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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

Thank you. You are far better at expressing things than I am.
We are lucky to have ladies like you in this profession who can fill the void somewhat.
I have been blessed with someone, actually the first I met who has done that for me, we have become friends I see her whenever I can. It obviously doesn’t compare with being totally in love but she has been an angel to me and I will always be grateful to her.
I am lucky to have her in my life
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Cheating is cheating period, you can put whatever spin you want on it to make you feel better.
I am not putting a spin on it, I am simply destroying the old concept associated with it, and redefining it in a more open and wider spectrum. Relationships or marriages are no longer the same as they used to be. If you want to stick to the old paradigm, then your saying is logical. However, it is no longer the case. We have evolved socially and economically. Our needs, desires, perceptions, have done so too. Relationship are no longer needed to be exclusive, therefore, the concept should be changed in its entirety. Sexuality should me emancipated, limited only by willingness, since its primary purpose is pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am not putting a spin on it, I am simply destroying the old concept associated with it, and redefining it in a more open and wider spectrum. Relationships or marriages are no longer the same as they used to be. If you want to stick to the old paradigm, then your saying is logical. However, it is no longer the case. We have evolved socially and economically. Our needs, desires, perceptions, have done so too. Relationship are no longer needed to be exclusive, therefore, the concept should be changed in its entirety. Sexuality should me emancipated, limited only by willingness, since its primary purpose is pleasure.
So eloquently put and sounds so reasonable.
Perhaps guys should make a copy of this and read it to their wives/girlfriends at the dinner table with their kids and see if the rest of the family are in agreement and will help you search websites to find the most suitable escort for you to explore these desires and perceptions.
Unfortunately a lot of what you are saying is true and that is why in my opinion anyway so many kids are in single parent households and are so fucked up that they don’t know whether they are coming or going.
We are all about pleasure now days, the problem is most times it is only about our own pleasure.


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
We are all about pleasure now days, the problem is most times it is only about our own pleasure.
What should sex be for then? Duty? Torture? It is and has always been about pleasure. You can add some spin, intensify the pleasure, such as love, roles, etc... But it is fundamentally about that. We are not like animals where sex is just for reproduction. We need it, and we need it to be as good as possible. I fail to see how that could be possible with only one partner. If you can, then by all means good for you. But society nowadays disagree with you. Plus kids are not fucked up because if the single parents, but becasue parents keep fighting, and they have to take sides. What you see as fucked up, is just the evolution i was refering to. It is the struggle between your old concepts, and the new emerging ones.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
We are not like animals where sex is just for reproduction.

How would you know what animals feel. They follow instincts but they also seek pleasure, not with the complexity of humans , but pleasure all the same.
You must be jealous of Bonabos....they are fucking all the time with everyone in their tribe.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
This is a very interesting debate...
Who are we either ways to judge one another?
Paying for sex, going out and looking to mingle, going on the other side of the fence, flirting, sexting... looking somewhere else.

I believe relationships in this world we are in aren't made to last no more. People are scared of commitment.
We are in an era where it's to easy to get something new. We buy the new iPhone and we're all so excited, a year later, we are fed up even though it still works just fine. We want the newest model.
Before, we used to fix things, now we just replace them once they are crooked or they have a little damage.
We must not forget we are all human beings after all. Nobody's perfect. We can't ask no one to be perfect or expect perfection when we are not. The first few months are lustful and exciting, but true love takes time to build. Trust needs to build too. When a little something comes up, we run away, we are all so scared to pass in front of something better, when in fact we can have someone great just in front of us.

This world we are in is so hard, selfcentered. Relationships have no more value and people always think of themselves. We're so scared to commit, cause we may have been hurt and now people act like assholes to one another. Where is the warmth? Where is the deep? Where's the tenderness? Nobody will say they do not want love. We are all the same after all, we all dream of love and to be loved. But love takes time, love takes commitment, love is not easy. But love is after all the most beautiful thing. And what is this world without love? Lonely and meaningless. Some people would kill for love. It's when you saw love, when you experienced love, that you know it is the most beautiful and wonderful feeling. You want to feel complete and home by the side of someone. We all want to lay in bed next to someone and feel comfortable. We all want someone who we can trust and have a shoulder, an ear to turn to. Love is exciting, incredible... Love is wonderful... All those nights in the bars, where people go out, bring someone home, have meaningless sex, and still wake up alone. I have always wanted to be someone's Sunday morning rather than someone's Saturday night... Breakfast in bed and making love to this person that is our whole word means so much more.

I've seen true love. We are all looking for a purpose to be alive, that our life will have meant something. I saw a man stay with his wife until the end. She was sick for more than a decade and he stayed. Love is patient, love is tender. Love doesn't judge, and love can do miracles. She passed away, into his arms. And what my dad told me was the most beautiful thing I've heard from a man's mouth since I'm on Earth. As she was leaving and asking me to let her go, she stayed, cause I could not let my world go. When she closed her eyes for her forever sleep, it was just like my last dance with her. Today, 8 years since she passed away, when he says my mother's name, his eyes still sparkle. I really hope everyone gets the chance to live a love like this, that's when you know your life did have a meaning... We all dream to leave in love, to live with love... To be loved and not forgotten. Love is afterall a purpose.

