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Concerning question...the ladies become "Sloppy seconds?"

Apr 16, 2005
Sticking my neck out on this one!

I have read reviews (present company excepted) where the reviewer mentioned cuddling either before or after the event. This act to me implies affection and a real connection. Yet we also talk about remuneration here. Is this so very different from marriage? Girls pick their mates often on the basis of how good they are as providers. Biology (dare I say, love) is often tied into this. Are we hard-wired to some degree for this. Given that, are not sp's at times drawn to this type of male or to the idea of males as providers? Yes I agree it is a somewhat Neanderthal concept but I sometimes feel this lies below the surface. Many of us are well -educated and in a sophisticated society such as we live in today where we strive to make emotion the slave to intellect, still we are slaves to our biology. Could it be that in terms of sp's and their providers, the world is unfolding as it should? Seems like a lot of encounters sometimes take on the flavour of very brief love affairs. The guys who have clicked into this bring wine soft music and gifts to their rendezvous' to the point where some sp's, on their websites list their preferences in gifts. None would subscribe to this if there wasn't some merit to it. So is there some quality of relationship (no matter how brief) in an encounter? Yes! And perhaps many of us here don't want to take it beyond that, or can't. Yet we exchange something more visceral, more profound in a sense. And in that lies the addiction or at least the attraction. Now this is only one dimension to a very complex yardstick which humans use to measure the potential of prospective mates. There is also the aesthetic which often assumes less importance with age and maturity. All of this plays into what we (in shorthand) refer to as YMMV.
But on the negative side, are there users in this hobby? Of course. There are scoundrels both male amd female in life. People are people. If you, Surferboy, have met too many of these then you need to make better choices. Can sp's be genuine. Believe it! I have never booked Ronnie's services but at the Christmas party 2005 I won a kiss (She carries this goofy spinner pin clipped to her dress). Her kiss was shy, sweet and genuine. It matched her demeanour throughout her interaction with all of us in the circle of conversation. Nothing bitchy, cold or mercenary about her. So when she disagrees with you, it comes from what she truly believes.
My point? You cannot generalize. Yes some sp's are less than desirable but avoid them. Do not tar all with the same brush.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I my experience just as many clients are coming to me for cuddling and company as for sex.

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