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"Banned on the Green Board"

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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
thebitchelor said:
lolll first of all, the blue board would need to be a lot better, to become a MERB's competitor:D

I've always believed that a board's quality reflects its membership. Members of a board decide how valuable it is. It should be a privilege to post on a board you're a member of & not the other way around. Over the years, i've seen members use their respective boards as a toilet. The end result when this practice is allowed to continue is that it winds up stinking.


Mar 20, 2008
Mod 5 said:

If you have issues with THIS board, you are more than welcome to discuss them here. You seem to be jumping to conclusions which are compeletely false, and unsubstantiated.
True, if facing the issues is not your intent, but rather only looking for cheerleaders, the blue board is the perfect place to air your grievances. As long as you have any negative comments to make against Merb, you will have the support you seek on that other board, but give them the slightest criticism, and you too will be gone.

BTW, in the past Mods here have also deleted posts/threads which have attacked the blue board and Tom as its just childish, and WE don't need cheap shots at the competition to survive.

So Benson, its your decision, you can raise the issues here and get real answers, or you can run to the blue board and remain delusioned, but bring a shovel, or better yet from what I read so far, a backhoe.

Maybe we can change your name to BensonNoBallsia :rolleyes:


Mod 5.

Appreciate it. As you well know, all I care about, is finding a way to get as much information out there as possible about the hobby.

I have always acknowledged that the Green Board is a leader in this respect.

I have never interpreted criticism of the Green Baord as "slamming" it. My intention was always to try to make it better.

And as you surely know, I believe that the more open the reviews the better.

I mean if a guy has been around a year or so, and says that a girl he saw 'looked' wasted, I think that that is important information.

- Of if a girl left an appointment without showering
- Or if a new girl came into the hobby covered in cold sores (camouflaged by lipstick)

I would not delete the posts.

Hobbyists need to know that stuff. That's why we visit review boards.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
OK, I just took a look over at Smurfland for the first time in quite a few months and must confess that I've really gotta do it more often. There's some funny shit going down there. Here are a couple:

1. Tom posts that he's considered having a "promotion free" board in order to keep things clean. Right. The day Tom stops taking money from advertisers but keeps his board active is the day I go three for four, with a dinger and two rbi against Roy Halladay.

2. General Gumfuck, yes, the miserable bastard is still breathing and still seems to be obsessed with yours truly, posted the following: "I do not consider myself a "reject" from the green board. I consider myself totally free from these dumb allegiances to any board. I wrote Mod 8 and Mod 5 to allow me to post over there but they are stubborn and irrational. I ain't going to beg anyone to allow me to post of some fucken escort review board." Not going to beg. Not going to beg, my ass. The day General Gumfuck stops begging the mods here to let him back on is the day I go 4-5 against Bob Gibson, with 2 home runs and a steal of home. (Note to mods: it seems that the "powers that be" continue to let General Gumfuck take swipes at a person (that would be me) who hasn't posted in Smurfland in nearly two years. I beg your indulgence, just this once, s'il vous plait. I won't mention that sorry sack of shit's name again. Promise. Thanks.)
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I've also always believed that two nearly identical boards (in format) was way too much for Montreal. As i've predicted, one far outweighs the other in term of quality & membership. Just the fact that TBD (which used to rule the day prior to MERB) has been dead since MERB came about is proof that another board was facing the Great Wall of China if it wanted to compete. I was worth a try, but the end result is that it simply wasn't meant to be & it probably didn't stand a chance. Desperation began to surface & the hill is now way too high to climb back in order to regain respectability.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Benson,

You don't seem to understand why you have no grievance with the "Green Board" about the episode with the agency you cited. Imagine someone saw you looking poorly and then reported to everyone on a board...Benson seems doped up, or worse he may have an STD, be HIV positive, or have Aids. You would be screaming about people not jumping to ridiculous conclusions that might likely ruin your reputation. Same thing about saying someone looked "doped up". It's an inflammable accusation that can ruin the escort with the obvious implications and damage the agency. You don't want your reputation damaged or ruined and neither do they. Any board is perfectly right to protect members, escorts, or agencies against highly damaging and totally unfounded accusations. If you can't understand that then you have the problem not the mods here.

