Montreal Escorts

Are the new indy agencies really independent?

Are the new indy agencies really independent?

  • Yes, I believe these indies banded together

    Votes: 15 25.0%
  • no, this smells like some agency owner is behind them

    Votes: 19 31.7%
  • A mixture of both

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • I have no clue and I do not care

    Votes: 16 26.7%

  • Total voters
wow 92 post in that thread !!! thats very good but i would like to say something

here the secratary of indy's secrets

all the ladies ** indy's ** on our website book their own calls on their cell phone.
They decide their rates, they decide when they work, they are truly indy's.

second : yes they pay a fixed fee to be in the group, and this fee is for the secratary and administration of the website. ( the fee is 14$ per day to be in the group)
this is a fixed price we charge to take care of all advertising and response to email and pm for the girls.
Everybody that has used indy's secrets ( judy's secrets) knows we always give information they need to help them to book a meeting with the ladies.
We dont take bookings, because the lady makes that decision. At the end of the request by email and after we have gave the information, we invite him to call directly on the phone the indy's to confirm with her the date.

most of the girls on the website were working before for an agency and have no idea how this works.

Here at indy's secrets we explaine to her what they have to do and how the indy's business works. we help her to start her own business and i can tell you that website works very well for the ladies.

In maximum 2h they are online and have profiles already setup and ready to start to make her own money and talk to the custumers.

I can call our service very simple and very easy for the ladies that start in the indy's industries.
We give her support and help her to grow her own business to the maximum income she wants.

I repeat at indy's secrets no charges per call is a fixed rate per week, they have to pay and is a mini mini mini 14$ per day.

I invite you to call all the ladies on our website and you will see all the ladies have their own phone and their own profiles and book their own calls.

and the most important thing for us is they are really happy .

All my best to everyone Http://

p.s it's such a good thing we started a new section for toronto another city:D

I think the ladies like our system and it works very well with a good structure.
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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Elizabeth said:
Ok... Maybe I didn't get this right so please correct me if I'm wrong...

You ask 14$ per day, per lady. You have 9 ladies in Montreal. Which means you (whoever you are) get 126$ daily and 882$ for a week.

Wow! I did not know a free website on google and some screening and coaching could be so expensive! :eek:

Ok, so I am not the only one who went :eek:

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Elizabeth said:
No! In fact, I am still :eek: !

I just got off my calculator ...
Imagine when they will be 20 indies :eek: :eek:

I should not go there, it sounds like the ones who attack Mike from Class x :eek:

Ok I did it again, was really too easy again ! :D :D :D

Anyway, I really like having that poll open all the time!
We can see how the vote balance from one side to another
with more and more comments coming in the thread !

hey jessy i have a question for you ?

like an owner of agency how much you do per call on the head of all lady work for you ?

160$ - 100 to the lady - 20 to driver = 40$ per call

if i am not wrong if you finish to have 9 girls one day in your agency and they make 4 call per day

thats equal : 40$ x 4 call = 160$ per girls profit

and for the final : 160$ x 9 girls = 1440 one day

1440 x 7 day = 10 080

Candy Baby

New Member
Nov 20, 2006
I was going to stay away from this thread but...

As the title said...I wanted to stay away from this thread but several points have been raised that I find quite interesting.

I agree with Maria, Anik, T76, Daringly and the others that have the same views.

I was approached by one of these new agencies and quite frankly, as Maria stated, there was nothing in it for me as an independent. The bigger question that I had was what is in it for you (the agency). Unfortunately that question was not answered. The conversation began with an explanation of the “plan” which I didn't quite understand. It rang to the tune of a group of indies under one banner, helping each other out. I was told that if I was not able to see a client one night then I could refer him to another girl that was part of the same group. I was then told that all I had to do was send a few pictures that would be posted on the website along with my weekly schedule. I found this quite interesting and stated "I already have a website, I already have pictures, and I already have my schedule posted - why not just place my banner on your site." The conversation ended there.

When you associate yourself with someone, you are associating yourself with that person’s image. I would have nothing against these new agencies if the profits made were being split equally amongst the indies. However, that is not the case and I highly doubt that it ever will be. Furthermore, the fee that any indy pays to the Head of the group for "advertising" will never decrease should the number of indies in that group increase.

Advertising on 22 sites....big deal. I would imagine that most of the 22 sites are non-paying sites or if they are paid advertisement then the costs are very minimal. When means of advertisement are mentioned such as the Mirror, the Hour, annonces123 etc., I tend to chuckle because as a general rule these means of advertisement do not cater to the clients who are willing to pay $200 to $300 an hour to see a girl. (Especially when the next add is for a lady who charges $120).

