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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
And when they consider the increased death rate from staying at home that makes this even worse.

true, a lot of people here in U.K. who would normally go to casualty/ER for chest pain, stroke like symptoms, suspected broken bones are not going to facilities for fear of getting exposed to covid, some are sadly expiring @ home


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Do you know why Trump gave 2 hour press conferences every day?

The answer is very simple: he had an audience of at least 8,000,000 people each time, while Biden had no exposure.

But with the monumental blunder he had made on the injection of disinfectant to kill the virus, he became very irritated by questions from journalists, and yesterday his speech lasted barely 30 minutes, and his conference today has been canceled, and he thinks (nuance people around him think, because he doesn't have the capacity to think) of perhaps diminishing by much or outright doing it less often.

In short, he doesn't give a damn about people, he only thinks about being re-elected in November.


Jul 6, 2017
Common sense from Wall Street Journal columnist, Holman Jenkins.

And, for God’s sake, the media should stop confusing “infection fatality rate” with “case fatality rate,” grotesquely misleading the public on the true death rate. It’s hard to see why anybody would even report case fatality rate, a number without meaning since most of those tested either had celebrity access to testing or symptoms severe enough to require hospitalization (i.e., the equivalent of counting drunks and people who drive blue Austin-Healeys to estimate the risk of dying in a car accident).

There was some idiot in a previous post arguing that the U.S. death rate is much worse than Spain and Italy. He totally ignored the fact that while those 2 Countries may have had approximately 1/2 the death totals of the U.S. their populations of roughly 60 million pale in comparison to the U.S. population of 330 million. And, at this point there is little to be gained by scaring people with inflated death rates, since as the WSJ article pointed out, we have no idea how many people have been infected by this virus. The studies mentioned by Hungry in California do suggest that the numbers are over inflated and that the actual rates may be comparable to the annual influenza virus.

Excellent quote Captain


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I agree that its not logical to compare the US death rate with that of Italy and Spain because of the population difference. As a percent the US is 5% compared to 10% for the 4 hardest hit European countries.
But one statistic is shocking and hard to ignore . The US accounts for one quarter of the world`s total covid19 deaths. Is that because they are more honest in reporting numbers, or the rest of the world will only catch up in a few weeks or months, or that the US response was too slow and too late. Maybe all of those reasons


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
... or that the US response was too slow and too late. Maybe all of those reasons

NY accounts for almost half HALF of all deaths and cases in the US ... so maybe the question should be directed to liberal buddies Cuomo and DeBlasio .... ill-prepared and ill-equipped to handle things in their State ... Thank one isn't trying to handle things for our country any longer, and the other ... him and his brother can find a dark room to cuddle in together.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
There was some idiot in a previous post arguing that the U.S. death rate is much worse than Spain and Italy. He totally ignored the fact that while those 2 Countries may have had approximately 1/2 the death totals of the U.S. their populations of roughly 60 million pale in comparison to the U.S. population of 330 million.

hey Big B,

think I may be that idiot. Yes, it was a stupid comparison. I was looking at the #’s in absolutes and not looking at over all grand scheme of things. Much like your analysis of that Santa Clara and La county report of projected cases and comparison to the flu which in the same way doesn’t take into the overall picture. I’m not sure the take away lesson is that the mortality rate would be comparable to the flu, you fuckin silly goose you. But more likely that the transmission of covid-19 is insane and that more people out there have it and don’t know it and can pass it on to even more people who can have a potentially bad out come

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
NY accounts for almost half HALF of all deaths and cases in the US ... so maybe the question should be directed to liberal buddies Cuomo and DeBlasio ....

Larry let me tell u something, today on CNN ( we sometimes get different stories than in USA on CNN international) they had this lengthy story of another chic who accused Biden of actual sexual assault. Like literally pinnin her to a wall or something. Biden isn’t not Teflon don like trump. If this accusations stick and he has to go, wonder if cuomo will swoop in?


Dec 11, 2012
NY accounts for almost half HALF of all deaths and cases in the US ... so maybe the question should be directed to liberal buddies Cuomo and DeBlasio .... ill-prepared and ill-equipped to handle things in their State ... Thank one isn't trying to handle things for our country any longer, and the other ... him and his brother can find a dark room to cuddle in together.

On the flip side, if the death rate us really 0.2%, and if 20,000 died in NY, a simple math shows that 10 milion people had already been infected in NY, with or without symptoms. The rest of the US? also 10 milion. So while the rest of the US gets to stay closed, NY state can be safely opened for business, thus jumpstarting the economy.

What do you think of that?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
The Korean 200 is probably test errors or such. That would be weird. Yes we can't know it as fact atm if you do develop immunity to it but we need to test it out...

