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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
My only point for sharing the "Opening Up America Again" link from the president was to show that even though the president/federal government did take the initiative to lay out a plan for America to open, the individual states are still going to do it their way regardless. Should the president rally the country to wear masks, social distance, etc.? Yes, he should. But the individual states really need to get their shit together and work this problem intelligently. An example of this is in the tri state area of NY, CT, and NJ. We got hit the worst with Covid-19 and our governors, like them or not, gave us daily press briefings loaded with information every day to help guide us to where we are today. They continue to monitor the situation and facts to determine scaling back or moving forward with the opening. The federal government/president is there to help us when the states can't get what they need to keep the peace or health of it's citizens, with ventilators, hospital beds, national guard for looters, etc.



The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Is this this the plan the cdc worked on that Jared had chopped up?

To be fair, it wasn’t a bad plan even after Jared’s butchering. After all, still lots of dedicated talents at the muzzled CDC.

But just like all the excellent intelligence briefs prepared for the President, the CDC Reopening Plan was ignored by Trump & kept in the drawer so that the Trump administration wld hv something to show when people started asking about the Federal government’s coronavirus response.

In the meanwhile, Trump simply promoted his own coronavirus plan which was to reopen the economy & hope for the best - a plan that was warmly embraced by Trump acolytes; Abbott, DeSantis & Ducey.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yesterday USA and Brazil = 103,937 new cases and 1,789 deaths.

In addition, Brazil doesn't calculate all the dead.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Yesterday the USA had 676 deaths. That's significantly less than the spikes that were in the thousands back in March and April. Let's hope the record amount of new cases don't equal more deaths. We should know in a couple of weeks.
Feb 6, 2016
The United States is once again at risk of outstripping its COVID-19 testing capacity, an ominous development that would deny the country a crucial tool to understand its pandemic in real time.

Sounds dire indeed. Strange that only 72 hours earlier this article was reporting a slightly different narrative.

I hope the messaging of The Atlantic has nothing to do with it being a left leaning publication that staunchly support Hillary Clinton and then subsequently became a strong and vocal critic of Trump, publishing last year a cover story calling for his impeachment.

I also found interesting this testing strategy called 'pooling' as a means to deal with lack of testing capacity, should it be required.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017

Better late then never.....

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I was being sarcastic.

Who thinks DJT will shock us tomorrow and be sporting a mask, got a feeling he will.


New Member
Mar 14, 2020
Yes, I think, on the contrary, he did an excellent job. We hit an invisible wall.
With a completely unknown virus, 6 months ago, I think there would not have been many Republican governors who would have done better.

Yes it's true, because those on the right, never have anything encouraging to say.
32,000 NY deaths vs 3,400 Florida deaths
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The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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32,000 NY deaths vs 3,400 Florida deaths

Part of that might be due to Florida still undergoing its first wave while New York was hit earlier and felt the full brunt. We’ll know more in the coming weeks.

But it also raises an interesting point which is that coronavirus fatality rates r falling due to improved clinical practices like substituting the dreaded intubation w/ proning and altering the oxygen supply. Sometimes altering our processes & behavior is more important than waiting for some miracle drug or vaccine that may or may not be invented.

Not to sound morbid, will the reduced fatality rate mean longer ICU hospitalizations? Ironically that might mean a higher probability of the entire healthcare system being overwhelmed which is when everything else including the economy collapses.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
32,000 NY deaths vs 3,400 Florida deaths

As long as Florida doesn't send their nursing home patients to their deaths like governor Cuomo did they won't even come close.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
As long as Florida doesn't send their nursing home patients to their deaths like governor Cuomo did they won't even come close.

the large number of deaths in ny state does not appear to be due to a disproportionate number of nursing home deaths. according to a recent ny times report, 21% of the deaths in ny state resulted from nursing home infections- this is the lowest in the country and far below the national average of 43%


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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But it also raises an interesting point which is that coronavirus fatality rates r falling due to improved clinical practices like substituting the dreaded intubation w/ proning and altering the oxygen supply. Sometimes altering our processes & behavior is more important than waiting for some miracle drug or vaccine that may or may not be invented.

This raises the interesting question of whether too much oxygen may assist the virus in flourishing and replicating. I think researchers have been struck by the enormously high fatality rate once someone goes on a ventilator for a while now. Although I am not an expert on the procedure, my understanding is that usually a ventilator is not removed until a patient begins breathing normally. This may not be a correct expectation with Covid 19. Perhaps reducing the oxygen levels to the level necessary for the patient to breathe and get enough oxygen- rather than normal oxygen- is a better strategy, or varying the levels as you say.

I unfortunately watched someone I know die of lung cancer in 2019. At the very end the cancer was no longer being treated but he was being given morphine (to suppress respiratory effort), anti-anxiety meds (so he would not freak out) and maximum oxygen. The last time I saw him was around 36 hours before his death, in the ICU of a hospital. I could tell just by his breathing, which was in short, quick bursts, that he was not getting enough oxygen despite the maximum intake. He could not talk. The only thing I would have asked him is whether he was comfortable. Looking at him, I could not tell. Because of the breathing, I am guessing not. All we were able to do was shake hands. As I said goodbye, he grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. This was of course pre-Covid.

This makes me wonder as well whether morphine gets administered to Covid patients on ventilators to suppress their respiratory effort, and whether those clinical techniques have proven effective in conjunction with varying the supply of oxygen.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
the large number of deaths in ny state does not appear to be due to a disproportionate number of nursing home deaths. according to a recent ny times report, 21% of the deaths in ny state resulted from nursing home infections- this is the lowest in the country and far below the national average of 43%.

I get it, so because governor Cuomo only killed nursing home patients that amounts to 21% according to the leader of fake news, The NY Times, it’s not such a big deal. A fifth of ALL nursing home deaths in the USA happened in the state of NY. And it didn’t have to be that way. It was governor Cuomo who sent Covid-19 positive seniors back to nursing homes to further the spread and killing our most vulnerable. NY could have been the safest place for nursing home patients across the country had it not been for the governor.



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Side effects of COVID-19

My uncle for several years was leaving for Florida (yes, he is a snowbird).
This year he came back earlier, like many, and this year in the fall he will not go.

Anyway Insurance companies don't want the insured if they have COVID-19
He is afraid of going to Florida.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The Canadian US border may still be closed in November so snow birds will have no choice but to stay put. Also the new cases and deaths in Quebec yesterday is not encouraging at all.
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