Man911 where did you hear that!!É Legault stated yesterday possible parteil reopening in Quebec,on next week announcements
It my recommandations for a real lockdownd. Not from the gourvernment. Lol
Man911 where did you hear that!!É Legault stated yesterday possible parteil reopening in Quebec,on next week announcements
Jalimon - What is acceptable risk? If no risk is acceptable than why not shelter in place for the normal flu season which has a 0.1% death rate every year? Research in California is suggesting a 0.2% death rate for Covid-19. What is the death rate due to the mental anguish and increase in obesity and other factors created from the hysteria of this pandemic?
You realize that this is impossible, correct? This is not going away until there is a vaccine or unique treatment or until we all catch it or at least 60-70% of us catch it.
Very true. That's how they really got rid of the 1918 H1N1 flu virus: the virus ran out of bodies to infect. Either people had all been infected or had died.
That dude asked about injectable form of Clorox????
Whaaaaa? That dude asked about injectable form of Clorox???? Wonder if he and Las Vegas mayor shacked up in past and Eric trump was product? He does look a bit different than don jr and ivanka
How much bleach should I use? Which type of needles work best? Should I inject it in my arm or buttock? OMG. We in America are all going to die. :Cry:
They never knew where it originated from. The first known case was in the United States. But many theories leads to France or China (again...).
According to Trump injecting yourself with disinfectant or bleach may work in killing the virus.
Personally i'd seriously advise against it. Not a good idea!
According to Trump injecting yourself with disinfectant or bleach may work in killing the virus.
Some in the media are doing this too. I used to have more respect for CNN, but their daily pot-shots at Trump show their bias.