But what is amazing is how some members on the Blue Board have to keep on complaining about the Green Board. Don't some of the members there have something better to do than to keep whining about their resentment. Your complaining about Merb makes your post fair game here. But I thought it was a rule on both boards not to bring over your problems or issues about other boards.

If you want to talk about this board then do it here. Don't go running to the Green Board haters anywhere else to whine to them for support.

Good luck,



Post was accidentally deleted from earlier position.


Sep 19, 2005
thebitchelor said:
Hey! whats the hell to go write on the "smurfland" (i love Techman's expression..its so true:D) that the supporting members/agencies were protected from bad reviews? (i didnt read it, as i dont give a sh*t about the blue board..i dont go there..but i heard it from very good sources)
A hillarious post, isn't ? :rolleyes: Let me see why did I decide to stop making any contributions to the Cleo's thread on this board!

I consider myself to be a board-agnostic member and contrary to what Doc thinks, I believe that it is still a good thing to have at least 2 boards and Tom has absolutely no reason to pack his stuff and go.

MERB has more posts than the other board, though the other board had always a better infrastructure and innovative featurtes than MERB does (customizable skins, social networking features, rss feeds...while here the clock problem has still to be fixed). I feel sorry for Tom too, because he invested so much time in his board and he seems to always listen to suggestions that other members post. The fact that a multiple-handle-lowlife-moron took over his board is annoying.

In terms of content, I think that this went downhill on both boards (compared to what we had in the 2003-2006 era), where did the all the informative (hobby-wise) threads go? The boards ended up to be a place where some arm-chair hobbyists have become the stars of the place.

With the potential demolition of Cleo's and the decline of the boards, I guess that the time has come for me to find a new hobby.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
bensonnobalia said:
Mod 5.

Appreciate it. As you well know, all I care about, is finding a way to get as much information out there as possible about the hobby.

I have always acknowledged that the Green Board is a leader in this respect.

I have never interpreted criticism of the Green Baord as "slamming" it. My intention was always to try to make it better.

And as you surely know, I believe that the more open the reviews the better.

I mean if a guy has been around a year or so, and says that a girl he saw 'looked' wasted, I think that that is important information.

- Of if a girl left an appointment without showering
- Or if a new girl came into the hobby covered in cold sores (camouflaged by lipstick)

I would not delete the posts.

Hobbyists need to know that stuff. That's why we visit review boards.


REALLY Benson? If you want to help MERB get better, then why don't you post your critique here on MERB instead of doing it elsewhere? Why is it everytime a mod here does something that you, the great master, feels is unjust, do you run to the smurfs and post there instead of here?

You never aknowledge that MERB is the place for finding good info, in fact you always post the opposite over there saying that the only good thing here are the ad sections! In fact you usually dump all over the members here saying we know nothing and that you have seen more girls than this entire board combined!

And as usual, when you get called out on it, you turn around and put your tail between your legs and start crying innocence and that you are misunderstood! Ypu don't even have the balls to admit it when the posts you've made are available for anyone to go and read and discover that you are one of the biggest hypocrites ever on the boards.


Mar 20, 2008
Special K said:
I love rainy Sundays on Merb. Hehehe.

Yeah with the Stanley Cup finals over and the NFL pre-season not slated to start until August it going to be like this all summer...?


Mar 20, 2008
Techman said:
REALLY Benson? If you want to help MERB get better, then why don't you post your critique here on MERB instead of doing it elsewhere? Why is it everytime a mod here does something that you, the great master, feels is unjust, do you run to the smurfs and post there instead of here?

You never aknowledge that MERB is the place for finding good info, in fact you always post the opposite over there saying that the only good thing here are the ad sections! In fact you usually dump all over the members here saying we know nothing and that you have seen more girls than this entire board combined!

And as usual, when you get called out on it, you turn around and put your tail between your legs and start crying innocence and that you are misunderstood! Ypu don't even have the balls to admit it when the posts you've made are available for anyone to go and read and discover that you are one of the biggest hypocrites ever on the boards.

OK that does it. Your heart beat is getting up there.
You need a girl.
Choose the one you want.
I'm buying.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
HornyForEver said:
A hillarious post, isn't ? :rolleyes: Let me see why did I decide to stop making any contributions to the Cleo's thread on this board!

