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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Hey Naughty by Nature - You so funny!! I think Doc was the one calling for a a shutdown of Canada, at least from the U.S. for all of 2020.

yea, but that’s a border closing, not a lock down. Also, some of your rant about vaccine is just poo. Not all, but some. Specifically the bullshit about HIV. Obviously trying to create a mechanism to initiate an immune response to a virus that attacks that very immune response would be a bit tricky and not sure SARS-CoV-2 would follow same rules, lol, my dog Chico even had a good laugh at that one. Now if this coronavirus proves to attack and evade the immune system like HIV 1 and 2 im sure you’ll wanna give me a little slap on the tushy to let me know I was just wrong.

heres a nice little article in lay terms on why it’s hard to find a vaccine for HIV. Very easy read

and with respect to all this bullshit about varying efficacy about vaccines like the flu, think someone mentioned 35%, lol. If someone told some of you fuckers who come up to MTL for days and see like 3 girls a day if there was finally a hypothetical vaccine for HIV with a 30% chance of working, I’m pretty sure a ton of you would be getting it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Trump has again invoked the Defense Production Act to compel meat processing plants to remain open:

This is all about "don't fuck with our pork supply" after Tyson and Smithfield shut down, threatening very high ham and bacon prices for all of us.

This also comes on the heel of news that 7,500 Iowa piglets had to be aborted. These piglets were all possible meals on our tables:

Hopefully restaurants opening soon will change supply demand equation.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
As the saying goes.....where there is smoke, there is fire.
Rumour has it that Mike Pompano was informed 2 years ago by US diplomats that a lab in Wuhan was experimenting with very dangerous bat viruses under unsafe conditions . If true , did he take any action ?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Rumour has it that Mike Pompano was informed 2 years ago by US diplomats that a lab in Wuhan was experimenting with very dangerous bat viruses under unsafe conditions . If true , did he take any action ?

And what do you propose he should have done with that information apart from going through the usual diplomatic channels, which I presume would have accomplished nothing even if attempted?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Whether the Wuhan China virus came from live wild animals held in disgusting conditions in a "wet market" or it escaped from a nearby lab is hard to know. The Chinese communists say it came from the wet market, which is plausible. Some investigators in the West think it escaped from a lab, which is also plausible.

Either way, the Chinese Communist Party has systematically lied about, covered up and denied responsibility for the origin of the virus. We may never know anything for sure other than the CCP is guilty for the mess that the United States and the rest of the world finds itself ensnared in.

Perhaps, as this Wall Street Journal columnist points out, all that we know is: Never, ever trust the communists.

Communists in Brooks Brothers
They follow Lenin’s idea of ‘truth,’ even if they send their children to Harvard.
By William McGurn
April 27, 2020

In those halcyon years before the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong were small, quiet affairs that were lucky to attract a dozen or two people. After one such rally on a sleepy Sunday, the leader of the city’s fledgling democracy movement, legislator Martin Lee, offered me a lift back to my office.

The conversation turned to family, and Mr. Lee mentioned his father. A former Kuomintang general who had fought the Japanese in the years before and during World War II, he settled his family in Hong Kong once the Communists had prevailed in China’s civil war in 1949. Mr. Lee mused on his father’s advice.

“He’s always telling me, ‘Martin, you can never, ever trust the Communists.’ ”

Mr. Lee’s father has since passed away. The Hong Kong that once provided refuge for his family is gone too. Today’s Hong Kong has now arrested and criminally charged Martin Lee for participating in a pro-democracy protest. The old general’s words ring loudly in my ears: “Never, ever trust the Communists.”

In consequence a new generation is getting a hard lesson that Communists are real, as are the lies and violence necessary to keep them in power. As Lenin made amply clear, Communists have only contempt for the “bourgeois” idea of objective truth, replacing it with a morality that holds “truth” to be whatever is expedient for the party at that moment.

Communism has always been far more about Lenin than Marx—that is, about getting and holding power, rather than any economic arrangement. And it’s extraordinary how consistent the lies and violence have been across time and geography, given the many different flavors of communism. There’s scarcely a Communist Party in the world that doesn’t have a mass killing or two in its past.