Whats fact is that society can't be as it is now for in between 1 and 2 years.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
On the flip side, if the death rate us really 0.2%, and if 20,000 died in NY, a simple math shows that 10 milion people had already been infected in NY, with or without symptoms.

This reverse calculation is a very valid point. The total NY state population is 20M. There is no way that half has already been infected. This means that the death rate is well above 0.2%. Really scary. Quite possible, however, that there are different strains of the virus in circulation some deadlier than others. Thus, the average death rate and comparison of different countries that may deal with different strains is not very meaningful.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Don`t forget that the death rate in NY State keeps increasing every day and no one knows for how long. At a calculation of 0.2 % they`ll be out of uninfected population in a few months.


Dec 11, 2012
For those of you wondering where I got 0.2%, I got two words for you: Ben Shapiro.

Listening to Ben Shapiro lately...He was citing several studies such as the one in LA and the other in Santa Clara County. He was saying that the virus has a mortality rate of 0.2 to 0.3% or about 2x to 3x that of the flu.


Dec 11, 2012
Don`t forget that the death rate in NY State keeps increasing every day and no one knows for how long. At a calculation of 0.2 % they`ll be out of uninfected population in a few months.
Maybe less, because the herd immunuty kicks in at 70-75%.

But let’s say we want that. It is easy to calculate how many will die in the US if the heard immunity is 75%, and mortality rate is 0.2%. We can even say it will be over in 6 months. In the meantime, food supply chain will be severely disrupted, as the workers at food processing plants get sick. What do you think will happen when a well armed population gets hungry?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
For those of you wondering where I got 0.2%, I got two words for you: Ben Shapiro.

You are joking...right?
The guy is a right wing nut case lawyer and not a reasonable thinking scientist or doctor.
When the dust settles in a few months....the mortality rate worldwide will stand at 2 to 3 %


Active Member
Nov 8, 2016
A note on the Santa Clara data. Results obtained were not from testing but from a review of data regarding prevalence of seasonal flu-like symptoms. It infers a higher than anticipated infection rate (symptomatic + asymp) which therefore means a lower mortality rate. So yes, it could be we end up with a 0.3, or even lower, overall rate. That is actually positive news.
However, Santa Clara is a wealthy county. Very wealthy. No one there is without insurance and access to top notch healthcare. These figures for estimated mortality do not extrapolate very far. They certainly do not extrapolate to a completely different social and ethnic demographic of say, rural Midwest, NYC, or even Montreal.
This has been a fun forum to read. The diversity of source information that feeds into it is eye-popping.


Dec 11, 2012
You are joking...right?
The guy is a right wing nut case lawyer and not a reasonable thinking scientist or doctor.
When the dust settles in a few months....the mortality rate worldwide will stand at 2 to 3 %

I am dead serious. If one is a right wing nut, and one takes information from a right wing nut source, he/she ought to take that information and make a logical conclusion, using a simple math. Right wing nuts often omit the last step. I just wanted to show what they may get once they do that.

A note on the Santa Clara data. Results obtained were not from testing but from a review of data regarding prevalence of seasonal flu-like symptoms. It infers a higher than anticipated infection rate (symptomatic + asymp) which therefore means a lower mortality rate. So yes, it could be we end up with a 0.3, or even lower, overall rate. That is actually positive news.
However, Santa Clara is a wealthy county. Very wealthy. No one there is without insurance and access to top notch healthcare. These figures for estimated mortality do not extrapolate very far. They certainly do not extrapolate to a completely different social and ethnic demographic of say, rural Midwest, NYC, or even Montreal.
This has been a fun forum to read. The diversity of source information that feeds into it is eye-popping.

In other words, a population that lives in single homes may get affected differently than the population that lives in multi-dwelling homes. It’s not that people do not understand that, it is that they don’t care IF they happen to live in a single family home.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Your calculation is dead wrong...... absurdly so. Firstly since when is 1 or 2 months equal to a few months. If that was the case then I would have written a couple of months.
We were never talking about a percent of worldwide population. If you`ve been away then you can be forgiven for not realizing that I`m talking about a percentage of deaths among reported cases of covid19. So the figure you post of 228,450,000 is off by more than a couple of hundred million.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
This is all BS as the infection rate and the number of positive tested cases are fluid numbers and depend on many variables. At the end the only total number of the COVID death per say 1M of population would make sense. And not reported (or misreported) but real. You don’t need to know the number of infected people for this. Just subtract the number of deaths from this year with COVID from the total number of deaths from the previous 2019. You can also go month by month, but it is less accurate. The death rate (DR) in US changes (increases) by about 1% from year to year without any pandemic. We will see what increase in the DR this COVID pandemic will bring. Make your bets gentlemen.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The number of deaths per population is just as misleading a measurement since different countries are at different stages of infection as well as cycles. In a few months we should have a better idea. Even if 75% of a country is tested its still going to be a fluid scenario.
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