I consider myself to be a board-agnostic member and contrary to what Doc thinks, I believe that it is still a good thing to have at least 2 boards and Tom has absolutely no reason to pack his stuff and go.

MERB has more posts than the other board, though the other board had always a better infrastructure and innovative featurtes than MERB does (customizable skins, social networking features, rss feeds...while here the clock problem has still to be fixed). I feel sorry for Tom too, because he invested so much time in his board and he seems to always listen to suggestions that other members post. The fact that a multiple-handle-lowlife-moron took over his board is annoying.

In terms of content, I think that this went downhill on both boards (compared to what we had in the 2003-2006 era), where did the all the informative (hobby-wise) threads go? The boards ended up to be a place where some arm-chair hobbyists have become the stars of the place.

With the potential demolition of Cleo's and the decline of the boards, I guess that the time has come for me to find a new hobby.

Why don't you run your spiders and get some stats on both boards and then we can compare. I would be interested in seeing how many different posters actually post over there. And Tony isn't the only one with multiple handles there. He never was the only one. There was a mod with multiple handles over there who was exposed and it wouldn't surprise me if Tom himself posts under various handles to keep his board active.

All the features that have been implemented over there are useless if there is no one to use them. Besides, these aren't social networking sites, they're review boards. If you want to be on facebook or myspace, then go there.

And I don't feel sorry for Tom. He had a chance to fix his board when the committee was there. But he refused any and all attempts to change things for the better. He made his board what it is today and now he has to live with it. Thankfully, the posters have a choice not to post there. He doesn't.



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
The funny thing is...


It's clear Benson has no scruples about what he's doing. Back and forth, back and forth he goes...Green Board...Blue Board...slandering an escort and an agency, cowardly bitching about the Green board to "pals" eager to indulge him on the Blue...he doesn't care what he says or where he says it as long as the attention flows like a streaming video.

It's incredible to see how one irresponsible poster has started all this crap between members and boards. He's nuts, and this is ridiculous.


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Sep 19, 2005
Techman said:
Why don't you run your spiders and get some stats on both boards and then we can compare.
Those days are long gone. If I discovered the boards today, then I would have never bothered writing all those tracking tools. Times have, so much, changed.

And Tony isn't the only one with multiple handles there. He never was the only one. There was a mod with multiple handles over there who was exposed and it wouldn't surprise me if Tom himself posts under various handles to keep his board active.
I recall you posting there, at least once, about multiple handles. I also posted my concern about those multiple handles there and, as you do, I like to know to whom I am replying to.

All the features that have been implemented over there are useless if there is no one to use them. Besides, these aren't social networking sites, they're review boards. If you want to be on facebook or myspace, then go there.
Not much used probably, but at least it shows a clear intention from the owner there to innovate and improve his board. Facebook and myspace will never do, they were not created for the hobby in the first place, way too generic.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Generating Traffic

Merlot said:

It's clear Benson has no scruples about what he's doing. Back and forth, back and forth he goes...Green Board...Blue Board...slandering an escort and an agency, cowardly bitching about the Green board to "pals" eager to indulge him on the Blue...he doesn't care what he says or where he says it as long as the attention flows like a streaming video.

It's incredible to see how one irresponsible poster has started a war between members and boards. He's nuts, and this is ridiculous.



Just traffic being generated and perceptions being confirmed.

Note to Benson if you really go back to 1975 then it is very interesting that you are comparing what was available on Crescent with today.

Peel St with the Kon Tiki catered to both genders while the little corner cafe across from Dominion Square catered to a number of the hotels as well. The Decarie Strip, above the track, had its fair share of the action. Girls simply following the money.

10's you are dealing in abstracts since one persons 10 is another's 5. But a five minute walk is always a five minute walk.


Mar 20, 2008
eastender said:
Just traffic being generated and perceptions being confirmed.

Note to Benson if you really go back to 1975 then it is very interesting that you are comparing what was available on Crescent with today.

Peel St with the Kon Tiki catered to both genders while the little corner cafe across from Dominion Square catered to a number of the hotels as well. The Decarie Strip, above the track, had its fair share of the action. Girls simply following the money.

10's you are dealing in abstracts since one persons 10 is another's 5. But a five minute walk is always a five minute walk.