It was mentioned that there would be more exposure for the indies joining a group (example: being able to announce in the agency section of a website to lure the clients who prefer dealing with agencies). I can only assume that the attitude that is behind this train of thought is one of taking clients for a ride which I definitely do not want to be part of.

Would you ever see an agency join another agency and work under the same banner? No…because both agencies loose their independence. And in the cases where this has happened, it was quickly pointed out to show how wrong and misleading this was. It is no different with the new indies’ agencies.

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Elizabeth said:
The problem is not your fee per say.

The problem is that you are clearly an agency trying to look like an indies association.

There is some misrepresentation on your part.

Don't worry Elizabeth...

Have you notice, no matter how much of us is interested to the situation, that the question was directed to me ?


Indy's secretary, do you have an idea of how much it cost in advertising to make sure that the 9 girls have 4 calls every day of the week ?

Do you have to work every day of the week ?

Do they work every day of the week ?

Hum ... I wonder, but you have to pay every day of the week, right ?

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Jessy xxx said:
Don't worry Elizabeth...

Have you notice, no matter how much of us is interested to the situation, that the question was directed to me ?


Judy, do you have an idea of how much it cost in advertising to make sure that the 9 girls have 4 calls every day of the week ?

Do you have to work every day of the week ?

Do they work every day of the week ?

Hum ... I wonder, but you have to pay every day of the week, right ?


is not judy is the secretary and i speak on my name ** here the secratary of indy's secrets **

read the thread on my first post i specify is the secretary


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
"I am woman, hear me roar..."

you GO, girls!!


New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Okay - not to be insulting here - but

Jessy has a REAL website - not a google page which is FREE

Call me crazy, but to me, any legitimate association of indy girls would pool together resources and pay ads and maintain a decent website (if not a professional one) - the remaining money would then be given back to the ladies - that would at least smell like a real indy group.


like an owner of agency how much you do per call on the head of all lady work for you ?

160$ - 100 to the lady - 20 to driver = 40$ per call

if i am not wrong if you finish to have 9 girls one day in your agency and they make 4 call per day

thats equal : 40$ x 4 call = 160$ per girls profit

and for the final : 160$ x 9 girls = 1440 one day

1440 x 7 day = 10 080

Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
is not judy is the secretary and i speak on my name ** here the secratary of indy's secrets **

read the thread on my first post i specify is the secretary

No problem, I will edit my post and write indy's secretary.

I guest I was stuck with a certain image from last Saturday party.

However, you did not answered my questions ...

Usually not a good sign ! ;)

Hey shijak !! You never miss the show !!!:D
You little you !!! :D



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
GG get's the last laugh

The more I read this thread the only thing I keep thinking of is how GG must be sitting reading how much shit he has stirred up and laughing his head off! Damn...the way things are going the next GT is going to end up more of a gathering of people out for blood instead of out for a good time.

Personally, I don't think that the average hobbyist really gives a damn if a lady is an indy or works for an agency. What he cares about is getting value for the money he is going to spend. If an agency will provide that, or an indy or an 'association of indies' will provide that, well that's all they really want isn't it?

However a lady chooses to, indy, co-op, as long as it's her choice and she is not being forced into a decision, it's no one else's business.

So before anyone starts making enemies out of friends or aquaintances or possible future employees or clients... Please think of this before you post....

GG...smiling...laughing...not a pretty thought is it?


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I had to raise my rate to 250 an hour, she just raised her rate to 300 because she was getting too busy.

Before PP, I was needing more business, I was working less that the 10 hours a week that I had grown used to (mostly 2-3 hour dates) so I said yeah! this sounds like a good idea cost me nothing if it doesn't work and I can only benefit. Since doing so I had to up my rate because due to my back injury I cannot work more than 10 hours an week and I was getting too busy!

Cassey is not making money from our working together other than being able to advertise as an agency to reach more potential clients. The more girls who join us, the less we will have to pay in to cover the advertising costs. How does this make her a pimp?


Agency, co-op, advertising grab or whatever, why is this so upsetting to those who are not invloved in these associations? If it gets the individual SPs more clients and they are happy with the arrangement then what is the problem?

From what I see there are two definitions of indy here:

1) Being in charge of your own show, screening your own potential clients, setting up your own appointments...

