Montreal Escorts

"Banned on the Green Board"

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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
metoo4 said:
There was sereral warnings to several members issued over the years about the wording of reviews. Mod8 had a short fuse on this one but maybe it's because of some controversial reputation of some peoples that he was trigger-happy with the warning? Going on the other english board and complain there only confirmed his suspicion.

Mod8 on this board?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

bensonnobalia said:
Sheesh..I am raking my brains...I think I know who you are talking was a boxer....this is killing me...I know it'll come to me like two day from now, long after we have forgottent his chat...

World Kick-boxing champion in his weight division.


Mar 20, 2008
Techman said:
metoo4, Benson can't stop bashing MERB on the other board. It would hurt his hero status and he wouldn't fit in there anymore.

But I will give him credit for using the same handle on both boards, it's more than most of the posters over there are willing to do. Then again...there's probably only around 5 or 6 posters left over there anyways.:cool:

See below.....

metoo4 said:
So funny!

Benson, Asservissante is a major advertizer here? WHERE?? One banner and a few daily announcments is far from major, even less if you consider that Martin started to advertize again on MERB not long ago, after no publicity whatsoever for a few years!

Starting a thread on the english blue board with a title "Banned on the green board". Why, if not to stir shit? NOBODY was banned here for this Asservissante episode! You were simply warned that unfounded accusations were not tolerated against anybody, whatever that person is a paying Indy, an agency girl, a supporting member or a simple person like most of us!

There was sereral warnings to several members issued over the years about the wording of reviews. Mod8 had a short fuse on this one but maybe it's because of some controversial reputation of some peoples that he was trigger-happy with the warning? Going on the other english board and complain there only confirmed his suspicion.

Now that you got your fingers slapped and that you've been cought with your pants downs blabbing on the other board, you're back here and are trying to lick the Mods' behind by stating you were misunderstood and you want MERB's well-being and you want to make this board better.

Guess what? It this would be true, you'd stop the MERB-bashing and discuss what you see as a MERB problem on MERB, honestly, in a respectful manner, without name-calling and condescending.


Now to adress your rant.

I do not regard posting on two boards as treason. For reasons which are well known, certain subjects are off limits here.

As for unfounded accusations, well, I have posted here five times about agencies who have sent me doped up girls...and frankly it was never a big deal before.

In fact all five girls (their names ar posted on the other board) have cleaned up their acts or have left the hobby.

One thing that is in every hobbyist's interests is keeping the hobby clean of drugs.

Now, I understand the issues Green has on this.

There may be unsustantiaed charges.

Agencies may slander each other.

But as a hobbyist, I need to know if agencies are sending doped up girls.

And if I have to go to the Blue Board to do hard feelings.

I don't regard that as treason.

Green does its thing. So does Blue.

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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Hint II

bensonnobalia said:
I know, he was a light then he had put on a few pounds...but that name....?

Outside Cleo's

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Benson,

Allow me to make a couple of things perfectly clear for you.

1 - I am not Fred Zed. Sorry to disappoint you. We have already had this discussion and I believed that you had gotten over it. Apparently you have not. For your information, Fred Zed also runs TERB and PERB both of which are larger than either MERB or merc. He also spends little time here on MERB.

2 - No matter what you may happen to believe, advertisers have absolutely no say as far as what reviews or information is posted on MERB. We do not edit or remove posts as a result of any advertiser request. Advertisers do have the same right as any other member to bring a post that they feel contravenes MERB rules and guidelines to our attention. If the post is found to break these rules, then it may be edited or removed as may any post brought to our attention. We also do not permit the no review policy to be used to hide from bad reviews.

3 - There are few topics which are off limits here on MERB. Posting about minors being one of the few. But we will not stand for unsubstantiated and unprovable accusations to be made against anyone, whether a provider or member, advertiser or not. Accusing any SP of using drugs with absolutely no proof, because she has a runny nose or the sniffles, will not be permitted here. If you have a suspicion about a girl, bring it to the agency's attention. If you can prove your claims, then you may post them here. If you have doubts about whether you post will be permitted or not, you may ask a moderator before posting.

4 - If you have any issues with how MERB is moderated, deal with it here. Running to merc and crying about it and attacking MERB only makes you look extremely foolish. As some members have pointed out, you are trying to present one thing over there and another here. Make up your mind as to where you wish to post or I will make it up for you.

It is not MERB policy to ban members for their behavior on another board. It is also not MERB policy to permit commentary on how another board is run or the posts that are made there. We have allowed the second policy to be bent in this thread. I am more than willing to break the first policy if you continue to be such a two faced member here.

If you have problems on MERB, deal with them here on MERB. Continue to bring MERB business elsewhere and I will ban your ass permanently.

Mod 8


Mar 20, 2008
eastender said:
Outside Cleo's

You'll find this funny back back then we used to stay far away from Cleos.....(because of the Trannies)....

I never went into that Club a single time before the 1990s....


We may be thinking of a different guy...I think my guy's name was Alain...? and he was not working at Cleos....he was at another place (it was anothr SC) ....further down near where Club 281 used to be....


Mar 20, 2008
Mod 8 said:
Hello Benson,

Allow me to make a couple of things perfectly clear for you.

1 - I am not Fred Zed. Sorry to disappoint you. We have already had this discussion and I believed that you had gotten over it. Apparently you have not. For your information, Fred Zed also runs TERB and PERB both of which are larger than either MERB or merc. He also spends little time here on MERB.

2 - No matter what you may happen to believe, advertisers have absolutely no say as far as what reviews or information is posted on MERB. We do not edit or remove posts as a result of any advertiser request. Advertisers do have the same right as any other member to bring a post that they feel contravenes MERB rules and guidelines to our attention. If the post is found to break these rules, then it may be edited or removed as may any post brought to our attention. We also do not permit the no review policy to be used to hide from bad reviews.

