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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
Very funny they want to judge and educate us!
Who is going to judge their morality?
The Dick and Pussy connection can not be stopped. It was always there, since human being existed and will stay for ever,.
Exactly. Very well said.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
If you read the article, you will learn that this operation took place months ago and yet we are just reading about it now, one week before the race. Wow, it sure took a long time to write that article!
i just re-read the article and I don't see where it says this was 'months ago' just says the program was launched in May says nothing about it being stopped or not-ongoing...or maybe i missed something :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
i just re-read the article and I don't see where it says this was 'months ago' just says the program was launched in May says nothing about it being stopped or not-ongoing...or maybe i missed something :rolleyes:
It was one day in February that the journalist attended the police operation.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
Avec la poussée de violence à Montréal et environs, l'immigration massive et le fait qui laisse entrer n'importe qui dans le pays ( je dois spécifier que mon père était Marocain moitié Arabe alors je suis techniquement 50% moi aussi Arabe et 50% Quebecois), mais si on lie le journal c'est toujours c'est groupe qui cause le trouble.

Je pense que la police a de quoi de mieux à faire que de s'attarder à nous qui voulons rencontrer et somme prêt a payer les SP pour avoir leur service.

Encore une fois impressionner par leur stupidité, et l'homme de 50 ans mort après l'attaque tu Orange Julep à Montréal par un autre ti casse de 22 ans qui va sûrement s'en sortir avec une peine bonbon au lieu de se faire déporter parce qu'il est dangereux.

Pas pour rien que je prendrais pas ma retraite ici. Pour le reste aller vers vos SP que vous connaissez et aventurez vous pas dans l'inconnu.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
i just re-read the article and I don't see where it says this was 'months ago' just says the program was launched in May says nothing about it being stopped or not-ongoing...or maybe i missed something :rolleyes:

From the article: "L’opération policière, qui s’est déroulée en février dernier, est faite dans le cadre du nouveau programme de type John School, qui permet la déjudiciarisation de l’obtention de services sexuels."

We are in the month of June. I call February "months ago." What do you call it? :rolleyes:

Yes, the operation seems to be ongoing, although it is not clear to what extent it is truly ongoing. I doubt that the police are doing this all the time and if they are, then word would have spread much faster.

The main point is that the JDM observed the operation in February and conveniently waited until just before the Grand Prix week to post a sensationalist article about it. As I said, it sure took a long time to write that article!


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Instead of funding suicide, gambling, and mental health, they are funding this nonsense. They want to educate the customers. What a serious joke.As if the client will ever stop calling a service provider.This nonsense baffles me.
They are trying to protect vulnerable ladies from pimps. Or human trafficking victims.
It is not nonsense.
it is useless to merb members who use merb indy or known agencies, but as even indies say. We are but a minority of their clientele


Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
They are trying to protect vulnerable ladies from pimps. Or human trafficking victims.
It is not nonsense.
it is useless to merb members who use merb indy or known agencies, but as even indies say. We are but a minority of their clientele

Sexual exploitation and human trafficking are something that unfortunately goes around all year long and is made even more possible by using websites that require no verification whatsoever prior to advertising.

The police department thinks targeting the "demand" will solve the issue, but I highly doubt that. The real issue is obviously somewhere else.

If both providers and clients can get around in such a criminalized environment in the USA so can we, extra measures just need to be taken on both ends here.

The irony is, sex work is decriminalized or even legal in the UK and Australia, both countries that also operate their law under the Commonwealth framework such as Canada. There is a lot of hypocrisy coming from the way Canada operate their laws in term of sex work just by being the neighbour of the USA in my very very personal opinion.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Sexual exploitation and human trafficking are something that unfortunately goes around all year long and is made even more possible by using websites that require no verification whatsoever prior to advertising.

The police department thinks targeting the "demand" will solve the issue, but I highly doubt that. The real issue is obviously somewhere else.
You mean politicians. Police do what they are told, governments tell them what to do. Government as usual are playing politics just like they did with covid.
If both providers and clients can get around in such a criminalized environment in the USA so can we, extra measures just need to be taken on both ends here.

The irony is, sex work is decriminalized or even legal in the UK and Australia, both countries that also operate their law under the Commonwealth framework such as Canada. There is a lot of hypocrisy coming from the way Canada operate their laws in term of sex work just by being the neighbour of the USA in my very very personal opinion.
Of course, no politician in Canada would ever legalize it due to their voter base, it would he political suicide. When those sex workers contested the laws, it was the wrong decision. They should have left it alone, the Supreme Court told the government to make a new law and obviously the government could not legalize it officially without loosing votes so made it illegal without making it officially illegal. It was a sneaky decision by the Stephen Harper government, the current Liberal government would have done the same hence the hypocrisy around it. As for Australia, unfortunately this country is moving towards the US model. Certain parts of the country is becoming quiet prohibited. Western and Southern Australia it is illegal. There is a movement there to ban all prostitution there. UK is still good.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
OMG!!?? That public article just blew up the whole scene to the public eye.
It is in MUCH more in detail than articles from previous years.
Actually make me feel a little uneasy.

