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Jan 6, 2020

Infection among young people is on the rise while the curve is going down among the elderly population. Though this article doesn't mention the mortality rate in young people, many young people around the world are succumbing to Covid-19. In South Asia, where social distancing and contact tracing was as lackadaisical as USA, many people in their 20s and 30s are dying who did not have co-morbidity and were otherwise healthy. I myself have heard of deaths in my age group (late 20s) in my network back home. This is because these countries are densely populated and the virus has spread so much that anybody could easily find themselves in the 1% morbidity pool of the total infected population.

Covid-19 is a highly unpredictable disease. Nobody should consider themselves relatively safe. While the probability of a healthy young person succumbing to the disease is low, bear in mind that the larger the sample size - which is exponentially expanding due to the ease of spread of this contagion - the probability that YOU will become that rare statistic increases by the day.

We are safe only as long as our hospitals have spare beds for us.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
according to your source sene5hos (as reputable as you can get) 0.3% of 20-39 y.o were hospitalized or died. that's 3 in a 1000. It does not say how many were hospitalized versus how many died, but it is probably an order of magnitude difference, so figure 3 in 10000 that died. Were those 3 really healthy? probabaly not. Also, that is of confirmed covid infections. In that age group, probably at least half or 2/3 of infections go un-reported, so the real number is 3 in 20000 or 3 in 30000...

To answer your question, although even 1 death is always 1 death too many, statistically it is not alot. Not enough for me to hide in fear in my house.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Shit man, no mas!! See this is something WHO needs to pounce on by modifying the current flu vaccines


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

So true...


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

EUROPE preparing to reopen its borders -- but probably not to Americans.
It's confirmed, not the USA.

I agree so much.

I imagine American travelers not respecting any measures arriving in Europe, as a large number currently do in the states of the south in the USA

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
must be a lot of sexually frustrated F’ers out there on the international forums who are popping aneurysms feeling their gettin cocked blocked, lol

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I am calling the less invasive test a "nostril cocktail" because that's what they do, they swirl it around your nostrils walls like mixing a cocktail but the specimen is basically nostril wall snot. The procedure tickles and I am surprised I did not sneeze.

I spoke to my primary care doctor today, told him about the "nostril cocktail test" and asked him if I could get a prescription for that specific test if Maine does not rescind its quarantine rule between now and my August trip. When I described the test he indicated he knew exactly what it was, named it (I forgot what the name is that he said, but it's not "nostril cocktail") and that he could give me a prescription and I could set up a test at the same testing station I went to. Although I got Saturday's test results emailed to me exactly 8 hours and 47 minutes after the test was taken, he said there was no guarantee of a repeat of that performance and it could take up to 2 days, so he recommended taking the test 2 days before the trip. Obviously it has to be no more than 72 hours so that is a tight fucking window within which to be Covid tested so as to prove my negativity to the Maine authorities. And obviously I do not even want to leave for Maine until I have written test result in hand, or I will be sitting in my hotel room waiting for it to come in, which is not what you want.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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See how quickly the situation has worsened w/ the coronavirus now spreading rapidly across America. For now, only the Tri-state area’s trending better but don’t see that continuing w/ imported cases from other states. It’s unclear how quarantines can be enforced effectively.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
thats actually scary, guess that border will stay closed for another year as some are predicting


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
thats actually scary, guess that border will stay closed for another year as some are predicting

It's more than scary it's a humanitarian catastrophe.
And all because of that damn money.
And its president, who wanted to be re-elected at all costs.

Already almost 128,000 deaths, and until….

I'm sad
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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And you really think that nobody would be dead and everything would be wonderful if someone else was President? This is completely deluded thinking. Covid was going to be bad no matter what. And will continue to be as long as people keeping playing the blame game rather than try to solve the problem. Meanwhile there is an alternative which you are suggesting with your posts which has catastrophic economic consequences for the country. Unlike you, I actually give a shit about small business owners who are trying to survive right now. All anyone can do is try and be safe and continue to be productive and keep their heads above water. Mortgages do not pay themselves, last time I checked. Tuition bills do not pay themselves and medical bills do not pay themselves. In addition to this Bankruptcy Courts, like hospitals, cannot be overwhelmed as there are only so much staff to handle the fallout. Maybe you need to start thinking about these things and the economic fallout of impending shutdowns.

What is your solution? Instead of constantly telling us how every politician fucked up, what is your proposed course of action?
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
And you really think that nobody would be dead and everything would be wonderful if someone else was President? This is completely deluded thinking.Meanwhile there is an alternative which you are suggesting with your post

What is your solution? Instead of constantly telling us how every politician fucked up, what is your proposed course of action!

Yes, I do think if someone else was president thing would be different. Shit,
Say pence. Especially that adorable fella you got sitting in Hartford. If he was president there would be some sort of national plan, following of the very guidelines he put out. It Wouldn’t be like no deaths, but @ least to something sustainable, and where people could get back to work instead of another looming lockdown. Trumps has set a mood and that is flowing in the states like it does in Egypt, DeNiAl

Tuition bills don’t pay themselves but this shit is not gonna solve itself. Sure @ beginning you could say how much could you blame trump, but it’s 3 or more months in. He telling people your in post covid mode and instructing his subordinates tondo the same. It sets a national mood and it makes a difference

What would I do, follow the science. Tell people to wear masks, mandate it. If you live in a state and you go to Florida for a stupid F’ing reason, you could come back to my state if I was a governor but if you tried to leave your home for 14 days I’d have contact tracers hurling F’ing eggs at you as you stepped outside.

Theres def a balance you can find, won’t be perfect, but it is achievable, just tons of people who don’t wanna do it
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What is your solution? Instead of constantly telling us how every politician fucked up, what is your proposed course of action?

While I agree with most of your post that this would have happened no matter who was President or politicians in charge.
Having said that I doubt that it is up to the posters on Merb to provide a solution.
Isn’t it the job of these elected politicians to guide the country and safeguard the population that is what they get elected and payed for.
Perhaps more than ever it is time to make America great again.
You can give them a pass of having fucked up and not being prepared for this, nobody was and many countries fucked up royaly we in Quebec included.
Many however have learned and put measures in place to get back to some sort of normalcy not the shit show that is going on still in the US with no two states being able to agree on anything and every politician from the President to Governors to Mayors trying to run their individual kingdom a different way.
Americans used to be so great at uniting and working as one, and for a common cause, this time they have failed miserably, and for now there is no end in sight.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
On many points I agree with you.

You are right, this is not the time to criticize, but to put your shoulder to the wheel. It gives absolutely nothing to criticize, there it's too late.
I will no longer criticize Donald, men always want to have a responsable.

That said, the solution I see is that all the states come together regardless of their political allegiance. After that, let the president take the lead and order compliance with health guidelines such as: wearing a mask, social distancing, purell everywhere everywhere, in short, certainly very restrictive constraints, because the vaccine will not arrive before 5- 6 months.

For the moment, no more reopening, and as soon as possible, we will reopen gradually.
Thank you EB
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