I did that, took a break... well ended up seeing 1 in 6 months.. Was hard. I couldn't stay away from merb more than the 2 first weeks. Since i don't hobby often even when i am active, it was not exessively hard but still i was tempted. Since lots of my other hobby stuff was coming out(video games, and damn they are expensive these days) i was motivated by this. Had to spend lots of money on this...
Also i would recommand NOT going at industry parties if you plan on taking a break. I was at the last one and there is 4 ladies i am VERY interested on seeing that where not(or not anymore at that time) on my radar before. Thats to add to the ones already on my "list" for either a first time meeting (pics/reviews interest me a lot) or on the repeat list. Considering i see 6-7 per year, this mean one party more or less fill my whole year. I know some may stop doing it, timing may not work etc etc but thats how much the temptation get much bigger when seeing them in person. Then there is always new girls at next party possibilities and/or just appearing on websites and getting nice reviews wich pics turn me on and boom... i want to see them.
Personally i always said it, even tough its funny cause its very unlikely to happen, but if i win the lotto (wich i do play lol) im sooooo organising the biggest montreal trip the board will ever see.

and at some point i would visit toronto for sure.