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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
That why cloud the police let a reporter be on the scene..The Longueuil police should pût the emphasis on pimps rather than potentiel customers...........
Exactly. That is a no-brainer. Then they want to educate, counsel, and moralize a poor horny guy who just wants to spend time with a service provider with his hard earned money. I'm not sure if you read the article about the guy who came with flowers and a bottle of wine, then got arrested . There is absolutely no respect for the citizens of Quebec. Whoever approved that operation should be ashamed of themselves.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I'm telling you, every single year before F1 they publish nonsense like that
Good point. Anti-prostitution campaigns ramp up every year a week or two before the F1 Grand Prix.

The forces behind the campaign are anti-prostitution groups, the media, the police and parts of the national, provincial and local governments. But the driving force is well organized, fanatical groups like this one:



Special GP week website:

I don't think the police are enthusiastic about busting johns and forcing them to go to "john school," but they do what they are told and it makes the public think that law enforcement is "doing something."

The real pressure to "do something" comes from organizations like CLES. They get much of their funding from the Quebec government (your tax dollars at work!).

CLES launches a PR campaign around the time of the GP because the myth of a huge upsurge in prostitution during GP is a myth that refuses to die. Ordinary citizens believe the myth, police believe it, the government believes it, the media believe it and CLES takes advantage of the surrounding hysteria to justify its existence and get funding from the government. As Emily says, it happens every year. :rolleyes:

If you read the article, you will learn that this operation took place months ago and yet we are just reading about it now, one week before the race. Wow, it sure took a long time to write that article!

Nevertheless, it is disturbing that local (Longueuil) police would launch such a large scale entrapment scheme. I don't remember something like this happening before. Thankfully for the unlucky guys who got trapped, they could avoid charges by paying a fine and going to a class led by a fanatical feminist preacher (I might choose jail over that :D ).

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I will laugh this one for a while!!!!!
Part of me would actually like to participate in this "John School" volontary. I would like to see what they have to present. Of course there is a dark side of this business and i think everyone here knows it. I think the string operation also probably target more the kind of guys who are a little more "shady" considering the type of ads they use, altough obviously not all of them are. They use the worst cases and try to demonize the business completely. I may not be an escort myself but i know for a fact there is an ethical side of being in this business.

Personally i always been very carefull when i hobby, but if i was "caught" in one of those things, i don't know how i would react actually. The reality is personally i feel no shame in seeing escorts unlike these guys who are getting caught. I know they probably say "it was the first time" and other things like that to hope for reduce sentences and such, wich make sense, but if we talking purely feeling wise, personally i see no shame about it AT ALL because i consider how i hobby the "decent way" and ethical. Even if i don't always agree with everything and everyone (escorts pov on some things for exemple). I am actually for decriminalisation of the business as a whole. So i doubt this "John School" would have any effect on me. I mean even if im told a very horrible story by a sex traffic victim, yes i totally feel for her and its terrible she gone trough that, but thats not the business i participate in. Its not the meetings i seek. How does it link to how I do business?

Obviously their goal with these articles is to make the Sex Work Industry look bad, thus why they present it that way. Its a shame we can only see the good side trough podcast and youtube and never in mainstream articles (or very rarely). Thanksfully a few sex workers actively work to "undemonize" (not sure if its a word but you get what i mean) it and present their side of it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Obviously their goal with these articles is to make the SW look bad, thus why they present it that way. Its a shame we can only see the good side trough podcast and youtube and never in mainstream articles (or very rarely). Thanksfully a few sex workers actively work to "undemonize" (not sure if its a word but you get what i mean) it and present their side of it.
It is not what I see.... What I see is they are infantilizing the sex workers but making the clients look bad. They make the clients appear as the predators.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Good point. Anti-prostitution campaigns ramp up every year a week or two before the F1 Grand Prix.

The forces behind the campaign are anti-prostitution groups, the media, the police and parts of the national, provincial and local governments. But the driving force is well organized, fanatical groups like this one:



Special GP week website:
You forgot to mention feminists and that website you posted is a feminist website. The biggest pushers for banning sex work are the feminists and the way they go about it is very clear that it is coming from them, the clients are the predators and the sex workers poor girls being trafficked or doing it because they got no choice.
The real pressure to "do something" comes from organizations like CLES. They get much of their funding from the Quebec government (your tax dollars at work!).

CLES launches a PR campaign around the time of the GP because the myth of a huge upsurge in prostitution during GP is a myth that refuses to die. Ordinary citizens believe the myth, police believe it, the government believes it, the media believe it and CLES takes advantage of the surrounding hysteria to justify its existence and get funding from the government. As Emily says, it happens every year. :rolleyes:
It is all about getting votes. It is a charade to show to the world that they are doing something.
If you read the article, you will learn that this operation took place months ago and yet we are just reading about it now, one week before the race. Wow, it sure took a long time to write that article!

