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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I do agree the States need to work together, and this state to state quarantine stuff is a concern which Trump has nothing to do with. Connecticut's quarantine list is up to 16 States. Because Florida is one of those states, I cannot visit my parents including my mother who is quite ill. If I went to Florida I would have to quarantine for 14 days on my return. Although it's conceivably doable it would be very difficult.

Covid 19 has exposed a flaw in not having a centralized government on public health matters. Therefore each State marches to its own drummer. Connecticut's doing well after being hard hit not just due to Ned Lamont who is soaking the credit, but more due to the fact that the medical care in CT is tremendous. Starting with Yale and it's vast health network and trickling down from there. I got a Covid Test and had results back in 8 hours 47 minutes via email. You guys think this is common? How many of you got your Covid test results back quicker? Or was in and out of Covid drive through in 3 minutes? CT is the place to be right now although we weren't 3 months ago. I credit our healthcare system - it's fantastic. Highest cost of medical care in the USA but we are getting what we pay for.
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
Latest statistics that came out 2.5% of the population is at risk of going on a respirator and potentially dying of COVID-19. The other 97.5% will just get the same symptoms as the flu.

I stopped searching. I'm curious if we take that 2.5% and remove the ones that are at risk from their own doing: overeating, no exercise, drug & substance abuse, alcoholism, heavy smokers... I can assume that it's around 70 to 80% that are at risk by their own doing without having any definite statistics.

Essentially as a society that is politically correct, la bonne pensante or the right thinking about 97.5% of the population is acting kinda weird to my perspective for a majority of people that don't really care or love themselves.

Is it worth going through all this for less than maybe 1% of the population that is at risk due to congenital disease? Those people at risk should isolate and quarantine themselves not make everyone go paranoid wear masks and gloves.

Who is profiting deeply from lobbying & brown envelopes? Politicians, Pharmaceutical companies, medical supply manufacturers, plexiglass manufacturers and all the disinfecting & hand washing manufacturers. Pharmaceutical companies have such strong lobbying, deep pockets & influence that they made a known effective treatment against COVID-19 illegal so that they can come out with their own vaccine. Meanwhile people where dying...

It always boils down to thi$ not really the bien-être or the well being of others.

Food for thought.
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New Member
Jun 2, 2020
Shame on these old fuckers for living so long and making the young and healthy lose their access to hot pussy and bars and the comforts they have become accustomed to.

At least most of them had the decency to congregate in prison like nursing homes where it was easy to get rid of them in quick fashion.
We should open everything up who cares if these old pricks are somebodies parents or grandparents serves them right for raising such ungrateful dickheads as children.
Pussy and the economy rules.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Respect isn't what stifles you. One day you will be old.

Let's see it's not their faults at all, it is the fault of governments.
Damn, these are the people who built our beautiful Quebec.

I have never seen such disrespectful comments.

And sincerely I hope that your cock can no longer stand, and that your family places you in their care prisons.

My mother is in a CHSLD


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Shame on these old fuckers for living so long and making the young and healthy lose their access to hot pussy and bars and the comforts they have become accustomed to.

A word of wisdom if we ever heard one! Jimmy, where have you been before?


New Member
Jun 2, 2020
Respect isn't what stifles you. One day you will be old.

Let's see it's not their faults at all, it is the fault of governments.
Damn, these are the people who built our beautiful Quebec.

I have never seen such disrespectful comments.

And sincerely I hope that your cock can no longer stand, and that your family places you in their care prisons.

My mother is in a CHSLD

Either somebody removed your funny bone somewhere down the line or you clearly don’t comprehend sarcasm or English very well, That was anything but disrespectful.
Ask cloudserf to translate it for you he got it.

My mother died in one of those terrible homes and I am the last person on earth to disrespect the elderly.
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
It's going to be a long summer for Americans who love to travel abroad, particularly to Canada, for fun, culture, food and games. Even domestic travel might be ill advised until we can be vaccinated against the coronavirus. It's now a waiting game.

Some Canadian businesses want to let Americans back in. Most Canadians don’t.

"Amid a general sense here that Canada has handled the coronavirus better than the United States, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in June there was “broad consensus” among provincial leaders to keep current measures along the 5,500-mile frontier in place.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford said he wants the border to stay closed to nonessential travelers beyond the current July 21 end date. British Columbia’s health minister last week rattled off the record numbers of new cases in hard-hit U.S. states.