2) Not being associated or working with anyone else what so ever. (this includes not working with a friend as an "agency of 2")

Yesterday I felt flustered because my definition is #1 and others see indy as #2 and we were not understanding each other; but in the long run who cares? What is the difference as long as the individual girl is happy?

(FYI most sites that are free for indies to advertise on charge agencies; also most that charge indies one rate charge agencies more.)

Also what is wrong with an indy wanting exposure to gents who do not look at indy sites at all and just go to agency sites?

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Elizabeth said:
Ronnie, I am guessing that I am one of the "girl with a sharp tongue" that you are talking about... :)

Sorry if you thought I was too harsh. You are someone that I appreciate and respect and I would never offend you on purpose.

All of this does not change anything for me since I am not even working anymore. I just don't like when people are being shady, doing misrepresentation or trying to abuse the naivete of customers. When you are selling one product, services, or whatever, you do not advertize something else only to get more business. That is not ethical.

If the girls are happy with this sort of arrangement, good for them! But they accept to participate in a scam because pretending to be independent when in fact, you are paying a "pimp" undercover is dishonnest.

Please remember that my comments were about Indy's secrets and written after they told us themselves how their business works. Those comments may or may not apply to your agency, I don't know about that.

Purrfect Playmates works in a completely different way than Indy's Secrets.

FYI it is not my agency, I just work with them.

BTW you are not the only one who had a sharp tongue in this thread...

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Lion Heart

Missing in action...
Jan 5, 2005
Elizabeth said:
If the ladies are happy with their choices and are treated well by the group they belong too, I guess it is the most important thing...

Forgive me for getting in this lady's debate, but from my perspective as a client, I think it's the only thing that should matter. I don't see marketing scam in Indy's Secrets, Purfect Playmates, FKS or any such organizations, just differences in semantic.

When I'm dealing with an agency, a "single" indy SP or any other type of hybrid organizations, what's important is the lady I see, the price I pay and the overall service I get from the booking to the ultimate delivery. Why and how a SP choose to go is their free choice (unless there's some kind of a modern world slavery setup somewhere) and their own business.

I don't deal with some agencies because I don't want to loose my time unsuccessfully trying to see who I want to see and when. When there's too much booking and scheduling problems, I look elsewhere. I don't deal either with some indies because they are too hard to reach, unbookable, unreliable and/or overpriced. In the end, I just don't care about the inner working of any "organization", whether it's a single owner, a true association of a few indies, a coop of indies, any marketing/booking setup or an agency in disguise, as long as it works and I feel it's worthed.

Lion Heart
i think i going have to ask you to appologize to all the group

Elizabeth said:
Please remember that my comments were about Indy's secrets and written after they told us themselves how their business works. Those comments may or may not apply to your agency, I don't know about that.

here the secretary of Indy's secrets

First scam means false advertisement of a service.
i invite you to make your homework and do some search on the forum go see all the review of each girls wright by custumer have used the service and the girls.
The review dont lies and custumer look for a service they can have with the ladies on indy's secrets.
Most of the girls have work for reputable agency and have the same service they have offert in the past if its not better.....

Sorry for you to be frustrated about whatever you think but we know is a good thing we do and we going to offert the best we can to have the satisfaction of the custumers.

have a good day
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i explain you one thing Elizabeth

when the custumers look to meet a lady in indy's secrets he have a lots of choice in the same place . No need to change website to find a girls to have a dates with.

the girls provide a very good service and the custumer are able to talk directly with her and he finish to find what he wants.

stand where you want in this world that your choice !

Indy's secrets have quality Independante ladies in the website and are very appreciated by all the custumers.

sweet kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:p


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
traveller_76 said:
Naughtylady, I'm a bit surprised by this answer in light of our recent exchanges. If an agency were only living off its representation work it would charge only for that work (as we discussed FKS does by charging a monthly fee for escorts to be represented on their website). That is not the same as taking a cut from the represented escort's earnings. That would indeed fall in the category pimping. I won't say anything more here. PM if you want.


Cassey makes her living on her back like the rest of us. She has to just like the rest of us because that is how we earn a living. We are sharing in advertising expenses. Ads for agencies cost on sites that do not charge indies. Ads on sites that do charge indies, charge more for agencies.

The big difference between FKS and PP is that PP does not charge a monthly fee if the gal is not working. AND the fee is payable over the first couple of dates. So she has a smaller % of that first date of the month going to cover that fee. And if she only has one date in that month from PP for whatever reason so be it. It works out in the long run. PPs existence is to get exposure to potential clients who only look at agency sites and thus would have never known we existed otherwise.



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