3 - There are few topics which are off limits here on MERB. Posting about minors being one of the few. But we will not stand for unsubstantiated and unprovable accusations to be made against anyone, whether a provider or member, advertiser or not. Accusing any SP of using drugs with absolutely no proof, because she has a runny nose or the sniffles, will not be permitted here. If you have a suspicion about a girl, bring it to the agency's attention. If you can prove your claims, then you may post them here. If you have doubts about whether you post will be permitted or not, you may ask a moderator before posting.

4 - If you have any issues with how MERB is moderated, deal with it here. Running to merc and crying about it and attacking MERB only makes you look extremely foolish. As some members have pointed out, you are trying to present one thing over there and another here. Make up your mind as to where you wish to post or I will make it up for you.

It is not MERB policy to ban members for their behavior on another board. It is also not MERB policy to permit commentary on how another board is run or the posts that are made there. We have allowed the second policy to be bent in this thread. I am more than willing to break the first policy if you continue to be such a two faced member here.

If you have problems on MERB, deal with them here on MERB. Continue to bring MERB business elsewhere and I will ban your ass permanently.

Mod 8


Why do that? Then you'll just have to go there to read me.

But I see that almost all of the credible posters are already going over there to check out your shenanigans.

Banning posters who write about doped up girls, agencies who hire minors, girls who don't shower after their appointments, girls who work with are quite a piece of work.

The only guy that would do that would be a non-hobbyist.

Wait minute...are you Techman?



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
You're still here aren't you? That should answer that question for you. :rolleyes:

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Can you prove any of your accusations? If a SP were to come on MERB and make unprovable accusations against yourself, would you want them to stand or would want them to be removed? If someone was to claim that you had an STD without proof, would you want that to stand or be removed?

If you wish to destroy a SP's reputation or an agency's reputation, I would advise you to do it elsewhere. Continuing on this path will get you banned.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
bensonnobalia said:
But I see that almost all of the credible posters are already going over there to check out your shenanigans.
Not quite true. Some people do take occasional interest in freak shows.

bensonnobalia said:
Banning posters who write about doped up girls, agencies who hire minors, girls who don't shower after their appointments, girls who work with are quite a piece of work.
He said nothing of the sort. You apparently have a problem with the word "unsubstantiated," which, among other things, is among the difference between the two boards. The other board is much like Tombstone, but even worse, so much worse, in fact, that Doc Holliday won't even go there.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
First I'm Fred Zed, now I'm Techman. Any more ideas?

I assume that once you have worked your way through all the members of MERB, you may even believe that I am you.



New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Hint III & IV

Doc Holliday said:
Hmmm....JYT ?

Quite a colourful and violent character who lost the way he won. First name could refer to a state.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I'm waiting until they hit Mod69 then I'll volunteer.:p

Actually I was in the race to be mod4th but I lost and they gave me a toaster. Damn toasters.

By the way Benson, didn't you accuse me of being a mod on merc also? Seems like I'm everywhere! Yes! That's it! The truth dawns on me...I'm efverywhere! I'm not a mod...I'M GOD!

Oh, wait...Benson already has that delusion. Never mind.
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Mar 20, 2008
Mod 8 said:
First I'm Fred Zed, now I'm Techman. Any more ideas?

I assume that once you have worked your way through all the members of MERB, you may even believe that I am you.


Mod 8 said:
If you have problems on MERB, deal with them here on MERB. Continue to bring MERB business elsewhere and I will ban your ass permanently.

Mod 8

Alll we know for sure is that you are a small man. It is one thing to set up rules for what your posters can do here.

But to tell them what they can or can not say elsewhere...that is another story.

What rule are you going to use to justify that?

MERB Rule #689, sub-clause 8 : Posters may not call Mod 8 a midget, while they are drunk in a bar...nor print such information on another venue...


....oh yes....I'll do just what you did when me and three or four others posters reported that one of your advertisers was sending unshowered girls out on'll delete the thread....delete my account...and I'll be gone....



Mar 20, 2008
Techman said:
I'm waiting until they hit Mod69 then I'll volunteer.:p

Actually I was in the race to be mod4th but I lost and they gave me a toaster. Damn toasters.

By the way Benson, didn't you accuse me of being a mod on merc also? Seems like I'm everywhere! Yes! That's it! The truth dawns on me...I'm efverywhere! I'm not a mod...I'M GOD!

Oh, wait...Benson already has that delusion. Never mind.

As for you, it was you who told me that you were involved on some committee with the Blue Board.....


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Mod 8 said:

Can you prove any of your accusations? If a SP were to come on MERB and make unprovable accusations against yourself, would you want them to stand or would want them to be removed? If someone was to claim that you had an STD without proof, would you want that to stand or be removed?

If you wish to destroy a SP's reputation or an agency's reputation, I would advise you to do it elsewhere. Continuing on this path will get you banned.


A common practice on various boards is to identify posts in the thread title with the first word as "Speculation" or "Rumour".

Given the nature of this board I am far from convinced that this is an ideal solution BUT it may be a starting point to finding an alternative for this board that would satisfy the need for certain information or situations that merit discussion while protecting identities and reputations.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
bensonnobalia said:
As for you, it was you who told me that you were involved on some committee with the Blue Board.....

Yeah...committee, not a moderator. I thought you had been around for a long time? Did you miss the committee? Oh well, you didn't miss much. Only one person over there can make any decisions anyways, and that's Tom. Their mods are toothless tigers. Only M1 can actually ban anyone. The rest of them have to give out infraction points like meter maids. :cool:
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