A national survey by Destination Canada, a crown corporation that markets Canada as a tourist destination, found that just 24 percent of people in Quebec somewhat or strongly agreed with welcoming U.S. visitors — and they were the most enthusiastic province. In British Columbia, the figure was 6 percent.

“Canadians look at what’s happening with the spread of covid in the United States and their comparatively better performance at getting it under control,” said Edward Alden, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “And they have no interest at all in Americans coming to Canada.”"

. . . .

"Canada’s tourism sector generates $74 billion annually and is responsible for 1.8 million jobs, according to government figures. Two-thirds of international tourist arrivals to Canada in 2019 came from the United States."
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
My mother is in a CHSLD

And she as never been so well treated since the army took over. They are doing a serious cleanup under martial law.

I took my mother out of an intermediate residence. She stayed there for about 10 months. She was at the hospital at least every month due to neglect. Urinary infections, diaper rashes, gum infections due to not cleaning her dentures, C difficile infections that were spreaded by preposés aux beneficiaries that didn't follow basic hygiene and sanitation. Every time that I visited her I gave her a shower and those were the only showers that she was getting. Starting from the point that I took care of her in my house for about three years she never was sick or went to the hospital. She died from old age at 93. Took care of my father also during the same period he also died of old age at 91. I sacrificed about 3 years of my life to take full time care of my parents. There was no way in hell that I would leave them under government care.

After about two and a half years of constant supervision and care I finally extorted a three week respite from a social worker. They took her in at Grace Dart CHSLD. Before she went in she would be very active I made certain that she was. Brought her to Costco and she would push the carriage without problems would take walks with her. When I went to pick her up she didn't walk anymore. I had to extort a physiotherapist from the CLSC and also hired a personal trainer specialized in geriatrics. She never came back to how she was and it was downhill from there.

I sincerely regret having left her under care to have me time and a vacation and still feel the guilt to this day that I abandoned and let her down.

Our medical care system is seriously ill. Instead of adressing the issues and solving them they came out with a zero tolerance policy.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Either somebody removed your funny bone somewhere down the line or you clearly don’t comprehend sarcasm or English very well, That was anything but disrespectful.
Ask cloudserf to translate it for you he got it.

My mother died in one of those terrible homes and I am the last person on earth to disrespect the elderly.

If it was a sarcasm, or I can't read, or you wrote so well that I didn't understand anything. It seems clear to me when you wrote: Shame on these old fuckers.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I apologize for the lack of perspective I took to someone in your position would be in. I took with the whole NY Florida drama. Totally didn’t mean any disrespect and hope she gets a speedy recovery. Sorry again


New Member
Jun 2, 2020
If it was a sarcasm, or I can't read, or you wrote so well that I didn't understand anything. It seems clear to me when you wrote: Shame on these old fuckers.

That post was a “ tongue in cheek “ post, google it.
You clearly miss understood it completely.
It seems I do write so well that you don’t understand lol.

There was no disrespect to the elderly quite the opposite. You should not always read things word for word but the meaning behind the way words are used.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Who can get the states to work together on quarantine & other coronavirus matters? Is there a national leader within the entire American government that has the stature & influence to coordinate public health policies across a decentralized system? Well ..... some might argue that’s the job of the US President.

The coronavirus is the worst natural disaster that has ever impacted the country, no state has been spared so obviously a national problem, certainly much more than Hurricane Maria, Harvey or Katrina that were all not as broad-based or severe but yet prompted federal responses.

The state governors can argue about federalism till the coronavirus destroys their states or they can pass this political hot potato to the US President who manages the vast resources of the federal government. Which option would they choose?

All the governors would have deferred to a President whom they had confidence in. But it was clear from the start that Trump was not willing to take any responsibility by suddenly rediscovering federalism & states’ rights after 3+ years of Presidential overreach.

Can’t imagine any governor would trust a President that still thinks the coronavirus is just going to disappear. Watch our Commander-in-chief who was just interviewed by Fox Business. Even the Fox reporter was shocked!!!
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Starting from the point that I took care of her in my house for about three years she never was sick or went to the hospital. She died from old age at 93. Took care of my father also during the same period he also died of old age at 91. I sacrificed about 3 years of my life to take full time care of my parents. There was no way in hell that I would leave them under government care.

