sucked and I was not impressed with the quality then. Also I was focusing on income generating opportunities as I was growing bored with my industry even though the money was great. Also my game got much better and I was doing activities that were attracting the opposite sex. Then I felt confined and trapped by that and wanted to be free so I hopped back into the hobby after looking at the girls of Vogue. Jumped back into it for a week in Sept 2015 and it was pretty awesome and wanted to hop back into it again. Then in beginning of 2016 I met a civie girl that sparked an interest so the hobby was put on cold storage. I may jumped back in in 2017 though since the civie girl situation didn't pan out as she moved across the country.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
rarely have I read a comment that has filled me with such sadness for man (and not women) on this forum. Sweet baby jesus...

For someone like EB it is a very smart and efficient move. Like the saying goes, If it flies, floats or fucks, it is better to lease. I may disagree when I was younger but looking at the lifeless look in many folks who are married or in some sort of long term relationship I can understand why someone like EB would choose this route. Folks who persue this hobby are FREE in all the ways many guys are not. Being free is very important to many and being in this hobby keeps him free.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
I work with many people, male and female, who are in horribly unhappy marriages.
They are trapped and miserable, and I truly pity them. For some being at work is better than being at home.
For guys in that situation escorts are a good idea, at least they aren't making a wife miserable.
It is hard to say whether seeing escorts is good or bad without knowing a lot more about someone.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Hmmm I may have to put this hobby on standby for 2017 too. Damn me for picking up Yoga. Just when the Montreal roster has become tempting again after all these years and not to forget the favorable exchange rate.


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
rarely have I read a comment that has filled me with such sadness for man (and not women) on this forum. Sweet baby jesus...

I came to MERB for the agency ads but I stayed for the lulz from the (proud?) pathetically misguided emotions


if anything, EB's choices are sad for women NOT on this forum that are victimized by the culture they live under and his common sense
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