Nevertheless, it is disturbing that local (Longueuil) police would launch such a large scale entrapment scheme. I don't remember something like this happening before. Thankfully for the unlucky guys who got trapped, they could avoid charges by paying a fine and going to a class led by a fanatical feminist preacher (I might choose jail over that :D ).
Imagine is they put as much energy and time in busting the real criminals...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
It is not what I see.... What I see is they are infantilizing the sex workers but making the clients look bad. They make the clients appear as the predators.
I meant SW as "Sex Work", not Sex Workers. Sorry for the confusion. Edited it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I meant SW as "Sex Work", not Sex Workers. Sorry for the confusion. Edited it.
Ahh okay... Got it! Makes more sense now. Ahh the stigma will never go away thanks to the government.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2018
Il y a deux certitudes dans la vie l'impôt et la mort
Pour un homme le besoin d'assouvir ses pulsions
sexuelle fera en sorte que très jeune il va se rendre compte que l'argent est le meilleur moyen pour atteindre ses objectifs.
Le cirque de la f1 c'est des voitures, des jolies femmes et beaucoup de fric.
Le gouverne ment n'aime pas voir autant de transaction monétaire se passer sans son contrôle.
C'est plus facile de faire peur aux clients pour la police en menant des opérations semblables que de s'attaquer au proxénète.
Dsl les féministes mais moi mon expérience avec les escortes me porte à croire que la majorité le font pour une seule raison.
Un moyen de faire beaucoup d'argent

Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
If you read the article, you will learn that this operation took place months ago and yet we are just reading about it now, one week before the race. Wow, it sure took a long time to write that article!
That is right on the nail!
It is the perfect example of how the medias, although manipulating the public opnion, are themselves manipulated by authororithies despite their constant claim being indepent and without pressure.
Jul 30, 2008
Il y a deux certitudes dans la vie l'impôt et la mort
Pour un homme le besoin d'assouvir ses pulsions
sexuelle fera en sorte que très jeune il va se rendre compte que l'argent est le meilleur moyen pour atteindre ses objectifs.
Le cirque de la f1 c'est des voitures, des jolies femmes et beaucoup de fric.
Le gouverne ment n'aime pas voir autant de transaction monétaire se passer sans son contrôle.
C'est plus facile de faire peur aux clients pour la police en menant des opérations semblables que de s'attaquer au proxénète.
Dsl les féministes mais moi mon expérience avec les escortes me porte à croire que la majorité le font pour une seule raison.
Un moyen de faire beaucoup d'argent
Yep... Et c'est plate à dire, mais notre Gouverne Ment, en ce moment, fait absolument tout pour appauvrir volontairement la population, alors que les gens dorment encore devant leur écran, au lieu de s'attaquer aux vrais problèmes. Tout ça pour dire que nos amis policiers donneront leur démission ou choisiront de s'enfoncer plus profondément dans cette dictature qui s'installe et rendront la vie aux escortes et clients de plus en plus difficile...


Aug 9, 2022

I like this quote 'Les policiers insistent: ils ne veulent pas contrecarrer la prostitution, mais bien y sensibiliser.'​

I feel bad for the poor virgin who was looking for his first sexual experience and was caught. (Albeit, I kinda doubt he really was a virgin).
Miss Emily is 100% correct as to how to stay safe. It also seems the government funds used for this would be better off investigating sex trafficking and sexual abuse. Le Journal at least keeps up its tradition for providing written entertainment for its readers.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2021

I like this quote 'Les policiers insistent: ils ne veulent pas contrecarrer la prostitution, mais bien y sensibiliser.'​

Miss Emily is 100% correct as to how to stay safe. It also seems the government funds used for this would be better off investigating sex trafficking and sexual abuse.
Hear me right, I am incorporated and I declare 100% of my income to have access to propriety just in a few years


I truly wish every sex worker could work in safe conditions, but this is not the approach to take in my personal opinion to achieve this goal. At least things will come back to normal in just 2 weeks from now (in terms of the fear campaign)
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Jul 15, 2003
Visit site
The article mentions men who are caught are subject to heavy fines. It's a cash cow for the Longueuil police department. Every guy caught will pay. No one will fight it in court.

Lately, I find police are more focused on preying on the population (aka extracting as much money as possible from citizens). I've never seen so many police cars hiding, just waiting to slap hefty tickets on motorists. You'd think they'd have more important things to do. The police is a business and trapping "johns" is a new way for them to generate revenue.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
That why cloud the police let a reporter be on the scene..The Longueuil police should pût the emphasis on pimps rather than potentiel customers...........
Of course but they will not. That is not their goal. Their goal is to appear as world class politicians in a World Class city. They want to appear as doing an amazing job using sex work as bait. And also like I said many times, most got the NIMBY.


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2020
don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time… or don’t have connections to completely ignore any and all consequences. Same story as always.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Then they want to educate, counsel, and moralize a poor horny guy who just wants to spend time with a service provider with his hard earned money.
Very funny they want to judge and educate us!
Who is going to judge their morality?
The Dick and Pussy connection can not be stopped. It was always there, since human being existed and will stay for ever,.
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