. . . .

I sincerely regret having left her under care to have me time and a vacation and still feel the guilt to this day that I abandoned and let her down.

You're truly an angel--I speak from a similar experience as yours. Please don't regret and don't feel guilty. You did the best you could. You're not a robot; heck, even robots need rest and tune-ups. (I also know it's easier said than done -- to forgive yourself and not to second guess what you did or didn't do. I still struggle with the same emotions you are enduring.)

IMHO, in the majority of the cases, care homes or nursing homes are places where our elderly and disabled folks are sent to die, despite our best intentions, that's the reality. I have vowed never to admit anyone in my family to a nursing home.

Sadly, I understand the fatality rate among the care homes in Quebec are twice as high as those in other provinces and even the States.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I have been taking care of my 95 year old mother in law for 6 years now since my wife passed away.
sweet old lady except when she gets in these I want to die moods.
I have learned to hate Judge Judy with a passion lol.
Makes it so difficult to get out and see my favourite escorts. Golf dinner with friends etc ... I have used so often she wouldn’t take it well if she knew.
My mom wasn’t so lucky she needed medical care round the clock in her last year and had no choice but to place her in one of these nursing homes. I hope they shoot me before putting me in one of them.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Yes, I do think if someone else was president thing would be different. Shit,
Say pence. Especially that adorable fella you got sitting in Hartford. If he was president there would be some sort of national plan, following of the very guidelines he put out.

Believe it or not, there is a national plan from the federal government, President Trump:



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Who is profiting deeply from lobbying & brown envelopes? Politicians, Pharmaceutical companies, medical supply manufacturers, plexiglass manufacturers and all the disinfecting & hand washing manufacturers. Pharmaceutical companies have such strong lobbying, deep pockets & influence that they made a known effective treatment against COVID-19 illegal so that they can come out with their own vaccine. Meanwhile people where dying...

You forgot to mention Zoom. In the beginning of March, I had no idea what the fuck Zoom was. If you would have asked me, I would have said, "is that a new Usain Bolt sneaker?" Now, the whole legal business is on Zoom. Zoom client conferences, Zoom depositions, Zoom mediations, Zoom court conferences, now they just started having Zoom court hearings on the record. What I have learned, besides the fact that I should have bought lots of Zoom stock, is that there are various different software platforms that operate off a Zoom base, each one different, yet similar. I have slowly learned to become adept at this technology, sort of like a Gorilla learning to use a stick to knock bananas off a tree. I can now upload documents into the meeting and I have learned how to use multi screens and also to multitask during Zoom depositions. During one 5 hour plus Zoom deposition of a medical expert last week I used the second screen to respond to client and insurance carrier emails during breaks and lulls in the deposition. One sound piece of advice: if you have a Zoom deposition and you will either give or take testimony, make sure your internet connection doesn't suck. Because if it sucks, it will be exposed and you will be exposed with repeated, embarrassing "face freeze" episodes. Which are cartoonishly funny but not when it happens to you. It is a sign that you are low rent if you let it happen with people in your business in the meeting, so don't let it happen. Fortunately, my connection is solid and has not let me down.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
This got zero press in the states, I'm sure you guys already know about it, but here it is anyway:



The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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The United States is once again at risk of outstripping its COVID-19 testing capacity, an ominous development that would deny the country a crucial tool to understand its pandemic in real time.

Any plan to contain the virus will depend on fast and accurate testing, which can identify newly infectious people before they set off new outbreaks. Without it, the U.S. is in the dark.

Quest Diagnostics, one of the country’s largest medical-testing companies, said that its systems were overwhelmed and that it would now be able to deliver COVID-19 test results in one day only for hospitalized patients, patients facing emergency surgery, and symptomatic health-care workers. Everyone else now must wait three to five days for a test result.

We closed the economy at great cost to bring coronavirus cases down and to buy time so that a comprehensive Test, Trace, Isolate system could be set up to control outbreaks. Now we still don’t have the Test component in place. Forget about Trace, Isolate. WTF .....


The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Believe it or not, there is a national plan from the federal government, President Trump:

Is this this the plan the cdc worked on that Jared had chopped up?

Anywhoo, a look at what it’s like after covid

For your consideration....

To the doubters....
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Jul 11, 2003
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