What an interesting post, I would have liked to have participated in it live, but I was not available.
So I'll just approve or not, according to my deepest convictions.

Yes Valerie, we live in a world where speed dominates, we have less time to answer, to think, we don't want to miss anything.
Yes we all dream of being loved (besides at home I have a poster that says that). Now let's talk about love. Love is the ultimate goal to reach, and reading you I realize that I have never reached it, nor even glimpsed this great love with my partners. The deepest love I have is that of my children. True love that lasts, I hope with all my heart that it exists. You were lucky (yes it's lucky) to have known him.

What a beautiful tribute to your father. Valerie you write really well, you know how touched us because after reading your post, I stopped everything and thought about my parents.

Valerie, you are an intelligent and romantic woman, and I will end by saying that romanticism attracts romanticism.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

I've always thought there are some people who are still incredible out there. You are one of them.
Seeing my dad love my mom was a blessing to me. It showed me what life was all about.
Life is nothing when it's lived in all this material, money and superficiality. People are still sad and lonely.
Being by his side while he was mourning, I've seen so much sensitivity in the eyes of a great man.
Love makes us grow, love makes us change. What you have lived with your wife is a blessing few will never have the chance to experience.
I'm here made of love, of a great love story, and I'm here giving all of myself to men so no matter how or what they go through,
I hope they'll find a bit of happiness by my side. Oh, do I want to be in love and experience love and give all of myself? I do. I would. I want.
Seeing love so pure, so beautiful, so deep, that changes a lifetime, that is even more beautiful than romantic movies...
I dream of that.
Maybe am I too much of a hopeless romantic or too idealistic... but I'm an artist... made of love... I'm made to be different...
And my purpose is to write, my purpose is to leave this world with a touch love, where I will have touched hearts and souls...
Where I might have done a little difference...For someone, somewhere... I hope more people would be like me and do everything to just put a bit more tenderness into this world...

And Fradi, no matter you'll be, she loved you, she'll be by your side. Because this love you had is forever and always. And trust me, she is there, and she knows you're here still loving her, making her memory last. She's not all gone... cause she lives through you, through the love you have. ❤

I'm chasing after you Valerie, that said, I can tell you that yes you have brought happiness to my life.

Yes you are a romantic, I said it before, that you are very different from all the other escorts that I have met, and believe me I am in a good position to talk about it, since I have met her several times.

I have this extraordinary chance to have known you, and I consider myself privileged to have met you. And my last statement: yes you made a big difference for me.

Thank you Valerie for sharing with us. To be the way you are, to open your heart and allow us to let go of our emotions.
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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
How would you know what animals feel. They follow instincts but they also seek pleasure, not with the complexity of humans , but pleasure all the same.
You must be jealous of Bonabos....they are fucking all the time with everyone in their tribe.
Lol, spot on :). It is true, and it seems that the more complex a social milieu is, the greater role sex plays within it. However, my point was not to downgrade the sexual quality of animals. I was just trying to emphasis that Love and Sex are 2 separate things. They can coexist, but it should not be limited by it. Love must not be about possession. If the ultimate goal for your love is to help your partner achieve happiness, and since sexuality is essential to reach it, it follows that you need to allow its emancipation. Jealousy and possession, in my opinion are selfish.
Sex should be treated in the same manner food is. The more "cuisines" you test, the more you enjoy food. Unfortunately for romance, relationships have a tendency to transform sex into fast food. It satisfies your hunger, but fucks up your health. However, fast food becomes delicious when it is only eaten occasionally, and its detrimental effects on health becomes negligible. In sum, have sex once a week with the one you love, while the rest of the days go for SPs :))
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2018
Well guys thanks for the responses. I think I will just stick to CBJ and no FS, seems like the safest bet.

If you want to go the cheating route, there is also the option for preventive vaccination/medication to the maximum, then go see SPs for the full GFE. Of course there is never a 100% guarantee, but medicine has come a long way and these days it's possible to significantly lower the risk of any STD infection. You can PM me for details on this if you're interested. Although it might require some explaining why you're suddenly getting a bunch of vaccines, if you don't already have them, and are taking antibiotics on a daily basis. :p

The alternative is to simply be honest, have a conversation and come to an agreement with your partner. Or an open relationship/marriage.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The main phrases for those who want to cheat their partners.
Is it to free oneself from guilt?

The 1st "Cheating with your body only, it's physical, it's not really cheating"

And the 2nd "We must make the most of what life has to offer us"

And the 3rd "Life is too short"

And the 4th "We don't know our deadline, so we have to take advantage of it while we are able to take advantage of it"

Or talk to his partner or separate.
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