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Be a part of the world's biggest gangbang

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Again, how do you know that she is consenting? May be she was forced into this degrading act because some slizzy people took advantage of her drug habit. You don't know for sure? Then don't promote it. How would encouraging/promoting/inviting people to participate in this degrading act be more morally acceptable than helping strippers to satisfy their drug habits as a means to get to into her pants?

Gee, maybe because she is a well known web girl who has been promoting this event all over the net as well as on the Howard Stern show and others? Do you automatically assume that everyone involved in the sex industry is a drug addict? Did you even check out the web site or her blog or was it too difficult to click on the link? Actually, if you and BD have such a low opinion of sex workers, why are you even on this board?

Edit: Here's a bit more info on the girl for those who are interested and are not too lazy to click on the link.


Apr 20, 2004
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Techman said:
...Do you automatically assume that everyone involved in the sex industry is a drug addict?...

Don't put word in my mouth please. My question was: How do you know that she is not being taken advantage because of a drug habit? She may be or may not be. Just do not automatically assume that this is consenting sex. Some people argue that this act is not degrading because it is "consenting". My point simply was: How do we know that this is consenting? and if we are not sure about the "consenting" part then we should not promote a degrading act, should we? But again free speech! Please understand that I am not accusing nor judging you at all, just raising a point.
BTW, Howard Stern sure is not a moral model!

Techman said:
... Actually, if you and BD have such a low opinion of sex workers, why are you even on this board?..
Why do you equate "finding gang bang degrading" to "having a low opinion about sex workers"? Elizabeth who is a former wonderful SP, also agrees that gang bang is degrading... so does it mean that she has a low opinion of herself?:confused: :confused: Btw, I am not BD, I do not know BD so I can not nor do I want to talk on his behalf.
Elizabeth said:
...I also find gang bangs totally degrading for women. And I don't see anything erotic about it...
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Maxima and BD...where were you guys when the gang bang thread was front and center on the board?
And there you go with your `free speech` again. If I hadn`t been the one that started this thread you and BD probably would have never posted in it. Don`t you guys have anything better to do than being shit disturbers?

My point simply was: How do we know that this is consenting? and if we are not sure about the "consenting" part then we should not promote a degrading act, should we?

Well that would have been answered if you had simply clicked on the link and checked her out. Or are you just too lazy to click on a link and check things out for yourself before you post? And as I said before...who are you to determine what is degrading for anyone else?

BTW, Howard Stern sure is not a moral model!

Who made you the arbiter of who is moral or not? Again, if you are so interested in morality...why are you here???? This board isn`t `moral`.


Apr 20, 2004
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I agree with you! However, I would respecfully ask you to change the words "shit disturber", I find it uncalled for because I thought I have the right to post my opinion as much as the next guy. Again, I can not speak for BD.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Maxima, I'm not expecting you to answer for BD, it's just that I consider your actions to be almost identical and it saves me the trouble of posting multiple posts to get the same point across to each of you. I will refrain from addressing the two of you together in the future.

If you want me to change the words, stop behaving like one. Your post including the mention of 'free speech' indicates to me that your post is just a continuation of a thread that was closed. I just got through with beautydigger and his wonderful contributions to the board and I'm tired of getting into stupid arguements with posters who act as if they were 12 years old. In general I like reading your posts and your point of view, but this free speech thing is just getting to be a bit ridiculous. I don't like getting into flame wars as no one ends up winning.

Personally, I don't find a gang bang to be something that I would ever be interested in participating in. Others on the board have shown an interest in this however and I thought they might find the link interesting. That's why I posted it. Is it degrading? If the person involved feels degraded or is indeed forced into it, then yes it is. It they don't, then as far as I'm concerned, it isn't.

As far as morals go...everyone has their own idea of what is moral or not. I'm sure that many people would consider the boards to be the perfect definition of immorality. I don't, and I don't think that these boards are the place for people who have issues with sexual morality.

Anyways, let's get on with posting interesting topics and information and stop judging each other. Deal?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I'm not looking for any apologies. Just a little peace and quiet. And I have no problem with freedom of speech.


Apr 20, 2004
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I agree again. Calling other people "shit disturber" because of their differed opinion is part of free speech.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
OK, you win...I declare that Maxima is not a shit disturber and I apologize for calling him one. He's just a pain sometimes.;)


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Guys, who can presume of people's willingness to do something versus being forced? Because it goes with your position, it's voluntary and, if it's against your position, they must be forced?

Personally, I hate the taste of fish. If somebody would force me to eat some, it would be degrading to me because it's forced on me. Therefore, I can deduct that, since I don't eat fish and would find it degrading being forced to eat some, eating fish is degrading for peoples and those who do it must do so under duress. In that case, the "fish-eater"'s opinion doesn't count since they can't really like fish and they're being abused without noticing or without being able to complain so, I must defend them.

Of course, that doesn't make sense. All we can say about what we see on this gang bang is, apparently, the girl is a willing participant, until proven otherwise.
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