Chinese Communism has particularly benefited from the West’s naiveté. When Maoism first appeared, it was hailed as a more authentic and humane form of communism than its brutal Soviet rival. Then came the persecutions and purges and the Cultural Revolution, which left millions of innocent Chinese dead in its wake.

In 1989, when Chinese citizens raised a Goddess of Democracy on Tiananmen Square, some pinned their hopes on the People’s Liberation Army: Surely the people’s army would never fire on the people. In fact, PLA soldiers proved quite adept at firing on the people. And to this day Beijing refuses to come clean about how many it killed at Tiananmen.

Over China’s Communist history the Western left has been egregious at excusing Beijing’s behavior, sometimes apologizing for Chinese communism at its bloodiest moments. In fairness, however, the anti-Communist right has not been without its own illusions.

China’s opening to foreign trade and investment—which many of us supported—proved tremendously successful at lifting ordinary Chinese out of desperate poverty. As genuine an achievement as this has been, the mistake was assuming that just because communists traded in Mao jackets for Brooks Brothers and sent their children to Harvard Business School, they would be transformed into Jeffersonian democrats who play by liberal rules. Instead, the Chinese Communist ruling class has learned it can have it all.

Except truth. This is the one thing no Communist can afford. In his famous 1974 essay “Live Not By Lies,” Alexander Solzhenitsyn said the only way for an individual to resist was to refuse to participate in the everyday lies required to get by in any Communist society.

In the West, communism is often treated as a relic of the past, with figures such as Castro, Che and Mao reduced to cartoons on T-shirts. But real Communists are alive and well. So are the lies they tell to keep themselves in power, whether it’s spreading disinformation about the origins of coronavirus, denying the concentration camps that hold at least a million Muslim Uighurs, or releasing videos of PLA military exercises to intimidate the people of Hong Kong into submission.

Most Westerners look at Hong Kong, observe that the big protests from last year have gone away, and believe the way ahead is by letting things continue to cool down. Hong Kong people, after all, aren’t looking to overthrow China’s government; all they want is to be left alone. So Westerners have a hard time fathoming why Beijing is being so heavy-handed, treating an elderly barrister who wouldn’t harm a soul as a criminal.

But this isn’t how a Communist thinks. He sees protests in Hong Kong as a challenge that must be crushed, at all costs. And when he looks at that 81-year-old lawyer, he doesn’t see a gentle old man. He sees an enemy brandishing the most fearsome weapon of all: the truth.

Until we understand this, we will never understand the wisdom behind a Chinese patriot’s prophetic warning to his son: Never, ever trust the Communists.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Maybe the most important post yet. There is so much hate in this thread for Trump and no hate for the commies that caused it all. How was Trump able to sneak into Wuhan and plant this virus?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I hate communists and have seen first hand how much misery and suffering they can create. Under a communist regime my grandfather was thrown in prison for 7 years because he held an un-authorized garage sale. And yes the Chinese government is responsible for starting this pandemic and then trying to cover it up.
There are others who are responsible for spreading the pandemic by having a slow response and being in denial of the danger.
Trump who worships dictators of all political stripes, and doesn`t let a day go by without at least one big lie, is responsible for thousands of American deaths because he was in denial and didn`t trust the science or his own intelligence agents until too late.
Funny that no one is commenting about the good news coming out of Oxford.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
China is to blame for all of those who have sadly died because of this virus not Trump.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
China is to blame for all of those who have sadly died because of this virus not Trump.

And Trump's mother is also to blame for not aborting Donald Trump when she had the chance. Shame on her! :Cry:

p.s. I used to be anti-abortion before the calamity of Donald Trump came around.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Completely agree with Couldsurf's post.

Trump's action were as usual for him. Denial, bully, be loud, lie lie lie, look strong and blatantly refuse any blame whatsoever that could not make him shine.

All of this worked with the American people to get elected against his opponent. None of it works against a virus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
The virus may have started in China but Trump's total incompetence is also responsible for many American deaths from it - and maybe even some non-American deaths. Worst and most dangerous president in American history and no one else is even close.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Clearly everyone is entitled to their opinions, and the ill-informed and misguided here (last three examples above in particular) are not bashful in putting theirs on display day after day.

