Montreal Escorts

Coderre v/s Plante


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
20,000 tickets was given out free for the Formula E ! wow! what a waste of our money !
20,000 billets ont été donnés gratuitement pour le formule E ! wow ! quelle gaspillage de notre argent !
No more Formula E in the city ! go to circuit Gilles Villeneuve ! Coderre out !
Plus de Formule E en ville! va y à l'ile Notre dame pour ne pas dérager les commercants qui gagent leur vie honnêtement !
N'oublions pas qu'il a dépensé plus de $2M pour les barrières en béton pour barrer les rues pour la formule E !
Don't forget he spends more than $2M for the ciment fences for this !
Dehors Coderre!
I have enough !


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Albacor these are tickets that would not have been sold in the first place. Might as well bring them onsite to please the sponsors and make more people to spend for food/drinks/souvenirs.

We got to give some time to this event. One day it might completely replace f1, we dont know. There was not that many ppl on Ile notre dame for first ever f1 grand prix.

As for doing it in the city I agree with you it should have take place on circuit gille villeneuve. Even if it's a requirement of the forumle E (to have the course in the city) some other venue did not follow that requirement. Montreal should have done the same.



Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
You know I don't know what to say.

Coderre due to :

-stupid 40 million for bridge lights
-stupid 30 million for formula E
-stupid 2 million for granite stumps
-god knows how many other stupid expenditures has lost my vote.

I don't like pitbulls and I lie teh idea of banning them or muzzling them, but this level of spending cannot go without a response.

EDIT: As I am watching the news, I am finding out that 44% of the formula E tickets were given for free. Denis Coderre, has screwed aroudn with our money too long. I wish Valerie Plante was serious about pitbulls.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
EDIT: As I am watching the news, I am finding out that 44% of the formula E tickets were given for free. Denis Coderre, has screwed aroudn with our money too long.

I had the chance to speak with a few people who live and do business in the area where the Formula E was... man, these people are pissed, no joke. They lost thousands of dollars but i think the most insulting is that Coderre dismiss their concern like they're just a bunch of whiners... basically what he tells people every time someone raise an objection to his inane "projects". His campaign is a trainwreck, I hope people vote en masse to kick him out, it really is possible if people can put their money where their mouth is and take a few minutes to vote him out. Being angry and hating him is not enough, we have to vote. With a tie in the polls, it's within reach.

Coderre = enough already!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Jalimon: did you see the news today? 450,000 tickets which 20,000 giving away free; the rest 25,000 tickets "sold" but only 5,000 really "Sold", there is 20,000 tickets given away for the sponsors! $7,5M for the ciment fences!
asked him what about the $10M credit given by the city to MCE? he can not reply! he said can provide answer only after the elections!
This guy is not honest at all, hiding all the number until we discover before the elections! where is transparency ha?
I paid taxes, and vote for a guy who throwing money out of the window! of course it's not his own money, so he doesn't care! it's yours and mine! I can't trust him anymore!
C'est l'argent des contribuables qu'il jette par la fenêtre! bien sur ce n'est pas son argent, alors il s'en fou pas mal! on l'a élu pour gérer notre argent, et voilà jetté par la fenêtre! c'est un abus de confiance!
Ou est la transparence? tout est caché jusqu'à qu'on découvre la vérité!
Non, c'est assez pour moi! même trop!
Formula E C'est un "Flop" selon le journal 24 Hrs: autant au niveau de l'organisateur ( Coderre ) que de la promotion de l'événnement ! Cinq mille billets vendus, c'est une sanction du public! :fish:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I have been told by knowledgeable locals that Coderre will win the election. Polls show things to be closer than they really are because the young people who support Plante overwhelmingly historically will not vote, especially not on a Sunday when they are sleeping in after a late night of partying. It seems like Plante also might not do as well with Anglos because of her separatist past. So the question is how much stomach do you all have for another 4 years of Coderre?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Jalimon: did you see the news today? 450,000 tickets which 20,000 giving away free; the rest 25,000 tickets "sold" but only 5,000 really "Sold", there is 20,000 tickets given away for the sponsors! $7,5M for the ciment fences!

Yes I did. And I must admit makes me look stupid haha Never tough it would be that bad, 5k tickets sold! Mea culpa that was a mess. I am surprised to see these numbers come out just before the election...

That said I am still for Coderre. He may not be perfect but compared to the completely corrupted Tremblay year's... I cannot vote in Montreal tho as I live in another used to be corrupted city on the north shore ;)



Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
I have a dog and this bylaw had been - and still is - a big issue for me. I see unmuzzled "pitbull-type" (whatever that means) all the time... This bylaw is a complete failure.

It's unenforceable. Who's gonna arrest me and seize my unmuzzled dog a 2 AM when I take a walk around my neighbourhood?

You can call whoever you want, nobody's gonna come. Not the 6 "dog inspectors" (basically security agents wannabe thugs with a bulletproof vest and a tazer gun) who work 19 boroughs. Not the cops, who have better things to do.

What Coderre and his brainless minions who voted for this want is 1) votes 2) the dog owner's money 3) scare people from having a dog 4) they want people to call cops on their neighbours.

If I have an argument with another tenant in my condo - one on one, no dogs involved, about random stuff -, this guy if he's revengeful can call the cops on me and tell them i have a "pitbull". Then they show up, and Coderre's by-law states that they can enter my home WITHOUT A WARRANT and seize my dog, take it to the Berger Blanc, and put it down. Just for being a certain dog with a certain head shape. No questions asked. And it's gonna stay that way until the court rule that the "enter without a warrant" thing is unconstitutional (which they will rule, they did in Lachine in 2010).

That seems extreme? That's the situation Coderre, Samson and friends has created for anyone who has a dog with a short coat who might or might not look like a pitbull.

As a dog owner, I can't live in a city that want to enforce such a legislation. By the way, we, the taxpayers, are paying 2M$ more this year to "enforce" this and defend this in court and make Coderre feels like a thug. The little dog tags at $25 a piece won't pay that bill.

But matante feels safe now.

Of course, they gonna say it's working because nobody got killed. But nobody was killed in 35 years without a pitbull ban in place.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
I have been told by knowledgeable locals that Coderre will win the election.

That's great news. I'm a knowledgeable local. No need for Coderre's supporters to go vote then, it's in the bag, that I can tell you. I give them their Sunday off!! :bounce:


Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
Plante is talking transportation issues a lot more than Coderre. That's enough for me. She seems articulate (in French) and very competent. Coderre has always been more of a player. Hope Plante can squeak through to victory!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Lools like that waste of skin Coderre is out, good news for Montreal.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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What was the final vote tally or %- was it a resounding victory for Plante, or did Coderre get nipped by the snout of a muzzled pit bull? Did Coderre at least carry the Westmount and Griffintown ridings?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Plante has 51,3----177,800 votes and Coderre 45,7---158,600 votes. 40 pour cent des Montréalais seulement ont voté. Westmount is not part of Montreal's an autonome---independant city..and Peter Trent----mayor for 25 years---left as mayor.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
First Female Mayor of MONTREAL

Congratulations Montreal for electing first female Mayor.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2013
What's her stand on our hobby?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2011
En 2013, Denis Coderre a été élu maire avec seulement 32% du vote populaire.

Si je me rappelle bien, il croyait surfer sur sa notoriété et s'était fait chauffer les fesses par Mélanie Joly (ce qui ne doit pas être si désagréable). Un peu le même scénario cette année, mais cette fois il s'est fait prendre à son jeu.
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