Now you are taking me down memory lane...
Good point though...I could never last in the Kontiki back then...first of all I did not fit in....most of the folk I saw during the few times I went there were suit and tie folk...and I could never stay for more than one or two drinks...that place was expensive...

I never got lucky at KTK either...I was a punk back then and was never approached... (some would say I still am) but I'll grant you that any SPs at the KT would have been quite nice...

As for Descarie...never went there either(I walked the streets for many years, never drove...LE was a big problem back then...and from the ground you could spot them much better) ..though in the mid-to late 1980s there was fairly good traffic on St-Jacques west of Descarie...

The most frequented places were always the back streets around the Main.

But for about five years, the best place in town was the second floor of the old Crescent hotel where a black pimp named Lewis who drove a Rolls and wore a fur coat (I kid you retrospect this all seems crazy) ran three or four rooms...and could always be counted on in an pinch...
But quality wise...? The scene was terrible back then. I don't think this is personal taste.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
You Are Legit

bensonnobalia said:
Now you are taking me down memory lane...
Good point though...I could never last in the Kontiki back then...first of all I did not fit in....most of the folk I saw during the few times I went there were suit and tie folk...and I could never stay for more than one or two drinks...that place was expensive...

I never got lucky at KTK either...I was a punk back then and was never approached... (some would say I still am) but I'll grant you that any SPs at the KT would have been quite nice...

As for Descarie...never went there either(I walked the streets for many years, never drove...LE was a big problem back then...and from the ground you could spot them much better) ..though in the mid-to late 1980s there was fairly good traffic on St-Jacques west of Descarie...

The most frequented places were always the back streets around the Main.

But for about five years, the best place in town was the second floor of the old Crescent hotel where a black pimp named Lewis who drove a Rolls and wore a fur coat (I kid you retrospect this all seems crazy) ran three or four rooms...and could always be counted on in an pinch...
But quality wise...? The scene was terrible back then. I don't think this is personal taste.

Benny you are legit. Let's see how good you really are.

There was another manager on the main who was a pro athlete, not mainstream. Name the sport, his initials and who ended his career.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
So funny!

Benson, Asservissante is a major advertizer here? WHERE?? One banner and a few daily announcments is far from major, even less if you consider that Martin started to advertize again on MERB not long ago, after no publicity whatsoever for a few years!

Starting a thread on the english blue board with a title "Banned on the green board". Why, if not to stir shit? NOBODY was banned here for this Asservissante episode! You were simply warned that unfounded accusations were not tolerated against anybody, whatever that person is a paying Indy, an agency girl, a supporting member or a simple person like most of us!

There was sereral warnings to several members issued over the years about the wording of reviews. Mod8 had a short fuse on this one but maybe it's because of some controversial reputation of some peoples that he was trigger-happy with the warning? Going on the other english board and complain there only confirmed his suspicion.

Now that you got your fingers slapped and that you've been cought with your pants downs blabbing on the other board, you're back here and are trying to lick the Mods' behind by stating you were misunderstood and you want MERB's well-being and you want to make this board better.

Guess what? It this would be true, you'd stop the MERB-bashing and discuss what you see as a MERB problem on MERB, honestly, in a respectful manner, without name-calling and condescending.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
metoo4, Benson can't stop bashing MERB on the other board. It would hurt his hero status and he wouldn't fit in there anymore.

But I will give him credit for using the same handle on both boards, it's more than most of the posters over there are willing to do. Then again...there's probably only around 5 or 6 posters left over there anyways.:cool:


Mar 20, 2008
eastender said:
Benny you are legit. Let's see how good you really are.

There was another manager on the main who was a pro athlete, not mainstream. Name the sport, his initials and who ended his career.

Sheesh..I am raking my brains...I think I know who you are talking was a boxer....this is killing me...I know it'll come to me like two day from now, long after we have forgottent his chat...


Mar 20, 2008
metoo4 said:
So funny!

Benson, Asservissante is a major advertizer here? WHERE?? One banner and a few daily announcments is far from major, even less if you consider that Martin started to advertize again on MERB not long ago, after no publicity whatsoever for a few years!


Can't get enough of me can you?

The last post I remember from you, was one bragging how you had put me on ignore. I was counting the days before I'd draw you out...I can't beleive you lasted this long....

You are like couldn't ignore me even if you tried.

Want to know why?

Because you hobby enough to you know I am right.

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