Is Trudeau responsible too then for Canadian's deaths or ... is it each Province's leader's fault? So many here clearly failed civics class in school ... likely can't even name half the state's capitals ... but clearly don't know the hierarchy of government power in the States.

Plot twist, and whats up doc will need his binky and a safe space, but border will be open by July and free trade and yanky bangers will be back up there swapping spit with the Montreal ladies once again ... let hope the exchange rate remains as favorable as it was!

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Who r u Larry and why do you have me so intrigued? R u someone I know incognito?


Jul 6, 2017
yea, but that’s a border closing, not a lock down.
I apologize TNB, and especially to Doc. I'm sure the lockdown in Canada will be over in a few months, and Doc was just joking about the lockdown of the border until the end of 2020 and into the indefinite future - especially since you have inside knowledge that a vaccine will be available in a few months. I'll bet you China comes up with a vaccine in record time - let's say end of June. One caveat however. The Wuhan vaccine will be just about as effective as the corona virus test kits they sent to around the world. Tu e'res loco, e'se!!!


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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It is true that Covid-19 originated in Wuhan and China covered it up for several weeks. But all this China bashing’s true intention is to distract us from the fact that Trump ignored all the obvious warning signs and delayed taking the proper preventive actions.

This China bashing is still used as a distraction from Trump’s continued inability to function as a leader and properly coordinate the US response to Covid-19.

Why isn’t the President leading the response instead of throwing the responsibility to the state governors while making snide remarks from the back?

Why do the different states have to compete against each other & the federal government for medical supplies?

Why is US Covid-19 testing still so limited?

Why is there no coordination with European & Asian allies for a unified response to Covid-19?

Why is there outright favortism in allocating aid to red states?

Why is the President publicly inciting his supporters to break social distancing laws?

Why are big companies being bailed out w/ no questions asked but help is still reluctantly, sparingly given to the newly 26+ million Americans unemployed as well as the poor?

Even in the worst crisis since the Great Depression, why does the President continue dividing people and spreading lies on national televison?

There is no defending Trump’s total lack of leadership in the fight against Covid-19. So his supporters continually look for scapegoats like China , WHO, etc. What they should really be looking for is a new leader!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Maybe the most important post yet. There is so much hate in this thread for Trump and no hate for the commies that caused it all. How was Trump able to sneak into Wuhan and plant this virus?

Nice post indeed from Capt
And I do agree Hungry101 , the fair thing to do would be to bash them equally :/ . After all they both do have something in common, and that’s the MOUNTAINS OF LIES constantly being told by Trump and the Chinese Communist Government . No but seriously it’s true that at times the anger and criticism seems almost one sided considering where this originated, but it’s his hole persona that makes him an easy target for everyone , and not that he’s not deserving . I mean the Chinese of course they lied but the signs we’re there , the Chinese were building Hospitals for C19 , seriously who does that if it’s not something major ?
But he chose to roll the dice and not listen

But China is the real culprit here as they pose a serious threat for all mankind
So something needs to be done , but what exactly ??
The west needs them as they have become too much dependent on them and they know it , they have the leverage
Medicines , Computers , military equipment , clothing , the bloody phone that I’m typing this on and so many other things that we are reliant on China
Can this be reversed? Can the West go back to manufacturing more of their goods away from China ? I doubt it because they will all go where the labour is cheap , it’s called Capitalism something that “ the Donald “ understands very well

But strangely enough I find myself agreeing with Trump on something, and that’s on renaming the virus the “ China Virus “ . How’s that for expressing my anger for the commies ?

I’m sure many will argue against such a thing . This will make people that are already prejudiced become more racist and abusive against Chinese/Asian’s that live outside mainland China . Unfortunately these stupid ignorant and prejudiced people do exist and they cannot differentiate who the real culprit is which is none other than the CCP
I still believe that it’s worth renaming the virus ( but unlike DT it’s for the right reasons ) and therefore I’m willing to live with the negative consequences
This way we the World will not forget , as we shouldn’t and that’s a start


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015

I propose you modify your motto a bit from:

I used to be schizophrenic, but we're OK now.

to: I used to be schizophrenic, but we're OK fighting against Tramp now.
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