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Ask us anything part 2

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
What do you mean? That I'm responsible if the client doesn't come?
I never said that?!?
Just wanted to say that even if I was not nervous and I was into it, I won’t automatically give an O to my partner. That’s it.
I don’t know why you seemed to be targeted
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Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
I never said that?!?
Just wanted to say that even if I was not nervous and I was into it, I won’t automatically give an O to my partner. That’s it.
I don’t know why you seemed to be targeted
No, I get what you mean! Thanks for clarifying!

It's just the way you said it, I thought you were implying that when someone is not nervous and into it, it's automatically the other person's fault since it "takes two to tango". No offence at all, that's why I gave an example of a situation where a client might not have ejaculation as a goal.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
No, I get what you mean! Thanks for clarifying!

It's just the way you said it, I thought you were implying that when someone is not nervous and into it, it's automatically the other person's fault since it "takes two to tango". No offence at all, that's why I gave an example of a situation where a client might not have ejaculation as a goal.
Sorry dear, my english is sometimes not fluent…
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2022
Ejaculate without orgasm is half the fun. Strictly talking men bizness here. Tho it s great when both reach the O. I won t blame woman if she can t help me reach O
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S.S neo

Active Member
Apr 28, 2007
Is there an acronym or a specific term for performing the act of putting both of your balls into your partner’s mouth ? (Read the whole Buck’s nasty sex guide and couldn’t find anything). It’s clearly more than just BLS or teabagging ... never seen that neither on youporn nor in the kamasutra ... did i just invented somerhing ?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Is there an acronym or a specific term for performing the act of putting both of your balls into your partner’s mouth ? (Read the whole Buck’s nasty sex guide and couldn’t find anything). It’s clearly more than just BLS or teabagging ... never seen that neither on youporn nor in the kamasutra ... did i just invented somerhing ?

I do know there's an expression "chipmunking" I've been told about it a few times (those who met me will know why haha), but it's when she has both balls AND your dick in her mouth. I don't know if there's a word for just having your balls in her mouth. It's ok though. Not every sex act needs an acronym haha.

No, you didn't invent anything :p

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Une preuve qu’ils n’acceptent pas n’importe qui, mon application a été refusé par le passé. Et le sera probablement encore, pour plusieurs raisons qui leurs appartiennent et que je respecte.

I'm confused, tu es travailleur du sexe? Tu as essayé de le devenir? Une application pourquoi? Effectivement leur démarche est stricte et c'est tant mieux, ca permet à chacun de savoir qu'il ne se cache aucune mauvaise surprise sur leur plate-forme !

S.S neo

Active Member
Apr 28, 2007
I do know there's an expression "chipmunking" I've been told about it a few times (those who met me will know why haha), but it's when she has both balls AND your dick in her mouth. I don't know if there's a word for just having your balls in her mouth. It's ok though. Not every sex act needs an acronym haha.

No, you didn't invent anything
I do know there's an expression "chipmunking" I've been told about it a few times (those who met me will know why haha), but it's when she has both balls AND your dick in her mouth. I don't know if there's a word for just having your balls in her mouth. It's ok though. Not every sex act needs an acronym haha.

No, you didn't invent anything :p
Wow ... never thought of that ... since chipmunking is taken i will go for Timbitsing ...

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
concernant les photos, je préfère les envoyer à mes clientes plutôt que de me les faire demander… Les besoins ne sont pas les mêmes pour ma niche. Mes clientes ne sont pas sur

C'est un mignon privilège, ça, j'ai envie de dire ! Pour notre part j'ai un peu l'impression qu'on se ferait incendier si on utilisait allègrement des photos qui ne sont pas les nôtres dans nos annonces. Je mentionnerais que c'est contre le règlement de merb, aussi...

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Ça reste interdit. Ils font quelques exceptions quand tu ressembles vraiment beaucoup au modèle sur les photos, mais en toute somme, c'est majoritairement interdit.

"Hé oui, double standard, c'est vie!" c'est pas très satisfaisant comme réponse. J'ai moi aussi des clientes femmes, tu sais, et elles apprécient grandement de voir de vraies photos aussi. Je ne suis pas certaine que ton explication tienne la route. Tu peux stimuler l'imaginaire même avec des photos de toi, si tu sais moindrement t'y prendre...

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
je vais en mettre quelques vrai aujourd’hui sur mon annonce, j’ai un dad bud et je fais 7 pouces inutiles d’en montrer plus. Plus j’ai des photos explicites, plus il y a d’hommes qui me contactent, et tu sais comment nous pouvons être insistant…

Je viens de voir cet edit sur ton post. Donc en plus tu admets utiliser des photos qui ne te ressemblent pas? Donc c'est clairement enfreindre le règlement. N'importe laquelle d'entre nous se serait déjà pris un avertissement pour ça. Je trouve que c'est un peu une claque au visage de la part de la modération. Mais passons, je ne suis pas modératrice.

Mon prochain point c'est que des clients qui ne lisent pas l'annonce ou ne respectent pas nos limites et notre procédure, il y en a et il y en aura toujours. Si c'est une chose avec laquelle tu es incapable de "dealer", tes meilleures options sont d'arrêter de mettre des annonces, ou simplement d'ignorer leurs messages. Utiliser de fausses photos ce n'est en rien une solution et absolument personne n'a dit que tes photos se devaient d'être explicites !

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Personne n'a parlé de te dévêtir. Je parle de fausses photos et du règlement de ce forum.

Mes clientes peuvent tout aussi bien être les tiennes, car les gens ont des goûts et envies qui varient même chez un même individu; mais là n'est pas le point.

Utiliser de fausses photos, qui ne te ressemblent même pas, ce n'est pas permis. C'est tout ce que je dis. Que tu le mentionnes dans le pied de page ne change rien. "Disclaimer : les règlements du forum ne sont pas respectés" ça ne passe pas vraiment lol.

Perdre son temps avec des textos de gens qui ne lisent pas, I'll be honest with you here, c'est genre 50% du travail en tant que sex worker. Nous aussi, on a des centaines de messages qui ne mènent à rien et ne respectent aucune case. Ça fait partie du jeu quand on veut être du sexe. Si tu veux seulement la partie amusante, tu peux t'en tenir à être un client ! ;)

Je pense qu'il vaudrait mieux clore ce sujet car ça n'a rien à voir avec le sujet d'origine du thread.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
A question that I’ve received many times is “how come there aren’t many men on Indy?”

The answer is simple: We want to offer a safe space for our members and straight men cosplaying as sex workers often disrupt that by their presence.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Another interesting question I’ve seen on here is “Do you ever get book by a fellow SW?”

Yes we do. We can be professional with our peers and wear two hats. Client and sex worker.

What is weird however is a client suddenly becoming a SW. This puts us at great risk if the person tries to gain access to black lists and whatnot. I am sure the group chats of clients and SWERS are quite different. Being both is a red flag for me and many others.


Chick Hunter
Jan 18, 2020
My question for clients:

Do you get nervous on a first date with a SP

99% of the time, I'm not nervous at all... just excited :)

But as I candidly admitted, I was a bit nervous meeting you, because of all the firsts that were involved (1st ebony, 1st indy, 1st Incall) and because of the hype I created.

In the end though, I think I managed the situation pretty well ;)

I really want to see you again, because I think I can do much better than I did the first time... lots of room for improvement on my part! :D
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