From the article:

"Depuis 2014 au Canada, une femme a le droit d’afficher ses services, mais il est illégal de les acheter."

Obviously that is from bill C36.
A planted bomb ready to be set off when the gods choose.
I have always been perturbed by this illogical mind Fck.

It is almost out of George Orwell 1984.

"Doublethink is a process of indoctrination in which subjects are expected to simultaneously accept two conflicting beliefs as truth, often at odds with their own memory or sense of reality."
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
From an old CBC article for hotels: Bwhahaha

Red flags​

With Grand Prix weekend just around the corner, Montreal hotel staff are trying to play an active role in preventing sexual exploitation.

There are a few signs that should raise red flags for staff, including:

  • A young girl accompanied by a much older man.
  • Clients who insist on paying cash.
  • Clients who repeatedly ask for their linens to be cleaned.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Of course, no politician in Canada would ever legalize it due to their voter base, it would he political suicide.
Generally speaking, you are right for now. But pretending "no... would ever" is a lack of historical knowledge. In fact I'm sure you have this knowledge...
Before 1950, no birth control were allowed, mainly by religious authorities. In the 60's came the birth control pill legalization, than abortion, than decriminalization of prostitution. Now LE stops going after women selling their "charms" toward those buying them. Meanwhile, in Canada, more acceptance of sexual expression variation even if some retards still claiming there are only two sexes.

All this to say, things are moving and mentalities evolve, not all in the same direction, not all at the same pace. There are discrepencies between big cities, suburbs and rural area, Western Canadian more subject to conservatism and right-religious evangelist. I wouldn't be surprise to see big changes in the next 10 years, but not short term say within 5 years.
Never say Never is and will be always true, and "We never Know" is the only thing I'm sure of... but that I Know.



May 16, 2016
Hear me right, I am incorporated and I declare 100% of my income to have access to propriety just in a few years


I truly wish every sex worker could work in safe conditions, but this is not the approach to take in my personal opinion to achieve this goal. At least things will come back to normal in just 2 weeks from now (in terms of the fear campaign)
Tell me if i'm wrong but the way the law is made, "it is not illegal to sell sex services, but it is to buy them", its the equivalent of a bar can sell alcool, but client cant buy it....


Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Tell me if i'm wrong but the way the law is made, "it is not illegal to sell sex services, but it is to buy them", its the equivalent of a bar can sell alcool, but client cant buy it....

You are on point!!!


Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
From an old CBC article for hotels: Bwhahaha

Red flags​

With Grand Prix weekend just around the corner, Montreal hotel staff are trying to play an active role in preventing sexual exploitation.

There are a few signs that should raise red flags for staff, including:

  • A young girl accompanied by a much older man.
  • Clients who insist on paying cash.
  • Clients who repeatedly ask for their linens to be cleaned.

The last two points target directly touring providers in town for the F1 weekend. This weekend especially I wouldn't recommend TOFF. What I mean by that?

1. A provider ONLY advertising on website asking no verifications prior to advertising (Leolist, Annonces123, Humpchies) Don't get me wrong, many providers that advertise here on Merb, tryst and Indy Companion also advertise on LL and that's perfectly fine, they had to go through heavy verifications with those other website, wanting to boost our visibility this weekend is perfectly acceptable

2. A provider reachable with ONLY a phone number (no email, no website, no twitter, no instagram, no Onlyfans)

3. A provider with the minimum pictures required (If my memory is good, LL require 5-6 pictures to be able to advertise)

4. A provider asking you no questions at all prior to meeting

Don't get me wrong, we all start somewhere, not everyone is at the same place in their journey at the same time, but maybe wait this weekend pass before going back to TOFF

Making extensive research will be the key this weekend before meeting someone. Not ALL touring providers are bad (my friend Mlle Néla is currently in town from Toronto for the F1 and she is a perfectly reliable provider). Also not ALL advertisement on LL are scams, again, some of us just want to boost our visibility and when you google "escort montreal" Leolist is the first one to come up in the organic research (SEO) with Tryst in 3rd and Merb in 15th and Indy Companion in 23rd

Do your research
Do your research
Do your research

Remember gents, the hotel run around 1000$ per night this weekend
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Cap'tain Fantastic

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
I love @nothinghere analogy with Orwell's 1984, it does depict perfectly the authorities position, you know like Yes but...No. Despite the total absurdity of the law, there is not much we can do if we get pinch.

I would consider any ads on all the other sites potentialy fishy. I always did, for the commun B&S or the constant scam going on, but now, with these bullshit operations going on, nothing to make me change my mind.
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